Top 10 Terrifying Signals Heard By Submarines

Top 10 Terrifying Signals Heard By Submarines

 ocean mysteries don't just pertain to  the creatures that live in it sometimes  researchers or divers will hear  something coming from the depths of the  ocean that is both terrifying and  seemingly mysterious from some of the  classics like the bloop and julia to the  sounds of underwater volcanoes and  earthquakes all the way to some super  strange sounds coming from actual marine  creatures what is up top 10 fam welcome  back i am your host today olivia  kozolovsky and today we are diving in as  we cover the top 10 terrifying signals  heard by submarines starting off this  list in our number 10 spot we have this  haunting call whales truly are some of  the coolest animals on earth and  humpback whales are no exception the  males of the species are known for their  songs which last from 10 to 20 minutes  and are actually pretty complex they  will repeat these songs for hours at a  time and it honestly isn't exactly known  why they sing these songs at all all the  males in the group will produce the same  song and it will change seasonally the  females are also able to produce noise  but for some reason it is only the males  who seem to INDIAN URBAN LEGENDS produce these long songs it  is unclear how the whales even produce  these sounds however because they don't  actually have vocal cords this is all  super cool and interesting but the whole  reason you're here is for the sound so  let's take a listen to a more haunting  track released by the humpback whale  [Applause]  okay so please tell me i'm not alone in  thinking that that was the most  beautifully haunting sound i've ever  heard come from the sea but also imagine  being alone in the ocean not knowing  what that was and then hearing it  probably pretty terrifying right at  least we're all safe here in youtube  land in our number nine spot today we  have this marine chorus okay so out of  context if i played you this sound what  would you think it is  definitely not something underwater  right well as it turns out this sound  was indeed captured under the water and  these are the sounds of fish calls while  i always expected the chorus of marine  animals to sound a little more similar  to the stylings of sebastian the crab  apparently that isn't even close okay  i'm not gonna lie i didn't even know  that most fish had calls but it turns  out that our human ears just can't  perceive all of the hoots moans barks  and chirps that take place in the vast  seas this recording actually helped  scientists realize that there are fish  who sing together in a chorus every day  at dusk and dawn there have now been  around 800 species of fish that have  been identified and confirmed to make  some form of noise and apparently some  fish even engage in shouting matches in  noisier parts of the ocean which is kind  of hilarious to imagine i guess on the  list of creepy noises this one is less  creepy and more just informative in our  number 8 spot today we have the whistle  this is a sound that was first recorded  in 1997 by the noaa and was the source  of many mysteries for years while people  speculated about what may have caused  the sound while it still isn't exactly  clear it is now believed that the sound  may have come from an underwater volcano  eruption if you didn't know underwater  or submarine volcanoes are located in  all oceans on our earth and they're  extremely interesting there are certain  kinds of marine animals that only exist  near these extreme environments many  submarine volcanoes are located near the  areas of tectonic plate formations which  are also known as mid-ocean ridges  there's a youtube user called some  canadian and they left a comment on a  video of this whistle sound that pretty  much sums it up exactly BLOODY MARY URBAN LEGENDS first we'll  listen to the sound played at 10 times  the original speed  the comment read quote it could be the  sound of something moving through  tunnels one volcanic eruptions and gases  two something big and hungry you choose  i think they might really be on to  something there in our number seven spot  today we have blue why are all the  weirdest ocean sounds first recorded in  1997. bloop is another one that came  from that year and it was a loud and  unusual sound that was placed as  occurring several times off the southern  coast of south america and it was so  loud that it could be heard over 5 000  kilometers away at first researchers  were confused because while the sound  was actually similar to known sounds of  living creatures it was just way too  loud that not even the blue whale the  largest living creature could have  produced it so what is it then well as  it turns out it is in fact not the  kraken and instead it is actually  consistent with ice quakes that are  generated by large icebergs as they  crack and fracture it seems like this  sound going with that explanation  doesn't really make sense but hey i'm no  scientist but here's the sound for you  to judge for yourself  in our number six spot today we have the  western pacific biotwang in 2014  researchers and scientists heard weird  sounds coming from the mariana trench  which for the record seems like the  worst place for there to be strange  noises coming from for years experts  couldn't pin down this sound and it was  dubbed the western pacific biotwang and  while there is now a theory that was  proposed by researchers from oregon  state university they have also said  that they might be entirely wrong first  for reference here's a little clip of  the sound i'm talking about  okay so if you're like me my mind  immediately went to something alien  related or some sort of creature that  perhaps we haven't yet discovered i mean  this is the mariana trench we're talking  about the theory put forward by the  oregon state researchers was that  perhaps this may be a new type of baleen  whale call okay that's probably the best  of all of the options but i really don't  like when someone tells me the answer to  a scientific mystery only to TOP SCIENCE FACTS tell me  that that might not actually be the  answer at all while the low part of the  sound would make sense to attribute to  the baleen whale it's the end  high-pitched twangy part that would be  incredibly unique the wide range of  frequencies in the sound are what  continues to baffle those who are trying  to find the source of this mysterious  sound in our number five spot today we  have julia julia is a sound that was  recorded in 1999 by the u.s national  oceanic and atmospheric administration  or noaa which i've already talked about  today it sounds like it could be  straight out of a horror movie so  considering it was a sound that came  from our ocean and at first no one could  tell where it had come from it really  was quite frightening the sound has now  likely been demystified as researchers  are pretty positive they know the origin  of it it is now believed that this sound  was caused by an iceberg running aground  off antarctica the sound however was  insanely loud it was so loud that it  could be heard over the entire  equatorial pacific ocean autonomous  hydrophone array researchers were later  able to narrow down what they believe  may have been the point where the sound  originated although they've never  actually been able to pinpoint it  exactly most of the time when people  hear the julia sound they hear it sped  up at 16 times the original speed but  today we are going to listen to a clip  of the sound at regular speed because i  think it is much more eerie this way  in our number four spot today we have  knock okay this is one that'll admit was  not captured by a submarine but it was  still underwater and it truly is  terrifying a few years ago a beluga  whale named knock who was unfortunately  in captivity was recorded as he swam  below the water beluga whales have been  called the canaries of the sea and for  good reason but knock really wanted to  up the ante and instead blessed us all  with this sound  [Music]  knock had this uncanny ability to mimic  the rhythm and tone of human voices and  it truly is kind of frightening it of  course is also a little sad as part of  this was probably because he spent most  of his life being forced to listen to  human speak because he was being held in  captivity before this recording of knock  the voices of belugas and their  sometimes human-like sounds have been  talked about but knock was the first  time it was recorded and honestly i kind  of wish it hadn't been in our number  three spot today we have the bioduck  since the 1960s this sound has  absolutely stumped researchers who heard  it this sound was basically what the  name attributed to it would suggest it  sounded like some sort of mechanical  duck  for decades researchers would hear this  sound and it would often be heard and  recorded again in the spring and winters  after all of these years though it seems  as though the answers to this mysterious  sound are finally coming to light in  2013 researchers attached sensors that  collect acoustic data to two whales one  of those tags recorded for 18 hours and  the other for eight and the whales they  were attached to were traveling with  other whales in groups of five to forty  and they were all eating basically the  entire time throughout this time with  the tags on the whales there were a  total of 32 calls heard and this data is  what led researchers to finally  understand where the bioduck sound was  coming from as it turns out this  mysterious sound was actually the call  of the mink whale researchers still  aren't exactly clear as to what the call  means to the whales but it was a  fantastic discovery that finally closed  an almost 50 year old scientific mystery  in our number two spot today we have up  sweet we all know how little we know  about the ocean and that also includes  what kind of creatures lie in it so  while this mysterious sound out of  context probably wouldn't be that freaky  when put into this situation it becomes  quite a bit more eerie this sound is  referred to as upsweep and it was caught  when the pacific marine environmental  laboratory started its sound  surveillance system in august of 1991.  the sound is apparently more seasonal  with its peaks in spring and fall but it  is unclear if the changing of seasons is  responsible for this sound or if it's  coming from something that lurks in the  ocean and remains undiscovered just for  reference here's a clip of that sound  played at 20 times the original speed  it is possible that this sound could be  coming from underwater volcanic activity  but it is also possible that it's not so  who really knows in our number one spot  today we have an earthquake okay so to  add another creepy mariana trench sound  to this list we have one that was taken  from the bottom of the challenger deep  in fact it was the first ever sound  recording to be taken from the bottom of  the challenger deep so it's a pretty  cool scientific advancement as well as a  terrifying sound despite the crushing  pressures and the fact that there's no  sunlight the challenger deep is actually  pretty noisy and that is because of the  fact that sound travels a really long  way underwater which ends up kind of  turning the challenger deep into a sort  of echo chamber of oceanic sounds so  while the recording was able to pick up  things like the sound of a boat almost  11 kilometers overhead and the sounds of  whale calls they were also able to pick  up the sound of a magnitude 5 earthquake  rumbling near guam on july 16 2015.  i'm not gonna lie while being one of the  scariest things i've ever heard this is  also one of the coolest things i've ever  heard in my life too science really is  just so cool sometimes alright guys that  has been our list for today thank you so  much for checking it out don't forget to  hit that thumbs up button if you enjoyed  the video today and as always subscribe  i've been your host today olivia  koslowski and i'll see y'all next time  bye  [Music]  you