Top 50 Terrifying People The FBI Want You To Forget About

Starting off in our number 10 spot we  have Angel resendiz also known as the  railroad Killer Angel is said to have  committed somewhere around 23 horrific  crimes during history in both the United  States and Mexico in the 1990s he went  on to become known as the railroad  killer because of the fact that most of  his crimes were committed near railroads  where he had just jumped off of trains  he was using to travel around the  country most of his crimes took place in  the homes of those he harmed and usually  after the crimes he'd linger around to  eat their food and sometimes steal their  sentimental items sometimes he'd even  take jewelry to re-gift to his mother  and sister in June of 1999 he was listed  on the FBI's 10 most wanted fugitives  list and when his sister saw him there  she was worried he would continue  harming people so she thankfully  contacted the authorities after this  they were able to convince him to  surrender and he was sent to trial in  the end he was sentenced to death by the  jury and although there were multiple  appeal attempts his death warrant was  signed and on June 27 2006 he received  his sentence in our number nine spot  today we have the Long Island serial  killer also known as the Craigslist  Ripper the l-i-s-k is an unidentified  suspect who is believed to have taken  the lives of 10 to 16 people over the  last 20 years the victims so far that  are known have been sex workers who used  Craigslist to advertise their work after  The Disappearance of Shannon Gilbert  police were searching an area along the  Ocean Parkway and that is when they  began to discover the remains of the  victims the first four were found in  December of 2010 with another six being  found in March and April of 2011. as of  December 2015 the FBI is now officially  involved in the investigation there has  been a suspect in this case but any  formal charges have not been laid in  terms of these crimes the most recent  evidence in regards to these cases was a  belt found at the scene of the crime  which may potentially belong to the  killer at the same time it was announced  that new scientific evidence was being  used in the investigation but these  announcements came just last year so we  have yet to receive any further updates  hopefully this case is solved quickly so  that the families of the victims can  receive Justice and this terrible person  is off the streets for good in our  number eight spot today we have Richard  Chase this evil person is said to have  taken the lives of six people within the  span of a month between 1977 and 1978.  that's a lot of people in a very short  amount of time which is absolutely  terrifying but for his crimes Richard's  life was already full of terrible  stories and horrific acts that had him  spending time in mental institutions  before his crime spree while at these  facilities he was diagnosed with  paranoid schizophrenia but after going  through treatment and beginning  medication he was deemed to no longer be  a threat to society and was released  into his mother's care here's where  things take a turn for the worse however  instead of helping take care of Richard  his mother instead weaned him off of his  medication and got him all set up with  his own apartment nice really helpful  and cool of her initially when he moved  into the apartment he had roommates but  eventually they all moved out and he was  alone which is when things really got  wild he began killing various animals  which he would then eat raw sometimes  mixing the organs with Coca-Cola in a  blender and then drinking it it's  horrible after this he would  unfortunately go on his Killing Spree  which had horrific details and would  only end when he was startled by a  visitor at the home of where his final  crime took place he fled the scene but  he was later caught and stood trial  although there were many attempts to  have him be spared of the death sentence  in the end this didn't work in December  of 1980 Richard was found passed away in  his jail cell after taking too many of  his prescribed medication in our number  7 spot today we have Rodney Alcala  Rodney is a horrible monster who was  convicted and sentenced to death for  five killings that he committed in  California from 1977 to 1979. he also  received an additional 25 years to life  after pleading guilty to two other  killings in New York in 1971 and 1977.  Rodney got away with his crimes for a  while because he wasn't the top of the  list of suspects because he was said to  be the quote Charming photographer  Rodney is often referred to as The  Dating Game Killer because of his  appearance on the show which with what  we now know about him is absolutely  horrifying what's crazy is that he  actually won the show he was on but the  episode's Bachelorette refused to go on  a date with him because she found him  creepy this is just a reminder to always  trust your instincts it isn't exactly  known just how many victims Rodney had  it is potentially thought that it could  be much higher than the number he was  convicted for in July of last year  Rodney passed away in prison at the age  of 77. in our number six spot today we  have Charles Cullen this guy used to be  a nurse who took the lives of his  patients throughout his career and he  may be one of the worst serial killers  ever recorded he confessed to taking the  lives of 40 people but through  subsequent interviews it became apparent  that the number was way higher than 40.  he just couldn't remember the names of  all of them but of course he could  remember the details of all of his  crimes against them his crime started in  1988 and spanned over a decade into 2003  3. in October of 2003 when a patient at  a hospital passed away from low blood  sugar the authorities were called this  person was Charles final victim and  authorities began looking into him and  investigating his past employment  history on December 12 2003 authorities  were arresting him and charging him with  only one count of his crimes but he  ended up admitting to 40. he ended up  pleading guilty to his crimes and  arranged a plea deal where authorities  would not seek the death penalty if he  cooperated during one of his court  proceedings he continuously asked the  judge to step down and apparently  repeatedly chanted for 25 minutes  straight even after he was restrained  and gagged for his outbursts it is  thought that his victims might be up in  the 400 range which is truly just  unbelievable in our number 5 spot today  we have John Allen Muhammad and John Lee  Malvo this pair is referred to as the DC  snipers and they were responsible for a  series of coordinated attacks during a  three-week period in October of 2002.  the pair took the lives of 10 people and  critically in injured three others  during this spree although their crimes  spanned even before this and involved  even more people their crimes were  random and terrifying people would just  be going about their everyday tasks when  this horrific pair would strike through  a series of quote unquote mistakes the  pair made they were able to be caught by  authorities and arrested in September of  2003 John Allen was sentenced to death  and this sentence was carried out in  November of 2009 John Lee on the other  hand was sentenced to six consecutive  life sentences but very recently it was  determined that his sentence needs to be  re-looked at because of his young age  when the crimes were committed in our  number 4 spot today we have Lawrence  bitticker and Roy Norris a two for one  of the most horrific kind this pair was  often referred to as the toolbox killers  they received this name because most of  what they used to commit their crimes  would be items normally stored in a  household toolbox the pair committed  five of these crimes in Southern  California over a five-month period in  1979. in the end what led to their  capture was when Roy met up with a  friend with whom he had previously been  incarcerated with he confessed to the  crimes to this person in great detail  and you know what this person did they  consulted their attorney about this  horrifying confession who then advised  them to go to the authorities with the  information thank goodness authorities  while they didn't have the evidence  necessary to charge the men with the  crimes at that time were able to through  surveillance find other things to arrest  them for while they searched their homes  to find the evidence that they really  did need the pair stood trial and in the  end Lawrence was sentenced to death and  Roy who accepted a plea bargain and  agreed to testify against Lawrence  received a life sentence Lawrence died  of natural causes while on death row in  December of 2019 as did Roy at the  California medical facility in 2020 FBI  special agent John E Douglas described  Lawrence as the most disturbing  individual for whom he has ever created  a criminal profile in our number three  spot today we have Robert Hansen Robert  is often referred to as the butcher  Baker and his story truly is horrific he  is one of the most prolific serial killers in Alaska's history because for  over a decade he would kidnap women and  bring them into the Wilderness where he  would then stalk them like prey the  reason he got away with his crimes for  so long is because outside of these  horrified crimes he was just a  soft-spoken baker Robert was heading to  church by day and prowling the streets  at night what led to the downfall of  this horrible monster was a badass named  Cindy Paulson who was able to escape  from Robert and was sure to leave  evidence behind she then went to  authorities and told them what happened  and this led to a search warrant for  Robert's property which is where all the  evidence they needed lied Robert is  believed to have taken the lives of at  least 17 women and in 1983 he was  sentenced to 461 years and a life  sentence without the possibility of  Parole in our number two spot today we  have William Bonin this horrible person  is said to be responsible for taking the  lives of 21 young men in Southern  California from May of 1979 to June 19  1980 it is said that on at least 12 of  these occasions he was assisted by one  of his four known accomplices and it is  even speculated that he might be  responsible for 15 more of these crimes  that evidence hasn't officially been  able to connect him to he was often  referred to as the freeway killer  because of the fact that most of the  bodies were found along the freeway of  Southern California the police  surveilled William until they could  catch him in the ACT which they did in  the beginning he claimed innocence I  mean they caught him in the ACT it's  kind of dumb to claim innocence but  after receiving an impassioned letter  from one of the victim's mothers which  asked him to please share the location  of her son's body he confessed his guilt  but he made sure to clarify that it  wasn't so the mother could be at peace  or so that her pain could be eased no of  course not instead he said quote I was  dying for a hamburger and I knew if I  went out with the cops they would get me  a hamburger at his first trial the  prosecutor described him as quote the  most Arc evil person who ever existed  William was convicted on 14 of his crime  times and was sentenced to death he  spent 14 years on death row before his  sentence was carried out in 1996. in our  number one spot today we have Israel  Keys Israel is quite a prolific serial  killer and truly is a terrifying person  while everyone on this list is horrible  Israel is particularly scary because of  the fact that he had no mo or type he  just killed at random in fact he was so  prepared for these random crimes that he  left kill kits all over the U.S so that  he would be prepared for whenever  whoever he chose crossed his path it  isn't quite clear how many of these  crimes he committed and many missing  persons reports that are still open  could potentially be linked to him it is  said that Israel had a sort of  admiration and obsession with other  prolific serial killers like Ted Bundy  or Robert Hansen who he already talked  about today he even said quote I  probably know every single serial killer  that's ever been written about it's kind  of a hobby of mine so creepy in March of  2012 Israel was finally apprehended and  was to stand trial for his crimes but  unfortunately while waiting for trial he  went on to take his own life he left  behind a note and a drawing of 11 skulls  which led authorities to believe that  this may be the number of victims he had  starting off in our number 10 spot we  have Quincy Allen Quincy Allen is a man  who went on a crime spree between July  and August of 2002 where he took the  lives of four people his crime spree was  actually inspired while he was in prison  serving time for stealing a vehicle it  was here that a fellow inmate decided to  start recruiting others and told him  that he could get Quincy a job as a  mafia Hitman when Quincy was released he  decided to buy a shotgun so he could  start practicing man I really wish he  showed this kind of dedication to  literally anything else Quincy started  off this horrific crime spree on July 7  2002 by attacking a 51 year old homeless  man who was sleeping at the time luckily  this man was able to survive the attack  his crimes continued until he was  arrested on August 14 2002. after his  arrest in trial Quincy received a  sentence of death and is still on death  throw awaiting execution his sentencing  did not deter him from the criminal life  however as in 2009 Quincy along with  another inmate planned an attack on a  correctional officer at the prison they  both reside at Quincy was intended to be  executed on January 8 2010 but there was  a stay of execution that was accepted  and as of July 26 2022 literally just  over a month ago Quincy's death sentence  was overturned in our number 9 today we  have the Golden State killer the Golden  State killer is one of the most famous serial killers of all time and he  managed to elude police for 30 years  from 1973 to 1986 the GSK was  responsible for taking the lives of 13  people harming 50 and 120 different  burglaries all across California  throughout the investigation process he  used different tactics to both taunt and  threaten police and victims which is  just another level of being messed up if  you don't know how this story ends  buckle up though because it is wild so  you know those like family DNA tests  like 23andMe where you send in your DNA  and then they send you back your  genealogy well basically these kinds of  services helped identify who the real  golden state killer was in 2018 when  detective Paul holes and FBI lawyer  Steve Kramer uploaded the Golden State  killer DNA profile which they were able  to obtain from the crime scenes to the  website GED match they were able to find  10 to 20 people who had the same great  great grandparents as this DNA match  from there a genealogist made a large  family tree and then they were able to  single out two main suspects after  covertly collecting DNA samples from one  of the suspects and comparing them to  the crime scene DNA they were finally  able to arrest Joseph James D'Angelo who  is the Golden State killer after Decades  of waiting the victims of his crimes  were finally able to see Justice served  as he was sentenced to 12 life sentences  plus eight years he was spared the death  penalty because he admitted to numerous  crimes he had perpetrated some of which  he wasn't even being charged for he is  now 75 years old and will definitely  spend the rest of his life in prison in  our number 8 spot today we have David  Berkowitz David Berkowitz or the Son of  Sam is an American serial killer who  terrorized New York from July of 1976 to  July of 1977. he took the lives of six  people and wounded seven others all  while eluding the biggest Manhunt in New  York City history he was one of those  arrogant ones who leaves like little  notes for the police promising to do it  again but his arrogant self was caught  for his crimes and he was arrested on  August 10 1977 and was indicted for his  crimes he confessed to all of them and  claimed that he was just obeying the  orders of a demon that had manifested  itself in the form of a dog that  belonged to his neighbor he was found  mentally competent to stand trial and he  pleaded guilty to his crimes which left  him sentenced to six consecutive life  sentences he later admitted to making up  the dog story which like yeah duh but he  did say that he was a member of a  violent satanic cult and his crimes were  committed as a part of that these claims  were investigated but no one has ever  been able to confirm or deny them in our  number 7 spot today we have Tex Watson  Tex Watson was one of the central  members of the Manson family which was  led by Charles Manson and he was a  willing participant for the horrible  Tate and labianca crimes that took place  on August 9th and 10th 1969. in October  of 1969 Tex knew his arrest was coming  so he fled to his home state of Texas  but was later arrested and extradited  back to California once he was in  California he refused to talk or eat and  ended up losing 55 pounds which got him  sent to get tested to see if he was fit  to strand trial which he was in 1971 he  was convicted on seven counts of first  degree on alive and one count of  conspiracy to commit unalive he  originally received a death sentence but  it ended up being commuted to life in  prison get this you guys though he was  able to release a book while in prison  and he got married and through conjugal  visits he was able to have four children  four children but thankfully in 1996  they banned those kinds of visits for  people serving life in prison and in  2003 he got divorced because his wife  had met someone else like I hope so in  our number six spot today we have Scott  Erskine early on life Scott began to  commit violent crimes against others  that I truly cannot even speak about  here on YouTube they're so bad he spent  four years in prison for one of these  crimes when he was around 17 years old  but when he was paroled after the four  years he immediately began committing  crimes again in 1993 Scott invited a  woman who was waiting for the bus into  his home and ended up holding her  hostage for several days after letting  her go he was quickly arrested and ended  up being sentenced to 70 years in prison  this is when he had to submit DNA to a  database and in March of 2001 that DNA  was matched when the cold cases of the  unsolved killings of Jonathan Sellers  and Charlie Keever were reopened in 2004  a jury sentenced him to death and six  days later he was transferred to San  Quentin in an interesting turn of events  Scott did die on death row but it wasn't  due to a scheduled execution Scott died  a couple of years ago in July of 2020  after Contracting covid-19 in our number  5 spot today we have Charles ing Charles  story starts off shortly after he moved  to the United States on student visa he  dropped out after his first semester and  soon after he was involved in a  hit-and-run accident he then tried to  avoid prosecution by enlisting in the  United States Marine Corps using false  documents that stated his birthplace was  within the United States he was arrested  by military police a year later for  stealing automatic weapons and then  somehow he escaped custody headed back  toward Northern California and this is  where he met Leonard Lake who is another  real piece of work Charles did end up  going away and serving a bit of time but  it was only 18 months and he was back  with Leonard and that is when the two  started their crime spree It is believed  that together the pair took the lives of  somewhere from 11 to 25 different people  when Leonard was caught and brought in  for questioning he sneakily took a  cyanide pill he had hidden in his jacket  and took his own life but Charles ended  up standing trial he was convicted for  11 of the killings and he remains on  death row at San Quentin in our number  four spot today we have Sean great Shawn  is a serial killer who committed a  series of crimes from 2006 until he was  apprehended in 2016. throughout his  decade of criminal activity it is  thought that he took the lives of at  least five people so basically his story  is a little confusing but in September  of 2016 Sean was arrested and later  indicted for two killings as well as a  kidnapping and harming a woman whose  9-1-1 call actually led to his arrest at  the same time in another County next  door 4 he was also being charged with  two other deaths as well as another one  from all the way back in 2016. this  final count from all of those years ago  was actually an unsolved Jane Doe case  who had been unidentified for 12 years  when Sean confessed to this crime he  wasn't even sure who she was he just  said he believed her name was Dana on  May 7 2018 Sean was convicted on two of  the counts and on March 1st 2019 he  pleaded guilty to two of the others and  on September 11 2019 he pleaded guilty  to the additional count in the end he  was sentenced to death and has remained  on death row since that final plea and  sentencing and he is currently scheduled  to be executed in 2025. in our number  three spot today we have the Zodiac  Killer this one had to make it on this  list because while there are a plethora  of terrifying people on this list  nothing is as terrifying as an uncaught serial killer and the zodiac is  definitely the most prolific of them all  the Zodiac Killer took the lives of five  people in the San Francisco Bay area  between 1968 and October of 1969. he was  most known for targeting young couples  or a lone male cab driver despite two  people luckily and thankfully escaping  his attempted evil doings he has still  never been caught while no one has heard  from the Zodiac since 1974 the case  remains active in many different  counties and maybe one day we'll finally  know who the real zodiac is in our  number two spot today we have Dale  hausner and Samuel dietman known as the  serial Shooters the crimes these guys  committed are definitely on the list of  fears I have which I'm pretty sure  spawned from a Criminal Minds episode  These two were actively committing these  crimes between May of 2005 and August of  2006. basically there were arsonists who  had randomly set fire into objects but  they would also drive around and commit  random drive-by shootings that's the  really scary part the fire thing is also  bad don't get me wrong there's just  something about completely random  violence that absolutely terrifies me in  the end a series of tips is what led  investigators to identify the  perpetrators of these horrible crimes in  particular one from a friend of Samuel  who explained that Sam had actually  confessed to some of the killings one  night while during drinking in Dale's  trial he was found guilty of 80 out of  the 87 felony charges that were brought  forth and that was all in one single  trial in the end he was sentenced to  death six times and his brother who was  later found out to have assisted in some  of the crimes was sentenced to 25 years  Samuel was sentenced to life in prison  without the possibility of parole and  our number one spot today we have the  doodler while this nickname sounds very  sweet it like everything else on this  list is very Sinister the nickname that  this unidentified killer received is due  to his practice of sketching his victims  before taking their lives this  unidentified killer committed their  crimes in the San Francisco area from  January of 1974 to September of 1975 and  they specifically targeted gay men It is  believed that 14 deaths can be  attributed to this killer while three  others were injured in the process  unfortunately because of the stigma and  sensitivity surrounding gay men at the  time the three who survived this monster  were very reluctant when speaking with  the authorities for fear of being outed  as a result of it this has led to there  being very little information for them  to work with in terms of identifying the  man responsible for a while there was a  primary suspect but that person has  never been officially charged because  sadly none of the survivors felt  comfortable enough to testify in court  starting off in our number 10 spot we  have the River City Ripper one of the  most terrifying things that exists are  serial killers who are still on the  loose especially when you find out that  they've been recently active this serial  killer is wanted in connection to four  different incidents that occurred in  Little Rock Arkansas three of which were  fatal these horrific crimes took place  between August of 2020 and April of 2021  and despite one of the victims  thankfully surviving the attack and  being able to provide a description of  the assailant there is still very little  to go on in terms of being able to  identify this horrible human the FBI was  contacted shortly after their Survivor  was able to give a testimony to  authorities and their behavioral  analysis team created a profile of this  unidentified killer these crimes are  terrible any way you spin them but one  of the most terrifying Parts is the that  they were all just random acts of  violence that occurred completely  unprovoked the case has gained quite a  bit of attention but still the monster  remains at large in our number nine spot  today we have Tommy Lynn cells before I  get into this one guys please don't  forget to hit that thumbs up if you're  enjoying the video it really does help  us out Tommy Lynn sells was an American serial killer who is responsible for 22  confirmed deaths but authorities have  said that they know that there are more  I actually watched an interview that he  did and one of the aspects that scared  me the most while watching him talk  about his crimes is how you can tell  that he committed these acts because he  wanted to and because he liked it in the  end Tommy was caught because of someone  who survived his attack in the most  incredible way she was able to go on and  give such a good description of him that  it led to his capture and she was able  to positively identify him not only did  she save her own life but who knows how  many others in the end Tommy and his  crimes were deemed so horrific that he  received the death sentence while in  jail he said that there wasn't one day  that went by where he didn't think about  quote The One That Got Away which is  absolutely chilling Tommy's life came to  an end when he was executed on April 3rd  2014. in our number 8 spot today we have  Glenn Stewart Godwin man this guy  definitely has quite the history so  basically in 1980 Glenn was working in  California and didn't really have too  much of a criminal record for some  reason he and his roommate however  decided to make a plan to Rob someone  that they knew who was once a friend of  theirs of course things go awry and it  turns into a botched robbery and Glenn  ends up taking the life of the person  they were robbing also this isn't  necessarily important to what we're  talking about today but it's so unhinged  I just can't leave it out in an attempt  to destroy evidence Glenn tried to blow  up the crime scene the explosive went  off but obviously they were still able  to figure out who committed the crime  both Glenn and his roommate were both  tried and convicted for the crimes in  1983. this of course is not where the  story ends in 1987 Glenn tried to escape  prison and failed and this landed him at  a higher security prison Folsom State  Prison which is maximum security somehow  once at this new prison he attempted  another escape and this time was  successful he fled to Mexico where he  tried unsuccessfully to be a part of the  illegal drug trade he was arrested again  and sentenced in Mexico and this is when  American authorities began the process  of getting him extradited during this  process Glenn decided that it would be a  brilliant idea to take the life of an  inmate who was a member of the Mexican  drug cartel which very obviously slowed  the process of extradition this gave him  time to plan another Escape which he did  in 1991 and since then he's been on the  Run no one knows where he is how lovely  in our number 7 spot today we have Rose  West Rose West is an English serial  killer who committed her crimes  alongside her husband he definitely also  would make a spot on this list but he  decided to take his own life in 1995  after being arrested while awaiting  trial the terrible pair were  investigated and subsequently arrested  for taking nine lives together with with  rose receiving an additional charge for  another 10th life during the court  proceedings against the advice of her  Council Rose decided that she would  testify herself and what a trip that was  during her testimony she sometimes was  very tearful and very dramatic but of  course an act like that can be hard to  keep up so other times she was just  cracking jokes and laughing imagine  doing your type 5 while you're on trial  for the worst of the worst crimes  luckily it seems as though the jury  hated that as much as I do because they  all came back with a unanimous verdict  of guilty on all 10 crimes in prison  Rose West met Myra hindley which if you  don't know who that is she committed a  bunch of very similar crimes with her  partner as well and the two became  besties and even had an affair in jail  but throughout the whole thing Rose is  still trying to say that she was totally  innocent and that Fred was completely  responsible for all of the crimes so  wild in our number six spot today we  have Chester Turner Chester is an  American serial killer who on April 30th  2007 was convicted of taking the lives  of 11 women in the Los Angeles air area  and on June 19 2014 he was convicted of  four more that they were able to tie  back to him he has been referred to by  prosecutors as one of the most prolific  serial killers in the city's history and  if you know Los Angeles's history with  things like that that is not something  to take lightly due to other crimes that  Chester had committed where he was  caught he had to submit a DNA sample the  sample is what ended up leading  authorities to solving these horrific  crimes that he had committed at the time  these cases were turning cold but  thankfully Chester being caught for  other crimes is what allowed them to  have a break in the case in his original  trial that led to conviction Chester was  sentenced to death but at the following  one in 2014 he also received an  additional death sentence in our number  five spot today we have Gary Ridgeway  his horrible human being is also  sometimes known as the Green River  Killer and his crimes took place  somewhere between 1982 to potentially as  recent as 2001. he was convicted for 49  crimes but confessed to an unbelievable  71 which makes him the second most  prolific serial killer in the United  States in terms of confirmed killings  most of his victims were either sex  workers or women in other vulnerable  circumstances and through DNA profiling  evidence in 2001 authorities were able  to connect him to four of his crimes  from there they made a deal with him  where they would spare him the death  sentence in exchange for the disclosure  of the locations of all of the missing  women Gary took the deal and was spared  to death sentence and instead was  sentenced to life without the  possibility of parole he remains in  prison and is currently 73 years old in  our number 4 spot today we have the West  Mesa Bone Collector this is the name  used to describe an unidentified serial  killer who is said to be responsible for  taking the lives of 11 different women  whose remains were found buried in the  desert of West Mesa in 2009 it is  thought that this could be one person or  it could potentially be linked to some  sort of a group there have been tips  throughout the years and authorities  have worked hard to try and get to the  bottom of these crimes but still the  killer remains at large there have been  a few different suspects throughout the  years but there hasn't been enough  concrete evidence to charge anyone with  the crimes yet what's interesting about  this case is that although the remains  were found in 2009 according to  authorities upon examining satellite  images It is believed that the last of  the remains were placed there in 2005.  in our number three spot today we have  Heber Mullin it is said that Hebert  before his crime spree was quite bright  and well liked he was voted most likely  to succeed in high school but by his  mid-30s his life had taken a dark dark  turn and he was now a serial killer who  would go on to take the lives of at  least 13 people to be perfectly honest  Hebert definitely had some mental  illness struggles that greatly  contributed to the horrific crimes that  he committed that does not excuse what  he has done but it would be completely  unfair not to mention that part of the  Story Experts have explained that Hebert  suffers from paranoid schizophrenia and  he believed that his crimes were  preventing earthquakes in California he  only believed this sort of fantasy more  after his arrest because coincidentally  there were no earthquakes in California  during his crime spree but there was one  shortly after his arrest in 1973 he was  sentenced to life in prison and although  he has been up for parole a number of  times he has been denied every time with  the next hearing taking place in 2025.  in our number two spot today we have  Jeffrey Dahmer this is one man who was  exceptionally terrifying because of his  actions but he was also very very smart  which adds an extra layer of Terror to  this one Dahmer who became known as the  Milwaukee monster is one of the most  prolific serial killers ever and  considering everyone we've talked about  today we know that's not an easy title  to get he became fixated with animals at  a young age and if you're interested in  True Crime and criminology you know what  happens next and how bad of a sign it is  Dahmer dropped out of business school  due to alcohol after just three months  and enlisted in the U.S army to train as  a medical specialist but that didn't  last long as he was discharged after he  attacked two fellow soldiers after this  Dahmer fell hard into alcoholism and  this is when he went on his killing  spree just to be clear those two things  are not related I know you know that but  I don't want anyone to think otherwise  between 1971 and 1999 Dahmer went on to  take the lives of 17 people and some of  the things that came after included the  permanent preservation of the body parts  typically all or part of the skeleton so  yeah  yeah things were very very dark one of  his victims was able to escape and  booked it to the police which is of  course what led to Dahmer being caught  for his atrocious crimes when they got  there the chief medical examiner  remarked that it was more like  dismantling someone's museum than an  actual crime scene in the end Dahmer was  tried and convicted and sentenced to 15  life imprisonments and in February of  1992 he received an additional life  sentence for a crime he hadn't yet been  tried for that occurred in Ohio in our  number one spot today we have  Christopher scarver on June 1st 1990  Christopher showed up at the Wisconsin  Conservation Corps training program  office and there he demanded money from  the man he found when the man only gave  him fifteen dollars Christopher went on  to shoot him Christopher then went and  demanded money from another man and  continued to shoot the man that he had  already shot until this second man gave  him more money Christopher was caught  and convicted for this atrocious crime  but his story does not end here on  November 28 1994 Christopher was  assigned work detail with two other  inmates one was Jesse Anderson who had  taken the life of his own wife and the  other was none other than the man we  just talked about prolific serial killer  and monster Jeffrey Dahmer well when the  three were left alone Christopher took a  bar from a piece of equipment in the  exercise room and he used that to  basically beat and then kill the other  two not gonna lie there is no excuse and  no reason for any of the crimes that  these people committed including these  ones but there is a very weird sort of  poetic justice to that Christopher was  tried again for these two crimes and  received two more life sentences  starting off this list in our number 10  spot we have the alphabet there are a  lot of scary people on this list today  but some of the scariest people out  there are the ones we know have  committed horrific crimes but have yet  to be identified yes we are talking cold  cases unsolved crimes right now and we  are talking one of the worst the  alphabet killings are a series of  unsolved crimes named because of how  each victim had their first initial that  matched their last so like their first  name and their last name started with  the same letter they know the crimes are  linked or at least have reason to  suspect they are because of a similar Mo  that includes how the life was taken and  where the remains were placed afterwards  they were all taken in a similar area  around a similar time there are theories  and suspects as to who could have  committed these horrific crimes but as  of right now no one knows for sure these  crimes were committed between 1971 and  1973 in Rochester New York and because  of the timing it's possible that whoever  committed these crimes could still be  alive but perhaps they're not  authorities despite having an immensely  difficult job placed in front of them  are still committed and trying to solve  this case in our number 9 spot today we  have John Wayne Gacy with a nickname  like killer clown it is abundantly clear  why everyone would want to stay away  from this actual monster he got his  start in this horrifying nickname by  being a clown for children's birthday  parties charitable events and that sort  of thing according to Gacy himself all  of his crimes were committed inside of  his ranch house where he would lure his  victims into he would then trick them  into wearing handcuffs under the  pretense that he was going to show some  sort of a magic trick and from here the  horror unfortunately ensued it is  thought that he took the lives of  somewhere around 33 young men most of  which he buried in a crawl space in his  home on the evening of December 11 1978  Gacy took the life of his last victim  Robert peist Casey lured the young man  in when he went into the pharmacy that  he worked at and while talking with the  store owner loudly declared so that  Robert could hear that he often hired  teenagers for his firm at a starting  rate of five dollars per hour which was  double what Robert was getting at the  pharmacy in hopes of getting a new good  job Robert ended up inquiring further  after his shift at the pharmacy was over  when Robert's mother filed a missing  persons report the pharmacy owner was  able to explain that Gacy was likely the  person he went to speak to about a job  and when the police looked into Gacy's  background all the pieces were there  just waiting to be put together  subsequent investigation questioning and  searches LED police to gather all of the  evidence they needed to arrest and  charge him and his conviction for 33  killings was at the time the most by one  individual in the United States legal  history he was sentenced to death on  March 13 1980 and on May 10 1994 he was  executed by lethal injection and I'm not  gonna lie I think that's something we  can all be grateful for in our number 8  spot today we have Delphine lalori  Delphine was a New Orleans socialite who  is an evil person behind closed doors it  is said that in public Delphine was  polite and appeared as if she cared for  those who were enslaved in her home  which is the most ridiculous sentence  I've ever said but that's what the  accounts of people who lived in this  time said delphine's social standing  remained until on April 10 1834  authorities responded to a fire at her  Royal Street Mansion when they arrived  and went inside no one was prepared for  the horrors they were about to see I as  they discovered bound slaves in her  attic who had clear signs of violent  violent Behavior over a very long period  of time following this her house was  swarmed by an outraged group of New  Orleans citizens but somehow Delphine  was able to escape with her family to  France while the angry group destroyed  her entire home Delphi never faced any  punishments for her crimes which is one  of the most frustrating endings to this  horrible awful story in our number 7  SWAT today we have Lester Eubanks if  you're a fan of Unsolved Mysteries you  might be familiar with this story Lester  is a man who is convicted and sentenced  to prison in 1966 for taking someone's  life in December of 1973 Lester was a  part of an honor assignment that gave  him the opportunity to be at the mall to  do some Christmas shopping while at the  mall he ended up escaping custody and  has been on the run ever since through  investigations into his family and  friends police were led to a center for  troubled youth where he was said to have  been working but Lester was nowhere to  be found the most recent development in  this case came in 2019 when Lester's  biological son agreed to give a DNA  sample which could be used to link  Lester to recent crimes and maybe give  an idea on where he could be hiding but  FBI policies that you cannot search  using a family member's DNA it's crazy  that someone could be on the run for so  long without anyone recognizing or  finding them and it makes me really  wonder if anyone in his new life knows  about his dark past in our number 6 Spot  today we have the Honolulu killer this  is another one of those pesky horrifying  unidentified cereal to of course was  active in and around Honolulu Hawaii  these crimes took place in 1985 and 1986  and throughout those years it is said  that whoever is responsible for these  crimes took the lives of at least five  women the women seemingly didn't have  any connection to each other as they  were all from different walks of life  but because of the gruesome similarities  of each crime authorities were able to  determine that they were likely  committed by the same person despite the  years it's been the perpetrator has  never been identified and could still be  out there somewhere hiding from taking  responsibility for their actions in our  number 5 spot today we have Daniel Perez  Daniel Perez might be better known by  his Alias Lou Castro but he truthfully  is just best not being known at all  because he sucks Daniel led a cult that  was located on a 20 acre property in a  rural area just north of Wichita he  convinced his followers that he had  magical powers and he told them all that  he was a centuries-old angel who needed  to commit some horrific crimes in order  to stay alive weird story these crimes  would have certainly been more than  enough to throw him on this list but he  of course just couldn't stop at  committing one type of crime he had to  make sure he just really stole the show  on being the worst basically he had this  clever idea to use his followers life  insurance policies to live a lavish  lifestyle like as if no one would think  that's weird or suspicious while some of  these life insurance policies were  collected through regular means of  course that kind of greed only leads to  evil things which of course means that  he ended up taking one of his followers  lives so he could collect the cash it is  thought that he also contributed to the  deaths of some of the other people's  life insurance policies he cashed in on  but unfortunately there was never any  evidence that would be able to  substantiate that claim despite this  however on April 21st 2010 authorities  were able to arrest Daniel and he was  charged with 28 felonies in February of  2015 he was convicted on all counts and  received a sentence of 80 years in jail  in her number 4 spot today we have the  I-70 this is the name of what is  believed to be an unidentified serial  who is known to have taken the lives of  six store clerks in the midwest in the  spring of 1992. the reason he is  referred to as the I-70 killer is  because most of the stores were just a  few miles off of Interstate 70. While  most of his victims were women there was  one man but it is believed that he may  have been expecting a female employee  the killings were clearly the main  objective of his crimes as well  considering the fact that at each scene  the there was only a small amount of  cash that was taken aside from these  initial six crimes it is thought that he  also might be responsible for the deaths  of three more store clerks in Texas in  1993 and 1994 as well as one more in  Indiana in 2001. this story has been  featured on episodes of Unsolved  Mysteries America's Most Wanted and dark  minds but despite this whoever is  responsible has never been identified in  our number three spot today we have Ted  Kaczynski Ted Kaczynski is most often  referred to as the Unabomber due to the  atrocious crimes that he committed he  was known as being quite bright from a  young age and it is believed that he had  an IQ of about  167. he was accepted into Harvard at the  age of just 16 and he went on to receive  a PhD at 25 things were still looking  bright for the guy as he had landed  himself a job as an assistant professor  at the University of California Berkeley  but two years later he resigned from  that position and his life took quite a  drastic and dark turn in 1971 it is said  that Ted moved to a remote cabin in  Montana that had no electricity or  running water from 1971 until 1977 Ted  learned to live a Hermit Off the Grid  style life while learning different  survival skills but once 1978 rolled  around he was ready to start his Terror  campaign from here until 1995 he began a  nationwide thing against people who were  involved with modern technology he  planted these weapons or would mail them  and in the end took the lives of three  people and severely injured 23. just  like many of these kinds of people his  own ego and delusions got in the way  because on April 24 1995 he sent an  anonymous handwritten letter that was  addressed to the police via the New York  Times his own brother ended up  recognizing his handwriting however and  that's the tip that he gave to the FBI  Ted was captured tried and sentenced to  life in prison with no possibility of  Parole in our number two spot today we  have Dorothea Puente you know the saying  don't judge a book by its cover well  this is certainly a case of that if you  took one glance at Dorothea and knew  nothing about her you'd probably assume  she was someone's kind Grandma who also  had some cookies and a glass of milk  waiting around but that could not be any  further from the actual truth she was  actually a cereal and she decided to  Prey Upon some of the most vulnerable  people in our communities people who  were seeking help and assistance  Dorothea operated a large rooming house  that was set in a large Victorian home  in Sacramento California the residents  who would often stay there were people  who struggled with different substances  such as alcohol people who had been in  Mental Hospitals and the elderly all of  these people were receiving Social  Security checks and if they suddenly  vanished she figured no one would ask in  1982 they did begin to vanish but of  course their Social Security checks were  continually being cached of course as it  turns out Dorothea was taking their  lives and then their money she has now  been called The Landlady from hell in  our number one spot today we have Albert  Fish Albert is one of the oldest people  on this list but that does not mean his  crimes were any less horrific than  anyone else's dubbed the Brooklyn  vampire or the moon Maniac or even the  boogeyman himself it is clear that  Albert was a terrible human being who  did Terrible Things in the early 1900s  Albert was arrested tried and convicted  for killing and eating three people but  the horror was not over here no Albert  began to claim that although people knew  about three the number was actually  closer to 100 and he even claimed that  he had some in every state that's  disgusting to make matters even worse as  if this wasn't already terrible enough  this deranged lunatic also sent a letter  to the mother of one of his victims he  detailed everything about how he lured  her and the rest of the horrific things  that occurred afterwards like how he  proceeded to eat her over the course of  nine days yeah this is another person  that I'm not sad at all that they don't  exist anymore it's perfectly fine by me  starting off in our number 10 spot we  have Keith Hunter jesperson also known  as the Happy Face Killer Keith was so  desperate for attention for his crimes  it might have led to his own demise  Keith is a killer who after the body of  his first victim was found had someone  else actually claim to be responsible  for his crimes when you're trying to get  away with killing people having someone  else falsely confess to your crime would  likely seem like the best case scenario  right well not for Keith he wanted to be  known for his crimes so to help himself  get media attention he drew a smiley  face on a bathroom wall hundreds of  miles away from his crime scene and here  he left an anonymous letter where he  confessed to the crime and provided  proof he didn't end up receiving a reply  so he decided to write more letters to  the media and to authorities each signed  with a smiley face in the end Keith was  initially caught after he became the  prime suspect in the death of his  girlfriend at the time previously his  victims had been people he had no  connection to So This truly was the  mistake the authorities needed to catch  him Keith then admitted to his crimes  and while he has formally been linked to  eight deaths he is confessed to  somewhere around  185 Keith was tried and sentenced to  life without parole for his heinous  crimes and he remains in prison at  Oregon State penitentiary in our number  nine spot today we have Franklin Dwayne  Alex Franklin is a man who had quite an  insane crime spree that lasted for about  six months in the 1990s although short  it was anything but sweet the Spree  started off in August of 1997 in Houston  Texas over the course of this spree  Franklin took the lives of at least  three people he committed robberies he  harmed people he attempted to take more  lives where thankfully the people  survived he kidnapped people literally  any serious crime he could commit during  those six months he was doing it in the  end Franklin was caught and put on trial  for his crime spree and he received a  sentence of death which was carried out  on March 30th 2010. in our number eight  spot today we have David Parker Ray  often referred to as the toy box killer  this guy is anything but fun this serial  killer nickname comes from how he  soundproofed a semi-trailer which he  called his toy box and he equipped it  full of everything a nightmare human  being would need to commit his horrific  crimes here's the thing although he was  highly suspected of Taking Lives there  was never enough evidence to prove it  because the bodies were never found this  means that although many people are  quite sure that he did such things he  was never officially tried for it he was  however tried and convicted for  kidnapping as well as for harming those  he had taken he would sometimes include  his wife in these instances that she was  a willing participant and then many of  those he took he would later drop off on  the side of the road somewhere after  using perpetuates in an attempt to  destroy their memories that could  potentially identify him whether he took  any lives or not is still up for debate  I suppose but that does not mean he is  any better than anyone else on this list  he is equally as horrible of a person in  the end David was convicted for his  crimes which is thought to be up in the  range of about 60 instances in 2001 and  then he died of a heart attack in 2002  in prison in our number seven spot today  we have Arthur across this man is also  known as the Genesee River Killer and  his crime spree began in 1972 in trying  to navigate these online guidelines I  can't exactly say who he specifically  targeted but what I will say is that  while everyone on this list is  particularly horrible Arthurs were some  of the worst of the worst if you catch  my drift this story however is a little  unlike some of the others today because  after the first two of his crimes he was  apprehended but for some insane reason  they allowed him to have a plea bargain  where he was allowed to plead guilty to  just one charge of only manslaughter for  which he served 14 years of his 25-year  sentence in the least surprising turn of  events once he was released on early  probation his real crime spree got  started he would go on to take the lives  of 12 women from 1988 and 1989.  thankfully he was finally caught for  these crimes and sent right back to  prison of course his initial early  release was the subject of huge  controversy rightfully and Dr Michael H  Stone professor of Psychiatry at  Columbia University called this early  release quote one of the most egregious  examples of the unwarranted release of a  prisoner in the end Arthur passed away  in prison while serving a 250 year  sentence he passed in 2008 after  suffering a heart attack in our number  six spot today we have Richard Ramirez  Richard who is also known as The Night  Stalker was a serial killer who  terrorized the streets of Los Angeles in  the 1980s he was known for his Mo of  invading homes which left him initially  being dubbed as the walk-in killer but  he had another signature that was  concerning to many people especially  during the height of this satanic Panic  Richard was known for leaving behind  different satanic messages at the scene  of his crimes because of his satanic  signature after he left his first  pentagram at the scene of the crime  authorities became worried that he was a  Charles Manson copycat but instead he  was just his own kind of monster it had  said that he would leave more pentagrams  behind while also telling his victims to  swear to Satan instead of God during his  court appearances he would hold up a  pentagram and after pleading not guilty  he said hail Satan in our number five  spot today we have the Colonial Parkway  monster between 1986 and 1989 there were  three couples who were found in their  cars after their lives had been taken  and all of these couples were found  along Virginia's Colonial Parkway  although this is a horrific thing that  investigators believed to be linked all  these years later whoever is responsible  for these crimes remains somewhere at  large there are plenty of theories as to  who could have done this just like with  any Cold Case of this kind but  terrifyingly many people believe that  the culprit may have been someone  impersonating a police officer this is  because each of the victims were found  with their glove compartments open which  some believe indicates that they were  reaching for their registration and this  might be the reason as to why they even  pulled over in the first place this is  just a theory however and true or not at  this point it isn't bringing us any  closer to finding out who is really  responsible for these horrific crimes in  our number 4 spot today we have Michael  Bear Carson and Susan Carson this couple  is not one that anyone would want to  encounter the stories of these two come  from the 80s they were married and on  the outside they appear just like a  couple of harmless hippies we all know  not to judge a book by its cover though  in the end they would go on to become  known as the San Francisco witch Killers  yeah not just a thing for Salem in the  1600s unfortunately basically together  the pair took the lives of three  separate people between 1981 and 1983.  they started off by killing their  roommate who Susan claimed was a witch  and said that she was stealing her quote  Health power and Beauty sounds like  someone was a little jealous to me they  next killed one guy that they worked on  a farm with because they said that he  was a demon the final person they took  the life of unfortunately picked up the  pair as they were hitchhiking and they  took his life because they claimed that  he was a quote black witch whatever that  means essentially they were just  committing crimes against people that  they claimed to be witches the pair were  each tried and convicted for each  separate crime and are both serving  sentences of 75 years to life no neither  of them have shown any kind of remorse  for what they've done in our number  three spot today we have Kenneth Bianchi  the Hillside Strangler which was later  found out to be a pair of cousins  working together were Kenneth Bianchi  and Angelo buono Jr the two were charged  and convicted for harming and taking the  lives of 10 separate women together with  Kenneth taking the lives of two others  on his own after an extremely intensive  investigation and the arrest of the two  Kenneth began to try and set up an  insanity defense he claimed  disassociative identity disorder he  blamed his alter ego Steve for the  horrific multitude of crimes luckily  however a court psychologist Dr Martin  orn observed him and his behavior and  found that his claims were untrue after  being presented with this finding  Kenneth agreed to plead guilty and  testify against his cousin in exchange  for leniency on his sentence he ended up  being sentenced to life in prison with  his cousin getting sentenced to life  without the possibility of parole while  Angelo had a heart attack in passage  2002 Kenneth still remains in prison in  our number two spot today we have Vicki  Dawn Jackson Vicki was a woman who  worked as a nurse for a number of years  she first got her nursing license in  1989 but it wasn't until the 2000s when  things took a very dark turn between  December of 2000 and February of 2001  the hospital that Vicki was working for  recorded a number of deaths that was  unusual it was a higher amount most of  these patients were in the age range of  60 to 100 years old so of course people  just chalked this up to the advanced age  of most of these patients but a rumor  began to spread that someone just might  be responsible after this the hospital's  administrator noticed that a vial of  called mivacron had gone missing you  might see where I'm going with this as  it turns out the person responsible was  nurse Vicky and she had at least 10  patients whose lives she took by giving  them too much of this missing drug it  was a muscle relaxant take in that this  is 10 people between December and  February that is an unbelievable amount  of people in a remarkably short amount  of time you might be wondering why she  took these lives and apparently she did  it when she found those people rude or  quote too demanding in our number one  spot today we have the Axeman of New  Orleans unfortunately this is not the  name of some terrible horror flick and  instead it is the moniker given to a  terrible unidentified serial killer this  person was active in New Orleans  Louisiana and its surrounding areas from  May of 1918 to October 1919 as the name  implies those who were targeted by this  person were usually attacked with an ax  and it was usually one that actually  belonged to the victims themselves many  people believe that this person may have  been targeting people of Italian descent  because this was the theme among the  victims and some also believed that he  was mainly targeting women and only took  the lives of men when they tried to  intervene this is actually somewhat  supported by the homes where women were  killed but the men worked in the end  although this person is responsible for  taking at least 12 lives exactly who the  Axeman is or was remains a mystery.