Top 10 Terrifying Shapeshifters Caught On Camera

Top 10 Terrifying Shapeshifters Caught On Camera

 in our number 10 spot we have the Queen  of England okay your girl is British and  being so us Brits just have a soft spot  for the queen but apparently the rest of  the world does it and everybody  seemingly thinks she's a shape-shifter  reptilian hybrid so that was news to me  not only just the queen but a lot of  people speculate over the entire royal  family being reptilian hybrids the  reason being due to some footage that  surfaced online that showcased the queen  being dressed in one of her cute outfits  but then all of a sudden they zoom in on  her eye and you see her eye looking  completely creepy honestly the footage  is terrifying and I've watched enough  horror movies in my life to recognize a  demon when I see one and her eye looked  just a tad bit demon-like apparently  people have said that her eye was just  bloodshot but yeah I don't know about  that excuse they really should have said  that she had some kind of eye disease  because that I would believe I've had a  blood bloodshot you know probably at  least plus 10 times in my life and I've  seen bloodshot eyes several times and  never have I ever seen anything that  looks like that her entire eye is bloody  looking honestly it's as if perhaps  someone punched her in the eye except  there's no swelling it's very strange so  anyways I see why people think she's  possibly a shape-shifter in our number  nine spot we have Katy Perry okay this  is some crazy footage y'all I have  obviously heard of the theory that  celebs are really just reptiles but like  damn Katy Perry I love her I don't want  to believe it you can't make me okay but  for real even if she is a shapeshifter  reptilian is it possible that she's not  a bad one I say yes anyways in this clip  we see Katy Perry's eye shift from blue  to green and her pupils become slits for  a second before she seemingly notices  and looks away from the camera very sus  Katie in our number eight spot we have  Dove Cameron Dove Cameron is an actress  and extremely urban legend talented singer most  notably known for her Disney Channel  show Liv and Maddie and The Descendants  her voice is Angelic and personally I'm  a big fan but regardless of my feelings  people speculate that she is a  shape-shifter or that a shapeshifter has  taken over her body one or the other  there are some recent footage of her  doing an interview on the red carpet and  in this interview she has a moment where  it seems as if she shifts a little when  you zoom into her eyes it appears as if  for a second her eyes reveal her pupils  suddenly turning into a slit just for a  second before turning back it's really  quite fast but if you slow down the  footage and zoom in closely you can see  it clear as day so perhaps she has  something weird going on with her eye or  perhaps she's actually a shape-shifter  probably the latter and her number seven  spot we have Beyonce many are very  suspicious of Beyonce apparently and I  had no idea apparently she is one of the  most suspicious of the Hollywood celebs  that people are pretty certain is a  shape-shifter reptile and it's because  of a few different shots of her that  reveal some pretty wild things  apparently in one shot you see Beyonce  singing and suddenly the side of her  face almost looks scaly in another shot  Beyonce is dancing on stage and whipping  her hair around and for a millisecond  you can literally see her face transform  into a demon I'm not joking it's  terrifying and it's probably real  it's hard to believe her Heavenly voice  is even human so most likely she's from  out of this world what do you think  leave a comment in the comment section  Below in our number 6  Roadshow reptile in this video capture  on camera it is a regular episode of the  BBC show the Antiques Roadshow when in  the background the camera captured a man  staring at the camera his eyes appear  pretty large being opened quite wide and  if you zoom in it looks as if his pupils  have slits his eyes resemble a snake's  eyes revealing that he is obviously a  shape shifter snake he doesn't appear to  be with anyone just hanging in the  background smirking at what he's  observing it's crazy to see this on  camera but I wonder if anyone has  actually seen this in person my  suspicious brain would probs not even  believe anyone even if they did claim  that they saw this in real life I'd be  like show me that proof or nothing I'll  I'll just be sad  in our number five spot we have the MBC  shape shifter in 1995 there was  reportedly an MBC news reporter by the  name of Isaiah Carey who was in the  middle of filming when he allegedly  swallowed a grasshopper what's Eerie  about this video is that if you zoom in  you can observe him having an abnormally  large somewhat pointy tongue and the  color is slightly green the reporter had  a very big reaction which I mean if I  swallowed a grasshopper I would have  screamed drama queen but most people  think that he turned away from the  camera to hide his tongue which seem  possible but then again no one wants to  have something that gross documented on  camera so I would probably turn away too  reptile or human probably reptile in our  number four spot we have the Mexican  Schoolboy in a video that was shared in  September of 2018 there appears to be a  boy and a girl and a lot of chaos around  them students leaving their seats and a  lot of hustle and bustle when all of a  sudden the girl seems to turn into the  boy and the boy falls down and faints  she runs down the stairs now as him and  then after 30 seconds on the ground the  boy who's being approached by adults he  suddenly wakes up and begins to run at  top speed away from the scene honestly  this one to me feels like it's straight  out of a Sci-Fi show I mean at one part  it does look like it's filmed on a phone  but for the most part it kind of gives  me old Degrassi the Next Generation  Vibes but maybe that's just me anyone  else with me but people say that it is  real and so all I have to say is that  damn yep that's all I've got in our  number three spot we have the shape  shifting goat in 2009 Nigerian police  actually arrested a goat as apparently  someone had shape-shifted into it it was  caught by Vigilantes who were chasing  two men who were trying to steal a Mazda  car they claimed that one of the two men  escaped while the other used black magic  to transform into a goat okay this one  wasn't caught on camera but I thought  you had to be told about this because  I'm tripping out reportedly the police  said one of them escaped and the other  turned into a goat we cannot confirm the  theory but the goat is in our custody  this is the best one I've ever done we  cannot base our information on something  mystical it is something that has to be  proved scientifically that a human being  turned into a go okay so anyone else  kinda hoping this story isn't true only  because then the story is that a bunch  of police arrested a goat honestly I'm  good with either story being true in our  number two spot we have the alien  security guard in 2012 at the U.S Israel  policy conference while President Obama  was making a speech there were cameras  that were circulating around the area  and they were shooting footage of the  audience from the front view we see two  security guards standing in the aisle  they look like you know they're most  likely CIA agents but then a camera  shoots the security guards from behind  and one of them in particular does not  look human from behind as well as the  camera catches him looking completely  different than he does from the front we  see a bald man with no ears and a pointy  chin his nose looks short and rounded  and his eyes appear to be dark and quite  sunken in most people think that because  it was so dark and crowded that people  would have missed this and that the  camera caught this shapeshifter in a  blip of a moment in its true form many  have concluded from this footage that  the US is income Hoots with an alien  race and at this point I'm pretty  convinced too what do you think in our  number one spot we have the alleyway  shifter okay this clip is crazy this is  footage of a person that goes into an  Alleyway that is semi-lit and stands  still and then what appears to be a dark  shadow leaves its body and walks away  and the person remains Frozen  this clip is so controversial and has  been a point of debate for some time now  but I'm not sure what you can even  debate you can clearly see someone or  something leave the body and the body  stays Frozen in place this clip is one  of the most seemingly Real Clips out of  everything I saw but apparently all of  the footage is real interesting very  interesting indeed in our number 10 spot  we have Ramen manual Chicago mayor  Rahman Manuel maybe a shape-shifter  reptile I'll let you decide in September  2012 during a press conference viewers  noticed that his eyes seem to transform  into well I'm not quite sure I know how  to describe this because it's terrifying  around his eyes we see darkness of some  sort and suddenly his actual eyes become  enlarged honestly whatever happened  wasn't human did he reveal himself as a  shapeshifter reptile I'm thinking yes if  you're enjoying this video so far smash  that like button as it'll really help us  out in our number nine spot we have  Timothy geisner former secretary to the  treasurer Timothy Geithner has been  accused of being a shape-shifter why  well because there's some weird footage  of him possibly doing just that footage  was taken of him at a press conference  sitting and listening to the speaker  when all of a sudden something starts  happening to his right eye a weird  pattern that honestly looks like a  pattern that you would see on a  butterfly wing starts to form around his  eye sort of cupping it it seems that it  happens for a few seconds before he  realizes it and tries to cover it up by  touching the area and in an instant it's  gone no one can deny that the footage is  rather odd especially as he touches the  area and poof it's magically gone it is  super possible that we have a butterfly  shapeshifter on our hands imagine  if I could be a shapeshifter that's what  I would want to be something with wings  probably a fairy that would be great in  our number eight spot we have U.S  general David Petrus on June 15  2010 the U.S general David Petrus  appeared to faint during a conference  but at one point though his face  appeared to be well not human the  footage of this one does appear to be a  tad blurry but it does seem like  something has happened to his face his  face looks like it's you know deformed  and the person that was looking at him  and talking before he fainted did look a  tad scared but it could have been  because he could see something was wrong  so there's that but also at one point  somebody stood up and conveniently  blocked the camera from seeing him so  that's us but honestly the footage for  this one is too blurry for me to say  yeah probs are reptiles but the people  that filmed it and shared it definitely  said that they saw something that day  and it did not not look human in our  number seven spot we have Lady Gaga Okay  Lady Gaga is an interesting one because  there is a video that seemingly shows  something going on with her eyes but  also she literally said on The Late Show  with Stephen Colbert that she quote has  always liked to shape-shift Theory SAS  Gaga the viewers of the show thought  that it was a very interesting choice of  words and so many thought that there was  a bit of Truth to what she said as if  the energy around the word held more  weight I don't know certainly there are  so many people that believe that Lady  Gaga has had contact with the devil and  so it would make sense if she was a  shape-shifter remember that time she  suspended something in the air with her  magical force field okay but for real is  she a magical devil-like being or a  shapeshifter would love to know your  vote in the comment section Below in our  number six spot we have Meghan Markle  Megan Markle actress turned literal  princess when she married Prince Harry  has had quite some speculation around  her over being a robot now I've heard  many things including reptilian and some  people believe something has just you  know replaced her but the robot  shapeshifter is an interesting Theory it  started when a clip went viral over  Harry and Megan wearing masks to promote  Madame Tussaud's new Harry and Megan  Edition but what made everyone feel the  creeps is not just the fact that their  facial expressions are unsettling but  also because Megan is not blinking  terrifying whereas Harry apparently was  anyways I think that this got everyone  to start theorizing that even though  this is a mask she may actually be a  shapeshifter robot and you know what I  don't blame them  we're probs living in iRobot and don't  even know it in our number five spot we  have President Bush now this is a clip  of Papa Bush the 41st president of the  U.S speaking in an interview and his  eyes seemed to change for those of you  who don't live in North America there is  a George Bush Senior and Junior and they  both became president of the U.S anyways  this clip is of George senior AKA Papa  Bush and most people are in agreement  that he is absolutely a reptilian I mean  at this point I'm starting to be  convinced that all the politicians are  but who knows maybe the whole world is  maybe I am honestly I wish I could  shape-shift then I would just shapeshift  myself into a passenger that has a  ticket to board a flight to Paris and  peace out of here you know what I mean  anyways in this clip his eyes definitely  form into slits and there's no doubt  that if this clip is real and so many  say that it is then you know he's  definitely not human and at number 4  spot we have Eileen we're knows Eileen  wernos who is known as an American  serial killer did a number of interviews  before she was executed on October 9  2002. during a number of her interviews  people claimed to have seen some weird  shape-shifting happening this is a clip  of an interview that she did where her  eyes appeared to show that Infamous  reptile slit you know there is so many  people that believe that sometimes  shapeshifters are responsible for some  of the worst crimes in the world and  then they just you know shape-shift out  of prison afterwards after taking over  the body of humans that's definitely an  interesting Theory I mean regardless  clearly Eileen was evil so even if she's  not a shape-shifter I'm sure someone  could make a case for her being  possessed by a demon in our number three  spot we have reptile woman this woman  has been dubbed reptile woman for pretty  obvious reasons the footage that was  taken of this Mystery Woman surfaced  online and was apparently not altered in  any way the footage seems quite normal  until it's broken down from frame by  frame and suddenly it's as if you see a  different person her hands look  different her back her face and her eyes  it's fascinating I personally wish the  footage was easier to see as it's not  fully convincing me looking at something  so blurry it just makes me feel like  it's been altered but who knows I may be  wrong and it sure seems like a lot of  people believe that it's real there have  been a few people that have tried to  debunk it and truly I think I'm with  them on their analysis this one is too  blurry for me to think that it's  possibly real but whatever it might be  in our number two spot we have MW  Jeffrey black Hodgdon let's call him  Jeff you know for sure so Jeff is the  Grand Master of the Masons in  Massachusetts yeah if you don't know  anything about the Masons then  definitely have a Google sesh later  tonight that's a whole other Rabbit Hole  in itself but yeah if you know anything  about the Masons then you probably won't  be surprised that they are on this list  the Grand Master the big guy calling the  shots is in this video and he's  certainly shows signs of being a shape  shifter from his eyes suddenly showing  slits to his skin apparently showing  evidence there are a lot of people that  believe that this guy is a shapeshifter dangerous SCP and in our number one spot we have  Britney Spears okay this one I refuse to  believe is real because I love her God I  do not want to believe it but the  footage certainly makes you think that  it's possible that she's a shapeshifter  or that a shape-shifter at some point  had taken over her body that to me would  check out more when you think of  everything that she has been fighting  for recently in terms of her freedom and  gaining full control of her body back  again who knows perhaps there is way  more to it than we can imagine I just  love her though so I refuse to believe  that she was born a reptile anyways in  this shot her eyes seemingly show slits  at times just like a lot of the other  footage that we've shown and this would  point to some kind of reptile living  within her coming up in our number 10  spot we have Chelsea Handler comedian  Chelsea Handler has been accused of  being a shape-shifter and it's all  because of footage that showed up online  showcasing her in an interview and when  you zoom in close to her eyes they  appear for a moment to look like they  turn into slits this probably won't be  surprising for you to hear if you  watched Parts one or two of the series  because it seems that almost all celebs  could be reptiles I don't know she can  be pretty funny perhaps otherworldly  funny if you're liking this video so far  would you give it a like as it really  helps us out in our number nine spot we  have Nancy Pelosi if you are someone  living outside of America then you may  not know who this woman is Nancy Pelosi  is the speaker of the United States  House of Representatives she's seemingly  one of these politicians that you either  love or hate and the people that lean  more on that hate side might also lean  into this news a little too Nancy could  be a shapeshifter yep a lot of people  speculate over this as footage surfaced  online showing her right eye doing  something crazy when she was talking  once something that is legit impossible  she's speaking and then all of a sudden  it's like her eye rolls back and it  becomes fully white with like a black  dot slash slit in the middle and then  her real eye returns it's very strange  this lasts for at least 1.5 seconds  enough that it's very very noticeable I  don't know man if she's not a reptile  then she's gotta be something else cause  this is not human what I just saw these  videos are making me question everyone  now every so often I have a moment and  think what if everyone is a reptile and  I'm amongst the few humans left and what  if their goal is to depopulate us and to  continue to grow and populate themselves  it's a very trippy thought in our number  eight spot we have Rihanna No not Riri I  don't want to believe it my Disney  princess Inner Essence wants to believe  in the good and Rihanna is one of the  good ones she's not a shape-shifting  reptile but wait actually maybe being a  reptile isn't a bad thing maybe there  are good reptile okay all jokes aside  there is some sus footage of Rihanna out  there that could have you convinced that  she is possibly one of them and just  shape-shifting to look like her  beautiful self in this footage we once  again see the transformation in her eyes  like we have in quite a few other  peoples but the thing is the footage is  rather blurry so it's kind of hard to  say that she fits in within this group  I'm gonna say she doesn't and just move  on to the next one that's my bias  because I like her in our number seven  spot we have a mysterious creature okay  this footage kind of makes me laugh  because on one hand it looks like  someone dressed up in a costume playing  a practical joke but on the other hand  if it's real then this is crazy that is  an alien looking man out in broad  daylight with whitish eyes and green  skin that's a bit textured with what  looks to be triangles all over him that  are different shades of green It's  Curious that no one seems to notice him  or his peculiar look if I was standing  beside this man and noticed him for the  first time I would you know jump yeah  like do one of those which poses the  question is he just visible via camera  and invisible in real life that would be  pretty nuts if that's the case I did a  lot of digging on this one and I haven't  seen anyone debunk it yet so I wonder  about it if this is real and there's  aliens like him walking among us then  damn we've been fooled in our number six  spot we have the sports reptilian okay  your girl is not into sports much I'm a  fake Toronto Maple Leafs fan I only  watch them when they're winning like the  rest of Toronto though all trontonians  do is complain about the leaves until  there's hope that they might do well so  it's not just me anyways so my point is  that I know nothing about sports or even  what sport this footage was taken at or  even who this guy being interviewed is  all I know is the guy behind him is most  definitely a shape-shifting reptilian No  Way Around It this footage is great and  you can see his eyes as clear as day and  you cannot convince me otherwise this  guy is definitely not human he's just  casually hanging out behind whomever is  being interviewed and every most urban legend so often the  camera gets a clear shot of his piercing  blue eyes that also have a black slit  within them some people believe that the  reptiles are intentionally revealing  themselves in footage like this honestly  that theory would make sense because  otherwise how could they let footage  like this get out there but anyways this  one is nuts in our number 5 spot we have  Shakira pop star Shakira has been  accused of being a shapeshifter  reptilian I mean her voice is Angelic  and not very human-like so it makes  sense I mean her voice is Angelic so  someone could argue that it's possibly  not human-like video footage was taken  of her speaking in an interview and yep  you guessed it her eyes change very  briefly now it is honestly not the  easiest to spot as her eye color is  quite dark and possibly also the  lighting of the video might have sucked  too but when the footage is slowed down  and analyzed closely it does appear that  something is going on her eye definitely  changes but is it a full-on slit like so  many on this list it's hard to say are  there any celebs left that are human in  our number four spot we have two aliens  walking down the street I honestly don't  know what to call this one other than  two aliens walking down the street  because honestly that's what it  definitely seems like either they are  aliens or they're people from some kind  of Buffy the Vampire set but apparently  this footage is really random and that's  why people believe it to be real  supposedly these two men weren't near  any kind of set or anything and that's  what makes this more mysterious the men  appear to have very big and different  looking ears darkened eyes and a bigger  nose than most people honestly now that  I think about it they look like they  just stepped out of Halloween Town tell  me you know that movie franchise it's  amazing we're big on Halloween at my  house anyways honestly movies have made  me close-minded to the possibility of  seeing someone like this in real life so  it's so hard for me to believe that this  is real but who knows in our number  three spot we have glowing eye okay this  video makes me want to laugh but  honestly I could also believe that  there's something weird going on here it  appears that the footage was taken in  some kind of cave and the cave is  somewhat dark in the distance and all of  a sudden you see two glowing orbs look  out at the camera in the distance then  it appears to give us a little bit more  of itself and it looks like it's a very  weird shape whatever it is is this a  shape shifter or Bigfoot or some other  kind of weird thing our brain scan  process I don't know not gonna lie it  kind of looks like a giant frog the  round orb-like eyes would check out if  it was a frog and its arms kind of you  know resemble a frog's arms a bit I  don't know I don't know why I did this  do frogs stand like this maybe all I  know is this is definitely very strange  footage and that creature could be a  shapeshifter or a giant frog I don't  know in our number two spot we have the  Dr Phil guest for once it's not a  celebrity that revealed themselves as a  shape shifter but this is an example of  just a regular woman in this footage Dr  Phil is speaking to a guest and all of a  sudden the guest's eyes turn into slits  imagine you were sitting on a live show  and talking to someone and all of a  sudden you witnessed their eyes changing  would you run and scream or just  continue on with the interview I mean I  think inside I would be screaming like a  baby but on the outside I'd look as cool  as a cucumber in our number one spot we  have Hillary Clinton I bet you were  wondering if I would ever touch on  Hillary Clinton well now is the time  okay not gonna lie there are so many  conspiracy theories tied to her being a  shape-shifter reptilian alien you name  it but this footage in particular could  be nothing or it could be something in  this footage it appears that when  Hillary takes a drink of water her chin  gets abnormally bigger and not in a  natural way it appears to enlarge and  drop in a way that has people thinking  that she might be some kind of reptile  the footage is interesting and strange  and I can see why people might be  shocked by it but I'm not sure I'm fully  convinced with this one.