10 Most Urban Legends Meet The Best Here

10 Most Urban Legends Meet The Best Here

Discover in this interesting article the most popular urban legends . Be captivated by a series of fantasy stories, beliefs and fears that are led into tales that may perhaps come true. A myth that walks in various cultures of the current civilization.

Before starting this fascinating section; narrating several of the urban legends, let us first explain what they are. So that you understand in context the symbolism and mythological aspect that they keep in their history. The urban legends are tall tales of an event, narrated mysterious and phantasmagorically. These stories are made up of characters and events that are real, with details that alter their content a bit.

The word urban is used because these stories are closely linked to the city. Its protagonists and settings take place in a metropolis full of streets, buildings and shopping centers. Specifically, urban legends are defined as fictional stories, and they are usually transmitted between people, and you tell the event truthfully. For some, they may have absurd and unusual characteristics. But for others these can be believed in their entirety, although there is no proof of what happened.

As a predominant feature in these stories, the narrator usually adds elements such as: the father of my neighbor, or the uncles of a colleague from work. This play on words adds some credibility to urban legends. At this point you can already deduce that perhaps you have heard a story. An example of these would be the one we listened to when we were little. When they told us, be careful with the white truck that circulates through the streets, since it is kidnapping children. Even though you never knew of a confirmed case, let alone seen it on the news.

So below we will tell you several urban legends that are very popular, no matter the culture, much less the language. There is always someone who brings out these fictional stories in a meeting. So get ready to meet them, orienting them in the same way that their content may be somewhat disturbing.

The ghost highway

It has been heard for years, passed from generation to generation. One of the most famous urban legends . Over time it has had alterations, these are due to evolution, changing the style of transport. The ghost highway is about a vehicle that stops in the middle of the road to give a ride to a young woman who asks to be transferred.

She is a young woman of few words, who gets into the car and sits on its back. Further on, the driver comes across several signs that warn of a very dangerous curve. As he passes it, the driver looks in the rear-view mirror and the girl has disappeared. Leaving him astonished at that situation, he continues on his way, and then at a crowded stop, he learns from the locals that he is a ghost.

A girl who died long ago in a fatal car accident, caused by the steep incline of the curve. And it appears to unsuspecting drivers, causing them to stop before taking the fatal angle. These urban legends are heard in almost all regions of long roads, in some it is a gentleman and in others a woman in a wedding dress.

But they all leave the same message, causing the unsuspecting driver to stop so as not to be surprised by the failure of the road that will be found later and can cause a tragedy.

The Lady in white

Marked by tragedy the spirit of a lazy lady in some rural areas, crying after the tragedy of having lost her children and husband. In search of revenge, he walks sobbing in the dark and cold nights. According to all list urban legends , this ghostly figure, in a white dress and long black hair. It is common for him to see her in the villages, and they say that if she walks, or you hear her wailing, it is because she comes from the soul of someone who is sick and about to die.

Each community narrates the loss of its family in a different way. You can hear it was after a strong fire, others say they drowned on one side. In context, this woman loses her family and dies of pain, vindictive and envious of those who are happy, she walks in the longest, coldest and darkest nights in search of a neglected soul.

Pokémon suicides

Did you know that in 1996 a new version of a famous Japanese video game was released: Pokémon red and green 1.0. This brought with it one of the most emblematic urban legends in the world. As it turns out, many young people, whose ages were between 10 and 15 years old, committed suicide.

Cutting their veins, poisoned, hanged and even jumped from high floors. All for having fallen under the influence of the game, which contained a song that affected their subconscious and led them to commit the fatal acts. The tune was called Lavender Town, in fact someone invented the Lavender Town Syndrome disease.

An event that went viral on all social networks worldwide. Loading on this game a myth that endangered the lives of children who listened to his song. Many rumors were given, but none had scientific basis. Some analysts found that these boys carried out the deadly acts after being a victim of bullying. An issue that is still debated before some believers. Giving rise to the legend of pokémon suicides.

The call comes from inside the house

Urban legends that are a true suspense. Starting the story with a teenage girl who babysat at night. This he did in the children's parents' own home. One day, mom and dad go out to dinner, they leave the babysitter in charge of their children, who were already sleeping in the upper part of the house.

After several hours, as she began to fall asleep sitting on the couch, the phone rings. He is a man who threatens her with death, at first she ignores him. But after so much insistence, fear takes hold of her. Scared, she calls the authorities for help, a request that is answered from the other side of the receiver by the men of the law.

While waiting for the police patrol to arrive, the young woman goes up to see if the children were still sleeping. And it is achieved with an atrocious scene. They are dead in their beds, savagely stabbed. Suddenly the phone for the umpteenth time. She hesitates to answer, panic overwhelms her. When he picks up the tone, the policeman is on the other side and he tells him that the call is coming from inside the house.

Kidney robbery

A story that leans towards organ trafficking or joining the AIDS club. A story that there will always be someone who keeps knowing a case of these. The son of a friend or the nephew of a neighbor. Urban legends that tell about a cheerful and very confident young man, who goes out on a night out, and suddenly feels hooked on an attractive girl.

A whole night of dancing, seduction and alcohol. The next morning he wakes up in a bathtub, filled with ice, in a humble room in a cheap hotel. Naked and in pain, he discovers that he has a surgical scar right where his kidney would be, no money, no wallet, no clothes. They have stripped it of everything. He asks for help and after some tests he receives the tragic news that a kidney has been removed.

The insect bite

A fictional tale that ends up being disgusting. Among urban legends, she is one of those that has been part of some horror movies. In short, it is about a young man who returns from a trip after several days of hiking through a wooded area. On its body it has several marks given by insects and mistreatment of the branches that it encountered in its path. One of these bites begins to be somewhat disturbing, it becomes inflamed, takes on a color between red and black, in addition to giving you a lot of fever, delusions and pain.

You go to the doctor and he makes an incision in the area of ​​the affected bite. Being stupefied, the doctor warns the young man that his days are in danger. This is because the insect that bites him had left their eggs under the skin and larvae have already formed, which are inside his body and feed on him.

The hook man

A couple is in the most idyllic moments of their relationship, they move away to a lonely place inside the vehicle, with a little music they begin to unleash an instant of passion. Until the melody is interrupted by the announcer, who announces to the community that a homicidal maniac has escaped. Among his most notable physical features is that he has a hook for one of his hands.

The girl gets restless and wants to go home, this is no longer the time for love. The young man insists on continuing, but cannot. They decide to retire home, but nevertheless he gets out of the car to perform a brief physiological need. Minutes pass and the girl observes that it takes too long, something fearful gets out of the car to look for him.

When she discovers that her loved one has been murdered and a hook is stuck in the suitcase of the car. One of the many urban legends that we can find in various horror stories. With certain alterations, this narrative ends the same way.

The ghost waiter

In these urban legends the ghost does not hurt, much less does a ruthless homicidal being appear. It is known that a gentleman arrives in a city after a long road trip. It was a business trip. Tired, he goes to the hotel bar where he would be staying and has a few alcoholic drinks, an extended and very enjoyable night, thanks to the good conversation he had with the barman.

Very late he decides to go to sleep and says goodbye, the next morning he attends his conference and at nightfall he seeks to enter the canteen. As you sit at the bar, you realize that there is another waiter. So he politely asks about his partner. This gentleman is confused, and explains to the customer that they were closed the night before.

The traveler cannot believe it, his mind is disturbed, so he immediately describes the young man who had attended him and with whom he talked most of the night. It is here when the myth puts us on edge; He tells him that it was a colleague who passed away months ago.

Chain letters

Here many will feel identified, among urban legends this is one of the views today. The belief about the influence that chain messages can have. Those who deliver a message for reflection or talk about some life experience and then ask that it be sent to a certain number of people.

Doing so would receive some kind of health or financial prosperity benefit. One of the stories where many have fallen, and proof of this are the endless chain messages that roll and roll through social networks.

Adulterated food

Another of the most popular urban legends is the one that falls on companies that sell fast food. Where you can hear all kinds of stories of alleged employees, who maintain the hypothesis that dogs are used to produce meat, or that hamburger meats are from worms. Fizzy drinks that when mixed with some medicine produce hallucinogenic substances.

There really are many urban legends about adulterous foods, which can be turned into funny stories. They also tend to affect the credibility and quality of the stores that sell these products, being forced to carry out campaigns to prove that the stories are false.

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