Top 10 Weirdest Things Found Inside Ancient Temples

Top 10 Weirdest Things Found Inside Ancient Temples

Temples are supposed to be sacred holy  places but it doesn't mean that they  always are on today's list we'll be  looking at some weird spooky and  downright uncomfortable things found  inside ancient temples from human teeth  to mermaid bones let's talk about this  and more only in today's video the top  10 weirdest things found inside ancient  temples hey everyone what's up and  welcome back to the most amazing top 10.  i'm your host lindsay ivan and i'm  olivia kozalovsky and uh when you smash  that like button and obviously subscribe  to our channel and now let's get on with  the video  starting off in our number 10 spot we  have liquid mercury this discovery came  not necessarily from within a temple but  rather under it but i still think it  counts because they really are all  connected in 2003 after 1 800 years a  researcher named sergio gomez unsealed  and began excavating a tunnel which laid  beneath a mexican pyramid in 2014 the  team searching this tunnel announced  that they had found three chambers at  the end of the 300-foot tunnel which  lays 60 feet below the pyramid of the  feathered serpent which is the temple i  previously mentioned so this under  temple tunnel is already cool enough but  what makes this discovery even more  fascinating is how they also found large  quantities of liquid mercury in one of  the chambers at the end of this tunnel  this first meant that the team of  researchers needed to wear some extra  protective gear because mercury can be  poisonous but also this meant to them  that they may be very close to  discovering the very first royal tomb  ever located in teotehuaken after ANCIENT CREATURES decades of searching the mercury may  symbolize an underworld river or lake  not that different from the river styx i  honestly don't know what could be cooler  than a huge secret tunnel found under an  ancient temple that leads to a pool of  poisonous liquid metal in our ninth spot  we have the tigers the waffle long tabwa  temple in thailand is also called the  tiger temple why  well it's home to tigers in fact the  monks there actually lived with them and  visitors were allowed to feed them and  pet them but sadly in 2016 officials  were getting reports about tourists  being attacked by the tigers while being  there later it was found the tigers were  being drugged and that's why sometimes  they wouldn't attack but when they wore  off meow you know bad kitties later on a  raid found 137 tigers and 40 dead cubs  which is very sad and heartbreaking the  sanctuary was later forced to close and  the healthy tigers were relocated in our  number eight spot today we have too many  wooden coffins in egypt archaeologists  uncovered a funerary temple with some of  the oldest coffins ever found in zakara  this project led by egyptologist zahi  hawas found the funerary temple of queen  nirit who is the wife of king teti the  first pharaoh of the sixth dynasty of  egypt this mission ended up finding 52  burial shafts with more than 50 wooden  coffins found inside that date back to  around 3 000 years ago discoveries like  this are of course incredible but i'm  not gonna CREEPIEST URBAN LEGEND lie there's also something  extremely eerie about all of these  people who have been gone for thousands  of years now being dug up and moved TOP BONE CHILLING around along with the coffins there were  plenty of artifacts and small statues  found mostly relating to different  deities of the time the coffins  themselves also usually have  representations of the deities on them  as well as various excerpts from the  book of the dead so as to help the lost  souls pass through on their journey to  the other world in our seventh spot we  have the lost civilization this one guy  literally found an entire lost  civilization while excavating a temple  so in 2003 archaeologist sergio gomez  was working on the temple of the plumed  serpent he arrived to work one day to  find a massive sinkhole at the foot of  the pyramid the night before a heavy  rainstorm hit the area but after looking  in the hole he was like dude there's  something down there so he attached  himself to a rope and lowered himself  down into the hole and he was right BEAUTIFUL NATURAL PHENOMENA something was down there after further  investigation he found the lost  civilization of teotihuacan imagine that  it just makes me think what other lost  cities are there below us that we  haven't even found yet it's incredible  in our number six spot today we have  ancient gold while renovating a temple  in the southern indian state of tamil  nadu a group of villagers who had taken  the renovations upon themselves were  shocked to find a bunch of ancient gold  this gold was hidden under the stairs  that led to the temple's underground  sanctorium there were a bunch of  different gold items such as a gold  chain and they all weighed around an  estimated  565 grams the people who found this gold  thought that it was a promising sign and  they wanted to keep the gold in the  temple after the renovations were  completed india's treasure trove act  states that the finder of treasure must  report the value date time and location  to the district collector so that is of  course what these people had to do in  doing so authorities came to seize the  found gold to the dismay of those who  had found it unfortunately after  attempts to negotiate the gold did end  up being seized we're now at our fifth  and halfway mark with the curse turns  out that a number of temples are haunted  and cursed i could do a whole top 10  list on that topic alone if we haven't  already but today let's talk about one  of the most cursed temples in the world  that is the padma swani temple and we're  talking about walby that's located in  there this is a hindu temple located in  india it was built in the 16th century  and contains six vaults five of which  have already been opened and it  contained up to one trillion dollars  worth of treasures but no one wants to  open the last vault referred to as vault  b why well legend goes that it's cursed  locals tell of a story of a man that  tried to enter this vault but failed  after a cobra came out of nowhere and  killed him while another legend says  that the vault is connected to the  arabian sea if they open it it will  flood the entire state not only that but  a man named tp sindarijn an indian  lawyer made a petition to get vault be  open however in 2011 he unexpectedly and  mysteriously passed away people think  that he was the victim of the temple's  curse but what do you think in our  number four spot today we have human  teeth in 2014 some people were restoring  a wooden statue of jesus called the lord  of patience that was located in the  parish of san batalo quatlapan mexico  the statue depicted jesus as he was  awaiting crucifixion and it had been  located within the church for 300 years  during these restorations however it was  discovered that this statue more  particularly the mouth of this statue  contained real human teeth old statues  in this region of mexico are usually  found with things like rabbit teeth or  dog teeth and a statue of the devil and  sometimes with real human hair but  there's just something about the teeth  that really freak me out and also how  did no one else know for 300 years we  don't know exactly where the teeth came  from but it is likely that they were  taken from someone living or dead who  wanted to donate them for this exact  reason or maybe they were taken from  someone who didn't want to donate them  that is also unfortunately a possibility  coming in at number three we have the  played lord temple in 2019  archaeologists were exploring a temple  in mexico when they came across  something quite dark and strange the  temple was used by aztecs and they would  engage in sacrifices for the gods in  particular they would skin themselves so  when the archaeologists excavated the  temple they came across three statues  each with skin skulls and a torso  wearing someone else's skin  as well as they found garbage holes  where the victim's skin was discarded  after they were done with it there goes  my appetite in our number two spot today  we have a human skeleton inside a statue  have you ever heard of the practice of  self-mummification well it exists and it  is most often practiced by monks this is  what led to a real skeleton being found  inside of a buddha statue located in a  temple in the 1990s the process of  self-mummification isn't an easy task it  starts off at least three years before  death with the first step being to eat a  diet that consists only of nuts roots  berries and bark somewhere around a  thousand to three thousand days later  they will stop eating and only drink  water that has been mixed with salt and  basically just meditate until they have  passed they are buried while just on the  brink of death and then will have their  remains exhumed later in order to see if  the mummification process was a success  that is the process that the monk found  inside of the statue took after his  death his mummified remains were placed  inside of the temple for two more  centuries after his body began to  deteriorate some monks decided it might  be best to encase it in a statue and  thus this weird discovery in the 1990s  was born it's a little less weird when  we understand why this all took place  but definitely still weird nonetheless  and in our number one spot today we have  the mermaid bones yeah you heard me  correctly mermaid bones so located at  the ryuguji temple in japan on display  is what they claim to be six bones  belonging to a mermaid according to the  history of the bones the mermaid was  found on the shore of hakata bay in 1222  a shaman said that the creature was a  mermaid and it washing up on shore was a  sign of good luck eventually the bones  were given to the temple which changed  its name to ryugujo which means undersea  palace of the dragon god in fact if you  go there visitors can even bathe in the  water that the bones were once soaked in  this is said to keep them safe and  prevent them from getting sick kind of  interesting like i want to see these  mermaid bones for myself also do you  guys believe in mermaids let me know in  the comments below alright guys that's  all for today's video let us know in the  comments below which one of these  objects you found the creepiest honestly  which one did you buy the creepiest the  human teeth human teeth i was going to  say that one too i didn't like it it's  wrong it's just wrong  that being said if you guys liked the  video why don't you smash that like  button obviously subscribe to our  channel and comment down below because  it really helps us out and we appreciate  it we love you guys uh i've been your  host lindsay ivan i'm olivia koslowski  now see you when i see you bye  all right  uh teotihuacan  god damn it i tried so hard this one's  hard though t.o.t  what can't i'm gonna have to look it up  sorry one sec please hold  plea oh i have a missed call from who  somebody trying to tell me to hurry the  t  they're like hey please don't butcher  this  pronunciation  the what  temple in thailand is awesome all right  i can't take myself seriously  okay so  long time  [Music]  all right my whole entire life in the  parrot  why can't i say that  i want to say crucifix  yes exactly so located oh  ryuguji so located at the ryuguji temple  in japan on  is that our silent maybe  eventually the temple was eventually the  temple was given to the temple nice one  let's see.