Top 10 Scary Urban Legends From 2020

Top 10 Scary Urban Legends From 2020
There are tons and I mean tons of urban legends out there however most of them are pretty old back in the day when people didn't have access to the Internet those legends were shared by word of mouth or by letters in the mail like can you imagine writing the weather like that like dear Janet I hope the kids are well I just received a letter from Bertha and you won't believe what she told me a hitchhiker is on the loose well times have definitely changed hey everyone what's up and welcome back to the most amazing top 10 I'm your host Lindsey Ivan and today I'm bringing you the top 10 scary urban legends from 2020 starting off this countdown we have the witching hour so legend is about the witching hour on that new but this particular one that I'm about to share with you is for those of you who don't know the witching hour is from 3 a.m. to 4 a.m. apparently during this time the realm between the spiritual world and our world becomes thin making it easier for ghosts and spirits and demons to cross over and I'm pretty sure you've seen people posting those 3 a.m. challenges where they wake up at 3 a.m. and then try to contact spirits but there's a new legend surrounding this legend goes that if you wake up at 3 a.m. it's because a spirit is present in your room and has woken you up it's been said if you're woken up that whatever you do do not stare into a dark mirror apparently if you do so then the spirit will possess you and then basically you'll trade spots so the spirit can control your body and your soul gets trapped into the spirit world so I guess I'm removing all the mirrors from my room now enter my spot you have the chain letters so chain letters are old news they've been terrorizing people for decades usually people receive an email or social media message or even a text message with one but now there's a new form of a chain letter that's been going around so since everyone has to stay at home children are now doing their schooling online well a chain mail is being circulated over a chat platform that is being used for their online school the chain mail talks about a 17 year old kid named Carmen Winstead it says that she died after a group of girl pushed her down a sewer hole trying to embarrass her she was found with her neck broken and her face torn off you then have to send this message to 15 people or else Carmen will get you the message goes on to say that a kid named David ignored the message and was found dead the next morning there was a message on his wall written in blood that said you will never have him back okay that's pretty creepy if you ask me our thoughts have the mirrors so a couple of years ago I heard this famous urban legend about mirrors basically it says have you never supposed to have two mirrors facing each other in a dark place apparently it creates like a portal for spirits to get into our world but now there's a new version of this legend apparently it not only spirits can get into our world but it said that you should never stand in the middle between these two facing mirrors apparently people have done this and have claimed that they felt like someone has grabbed them others claim that they were dragged back and slammed into the mirror causing it to shatter a service box we have the Grey Lady of Westwick barely in the township of Westwick in England there's a legend surrounding a grey lady and said that if you drive down the forest road after midnight then you may encounter her she's described as an old witch that can change her appearance if you see her in her witch form then she's described as an old lady with yellow rotting teeth and she wears all grey others claim that she's a vampire and not a witch one thing that's for sure is that she seeks vengeance on men that have wronged women so she can shape-shift into attractive women to try and learn men once you're trapped by her she will kill you and then feast on you maybe early example is number six we have the Xoom calls so with everyone staying at home what lay people are staying connected is by video calls typically people are using this website called zoom in fact they have had a huge influx of people using their services but now there's an american urban legend going around about cyber spies that are hacking into your zoom calls and stealing your information although zoom claims to be secure people still believe that these hackers are stealing your data and then selling it to other parties especially now since companies are doing all their meetings online they'd be releasing very valuable information other people claim but it's the government that's collecting the information as a result of this legend people have been warned that you should not talk about sensitive information over zooms instead just keep it strictly to friendly banter there now airs it in half way bark with the Union Cemetery Union cemetery is located in Easton Connecticut it's said to be one of the most haunted cemeteries in the United States apparently a ghost that they refer to as the white lady wants this cemetery in fact even ed and Lorraine Warren have said to have seen this ghost and even have a video footage of it I really want to see that anyways The Legend of the white lady is not a new one but apparently there have been recent sightings of a new ghost that lurks this Cemetery this one is of a mother that passed away shortly after delivering her baby legend goes that if you visit the cemetery at night you can see the shadow of the woman roaming around trying to find her baby moving on number four we have the Moorpark ravine here in Toronto there's a ravine known as Moorpark ravine now I've never been but apparently it's haunted so legend goes that it's haunted by a worker that was killed while doing maintenance of the trail after a bad lightning storm the ravine had a couple of fallen down trees blocking the trail as a result the man was moving the trees when another one unexpectedly fell and crushed him it has been said that a dust you can see the shadow of this man lurking behind the trees others have felt a cold hand touching their arm as they walked the trail some even say that they have heard his cries for help every thought we have the ghost of Lowe's yes Lowe's as in Lowe's the store that sells a bunch of home-improvement stuff apparently there's a ghost at one of the locations according to one of the overnight workers he has experienced a lot of paranormal activity at his location but she never disclosed so we never know which location is haunted be careful what a legend goes that late at night a spirit roams the store and causes havoc for the workers the ghosts tampers with the motion sensor lights sets off product alarms and it's even said to push and trip workers one murderer claims that aisle 13 is the aisle with the most paranormal activity others have claimed to have heard whispers seeing shadows and I felt like they were being watched I mean out of all the places why did they choose the hot lows like come on I picked Costco they got everything there there are sex pot you have the blue man legend goes that if you see this blue man do not stop do not talk to him or if you encounter him then you will be controlled by him and he will make you harm yourself and others story goes that one day a man was driving home when he saw this man standing at the side of the road it was quite tall and was dressed in all blue man slowed down to see if he was okay or if he needed a ride home when the blue man turned to face him he saw that he had pure black eyes and a creepy wide grin man then drove up so fast but when he got home he wasn't the same his eyes were now completely black just like the blue man's he ended up grabbing a hammer and hit his wife over the head multiple times then he ended up killing himself so if you see a man dressed in all blue lurking at the side of an old highway don't stop don't make eye contact just keep driving and thought we have the Haunted tinder profile from 2019 to earlier this year stories about a haunted tinder profile have creeped out many of the apps users legend goes that a ghost of a boy named Dylan haunts the app if you match with him the consequences can be deadly so according to legend Dylan was considered a social outcast one of the reasons being because he had a birthmark right below his left eye he didn't have many friends and was often picked on at school now Dylan was using tinder for quite some time trying to find a girl friends but people at his school found his profile and then he was tormented even more eventually it got so bad that he took his own life but now it's said that his tinder profile is still active he is said to match with the girls that look just like his bullies who matched with him is said that he will appear outside your window and haunt you until you to commit suicide of course this is just a legend but there are people out there that have downloaded tinder just to try and find his profile and see if the legend is indeed true and that's all for today's video let's move on to our comments shoutout portion I'll be shouting out more comments for my video top ten scary Mickey Mouse urban legends Dark Knight plummeted one time of orange slices on my pizza it tasted good only had that one time we want to eat it again orange slices oh man I don't know if I can I don't know about that one I don't know about that one not judging but really but hey maybe I mean I can't judge until I try it so maybe I'll I got time maybe I'll do that Lorne outcompeted Lindsay you look just like Shiva in the Final Fantasy 7 remake you're so pretty thank you I mean I'll take it she was cool Garrett's sake commented you know what maybe Mickey Mouse does all this because you just want some cheese you imagine like this whole time were like oh my gosh Mickey Mouse is evil he's possessed and meanwhile he's just like some cheese please I'll stop hurting people that just need to be fed maybe you know what can you salt it I think we just need to give him some cheese and that's all the comics I've shown up for today make sure it's going.