Top 10 REAL Haunted Towns That Are Pure Evil

Top 10 REAL Haunted Towns That Are Pure Evil

 at number 10 we have Garnet Montana USA  if I ever go to Montana I'm gonna stick  to eating steaks and walking around to  the mountains I think I'd rather run  into a full-grown Grizzly before I would  end up in a town filled with ghosts well  actually no if I run into a ghost the  worst thing that would happen is maybe  it would scare me so bad I would leave a  hot dookie in my fresh jeans but a  Grizzly would literally Scary Ghost Sightings turn me into hot  dookie if you want to run into the ghost  of an old miner this is probably the  best place you can go visit Garner  Montana was built up during the gold  rush and men from all over the land with  bigger dreams than brains would travel  here to try and strike it rich finding  some shiny rocks well we all know that  eventually the Gold Rush dried up and  granite Montana didn't have much to  offer after that now it's abandoned  unless you count for the various Spirits  living at the residence I had said that  at certain times of day you can hear a  ghost play the piano which is probably  the friendliest thing a spooky ghost can  do oh a ghost is like oh people are  coming I better play them a good tune so  they know I'm not to be be trifled with  and it's a hot spot for ghost lovers  from all over the MOST MYSTERIOUS PHOTOS world an average of 16  000 people a year come to check this  place out someone should take a  recording of that ghost piano song So  Ariana Grande can mix it up and make a  cool Halloween tune over it at number  nine we have Hashima Hashima is an  island off the coast of Japan that used  to be one of the most densely populated  places on the planet in the mid to late  1900s it's thought that there were over  5 000 people living per square kilometer  the island was a hot spot because of the  major underwater Coal Mine nothing like  living next to a coal mine to really  strengthen your lungs it was a booming  place until 1974 when the coal mine was  gone after that people started to leave  the island in troves now the entire  place is deserted and there's just a  shell of a city it's almost scary to  look at like it resembles something out  of an Apocalypse movie for years it was  forbidden for people to visit the island  but now you can do tours in select areas  the ghost stories is go deep as well my  favorite is of a little girl dressed all  in white who stands on the beach no one  knows what she's looking for but people  think that her family abandoned her on  the island because they couldn't afford  to raise her now her ghost Waits on the  shore for a family to come back that is  sad  dle the story of  I've never meet between the years of  1945 and 1955 this place was a labor  camp so if you were arrested back then  they might send you up to this place to  work in a mine now what was in this mine  uranium and what is uranium radioactive  and what do radioactive things do to  human cells well they rip them apart and  you die one of the most painful deaths  imaginable it's thought that over four  hundred thousand prisoners died at this  Camp from the terrible conditions  working in the mine would literally cut  your life expectancy down two months and  the land was previously WORLD URBAN LEGENDS thought to be  cursed when it was originally found by  nomadic tribes the herd of deer died  from eating the grass there we now know  that was uranium poisoning now it's said  that the place is plagued by the  thousands of souls who experienced  horrible slow radiation sickness deaths  the town is now shut down and you could  go there if you want to die in a few  months but I would probably stay away at  number seven we have Bodhi California  USA when we're talking about ghost towns  you can bet we're going to cover a lot  of places that used to be packed with  shiny rocks especially in America if you  were in the USA back in the 1800s and  you weren't trying to dig up a bunch of  rocks then what were you doing you're a  huge nerd what did you spend your time  trying to figure out a cure for smallpox  get out of here you dork well Bodhi is a  big time Gold Rush town it's estimated  in the late 1800s Bode was the second  largest town in all of California with  ghost town on Earth around 7 000 people it really didn't  take a lot to be a metropolis back then  you just needed a well a good Saloon and  then you were set the gold deposit was  found by the patriarch of the Bodhi  family he didn't get to enjoy his  findings though because he died in a  blizzard not long after his family built  the town and then named it after him it  said that his ghost still haunts the  land probably because he's so salty he  never got to get rich and fat off his  findings you can visit this town it's  known as one of the best preserved ghost  towns in all of America because of the  dry climate the buildings are in great  shape and number six we have put land  France this ghost town is the site of  one of the many horrible acts carried  out by the Nazis in 1944 everyone in the  town was forced into buildings by 90  troops these buildings were then set on  fire and anyone who tried to run for  safety was shot out of the several  hundred people who lived here only seven  people survived how did they do this  well they had to cover themselves in the  dead bodies of their friends and family  now the town has never been repaired it  stands as a symbol to remember those who  lost their lives in the brutal attacks  by the Nazis and paranormal  investigators have visited the site and  they say it's plagued with tormented  Spirits if you know anything about World  War II history you know that this isn't  even scratching the surface when it  comes to the horrific crimes committed  by the Nazis at number five we have pure  mintan Russia this place used to be the  most northern coal mine in the world and  even though it's cold as hell there and  only a thousand people live there it was  still an area under constant development  there was a hospital schools and a  Recreation Center built for all the  people who lived there throughout the  80s and early 90s it was thought this  town would continue to grow and  eventually become a winter hot spot but  the mine eventually dried up in the late  90s and everyone had to pack up and take  off the town was completely abandoned  until the late 2000s when tourists  started heading up there to bring a  little more life to the area now there's  20 residents who live there only in the  summertime to work at the town's only  Hotel this place isn't really high in my  lists of must visits I think I'm gonna  hit up Turks and Caicos and get drunk on  a beach before it freeze my toes off and  a former coal mining town also if you do  plan on visiting this winter wonderland  the only hotel in town is said to be  haunted strange noises can be heard at  night and a tall black figure has been  said to walk around the perimeter of the  building at number four we have Pell  Town Ohio USA what a wonderful name I  heard they have an amazing cotton candy  store and none of the schools have  demons in them well hell town is a focal  point of many conspiracy theories the  land was bought by the government years  ago and all the people living there were  told to leave speculation has this  happened because it was a chemical spill  and the government didn't want to admit  their massive screw-up now the town is  left untouched but there are rumors that  there is a giant mutated Beast created  by the chemical spill that walks around  the area not really haunted but a giant  monster is in the same vein at number  three we have Crypt yet Ukraine if you  guys are part of the most amazing top 10  family then you probably know I put this  place on a lot of lists but it's hard to  pass it up Crypt is the closest city to  the Chernobyl nuclear plant and it's no  wonder why it's a ghost town turns out  people don't like dying in a radiated  death the disaster happened back on  April 26 1986 and it wasn't long after  that that everyone started running in  the opposite direction now vegetation  has taken over most of the town but  there are a few residents who have  returned but why is it haunted well  there is the black crow of Chernobyl  also called the black demon Wing  creature and many other names it said  that this thing was seen on the day of  the explosion and some people believe  that the demon himself caused the  reactor to explode now the Beast stops  the land waiting for I guess another  Power Plant to be built I don't know  what it wants at number two we have Port  Arthur Tasmania there are a few places  in history that you can call hell on on  Earth but this is definitely one of them  Port Arthur was once the site of a  brutal English prison the worst  criminals in Britain were exiled to this  island and it wasn't anything like  getting sent to Club Med I can promise  you there wasn't a mojito in sight the  British government would practice  psychological experiments on the inmates  and this was back in the 1800s so you  can only imagine lobotomies and other  horrific practices were performed there  the living conditions were so horrible  that inmates would kill each other so  they could get the death penalty I mean  you could cut out the middleman and just  kill yourself but to each his own I  guess now you can go on tours through  the abandoned prison and I don't think I  need to explain to you why this place is  haunted and number one on our list is  pobaglia Italy for our number one spot  we've picked a place that has centuries  of grotesque history to go along with it  in the mid-12th century This Island was  used as a place to dump people who were  dying from the plague thousands of  bodies were burned on this island and  going to the the island was non-optional  if it was suspected that you had the  Black Death they sent you and you stayed  there until you suffered to death from  this horrible sickness after all this  plagueness was done it was a pretty  chill spot until 1922 when a mental  institution was built on the island it  said that the head doctor would perform  terrible experiments on all the people  he later went mad and killed himself the  shell of the institution still stands  and you can go visit it if you want also  fun fact about the island it's said to  be very haunted and there were so many  people burned on the island that the  soil is 50 human remains but that's  probably just an urban legend who knows  starting off at number 10 the Shanghai  Tunnels in Portland Oregon Portland was  one of the most dangerous ports in the  United States during the early 19th  century and it was the epicenter of  shanghang a form of human trafficking  it's crazy to think human trafficking  still happens today and tunnels are  still the way to do it according to the  local lore swinders preyed upon  unsuspected men in the local salons  which were often outfitted with trap  doors that deposited the victims  directly into a network of underground  tunnels these men were supposedly held  captive to drugged and eventually  transported to the Waterfront where they  were sold to ships as unpaid laborers  some worked for several years before  finding their way back home the tunnels  were said to be haunted by the aggrieved  spirits of the captives who died in the  dark recesses behind the city random  facts the practice of kidnapping men to  work on ships came to be known as Shang  Hing a piece of ships that were sold to  were often headed to East Asia number  nine Eastern State Penitentiary  Philadelphia Pennsylvania the  castle-like Eastern State Penitentiary  took solidary confinement to whole new  levels when it was built in 1829  prisoners lived alone exercised alone  and ate alone when inmates were left in  a Cell a guard would cover his head with  a hood so he wouldn't be seen the prison  had to abandon itself to her confinement  system due to overcrowding from 1913  until it was closed in 1970. all the  forms of punishment did not get any less  severe I mean chaining an inmate's  tongue to his wrists that's just one  example a true story the site's one of  most haunted places in America's right  now will welcome thousands of visitors  every year both for its museums and  annual Terror Behind the wall  celebration which features six haunted  attractions within the Prison Walls for  Halloween I mean when you talk about  attraction inside of a prison  um no thanks well it was reported  paranormal happenings have included  dismembered laughter shadowy figures and  pacing of footsteps I'm sorry I thought  I was hearing footsteps behind me right  now okay I'm pretty freaked up with this  one so let's move on to the next one so  next up number eight we have House of  the Seven Gables Salem Massachusetts now  this house did not steal its name from  the classic novel in fact it inspired  the novel itself Salem is known for its  history of the famous Witch Trials and  that's where Sabrina Spellman lived but  it happens to be the birthplace of  Nathaniel Hawthorne who used this 17th  century house as inspiration for his  famous 1851 novel The House of the Seven  Gables aside from its beautiful yet  spooky facade the house is surrounded by  paranormal activity and ghost sightings  all based on personal experiences of  Staff every October the house offers  spooky tours as well as weekly  performances of two plays the legacy of  the hanging judge and spirit of the  gables would you guys see a play in a  haunted Town's haunted house coming in  hot at number seven on this list the  Stanley Hotel in Estes Park if you've  read or seen The Shining you know the  feeling of this often snowbound Hotel  it's the location Stephen King based his  overlooked Hotel upon it may not look  like the film unless you watch the 1990s  made for TV movie version which uh yeah  I don't think anyone has I mean just  walking to your room it can drain you so  one stiff drink might have you seeing  ghosts or a couple kids chanting Red Rom  Redrum number six we're bringing you Red  Onion Saloon Skagway Alaska established  in 1898 as a brothel for miners during  the Klondike Gold Rush Alaska's Red  Onion Saloon it had a feature that set  it apart from other bordellos it used  dolls to help run its business so always  a good sign right well every day 10  dolls will be placed on the bar  downstairs each one representing one of  the ladies working in the upstairs room  a customer would choose one of the Dolls  at which point it would lay down on the  bar to indicate that particular workers  were occupied when the customers came  back downstairs the doll would be  returned to her sitting position to let  other potential clients know that she  was available we'll fast forward to 2019  when the Red Onion Saloon still operates  as a bar and restaurant yet the dolls  are still on display and it offers tours  of the upstairs rooms which are  preserved as sort of like a mixed-shaped  brothel Museum as if these dolls weren't  creepy enough there were reports of  Lydia a former Madame of a brothel  haunting the site complete with cold  spots and lingering spells of perfume  rafting through the walls I mean all  creepiness aside I'm more curious about  how this place got named Red Onion I  mean they could have came up with any  other name well let me know what you  guys would call this in the comment  section below give me a name over  halfway on this list number five we got  RMS Queen Mary in Long Beach California  this retired ocean liner sailed to the  Atlantic Ocean from 1936 to 1967. during  the first three years at Sea the Queen  Mary carried Hollywood celebrities like  Elizabeth Taylor her days as a luxurious  ship were short-lived in 1939 she was  stripped of her amenities and began her  second life as a gray ghost a World War  II troop ship at the conclusion of the  War she was restored to her former glory  and traversed the Atlantic for nearly  two more decades on Halloween 1967 the  Queen Mary departed on her last Cruise  eventually docking in Long Beach  California her final resting place the  ship is reportedly haunted by the  spirits of those who died aboard such as  the young sailor who has crushed to  death by a door in the engine room and a  crew member who was in cabin  b-340 number four Lizzie Borden bed and  breakfast in Fall of river so this  location came up on nearly every surge  on our quest to find this top 10 list  for you guys well you've likely heard of  the children's rhyme Lizzie Borden Took  an Ax gave it to her mother 40 whacks  when she saw what she had done she gave  her father 41. well you can not only  visit the scene of that famous 1892  double homicide you can also sleep at  the Borden's home eat their last meal  old Johnny cakes a thick cornmeal  pancakes and eggs in case you're  wondering and spend the last nights in  the bedroom where the bodies of Lizzie's  stepmother Abigail was found someone who  stayed there said I can attest this home  painstakingly furnished to look exactly  as it did on the morning of them well  that will creep you right out better  though the 175 year old property hosts  up to 20 overnight guests in which some  of them for some reason it's a tradition  when he goes to this place they will  actually whip out a Ouija board I mean  I'm not down for Ouija that is a real  life situation that can happen and let  alone whipping out a Ouija board in a  haunted place finally down to number  three on this list we have Crescent  Hotel Erica Springs Arkansas since its  construction to 1886 the Crescent Hotel  has served several purposes Luxury  Resorts Conservatory for young women  junior college but the strangest mark on  its history came in 1937 when he got a  new owner Norman G Baker Baker was a  millionaire inventor who decided to pose  as a doctor despite having no medical  training and turned the hotel into a  hospital that can cure cancer well he  was eventually found out and he was ran  out of town although Reports say that  his spirits found its way back to the  site and found some other wordedly  company too the now operating Crescent  Hotel is said to be haunted by at least  eight ghosts ranging from a  five-year-old girl to a bearded man  wearing a Victorian clothing one ghost  is enough for me never mind eight of  them and children ghosts I think those  are the absolute scariest kind and  number one we have trans Allegany  Lunatic Asylum Western Virginia this  foreboding Asylum began contraction in  1858 and opened to patients in 1864. the  massive structure was designed by  architect Richard Andrews to maximize  sunlight and fresh air it was believed  that the building itself would serve as  a healing environment it was designed  for 250 people housed at 2400 patients  in crowded conditions I mean that's a  pretty big range going from 250 to 2400.  patients were physically restrained and  often given inhumane treatments such as  the electroshock therapy and lobotomies  which was very popular back in the day  after more than a century in operation  the facility was forced to close in 94  which when you think about it wasn't too  long ago within the last 30 years and it  was due to the reforms and mental health  and treatment and the deterioration of  the building hundreds of patients died  during the Asylum tenure and scores of  guests and Ghost Hunters have claimed  they're seeing shadowy figures roaming  around the facility at number nine we  have the Fairmont Hotel in Banff Canada  if you have never been to Banff it is  one of the most beautiful places in the  whole world there's amazing skiing in  the winter and in the summer it turns  into a lush green Wonderland if you were  a ghost this would be a paradise to hunt  the Fairmont sits on top of a mountain  that looks so Regal it could double as  The Grand Budapest Hotel it was built in  1888 and it was the center point to  increase tourism in the area and it  worked but like any old building this  place has adopted some guests that  refused to check out there are two  ghosts that are responsible for the  majority of the ghost sightings one  being that of an old bellhop he was the  employee of the hotel back in the 70s  and after he kicked the bucket he  decided that retirement wasn't for him  his ghost has been seen throughout the  hotel helping people to this day very  few people get to do what they love why  let a little thing like death stop you  from sticking to your passion another  ghost is that of the Bride dressed all  in white The Story Goes that she tripped  down a staircase on the day of her  wedding and met a grim ending that is a  huge bummer you're about to make it to  the Altar and you lose your footing oh  that sucks I number eight we have the  chenoi church in Beijing China an old  mysterious building that sits in Beijing  China there are several elements to this  building that make it an intriguing  place for anyone interested in the  Supernatural first no one knows who  built the building or who commissioned  the building to be built almost as if an  outside force created the building like  the devil came to town and was like yeah  let's build a church also on the front  door of the building there is a note  that makes it very clear that there are  no ghosts inside which is super sus like  where I live there's no note about  ghosts because it's just a given we know  there's no ghosts this place uses the  used car salesman approach to convincing  people yeah that rickety noise in the  back oh that's just something the car  makes it's an added feature the  residence is haunted by the ghost of a  young woman who killed herself by hang  during the Communist War in China some  say she did this because her husband was  killed at War and others say she was  trying to avoid capture and number six  we have La Chateau de brisak France we  are heading all over the world with this  list and now we're heading to a place  that has a long Rich history France it  makes sense to waltz right into a castle  besides being one of the most glorious  buildings in all of France an exciting  reason to visit this place is the  spectral tourist attraction back during  the reign of King Charles VII he was  married to a beautiful woman who he  unfortunately found out was cheating on  him he wasn't too happy with this so he  divorced her and that was that I'm just  kidding it was the 1400s he also had her  killed for insulting his honor that's  how they did things back then when her  life ended she was wearing a green dress  now it said you can see the ghost of a  woman in a green dress Walking The Halls  moaning for her lost love at number five  we have Morgan house Callum pong India  the estate formerly owned by the Morgans  has a rather dark pass the house was  lived in by Baron George Morgan and his  wife back in the 1930s apparently Mr  Morgan would spend a lot of his free  time torturing his wife with them being  in India and his wife having nowhere to  go she eventually fell into a depression  not long after that she died the two  never had any kids and after Mr Morgan  died the Indian government took control  of the property it has now been spruced  up into a nice hotel but the tares of  this building's past haven't been washed  away Mrs Morgan is free from her husband  and has no interest in leaving her home  many patrons of the hotel say they have  heard her high heels walking along the  wooden floors at number four we have  Castle Loma Toronto Canada the most  famously haunted place in all of Toronto  it's literally a massive castle that is  a 10 minute drive from the world famous  CN Tower it's strange having a massive  Stone castle built in the early 20th  century so close to the downtown core  but that's probably why it's so haunted  all the ghosts want to gather there  because it feels like home one of the  most haunted areas of the castle are the  secret underground tunnels which connect  different sections of the property there  have been reports of a ghostly minor who  might have died digging the tunnels and  a lady in a white dress also the  Castle's former owner Lady Mary pellet  has been seen all throughout the  building some people say they've tried  to take a picture of her when she's  walking through and she will use her  ghostly powers to turn off your camera  sounds like she's not very photogenic if  you want to give yourself an extra  fright you should come check out the  castle in October when they turn the  whole thing into a massive haunted house  I've been it's a great time at number  three we have the hill of crosses in  Lithuania the look of this place will  make you say oh yeah there are for sure  some ghosts in here this hill has been  the site of rebellion respect and  remembering the dead for the past 500  years people Most Toxic Ghost Towns have come here to place  crosses as a way to pay Good Fortune to  those who died fighting for the freedom  of Lithuania this practice has made it a  safe haven for spirits to walk through  and there have been reports of seances  performed there trying to contact these  dead heroes there are currently over a  hundred thousand crosses piled up on  this hill back in the Soviet Reign they  tried to destroy this holy Landmark  three times three that's three three  times but the Lithuanian people stood  strong and came back to rebuild it every  time that's a pretty awesome story of  solidarity I know why ghosts want to  hang out here they're like I know my  home will be safe Forever at number two  we have Cemetery number one in New  Orleans USA this place has been  nicknamed The Haunted City because it is  literally filled with so many graves  that you could fill a small theater  there are over 700 Graves at this site  you pack that many people into to one  spot and you are guaranteed some strange  Spirits walking around on Halloween it  must be like a massive party in there it  would be a giant ghost Rave with the  coolest people from the last 200 years  the grave that gets the most attention  is that a former voodoo priestess Marie  Laveau it said she had the power to  influence spirits and now even in death  her ghost can gain strength from the  graveyard and get the Phantoms to do her  bidding I mean that's a good skill to  have after you're dead you're like oh  you guys you work for me that's how this  is gonna work and for the number one  spot we have the Rose Hall in Montego  Bay Jamaica a beautiful mansion that  used to be the home of the Palmers back  in the 19th century the two were a  loving couple or that's what the public  thought Mr Palmer died one day of  suspicious causes but Foul Play was  inconclusive Annie Palmer took control  of the property and people weren't too  suspicious until her two following  husbands and her parents died all  without warning now things are getting a  little suspicious the urban legend of  Annie Palmer is that she was a witch and  she would use dark magic to kill her  victims it's said that her evil spirit  still inhabits The Rose Hall a witchgo  sounds pretty serious especially one  that has killed people that's not  something you want to disturb for your  own entertainment right well you totally  can you can take tours of the building  which highlight all the Legends  surrounding the Witch of the Rose Hall  and if you really want to bring some bad  mojo into your life you can take part in  a seance to communicate with the spirit  of Annie Palmer I think the ghost of a  murderous witch isn't something I would  want to hang out with starting soft  number 10 a Wichita Falls Texas and  surprisingly there are a lot of haunted  towns in the state of Texas there are a  lot on this list and I feel like they  probably make the record for most  haunted towns in America but either way  Wichita Falls is filled and I mean  filled with haunting stories there's a  site in town called The Witch's gate  that used to be a mansion before it  burned down in the 70s after the man of  the house died his wife went a bit  insane turning to things like witchcraft  to try and cope she somehow burned the  Mansion down killing her two sons  withered another story claims the sons  were robbed and it was the thief that  set the house on fire the boys haunt the  area till this day and I'm not surprised  I'd be pissed too another famous one is  the white sanitarium presently a private  residence it used to be a mental  hospital in the 20s after the place  closed down people have seen a group of  men sitting around a table playing cards  perhaps the hospital's dead old staff I  don't know but more famously they've  seen a woman in nurses clothes roaming  the building there's also Pinky's cave  which is a three mile drainage ditch and  kids used to hang out there years ago  but now it's filled with Eerie sounds  and homeless people as well as the ghost  of a woman and her child who drowned  inside the tunnel during a storm coming  in at number nine is pluckley Kent  pluckley is a small village in Kent that  was named the most haunted village in  England by Guinness World Records in  1989. so I don't want to over hype it  but at the same time it clearly deserves  the hype it's said that 12 to 16 ghosts  taunt the village and the surrounding  areas the list includes a screaming man  who worked at the village brickworks and  fell to his death another is a  Highwayman who was pinned to a tree with  a sword that tree was soon named fright  corner and that's where his ghost looms  every day the Watercress woman is the  ghost of a woman who used to sit on a  bridge drinking gin and smoking her pipe  while selling Watercress you'd assume  she drowned in the river she sat near  but the reality was a lot more Grim it  said she dropped Jen all over herself  and accidentally set herself a light on  the bridge there's also the ghost of a  principal who hung himself and was found  by his students on LV Farm which dates  back to 1406 that's the ghost of Edward  Brett who shot himself in the dairy his  last words to his wife were I will do it  and that's what can be heard whispered  around the farm then of course if we're  more generic there's the white lady and  the red lady because make no mistake  there is always a white lady ghost in  every list that's seven ghosts already  in that's not even the end of it based  on the deaths in the list I get the  feeling there's like an external force  in the village that made people slightly  suicidal that's the vibe I'm getting I  don't already know at number eight we  have Savannah Georgia apparently it's  widespread knowledge that Savannah is  the most haunted city in America and  thankfully I've never been the town was  given this title because literally every  building in the town is haunted like  everyone every building has a story  every building has its own ghost it's  like Savannah is more for the ghost than  it is for the living the Hamilton Turner  Inn is home to the ghost of a man  smoking a cigar on its roof as well as  little children whose children are they  God knows dubbed one of the best haunted  hotels in the U.S because clearly that's  a real category the Marshall house was a  hotel that ended up being used as a  hospital Thrice in its history and thus  you can imagine all the dead patients as  ghosts running around  1790 in and a restaurant is the home of  a scorned woman called Anna who haunts  the upstairs guest rooms waiting for her  loss to love but why is Savannah so  haunted let's go back in history the  town has been the site of many and many  atrocities the siege of Savannah that  killed 240 people left people thinking  unsettled soldiers still lingered there  Savannah's also been the site of a  yellow fever epidemic so that's a lot of  people dead just there in 1820 there was  a massive fire in town that destroyed  500 buildings and there was an even  bigger fire 25 years prior that  destroyed half that number the people  that died in those fires have been  linked to the house as they occupied and  let's not forget the countless murders  that have taken place there as well  filling our number seven slot is Jerome  Arizona mining town Jerome is known as  the wickedest town the West for its  brothels gambling and heavy drinking  miners the town itself actually burned  down three times in three years at the  end of the 1800s at its peak population  was fifteen thousand it then shrank to  50 people in the 50s and currently it's  450 people inside the town the Jerome  Grand Hotel adds to the hauntings  tenfold before it was a hotel it was the  United birthday hospital where dozens of  people died during the Great Spanish  influenza coughs breathing the lights  flicking doors opening a little child  running on the third floor either  laughing or crying it has it all  sometimes the Little Ghost just stays at  the foot of a guest's bed and stares at  them all night the sounds of newborn  babies crying and many guests have even  spoken to the front desk about it out of  concern but then they find out it's  coming from an empty room a maintenance  man named Claude Harvey was found under  the elevator murdered in the 30s and his  ghost wanders around the hotel as well  there's even a ghost cat at this hotel  can you imagine I could go on but I  think you get the picture I've been  coming for tourism or to chase Ghosts no  one really visits Jerome anymore sadly  now at number six is Helltown Ohio  founded in 1806 and formerly called  Boston this place used to be the oldest  village in Summit County helthan was the  victim of Disappearing Forest land when  President Ford let the national park  jurisdiction expropriate land to make  Parks The NPS started buying properties  of locals in Helltown and they were  pissed they even wrote now we know how  the Indians felt all over their houses  which I feel is a bit inappropriate but  either way that was all for nothing the  plan fell through in the end and the  village was abandoned things went wrong  in 1985 when Rangers visited kregc dump  nearby and left covered in rashes and  sick apparently the dump was highly  toxic because chemicals were never  disposed off properly that's also the um  the issue of the um Satanist Church  equipped with upside down crosses and  all human and animal sacrifices even  took place there and that's not all  there was even an escaped mental patient  in the woods in the town that killed a  Bus full of children and that bus is  still there haunted by the ghost murder  had passed there's even a mutated snake  in the town known as the peninsula  python so it's safe to say the town  lives up to its name and has way too  much going on coming in at number five  is Granbury Texas this one's a bit of a  small one in 2010 their population  wasn't even 8 000 so I mean it's an  intimate little town but regardless of  that it's been the home for many  Infamous people over the years Davey  Crockett's wife Elizabeth moved their  post to Texas Revolution and Jesse James  is even buried in the city of Granbury  Cemetery Billy the Kid apparently moved  there too after faking his own death but  the biggest haunted appeal of Granbury  is John Cena Helen he moved there in the  1870s to teach and would quote  Shakespeare all the time but people  think John Saint Helen was actually John  Wilkes Booth the man who assassinated  Abraham Lincoln apparently he died in a  bar fire and police through Booth's body  into the Potomac River others say he was  assigned a new identity after the  assassination I mean in town he walked  with a strange limp and had a Southern  accent so people were wary of him on his  deathbed he did confess to a priest that  he was in fog John Wilkes Booth and told  him where he could find the gun that  killed Abe but he didn't die that day he  fled the city but it said that when he  did finally die wherever that was he  came back to Granbury the Grand Prix  opera house is haunted by him now and  you can hear him quoting Shakespeare all  the time  some things never change at number four  is Galveston Texas this island City's  residents are so used to seeing ghosts  around that honestly they don't even bat  an eyelid anymore during the early 1900s  the city opened the Galvez hotel to  honor military leader Bernardo de Galvez  and they commissioned a giant portrait  of him to go in its Lobby soon after the  Galvis hotel opened its doors guests  tired complaining this painting would  make them feel extremely cold and that  his eyes would just follow them  everywhere the hotel is also haunted by  a ghost bride who's been seen many times  in room 501 it said she hung herself  after finding out her fiance died at sea  but to make matters worse he didn't even  die he came to the hotel looking for her  and for the marriage that would never be  there was also a storm in 1900 which is  still considered the deadliest storm in  U.S history that kills 8 000 residents  Mayfield's Manor served as a morgue  after the storm and it's now haunted all  year round 24 7 Around the Clock Dash  Beardsley does ghost tours of the city  and he said he's seen them with his own  eyes among his many stories is one of an  office and town that calls 9-1-1 every  night the police have gone their  countless times to find the office empty  and no telephone even connected another  story is the ghost of a Salesman who  died inside Madame Harvey's brothel in  the 1800s a police chief moved his body  to a park and made it look like he was  you know feeding pigeons and put him on  a bench so it would be less embarrassing  for his family and the man's ghost is  still looking for his car keys filling a  number three slaw is Jefferson Texas  that's three towns in Texas in a row now  I really wasn't lying when I said Texas  Takes the Cake on this list it's been  dubbed One of the most haunted towns in  the South by many travel channels and I  know it sounds like I'm saying this is  one of the most haunted towns ever for  every single number but it's true either  way the town is plagued by the  apparitions haunting the Jefferson Hotel  and the Excelsior House let's start with  the hotel there's a staircase inside  which is known to be haunted by Little  Ghost but likes putting hair and tapping  guests shoulders guests have been locked  inside their hotel rooms and bathrooms  for ages before being let out whilst  hearing a creepy laughter from the other  side of the door orbs also appear in  photos taken inside the hotel and all  this isn't even scaring me it's just  making me feel annoyed for the guests  who have to stay there not my problem I  mean not my problem anyway the Excelsior  House is another hotel that's basically  just as haunted it houses a headless  ghost on the second floor so you know  might want to avoid that and it even  houses a woman in black carrying a baby  the ghost apparent even spoke to Steven  Spielberg in their 80s and so she got  closer to my dreams of becoming an actor  than I have and she's dead great now nm2  is Kerrville Texas this town is  specifically known for two haunted  buildings whose ghosts seem to go all  around the town all the time the first  is Kerr County Courthouse where two  tragedies took place the first was to do  with a couple the man asked his beloved  to marry him and she said said no so  naturally in a fit of jealousy and a  rage he killed her and then hung himself  right in front of the courthouse talk  about unable to deal with rejection Mana  boy both have been seen over a hundred  times at the courthouse in the  surrounding area just Milling about  honestly I'd be so mad if I was the girl  honestly like I said I didn't want to  marry you and now I'm stuck in this  afterlife Purgatory with you just just  my luck anyway the Second Story involves  a prisoner who was killed during a rough  interrogation and he too haunts the  inside of the building by banging on the  bars and throwing papers about now the  second building is Delaney Hall in  Shriner University from its name you can  probably guess that it's a dorm building  at the University and it's haunted by  eight former students while living  students still reside there the students  see door slamming when the ghosts have  fights with one another and construction  workers constantly complain about how  their tools go missing because of the  ghosts and finally at number one is  Saratoga Texas the light of Saratoga is  the legend of mysterious lights  appearing and disappearing on Bragg Road  that all residents know the road runs  between Beaumont and Livingston and is  next to the ghost town of Bragg station  a haunted road and a ghost town what a  match made in heaven strange lights on  roads have been featured in many other  videos this phenomenon is nothing new  some think it's simply swamp gas but the  most popular story behind it is that a  railroad worker was decapitated during a  railway accident and the light comes  from the lantern his ghost carries as he  looks for his head honestly if he  survived this long without his head I  don't really think he needs it the  second explanation for the light is a  ghostly couple it said the newlyweds  were on their way home on the road when  they were stopped by an innocent looking  man on the side of the road however the  man was not innocent at all he had a gun  and a knife and took the man's wife  hostage into Big Thicket forest and  killed her there and then disappeared  the man was ordered to wait in the car  till they disappear appeared otherwise  he'd shoot her he waited and then ran  into the forest trying to follow their  sounds but he was too late so it said  the lights on the road are him trying to  find his bride's murderer  Love Never Dies you guys your fiance may  be murdered But Your Love Never Dies.