What If Teke Teke Was Real?

What If Teke Teke Was Real?
hello and welcome back to life's biggest questions I'm Charlotte dobre today on life's biggest questions we are going to talk about the Japanese urban legend tech a tech aid and what would happen if it was not just an world urban legend but a real being don't forget to show this channel some love subscribe and let us know in the comments below a question you have always wanted to know the answer to take a tech a is a Japanese urban legend about a monster who makes strange sounds as it pursues its victims the tech a tech a was once a young woman who fell on a railway and was subsequently cut in half by an approaching train after this it took quite some time for her to die and so when she did she turned into a vengeful spirit otherwise known to the Japanese as on Rio she travels around Japan and moves around by dragging her upper torso with her claw like hands as she does this the sound of the clacking of her claws resembles tech a tech a which is how she got her name Tek ka Tek a has long black hair that covers her face which ranges from being disfigured to being beautiful depending on the story legend has it that if Tek a tech a finds anyone at night that isn't traveling fast enough to escape her she slices them in half by the torso mimicking what happened to her with the Train there are multiple versions of the tech a tech a legend but one of the most compelling goes like this following World War two a female office worker was assaulted and raped by American military personnel in Moran Hokkaido stricken with misery she jumped off a bridge onto a railroad track but an oncoming train hit her and sliced her in half it was extremely cold that night and so her blood vessels contracted which prevented her from bleeding out and dying still alive she crawled to a train station where there was an attendant whom she asked for help but instead of helping her he covered her with a tarp and left her to die a slow painful death the teka teka is similar to another japanese urban legend known as kuchisake-onna the slit-mouthed woman as well as the story of Kashima Reiko another woman who was assaulted in a bathroom and lost her legs all are vengeful ghosts women whose purpose is to torment and kill the living so why does the tech a tech a want to cut people in half the exact reason isn't certain some say she's looking for her lost legs some say she's angry because no one helped her when she was dying there have been films made about the tech a tech aid by koji sheer I see Japanese children tell the story to each other as a warning to not walk home alone late at night the teka teka said to chase children who play at dusk she's also known to frequent train stations she cuts people in half with the sky or a saw turning them into one of Darumasan urban legend her own so now that you know a little about tech EdTech hey let's talk about what would happen if she was real according to legend three days after hearing about tech a tech a you will see her either in a dream in a phone call or in person if this ended up being true techie techie would be a story rarely told except by people who don't believe in ghost stories there would be a ban on talking about tech a decade to prevent the spread of her story but like with the case of many things tell someone not to do something and they'll probably do it anyway because tech a techie is known for chasing children at dusk curfews would be in place children would have to be picked up and dropped off from school and no one would be allowed to walk around the streets after sunset there are many train stations in Japan all of which would likely have to be closed down like kuchisake-onna it is impossible to get away from or defeat tech a decade the Mossler is incredibly fast and can travel at speeds of up to 150 kilometers per hour that being said it is possible to survive an encounter with her as long as you don't run away she will ask you a riddle that you will have to respond to with the correct answer she will say do you need your legs to which you have to answer I need them right now she will then ask who told you my story to which you must respond Kashima Reiko Coty's and maas she as in death MA as in demon ray as in ghost and co as an accident say this response without mistakes and there is a chance that teka teka will let you go the tech a tech a story is believed to have originated as a way for parents to scare children into avoiding walking home alone at night another purpose of the story could be to prevent people from treating others badly as Chuck a techie rose again as a vengeful ghost who was treated so badly by humanity that she died a painful death moral of the story be nice to others or they might come back as a vengeful ghost and chop you in half sound good.