Top 10 Underwater Sounds That Will Haunt You

Top 10 Underwater Sounds That Will Haunt You

The ocean is one big scary unexplored  place only 10 of the ocean has been  explored the rest remains an absolute  mystery  so we truly don't know what goes on down  there but over the years researchers  have managed to record a number of  terrifying sounds that will send shivers  down your spine from deep growls and  moans from a possible sea monster to the  sounds of someone screaming underwater  let's talk about this and more only in  today's video top 10 underwater sounds  that will haunt you starting off this  countdown we have the sea monster  [Music]  what you just heard is a noise no one  knows much about  seriously researchers don't know what  it's from  i don't know about you but it sounded  like a deep growl  for sure that is the sound from some  massive sea monster it literally sounds  like some evil creature cackling away or  something like that all i know is that i  don't like the sound of that and i never  want to encounter this creature now  because of the power and loudness of the  sound it can be SCARY GHOST SIGHTINGS assumed that whatever is  making that sound is quite massive  in our 9th spot today we have the lonely  whale  [Music]  this album was first recorded in 1989 by  an american military network listening  for nuclear submarines instead they  captured this audio it's of a blue whale  with a weird high voice with the main  notes at a frequency of 52 hertz a low  bass note to human ears to compare most  blue whales have a frequency between 10  to 40 hertz so this wheel has a very  unique voice but because of its voice it  can't communicate with the other blue  whales  hence why it's been given the name the  world's loneliest whale because it's  just swimming around trying to make  friends but he can't call to them  properly  like  that broke my heart like listen to this  audio again it literally sounds like  this whale is crying out for help  [Music]  coming in at number eight we have the  challenger deep moans and if you guys  are liking this video so far then make  sure you smash that like button because  it really helps us out so at the very  bottom of marianna's trench there is a  point called the challenger deep which  is the deepest point known on earth  since it is so deep it's been pretty  hard to explore so we really don't know  what's down there but in march of 2016 a  recording picked up some very creepy low  moans coming from down there basically  to even get this recording was a  struggle the microphone was encased in  titanium and was slowly lowered down so  it wouldn't be crushed by the pressure  it took them 23 days to get the  microphone to the deepest point down  there  then that's finally when they picked up  this  again the sound of a massive sea  creature that we haven't discovered yet  or at least that's what it sounds like  honestly in our seventh spot today we  have julia  [Laughter]  on march 1 1999 a weird sound was  recorded by the national oceanic and  atmosphere administration the sound  lasted for about 15 seconds and sounds  like someone whining or cooing  now i don't know why they named it julia  like when i first listened to the clip i  was trying to hear someone say like  julia but i'm stupid that's just the  name that they gave to the sound could  it be any more confusing anyways the  sound itself sounds like a sea monster  moaning  [Laughter]  people were taken aback by the sound  because of how loud it was  to this day researchers don't 100 know  for sure what made that noise but their  theory is that it was just an iceberg  running into the sea floor  not as spooky i know let's stick with  sea monster in our sixth spot today we  have the aquatic choirs this is  unfortunately the only sound that i  couldn't find an actual recording of but  scientists in australia have discovered  that many different fish sing together  at dawn and dusk much like how birds do  and then they wake you up in the morning  and you're really cranky anyways  researchers from curtin university in  perth started recording the sound that a  number of fish make most of the sounds  were from a single fish repeating the  same call over and over again but when  two or more fish of the same kind joined  in  the sounds would overlap and basically  would sound like someone was humming or  singing underwater in fact they  discovered that the black jewel fish  made a ba ba ba sound i think it's more  like a  there you go that's that's my impression  of the black jewel fish either way  hearing that underwater would trip  anyone out like imagine you're swimming  often you hear that you're like yo who's  there just a fish playing games but  still we are now at our fifth and  halfway mark with the train  this noise FORTNITE CREEPYPASTAS was given the name the train  because it literally sounds like a train  chugging by and blowing its whistle  underwater  the sound was recorded in 1997 by the  national oceanic and atmospheric  administration they believe that the  sound came from antarctica's ross sea  so they think it's from icebergs  dragging along the ocean floor  but it's still strange how it literally  sounds like a train whistling all aboard  the underwater express moving on at  number four we have the bloop  this sound is probably one of the most  famous ocean sounds ever recorded  in 1997 a large ultra low frequency  sound was detected in the south pacific  the sound only lasted for about a minute  but since then it was heard on a number  of different MEXICAN URBAN LEGENDS occasions that summer but  has not been heard again since  take a listen  this sound is very powerful and  extremely loud i mean the hydrophone  that picked up the sound was more than 3  219 kilometers away and it SCARIEST REAL HORROR managed to  pick that sound up that's crazy  researchers have said that if it did  come from a mammal it would be a mammal  larger than a blue whale so people are  thinking that it was a massive sea  monster releasing an air bubble or  something not only that but the area  where the sound originated from is close  to the place where h.p lovecraft said  his fictional character cthulhu lives so  like  what the hell is cthulhu real and he  made that sound or what  moving on at number three we have the  devil's cauldron the devil's cauldron is  a geothermal location in nevada there's  a lot of legends in the area saying that  this place is extremely haunted and  cursed well one man decided to see what  the heck was up with the devil's  cauldron and to do some investigating of  his own so he placed an iphone 11 in the  cauldron and recorded to see what it  would pick up  he managed to record what sounds like  screams coming from within  [Music]  surely he was not expecting to capture  that what makes this even scarier is how  berserk the phone went after capturing  these screams  as a result some people think that this  spot is the portal to the underworld or  something crazy like that moving on at  number two we have the up sweep this is  an unidentified sound that has been  detected by hydrophones since 1991  does that not sound like it's part of a  horror movie soundtrack like i instantly  got chills listening to that it for sure  is like a warning sound that something  bad is approaching what's even freakier  is that when it's sped up it literally  sounds like warning sirens  it's creepy and like a bunch of sounds  on this list we don't know what's  causing it  theory goes that it might have to do  with undersea volcanic activity but  scientists don't know for sure yet and  in their number one spot today we have  the strange humming  dude this next audio recording literally  gave me the heebie-jeebies so you know  when harry potter in the goblet of fire  how he goes underwater to save his  friends and you hear those creepy little  mermaid creature things humming dude  that's exactly what this sounds like  take a listen  [Music]  [Music]  that's for sure the sound of a mermaid  humming for sure  to this day researchers don't know what  caused the sound because it's a mermaid  but they do think it's coming from some  sort of organism they just don't know  which one to this day no known marine  creature has been matched with that  noise meaning it's probably from a  creature we haven't discovered yet  mermaids just saying all right guys  that's all for today's video let me know  in the comments below which one of these  sounds creeped you out the most and now  let's move on to our comment shoutout  portion i'll be shouting out comments  from the video top 10 signs of alien  life underwater we're sticking with the  whole underwater theme i didn't even  plan that  cafe david commented not gonna lie i  really enjoy MOST CURSED OBJECTS watching peach but i love  this creepy scary stuff even more for  those of you that don't know what this  person is talking about i have my very  own channel called peach and you should  go check it out  please do smash that like button go  subscribe it would make my day please do  we're almost at 50k so get us to 50k kip  henry commented i like how she did her  makeup thank you i did it uh very early  in the morning when i was half asleep  so this is the go-to look every single  day it's never gonna change sorry about  that  weapon c commented lindsay looks like an  olympic athlete  i mean  thank you  appreciate it i think it was because i  had my hair in a braid and i looked like  a volleyball player or something like  that anyways all right guys that's all  the comments i'm shouting out for  today's video make sure to comment  something down below for a chance to be  featured in my next comment shout out  and as always don't forget to give this  video a big thumbs up and subscribe to  most amazing top 10 for more amazing  videos i've been your host lindsay ivan.