Top 10 Scary Japanese Urban Legends

Top 10 Scary Japanese Urban Legends
Starting off at number 10 we have Teke-Teke. This is the Urban Legend about a girl who fell under a train and was cut in half. She became a vengeful spirit that moves using her hands and elbows, dragging herself while making the sound -Tek-Tek- … if you hear that noise, youre supposed to run. Those who are caught by the Tek Tek will recieve a fate like her - shes said to slash her victims in half so that they look like her, and possibly become wandering vengeful spirits as she is.

At number 9 now we have the Slit Mouthed Woman. You may recognise this one from a number of Japanese movies and TV shows. The traditional name for this being is Kuchi-sake-onna and dates back over 300 years ago. She is a woman who was brutally mutilated by her husband after he found she was having an affair with another Samurai. This left her in death as a restless spirit. She is said to cover her mouth with a cloth mask, a fan or a scarf. If you approach her, shell ask you if you think shes pretty. If you answer yes, she will remove the mask and when the victim screams they will be slashed from ear to ear until they look like her. Even if you say no, shes said to follow you home and brutally murder you that night.

Next up at number 8 we have Daruma-san. This urban legend is more of an old game passed down through the years. You shower in a bath, turn off the lights and chant -Daruma-san fell down- while you wash your hair … its said that you will see a woman in your mind. She is Daruma-San. Shell be standing up in a bath. Youll see her slip and fall onto an old rusty tap. It goes straight through her eye and kills her. Then, you will feel her ghostly presence behind you. If you turn around - there she is. Black tangled hair, rotting clothes, one eye is bloodshot and the other is just a bloody, hollow eye socket. The game continues even further than that if you dare, but I think thats enough for you to understand this creepy urban legend.

At number 7 now we have the Girl From The Gap. This Japanese story comes from peoples natural fear of what lies lurking in the cracks of a home. Do you ever see something move past the hinge of a door? Is that someone looking out from inside your wardrobe? Have you ever pictured a hand reaching out from between your bed and the floor? Well it could be the girl from the gap - a spirit that lives both physically and metaphorically -between worlds-. Its said that if you ever see her, she will ask if you want to play hide and seek. At that point the game is on. When you her between a gap again, shell drag you to an other worldly hell.

At number 6 now we have The Red Room. This is a very modern Japanese urban legend about a pop up ad thats red with black test. In a childs voice, it simply repeats the phrase -Do you like?-. A boy who got the popup tried to close it but it kept reappearing. Then, it changed to -Do you like red?- … he keeps trying to close it but it grows large and changes again to say -Do you like the red room?- … then, the site changes. All red and black. It has a list of names on it - his friends is at the bottom. And hand reaches out towards the boys neck from a video. tHE Ending gets even more twisted but guess what, its based on a real website. Its still out there. If you can find it, youll know the gruesome legend of the red room and if the horrible ending comes true for you.

Moving on to number 5 we have The Human Pillars. This legend dates back to ancient times in Japan where its known as Hito-bashira. Back then, there was a belief that a human sacrifice sealed inside a structure would make a foundation more stable. This means that many old Japanese buildings are said to contain the spirits of the people who were sacrificed during their construction. One famous example is Matsue Castle where a woman was sealed inside the foundations during its construction. Now her spirit is said to haunt the castle and whenever a woman dances there, the castle shakes violently. Many building owners in Japan are open about their building being a Human Pillar.

Next up at number 4 we have The Snake Woman. This one comes from the old Japanese folklore pf Nure-onna which translates to wet woman. She is often described as having the head of a woman and the body of a snake - with long claws, snake eyes and jet black hair.  She carries with her a childlike bundle to lure in her victims. If a person tries to pick up the baby, they find its not a child at all. The bundle then becomes very heavy and stops the victim from fleeing. The snake woman then uses her long tongue to suck all of the blood from the victims body until they die.

At number 3 now we have Onibaba. She is a demon women that often appears in Japanese folk folklore. She will often appear as an old woman asking for help but if you get to close, she will slice you open with a knife and eat you. She is said to be the tormented spirit of a woman who accidently killed her pregnant daughter and unborn grandchild in an effort to find a cure for her friends child being sick. She was told to bring them the liver of an unborn child but when she finally killed her victims, she found they were her own family.

At number 2 now we have The Dream School. This one is extra creepy because apparently if you don't forget it within a week - it will happen to you. Lets see if this is true. One night, a boy had a dream about a school. The hallways looped forever, bringing him back to the start. Staircases led back to the first floor. As he got scared, he heard footsteps behind him. He ran until he found an emergency exit with a glass box and a key next to it. The glass had been smashed and there was a note saying it could be found in room 108. When he found that room, it was empty - no students - but there were backpacks hanging off every chair. There was a pounding on the door. He opened it, terrified, to find the hallways covered with dead children. Its said that he never woke up from his dream and if you don't forget the story in one week, youll meet the same fate. Don't worry though guys

And finally at number 1 we have Onryo. This is a traditional Japanese belief about a vengeful spirt that can and will physically hurt the living. Its a very scary concept if youre only familiar with the western idea of ghosts which don't really take solid forms and so cant hurt humans with physical contact. Thats not true for an Onryo. They are vengeful and full of hate, stopping at nothing to enact the suffering they received when they were alive. For any of you guys who have seen The Grudge, this spirit is the influence for that creepy girl in that movie.

Terrifying Urban Legends in Japanese Schools

Terrifying Urban Legends in Japanese Schools
however you have to be careful of the cherry blossoms blooming within the schools well what's even more crazy is that some people believe that there will be laser beams coming out of Beethoven's eyes [Music] and welcome to let's ask shogo it's summer in Japan and in Japan summer is often said to be the perfect season for spine chilling ghost stories I get tons of requests for a video of this theme and it's a little scary but I'll do my best so today I would like to introduce you to the seven horrifying mysteries of Japanese schools the Mysteries I introduce will get more and more terrifying towards the end so please enjoy this video till the end the seven Mysteries differ depending on the region of Japan and some people say that there are actually more than 30 if you count them all so the seven I'll introduce today are the ones that I heard growing up as a child in Japan I hope you can search for more mysteries of Japanese schools if you are interested and also please let me know about your favorite Yokai and ghosts in the comments after watching this video and this channel you can take closer look at Japanese traditional culture tips on traveling Kyoto as social problems in Japan so Learners lovers of Japanese culture be sure to subscribe to enjoy more content [Music] one the 13 steps so let's start from something that's slightly less scary there is a rumor that stares the Japanese schools with 12 steps will increase the 13 steps when you climb them late at night and if you accidentally step on that 13th Step you will be taken to another world there are others who say that there will be a rope that'll drop from above the 13th Step for hanging Yourself by the way I've actually purely counted the number of steps of my school when I was young to see if this rumor is real but it had 15 Steps so I wasn't able to see the end of the story [Music] appears in many stories but when she counts as one of the seven School Mysteries there is a specific way of summoning her first you go to the bathroom on the third floor of the school then you knock on the doors of the girls restroom three times each and ask are you there then from the third compartment of voiceful answer yes and a girl with a red skirt and a bowl cut comes out to drag you into the bathroom once you are Dragged In You will never be able to come out is probably the most popular School ghost but how was her story born there are many theories but I'd like to introduce the most common one hanakosan was actually a victim of a horrific crime in 1937 there was a forced suicide incident in an elementary school in iwatin prefecture a woman jealous of her cheating husband decides to commit suicide and take all the children along with her however one of her daughters noticed something wrong about her mother and stayed at school without going home there she was cornered by her angry mother and was eventually killed in the third straw of the bathroom off the third floor there are various other Original Stories a girl caught by a pervert in a school bathroom a girl who jumped to her death and so on in any case they're all very horrifying and scary stories by the way hanako was a popular name around two generations ago and was probably a nickname because the real name was not known that's why she looks like a typical school girl from my grandparents generation [Music] three the music room then next let's head towards the music room you'll be able to meet a lot of ghosts at night here too the most famous ones are the moving portraits of famous composers and the piano that plays on its own Japanese school urban legend music rooms generally have portraits of Mozart Beethoven and other famous composers hanging on the walls it is said that these portraits start to move at midnight it's not just the eyes moving but some say that they smile or frown or even cry while it's even more crazy is that some people believe that there will be laser beams coming out of Beethoven's eyes which moves the objects within the music room there is probably not much of a reason to this bizarre phenomenon children were probably simply scared of seeing someone's face in the dark late at night there's also a well-known mystery in which a piano plays by itself even though no one is supposed to be there some say that it's a ghost of a female student who loved playing the piano or just some floating wrists while there is blood Dream from the ceiling for some reason the most famous Theory suggests that borlise is played it is sad that you will die if you hear that song four times the number four is considered to be bad luck because it is a homonym to death in Japanese but I have a question for you why on Earth would you stay in such a horrifying place to listen to the song four times you've probably been enjoying the performance haven't you thank you so much for listening to my performance the concert fee will be your life [Music] four the moving statue of uh sugar can I ask you something who the heck is it seems that there are fewer and fewer schools now but until about my parents generation there are many schools that had a statue of nomya kinjiro in the schoolyard the school that I attended did not have one but I have seen one in a nearby School in the community is a Statesman agriculturalist and philosopher from the late Edo period who is well known to all Japanese it is said that he rebuilt his fallen family by studying and fighting against social norms as a peasant and even helped rebuild 600 more Villages throughout his life it is said that as a child he studied hard even while supporting his poor family and his hard work was displayed as statues at various schools as a role model for students while Nino Mia is a very much respected figure among the students in the past he was actually why another horror story was born many students believe that at night the number of firewood on his back will change the pages of his book will churn or Worse the statue of ninomia itself will be walking around the schoolyard the worst thing you can do is count the number of firewood he carries because it is believed to kill you or get you cursed just like the music room we went to earlier children were basically scared of things with human figures but this mystery is starting to be forgotten because there are hardly any more ninomia statues in schools what happened unfortunately the image of the hard-working minomia didn't seem to suit the modern way of thinking anymore as it was criticized as we shouldn't Force our children to work and walking while looking down and reading a book is dangerous because it might promote texting while walking even if you're a statue that can freely move around at night you you cannot beat the angry parents we might not have the statues of nomia as schools anymore but I really hope his stories of hard work will be passed down to the Next Generation [Music] 5. the cherry blossoms of blood I'm sure many people associate Japan with the beautiful cherry blossoms however you have to be careful of the cherry blossoms blooming within the schools it's because there's someone's body buried under the tree and that person's blood is what dies the petals pink it originally came from a Horror Story titled under the sakura tree by a writer who was active from the Thai show to the show up periods by the way there is a way to find out if there is a dead body buried under a cherry blossom tree at a school on April 4th 4 44 PM if you walk counterclockwise around the tree the petals will all fall off and turn bright red but strictly speaking what changes the color of the petals isn't the soil but it's actually the change in temperature though [Music] 6. the white and red hands and the red and blue paper listening to so many horrifying stories I'm pretty sure you want to go to the bathroom again just now we set our greetings to hanuko-san but this time let's actually use a toilet to meet a different horror it is the hands coming out of the toilets the white hand red hand are ghosts that suddenly touch your bottom when you're sitting on the toilet these pervert ghosts are believed to appear in the bathrooms on the Northern side of the school just like the number four is considered a cursed number North is also associated with bath luck because it's believed to be the direction which Buddha's head was facing when he passed away after doing your business on the perfect ghost hands you notice that there isn't any paper this is when you'll be meeting another ghost the red and blue paper a voice out of nowhere will ask you if you would like to have red or blue paper if you answer red you will die losing too much blood and if you answer blue you will be suffocated to death this mystery is believed to be born from the rituals in the past of making paper dolls of men and women with red and blue paper to worship the toilet Gods by the way there are some theories in some regions that say you must answer yellow paper in order to survive I have no clue why though do you have any ideas [Music] seven take a ticket finally the last mystery although she is very famous I still wanted to introduce her last as the most overwhelmingly terrifying being yes the the kid a female student with only her upper body she is so called because of the picky thickest sound she makes as she crawls around the ground with her two arms what's crazy is that despite having only an upper body she will chase you at speeds of up to 100 kilometers per hour there is a very famous story about her when a male student was walking through the schoolyard to go home she saw a girl smiling down at him from the window of the school building because they thought that she might be our girl that liked him he was encouraged by his friends to go back to the school building to see her but when he got to the floor where she was he found out that she didn't have the lower half of her body the moment he realized this she attacked the male student with unbelievable speed despite the fact that she was only using her elbows no one saw the male student thereafter how however it is said that ticket herself has a very sad past a high school girl was run over by a train in mid-winter in Hokkaido Japan's northernmost Island she was split in half upper and lower body when the police officers were collecting her body parts they were surprised to know that she was still alive only with her upper body winter and Hokkaido can go as low as 30 degrees Celsius the cold kept her alive without losing too much blood however the frightened policeman put a plastic bag over her upper body as if she was dead so she is still driven by feelings of grudges and is still searching for the lower half of her body but this Horror Story is just a Onibaba Japanese urban legend if you're hit by a train running at full speed you will actually be torn into pieces and minus 30 degrees Celsius is not enough to completely freeze a large wound but the part of the story where the policemen get rid of her because they thought she was creepy sounds oddly realistic by the way if you'd like to learn more about pick of the game there are movies and video games about her so I hope you can check them out however I will not take any responsibility if you get cursed then lastly today's conclusion I introduced the seven horrifying School mysteries in Japan I grew up listening to 1. the 13 steps at night the stairs of a school that only has 12 steps were turned into 13 and those who step on it are believed to be taken to a different world is a young girl you can meet in the third compartment of a third floor bathroom if you knock the doors of each room ask me if she's there she'll drag you into third stall and you'll never be able to come out three the music room Japanese urban legend school music rooms generally have portraits of Baja Mozart and other famous composers hanging on the walls and at night it is believed that their eyes move and facial expressions change there's an even more crazy theory that says that laser beams will come out of Beethoven's eyes which moves the objects inside the room also there is a piano that plays on its own while there's blood dripping from the ceiling 4. the moving statue of statue used to be placed in many schools in Japan as a role model for children because he was a hard worker and saved many people's lives 5. the cherry blossoms of blood It is believed that the cherry blossoms growing within Japanese schools have someone's dead body buried under it and their blood is what makes the pallets pink 6. the red and white hand the red and blue paper if you use the toilet facing north in schools at night there will be hands touching your bottom also you will hear a voice asking you what color paper you want red or blue and you'll be killed no matter what the only way to survive is to answer that you want in yellow paper seven is a ghost of a female student with only her upper body and her name comes from the tequite sound she makes as she crawls along the ground with her two arms with only her elbows she will chase you as beads up up to 100 kilometers per hour so that's it for today thank you very much for watching if this video gave you some nice Goosebumps.

Watch Out For the Kuchisake Onna Urban Legend

Watch Out For the Kuchisake Onna Urban Legend
during the Japanese hey on period around a thousand years ago a samurai was married to a beautiful woman she was the object of everyone's affection and she knew it she would walk around town and ask those who stared am I pretty the samurai was not happy with the attention she was eliciting and when he discovered she was being unfaithful he wanted her to pay one day armed with a knife he attacked her he pressed the blade into her cheek and slit her mouth ear to ear leaving her with a bloody - aesthetic grin who will think you're beautiful now soon after she died and returned to earth as an angry spirit named kuchisake-onna the slit-mouthed woman in the late 1970s a countrywide panic broke out after numerous people claimed to have encountered could she sought the owner more police officers are assigned to night duty students were required to walk home in pairs after school people took extra precautions to avoid this vengeful spirit because any encounter would be deadly if you were walking alone she will appear around a corner wearing a trench coat in a surgical mask in Japan her attire would not seem out of the ordinary since it was common for people to wear such masks to prevent the spread of germs you will assume she is just an ordinary woman then she will approach you and ask am I pretty if you say no she will pull out her long pair of scissors and kill you on the spot and if you say yes she will bring her face closer and peel back her mask to reveal her disfigured mouth really now no matter how you respond afterwards your fate or remain the same however a few school children discovered a way to trick kuchisake-onna when she asks her question responding with an ambiguous so so would confuse her long enough for you to make your escape do you dare to try your luck beware the wrath of kuchisake-onna urban legend thank you for listening to my tale like and share this video to warn others and don't forget to subscribe to snarls and our sister channels hissy fit and slay tricks.

What If Teke Teke Was Real?

What If Teke Teke Was Real?
hello and welcome back to life's biggest questions I'm Charlotte dobre today on life's biggest questions we are going to talk about the Japanese urban legend tech a tech aid and what would happen if it was not just an world urban legend but a real being don't forget to show this channel some love subscribe and let us know in the comments below a question you have always wanted to know the answer to take a tech a is a Japanese urban legend about a monster who makes strange sounds as it pursues its victims the tech a tech a was once a young woman who fell on a railway and was subsequently cut in half by an approaching train after this it took quite some time for her to die and so when she did she turned into a vengeful spirit otherwise known to the Japanese as on Rio she travels around Japan and moves around by dragging her upper torso with her claw like hands as she does this the sound of the clacking of her claws resembles tech a tech a which is how she got her name Tek ka Tek a has long black hair that covers her face which ranges from being disfigured to being beautiful depending on the story legend has it that if Tek a tech a finds anyone at night that isn't traveling fast enough to escape her she slices them in half by the torso mimicking what happened to her with the Train there are multiple versions of the tech a tech a legend but one of the most compelling goes like this following World War two a female office worker was assaulted and raped by American military personnel in Moran Hokkaido stricken with misery she jumped off a bridge onto a railroad track but an oncoming train hit her and sliced her in half it was extremely cold that night and so her blood vessels contracted which prevented her from bleeding out and dying still alive she crawled to a train station where there was an attendant whom she asked for help but instead of helping her he covered her with a tarp and left her to die a slow painful death the teka teka is similar to another japanese urban legend known as kuchisake-onna the slit-mouthed woman as well as the story of Kashima Reiko another woman who was assaulted in a bathroom and lost her legs all are vengeful ghosts women whose purpose is to torment and kill the living so why does the tech a tech a want to cut people in half the exact reason isn't certain some say she's looking for her lost legs some say she's angry because no one helped her when she was dying there have been films made about the tech a tech aid by koji sheer I see Japanese children tell the story to each other as a warning to not walk home alone late at night the teka teka said to chase children who play at dusk she's also known to frequent train stations she cuts people in half with the sky or a saw turning them into one of Darumasan urban legend her own so now that you know a little about tech EdTech hey let's talk about what would happen if she was real according to legend three days after hearing about tech a tech a you will see her either in a dream in a phone call or in person if this ended up being true techie techie would be a story rarely told except by people who don't believe in ghost stories there would be a ban on talking about tech a decade to prevent the spread of her story but like with the case of many things tell someone not to do something and they'll probably do it anyway because tech a techie is known for chasing children at dusk curfews would be in place children would have to be picked up and dropped off from school and no one would be allowed to walk around the streets after sunset there are many train stations in Japan all of which would likely have to be closed down like kuchisake-onna it is impossible to get away from or defeat tech a decade the Mossler is incredibly fast and can travel at speeds of up to 150 kilometers per hour that being said it is possible to survive an encounter with her as long as you don't run away she will ask you a riddle that you will have to respond to with the correct answer she will say do you need your legs to which you have to answer I need them right now she will then ask who told you my story to which you must respond Kashima Reiko Coty's and maas she as in death MA as in demon ray as in ghost and co as an accident say this response without mistakes and there is a chance that teka teka will let you go the tech a tech a story is believed to have originated as a way for parents to scare children into avoiding walking home alone at night another purpose of the story could be to prevent people from treating others badly as Chuck a techie rose again as a vengeful ghost who was treated so badly by humanity that she died a painful death moral of the story be nice to others or they might come back as a vengeful ghost and chop you in half sound good.

Top 10 Scary Japanese Urban Legends That Will Curse You

Top 10 Scary Japanese Urban Legends That Will Curse You
starting up number 10 now we have tech tech this is the urban legend about a girl who fell under a train and was cut in half she then became a vengeful spirit that moves using her hands and elbows dragging herself while making the sound tech tech if you hear that noise you're supposed to just run for your life those who are caught by the tech tech will receive a fate just like hers she's said to slash her victims in half so that they look like her and possibly also become wandering vengeful spirits just like she is at number nine now we have the slit mouth woman you may recognize this one from a number of japanese movies and tv shows the traditional name for this being is kuchi sakiona and dates back over 300 years ago she's a woman who was brutally murdered by her husband after he found out that she was having an affair with another samurai this left her in death as a restless vengeful spirit she is said to cover her mouth with a cloth mask a fan or a scarf if you approach her she'll ask you if you think she's pretty if you answer yes she will then remove the mask and when the victim screams they will be slashed from ear to ear until they look like her even if you say no to this question she said to just follow you home and then brutally murder you that night at the lose-lose situation next up at number eight now we have daruma-san this urban legend of Japan is more of an old game that's been passed down through the years so here's how it goes you shower in a bath you turn off the lights and you chant daruma sand fell down while you wash your hair it's said that you will then see a woman in your mind she is daruma-san she'll be standing up in a bath you will see her slip and fall onto an old rusty tap it goes straight through her eye and kills her then you will feel her ghostly presence somewhere behind you now if you turn around there she will be black tangled hair rotting clothes one eye is bloodshot and the other is just a bloody hollow eye socket the game continues even further than that if you dare but i think that's enough for you guys to understand just how creepy this Japanese urban legend is okay at number seven now we have the girl from the gap this japanese story comes from people's natural fear of what lies lurking in the cracks of a home do you guys ever see something move past the hinge of a door when the door is open is that someone looking out from inside your wardrobe have you ever pictured a hand reaching out from between your bed and the floor well it could be the girl from the gap a spirit that lives both physically and metaphorically between worlds it said that if you ever see her she will ask you if you want to play hide and seek at that point the game is on when you see her between a gap again she'll drag you to an otherworldly hell moving on to number five now we have the human pillars this legend dates back to ancient times in japan where it's known as hito bashira back then there was a belief that a human sacrifice sealed inside a structure would make the foundation more stable this means that many old japanese buildings are said to contain the spirits of the people who were sacrificed during their construction one famous example is matsu castle where a woman was sealed inside the foundations during its construction now her spirit is said to haunt the castle and whenever a woman dances there the castle shakes violently many building owners in japan are actually quite open about their buildings being a human pillar next up at number three now we have oni baba she is a demon woman that often appears in japanese folklore she will often appear as an old woman asking for help but if you get too close she will slice you open with a knife and eat you she's said to be the tormented spirit of a woman who accidentally killed her own pregnant daughter and unborn grandchild in an effort to find a cure for her friend's child being sick she was told to bring back the liver of an unborn child but when she finally killed her victims she found they were actually her own family okay next up at number two now we have the dream school this one is extra creepy because apparently if you don't forget this story within a week of hearing it it will happen to you let's see if that's true one night a boy had a dream about a school the hallways just looped forever bringing him always back to the start staircases led back to the first floor as he got quite scared he heard footsteps behind him he ran until he found an emergency exit with a glass box and a key next to it the glass had been smashed and there was no key just a note saying that it could be found in room 108 when he found that room it was empty no students but there were backpacks hanging off every single chair then there was a pounding on the door he opened it terrified to find the hallways covered with dead children it said that he never woke up from his dream and if you don't forget this story in one week you will meet the same fate don't worry though guys i don't think this is true although if you don't see me on the channel next week sorry next up another night now we have aka manto in english this one is known as the red cape it's said to be a malicious spirit who kills people at public and school bathrooms the spirit will always ask them if they want red or blue paper if you say red you will suffer a bloody violent death if you say blue you'll be suffocated until you turn blue and die you can't trick the spirit either if you try and say you just want normal white paper ghostly hands will appear out of nowhere sometimes right out of the toilet you're sitting on and drag you down to hell that's right if you do something as simple as asking for white paper you'll be dragged to hell through a toilet i always suspected toilets were portals to the underworld this confirms my theory there is one and only one way to avoid this grisly fate they say you have to actually refuse anything the spirit offers you if you do this he will leave at least for now i guess you can be dragged to hell through a toilet another day moving on to number eight now we have tomino's hell this has become a pretty famous urban legend of the internet in recent years you may know it as a creepy pastor but its history actually dates back over a hundred years ago according to legend tomino's hell is the name of a story that was published in a 1919 collection of poetry titled sarkin the poet was saijo yasso a university professor whose work was filled with strange symbols and wordplay that some people found very disturbing the story is based around the buddhist concept of hell and recounts the story of tomino and his sisters being tortured in hell sounds interesting i'm sure you now want to hear me read it out well here's the thing according to internet legend the poem will curse the reader with misfortune and even death if read out loud it should only ever be read in your head now i'm not a particularly superstitious person but uh yeah i'm not going to read it out unless i absolutely have to and i don't you can see excerpts of it on the screen now and of course you can find the full version of the poem online just remember don't read it out loud don't want anything happen to you you know i've grown quite fond of you guys coming at number six now we have inunki village many japanese villages are famous for their beauty not this one this one is one you never want to visit legend says that society abandoned this place and lawless people moved in many years ago outcasts of society who sought a chance to live somewhere where good people could never stop their wicked deeds they had their own set of laws which legalized incest cannibalization and murder as the rumors of this village grew people wanted to know what happened why did everyone originally leave well they say the villagers were killed off by a serial killer with an axe another explanation is that a terrible disease made everyone rot as far as details about this dark place go that's pretty much everything many people trying to visit it but they say that those that succeed are never heard from again the fact that you can't get a phone signal there only adds to its scare factor moving on to find now we have the okiku doll while many of the stories i talk about in this series are of spirits or things from thousands of years ago that you can't visit or touch this is a very real doll that you can actually go and see for yourself it's on display at a religious temple it has its very own section there and tourists come to see it why would a doll deserve all this special treatment well how do i put this the doll grows hair yeah that's what they say perhaps even creepier is that the hair growing from the doll's head is human so where did this creepy human hair growing doll come from well according to the story it was originally given to a two-year-old girl by her brother in 1918 the girl died a year later and the family kept the doll in memory of her some sort of strange soul fusing appears to have happened because that's when they noticed the hair growing the parents were freaked out and brought the doll to a local priest he agreed to keep it there for a few months and observe it to confirm if their story was true he said it was a doll has remained on display in the temple there ever since the door was named after the girl who it belonged to and this year marks a hundred years since it was bought for her perhaps someone should keep an eye on it just for this year moving on to number four now we have kuni kuni now some say this is basically the japanese version of slenderman kuni kuni will always appear far away at first in the distance in the shadows his white body twisting in the wind it's a good thing that he appears at a distance from you because that's exactly how you want it to stay they say if he ever does get near you you will go mad forever there is no cure there is no coming back from this if you step near him your mind turns to permanent jelly now according to japanese legend he has claimed many many victims over the years but you often won't hear about them because the victims are left wandering alone going nowhere fast until their mind and body collapse for good next up at number three now we have the purple mirror i'm quite happy with this story because it involves a creepy curse that doesn't affect you if you're over the age of 20. i am but for those of you that aren't here's a warning from this japanese urban legend Kuchi sake onna a young girl was given a mirror by her mother for her birthday and spent many hours a day staring at it the girl wanted more than anything to be beautiful and ended up developing an eating disorder in order to be thinner it took its toll she became weak and frail and not the beautiful figure she was once chasing one day she threw her mirror on the ground in anger it smashed everywhere a little while later she was making arrangements for her coming of age party on her 20th birthday she got into a horrible car accident though and died at the scene her last words were a whisper purple mirror purple mirror her grieving parents searched for this mirror but they never found it now they say that if you do not forget the phrase purple mirror by your 20th birthday something bad will happen to you so forget those words maybe i never should have said them in the first place and finding number one now we have the tokyo terror taxi great name isn't it this is a story of a taxi driver's paranormal experience in tokyo many years ago i'll read the most popular version to you now it was a stormy autumn night near ayo yama cemetery where he picked up a poor young girl drenched by the rain it was dark so he didn't get a good look at her face but she seemed sad and he figured she had been visiting a recently deceased relative or friend the address she gave was some distance away and they drove in silence a good cabbie doesn't make small talk when picking someone up from a cemetery when they arrived at the address the girl didn't get out but whispered for him to wait a bit she stared out of the window at a second floor apartment ten minutes or so passed as she watched never speaking never crying simply observing a solitary figure move about the apartment suddenly the girl has to be taken to a new address this one was back in the cemetery where he had first picked her up the rain was heavy and the driver focused on the road leaving the girl to her own thoughts when he arrived at the new address a modern house in a good neighborhood the cabbie opened the door and turned around to collect his fare to his horror he found himself staring at an empty back seat with a deep puddle where the girl had been sitting just moments before mouth open he just sat there staring at the vacant seat until a knocking on the window shook him from his revere the father of the house seeing the taxi outside had calmly walked out bringing with him the exact change for the fair he explained that the young girl had been his daughter who died in a traffic accident some years ago and was buried in aoyama cemetery from time to time he said she hailed a cab and after visiting her old boyfriend's apartment asked to be driven home the father thanked the driver for his troubles and sent him on his way and number nine we have the curse of colonel sanders that's right the king of fried chicken has put a hex on the land of anime the curse is that every fifth person who eats fried chicken will spend 400 on hello kitty merchandise no i'm just kidding i made that up but there is actually a colonel sanders curse but it's on a baseball team apparently back in 1985 the japanese baseball team the hanshi tigers won the entire series and the fans went crazy like any fans of any sport they rioted and they took a statue of colonel sanders and they threw it into the river i have a couple of questions of why there was a statue of colonel sanders hanging around in the first place but i'll save that for another video apparently after they did this the team has never won a series i like the idea that the dead mascot of a fast food chain has used dark magic to control sports in japan that's amazing at number eight we have kokuri-san let's step away from the modern legends and move all the way back to the 18th century way back then there was a game called kokuri o kokuri-san which started spreading like wildfire this game involves a few things you need a pen some paper a coin and a few friends you put your finger on the coin while you write questions to kokuri i think you can play this game by yourself but it would just be you alone with your finger on a coin writing messages to the air so i don't think it would be that fun there's a couple of legends about this game but the scariest one being that kokori will only answer the question of what day you will die i mean it might be comforting knowing how much time you have left but knowing also might be like a self-fulfilling prophecy also after you're done playing the game you have to spend the coin within a certain period of time or kokuri will bring you death at number 7 we have the 1932 kimono fire back in 1932 there was a brutal fire in japan who took the lives of many people now it's rumored that while this fire was burning there's a bunch of women trapped on the top of this building in kimonos firefighters put out nets for them to jump out safely but they refused the reason that the women didn't want to jump is because they weren't wearing any underwear underneath their kimonos which is tradition so they thought if they jumped everyone would see their lady bits and they would have been super embarrassed so they decided to burn to death rather than having the shame of showing your kuchi on tv and then this was so brutal that it made japanese people change their customs and make it okay for women to wear underwear underneath their kimonos now here's the truth in reality there was actually a fire and a lot of people did actually die but the whole thing about them not wanting to jump because they weren't dressed for the occasion was made up by western countries rumors were spread that exaggerated the intensity of japanese traditions and number six we have the sony timer companies get a lot of rumors spread about them like the one that mcdonald's is feeding poison to the nation's youth oh wait that one's true but there was a fake one spread about sony that all of their products had a built-in timer inside them that would cause the product to break down shortly after the warranty was up it was of course false i've gotta launch ps4 and the baby still works it might sound like a jet plane taking off because the fan is so loud but it still works so this one was scary for your wallet what do you want from me it's part three i promise the rest of the ones on the list are very spooky and number five with the kyotaki tunnel this tunnel is considered one of the most haunted places in all of japan and there is a bunch of different legends that have circulated around it most people see the standard ghost in the tunnel haunting like a ghost standing at the end of the tunnel and just stares at you while you're in your car but some people have had much more intimate encounters with ghosts ghosts appearing right in their cars some people say that they get so frightened that they've even crashed their vehicles i mean that's what i would say if i got into a car accident like it wasn't me it was the ghost he spooked me also i don't have insurance there are many reasons why people think this tunnel is haunted some people believe that the area was once a battleground for many soldiers others say it's haunted by the souls of men who died building the tunnel either way if you want to avoid a head-on collision maybe stick to the highways at number four we have gasha dokuro or the hungry skeleton a giant skeleton man who is trying to take your bones this is like the trixx rabbit if he was a murderer you'd be like hey silly skeleton bones are for people and then he would rip your throat out with his massive claw hand this demonic bone dude is supposed to be the combination of all the people who died from starvation and were never found their leftover bones come together to make a beast that has a never-ending hunger and a hobby that involves taking your femur right from your body they only come out at night and hang around the woods and honestly if you're walking around the woods at night you deserve to be eaten by a skeleton monster these monsters are very silent and they attack you without warning the last thing you will hear is a ringing in your ears as the beast closes in i wonder if you carry around a bone you can distract it like a dog like oh go fetch boy leave me alone at number three tenome hey here's a tip don't go around killing old people and you won't have to worry about a crazy ghost coming back to kill you and all your friends and everyone else it runs into for the rest of time the legend of tenome is about a regular old man minding his own business and a bunch of little hoodlums ran up to him and attacked him they beat the poor dude so badly he laid in the street slowly dying with his last few moments he cried out he made a wish that he had eyes on his hands so he could see in whatever direction he wanted this way no one could ever sneak up on him he was in a blind fury and he got his wish he came back as a ghostly figure that had eyes on its hands and the power to kill anyone who he saw with his eyeball hands urban legend Yuki onna and number two we have no pedabo or the faceless ghost there is a couple versions of this ghostly story one involves it waiting under a bridge like some sort of troll when people pass by it will kill them and leave behind animal hair on the body to make it seem like it was an animal attack but my favorite version is about two fishermen who visit a pond they were warned that they should never fish there because with the burial ground for a woman and her ghost haunts the area but they didn't care while fishing the two men were approached by a young woman who asked them to leave they just brush her off and then she decided to go full psycho because she was a ghost and she removed her own face they scared the two men so badly that they ran back to their homes to their wives they told their wives about their story and their wives chastised them for bringing dark energy to the home and then removed their own faces and then they said chris angel mind freak.

#Urban Legend total 2

Top 10 Scary Russian Urban Legends

Russia. The biggest country on Earth. With such a big place, theres bound to be some scary stories that have emerged over the years - these are some of the best. They span across hundreds of years, Russians know them often fear them and they very rarely end well. Would you like to hear them? And this is the Top 10 Scary Russian Urban Legends.

10. The Russian Sleep Experiment

Some of you guys may have heard of this before - it became a very popular creepypasta a few years ago and for good reason. According to legend, Russian scientists in the 1940s took 5 prison inmates and locked them in an airtight chamber with a special gas inside that made them unable to sleep. They wanted to study the effects of sleep deprivation over 30 days. On day 5 - the inmates stopped talking to each other. By day 9, some of them were screaming, begging to get out. One of the others tore apart the books they were given, smeared them with their own feces and then covered the one way mirror with it which the scientists were using to observe them. The screaming stopped. By day 15, they announced over the intercom that they were coming in - a voice replied -We no longer want to be freed- … they opened up the chamber to find one of the inmates had been torn to pieces by the others.

They had also mutilated themselves almost to the point of death. The team tried to surgically reverse the damage on their brain but they resisted and couldnt be sedated - they just laughed and laughed. They demanded to be let back into the chamber which the head scientist agreed to. Appalled at what he was seeing, one of the scientists shot the head scientist and the remaining subjects. Before killing the last one he asked -What ARE you?- … the prisoner responded -Have you forgotten so easily? We are you. We are the madness that lurks within you all, begging to be free at every moment in your deepest animal mind. We are what you hide from in your beds every night. We are what you sedate into silence and paralysis when you go to the nocturnal haven where we cannot tread- … the scientist fired the gun and killed him.

9. The Legend of Brosnya

The Brosnya is said to be an ancient, mythological beast that lives within the waterways of the Andreapol District. Perhaps the closest comparison for a western audience would be the Loch Ness Monster. The Brosnya lurks below the surface there, many have heard of it - but few have seen it. They describe it as a prehistoric creature with a dragons head and long thin tail. There have been accounts of the beast going back well over a thousand years. One notable example involves a Mongol army in the 8th century that fled the area after the Brosnya attacked them - eating their soldiers and horses. Some even say its related to the Loch Ness Monster - wouldnt that be an interesting family reunion.

8. Ivan Vassili

Thats the name of a ship not a person. It was built in St Petersburg in 1897. Everything was fine for about 25 years and then, in 1903, something changed. The crew were in the Indian ocean when they felt a strange presence - almost as if an invisible entity was watching them - there was a chill in the air. One night, they saw an apparition - a human figure that stolled across the deck - its features too blurry to make out - it then disappeared behind a lifeboat. A few nights later, when the ship was docked in China, a crew member screamed out into the night - sending everyone into a crazy panic - they lost their minds and went berserk - beating each other and themselves.

It only ended when one of the crew members threw himself overboard and died. A few days later, it happened again, the crew became possessed with fighting rage and only ended with another crew members death by drowning. The crew abandoned ship at port - the new crew set sail but the same thing happened to them - 4 people died including the captain, all of them threw themselves overboard. Eventually the the crew burned the ship down, cheering at the sight as the left in smaller boats. What do you guys think of that? Can ships be so haunted they drive people to suicide?

7. The Well To Hell

This one comes from Siberia - a part of Russia thats perhaps one of the most inhospitable places on Earth. Youll rarely find people here - which is why a lot of stories have sprouted up around it. According to legend, a scientific team were drilling a hole to study samples in the Siberian permafrost. Suddenly, the drill started malfunctioning and letting off intense heat - then they heard faint noises coming from within. They scrambled to get a microphone and began feeding it down the hole so they could hear better. They realised the noises were actually human voices - coming from deep in the ground - and they were screaming out in pain. The terrified team packed up and left - convinced they had found a well to hell.

6. The Black Volga

This one comes from the height of the cold war during the 1960s and 70s. During that time, many Russians talked of a Black Volga - an expensive car usually driven by those high up in the Soviet Government. They said that this particular car would appear out of nowhere, its side mirrors were actually horns and it would steal children from the side of the road - never to be see again. Whats more, some say the car was driven by the Devil himself. For me though - the scariest part of the story is yet to come. It was said that those who doubted the stories authenticity would be dead within 24 hours. Of course, this only made the story spread even faster - do you dare doubt its authenticity? Actually you probably do.

5. Snake Lubac

Some Russians believe that occasionally, a shooting star falling to Earth may actually be a Snake-Lubac, a demonic figure that resembles a giant snake. Its often called -the fiery serpent- due to its fiery descent to Earth in a huge ball of fire. After it lands and the dust settles, the Snake-Lubac takes on human form. To be more specific, it takes on the form of a lost love that died to whomever it appears in front of. It chooses people who are desperate to see their partner one last time. The Snake Lubac then tricks the person into believing they never died - once the person is under its spell, it slowly convinces them to convince suicide - a fate which many say is unavoidable.

4. Chernobyl Black Bird

Im sure many of you guys have heard about Chernobyl - the nuclear power plant meltdown that happened in 1986, leaving a large part of the Soviet Union uninhabitable because of radiation. According to some of the locals who lived nearby - there were signs of the disaster coming. Some of them experienced nightmares, strange phone calls and encounters with a huge winged monster they called the Blackbird of Chernobyl. Apparently it looked like a twisted hybrid of bird and human with huge wings and big red eyes. Some even say they saw it over the reactors during the meltdown. Is it just some stupid story? Does this creature warn people of impending doom or perhaps even cause it?

3. UVB-76

Also known as -The Buzzer-, this is the nickname given to a shortwave radio station that broadcasts a short, monotonous buzzing noise all day, every day and has been doing t since 1973 - 45 years ago. Nobody knows why or where this creepy station is. Sometimes the buzzer signal is interrupted by a Russian voice that reads out a string of random phrases and numbers. The message usually starts with -UVB76- … when the message stops, the buzzing begins again - sometimes for years. Theories have ranged from military communication to a way to announce a nuclear war has begun.

2. The Collector

In old Russian folk lore, the collector is a strange, dark figure who kidnaps people, kills them and then puts their mummified bodies on display for his own pleasure. If that sounds too disturbing to be true then think again. Russians were shocked in 2011 to learn that there was a real life version of The Collector that had been arrested. He used to dig up corpses and dress their remains in womens clothing to display around his home. In total, he did this with an astounding 29 corpses. If theres anything worse than an urban legend - its a real one coming to life.

1. Baba Yaga

According to Russian folklore, she is a supernatural being who appears as a deformed old woman. She flies around in a giant mortar while using the pestle to steer. Deep in the Russian woods, she lives in a log cabin that moves around on a pair of chicken legs. The keyhole to her door is filled with sharp teeth, the fence outside is made with human human bones topped with skulls - she always leaves one empty for you. She is said to kidnap children and threaten to eat them - an emphasis is placed on the need for proper preparation of purity of spirit when meeting, as well as politeness. This creepy being is said to have good qualities at times, but for the many Russians who grew up hearing about her - Baba Yaga is always something to avoid - especially in the woods at night.

Top 10 Scary Russian Urban Legends

Russia. The biggest country on Earth. With such a big place, theres bound to be some scary stories that have emerged over the years - these are some of the best. They span across hundreds of years, Russians know them often fear them and they very rarely end well. Would you like to hear them? And this is the Top 10 Scary Russian Urban Legends.

Top 10 Scary Mexican Urban Legends

Today we continued our quest to discover scary tales from all over the world. In this Topic well be visiting a land steeped in myths and legends, some of them are modern, some of them are ancient, but all of them are feared by the people who know them. This is the Top 10 Scary Mexican Urban Legends.

10. White Death

The White Death is said to be a vengeful spirit in Mexico who hunts down anyone who knows about her existence. If its true, Im sorry to drag all of you guys in to it. Shes said to be an undead girl with cold black eyes that weep blood. She glides but never walks and stalks her victims like wild animals, chasing them back to their homes. Then, she waits until night and knocks at the door. One knock means she wants your skin, 2 for your hair, 3 for your bones, 4 for your heart, 5 for your teeth, 6 for your eyes and 7 for your soul - which she will swallow hole.

9. La Lechuza

According to legend, she was a witch who used magic to turn herself into a giant white owl. Its said that she sold her soul to the devil to become more powerful. Sometimes she appears as an owl the size of a human being, with the head of an owl and the body of an elderly woman. She is said to wait outside the house of her victims, crying out into the night until they step outside.

8. The Phantom of The Park

In the small city of Jaral Del Progreso lies a park called the Benito Juarez Park. Its built on the remains of an old, forgotten cemetery. The locals say this disturbed the spirits of the dead and unleashed a deadly curse. Every night, the benches were vandalized and nobody knew who caused the damage. The city hited a security guard to patrol the grounds. One night, around midnight, a dense fog emerged and crept out over the park. The guard heard the cries of a woman. Then, he saw her - a shadowy figure lurking near the park benches. It looked like an old woman in a long white dress. When he got closer, he saw she had no legs and was floating above the ground. Then, she attacked him. He managed to escape and told his boss the next morning. A few days later, he died of a mysterious illness. Locals have now accepted the phantom of the park - and they know a mysterious illness will fall upon anyone who sees her at midnight.

7. La Malinche

The story dates back to 1522 when the noble Aztec woman La Malinche had two sons with the Spanish conquistador Cortes. He told her he was going to return to Spain with his sons, she had a dream where one of her Gods appeared and said -If you let him take your children, one of them will return and destroy your people. The night before Cortes  departed, La Malinche escaped with the boys - Cortes’ soldiers chased them to the lake on which Mexico city now lies. Just before capturing them, she stapped the boys in their heart with a dagger and dropped their bodies into the water. She screamed out into the night, saying -Oh my children- … in the centuries since then, many Mexican families have reported seeing her ghost wandering the streets at night, grieving the loss of her children. The families lock up their kids for fear of her doing the same thing to them.

6. La Planchada

In the 1930s, a nurse known as La Planchada worked at Hospital Juarez. Her name roughly translates to The Ironed Lady. She fell for a doctor but he left her for another woman. La Planchada was distraught and fell into a deep depression. She deteriorated and eventually succumbed to an illness which killed her. Legend says that she returned to the land of the living with a hatred for all other nurses. Ever since then, she walks the corridors of hospitals at night - caring for patients while they sleep, but ready to release her anguish if she comes across another nurse.

5. The Red Car

This legend tells of a group of witches who travel the roads looking for men. Theyre also known as the carriage of the witches. The red car travels the roads at night between Mexico City and Cuernavaca. The passengers are 3 witches disguised as beautiful women. When they see a man alone by the side of the road, they pull over and try to get him inside. If the man accepts, he is usually found some time later, lying lifeless by the side of the road - battered, bruised and witch strange arcane symbols all over his body. Its thought that they are sacrificed to the devil as part of an occult ritual - and the car is red only because of the blood of the victims.

4. The Tube House

This is an abandoned mansion in Monterrey Mexico. It was built in the 1970s by a family of 3 who wanted to make a comfortable place to live for their daughter who was in a wheelchair. When the parents brought their daughter to see the home for the first time, the little girl fell off one of the ramps and went straight through a window, falling to her death. The parents were distraught and eventually put the house up fro sale. In the years since then, visitors have sworn they have seen the ghost of the little girl. They see her standing there in the same window she fell to her death from - waving and smiling, forever.

3. El Cucuy

According to legend, El Cucuy is small, hideous, hair creature with deep glowing red eyes. He has ears like a bat and a mount full of teeth as sharp as daggers. El Cucuy comes out at night to steal children away. Some say he can take the form of any dark shadow which he uses to watch children as they sleep. Once the child is asleep, El Cucuy will pounce and take them away to his lair. Children will hide in their wardrobes or under their beds. He is essentially the Mexican version of the boogeyman, or perhaps the very same person.

2. Chupacabra

This is the story of a strange beast that blurs the lines between fact and fiction. Some describe it as a vicious furry lizard like creature with bulging red eyes, fanged teeth and a long darting tongue. Its name roughly translates to Goat Sucker because of its tendency to pray on goats and other livestock. The animals it attacks are left with every ounce of blood drained out of them. What kind of creature would do this? Is it something natural or not?

1. The Severed Hands

In Mexico, some people say there exists -The Alley of the Hands- … in 1780, a priest set up in the town of Alfalfa in Mexico. He hired two boys to help look after the horses. One night, the boys returned to the house to find the priest had been murdered. They ran to get help. The police couldnt figure out who did it and began to suspect it was the two boys. After intense interrogation the boys began to blame each other. They were put on trial and found guilty - they were hung by the neck and then their hands were cut off. The hands were then hung on the wall of the alley outside the priests house as a warning to others. Ever since then, people have been afraid to walk through the Alley of the Hands. Whenever they do, they make the sign of the cross and pray. Locals say that on a cold dark night in November, you can see the skeletal hands floating above you in the alley.

Top 10 Scary Canadian Urban Legends

Its also a big place with a history that spans back thousands of years. From the cities and towns that hug the American border, to the frozen wastelands that touch the arctic - Canada has produced many unique stories - some of them are very scary.

10. Cressie

Cressie is said to be a mysterious, eel like creature said to lurk in the waters of Crescent lake in NewFoundland and Labrador. Stories of Cressie date back to Native Canadian legends which refer to it as the Pond Devil or Swimming Demon. Their fears were also held by European settlers who arrived at the lake during the early 20th century. Since then, there have been dozens of sightings of Cressie with one report saying it could be as much as 15ft long.

9. The St Louis Ghost Train

In the town of St Louis in Saskatchewan lies the village of St Louis. There, you can find an old abandoned train track. Many of the locals there have reported seeing strange floating lights moving along the train track during the night. Others have said a ghost train will appear on the track, looking like the ones from the 19th century. Another story is that the ghost of a workman who died during the tracks construction will appear.

8. The Forbidden Plateau

This plateau in Western Canada has long been regarded as a mysterious place. The Native Canadians would hide their families in the forested plateau during wars with other tribes. One day, the warriors returned to find their family had disappeared. They believe that evil spirits took them away and vowed never to step foot there again - earning it the name the Forbidden plateau. Many have taken this story to heart and stay clear of the eerie presence there.

7. Young Teazer

This was an American ship that was destroyed in the war of 1812. It was wrecked in Novia Scotia where some people believe its ghost can still be seen today. People swear they have seen the Teazer Light - a fiery glow of a flaming ship near the site of the explosion. Accounts began in the late 19th century and since then, many people have said the ship appears on the 27th of June - the day it sank. Others have gone even further and said the ship also holds the ghosts of the sailors who died in the explosion, forced to relive their deaths forever.

6. Christie Mansion

Its now Regis College in Toronto but Christie Mansion used to be the home of William Mellis Christie - a successful businessman. His son Robert inherited the mansion and set up a secret chamber for his mistress. She lived there for many years until Roberts affections for her began to wane. Eventually, she hung herself in Room 29. Ever since then, people have said the room is cursed. Legend says if you enter room 29 by yourself at night, the door will swing shut by itself and youll be trapped there forever, just like the ghost of the mistress.

5. Peggys Cove

On a rocky outcrop in Nova Scotia, you can find a lonely lighthouse. The story goes that in 1800, a woman named Peggy washed up on the rocks there after being shipwrecked. Tragically, her children all drowned. Peggy went on to marry one of locals and live on the cove. She would often walk along the rocks at night, calling out to them in her grief. One night, her husband went out with her and danced on the rocks to cheer her up. He lost his footing and slipped, sending him into the rocks which killed him. Soon after, she jumped off the same rocks and ended her life. Visitors swear that on dark stormy nights, you can see the ghost of a woman in a blue dress standing at the edge of the rocks, ready to jump.

4. John Troyer

By all accounts, he might be the closest thing Canada has to a witch hunter. He was born into an Amish family in America before replacing to Ontario in Canada. He was a Dr who was terrified of witches. Legend says that he would stalk witches in the woods until they led him to their den. He would then steal the broomsticks for personal transport. He would also set up witch traps to capture them. Whether or not you believe the whole broomstick or witches thing, there is evidence of John Troyers traps which are essentially human sized bear traps.

3. The Dungarvon Whooper

This is a famous ghost story coming from New Brunswick and dating back to the late 19th century. According to legend, a young Irish cook called Ryan worked at a lumberjack camp. While the other lumberjacks were out, the boss killed Ryan. When they return, he told them Ryan got sick and died suddenly. They bury him some distance from the camp. However, a loud whooping sound kept them awake. The whooping got so loud that they fled the camp, convinced it was Ryans vengeful ghost. In the years since, many have reported the Whooping that can be heard in the woods, as Ryan seeks vengeance on the living.

2. The Legend of Rose Latulippe

This is a French Canadian legend that dates back to the 18th century. There are more than 200 different versions of the legend but they mostly share the same theme. Rose Latulipe was a young girl who loved to dance. On the night of Mardi Gras, a stranger appeared at her house and danced with her until midnight. At that moment, he was revealed to be the devil. She tried to escape but it was too late, the Devil took Rose back to hell where she remains to this day, dancing with her at his whim.

1. Oak Island

Legend says that treasure an be found on Oak Island in Nova Scotia. Since the 19th century, people have been convinced that the treasure there includes the likes of Mari Antoinettes jewels and even missing Shakespeare manuscripts. A number of people have died trying to search for the treasure. The legend began with the discovery of a large pit which seems to be man made. Its almost 200ft deep and has been protected by booby traps which have killed a number of explorers. There are even underground channels that lead to the beach over 500ft away. Treasure hunters are convinced that all of this must have been built to hide treasure from hundreds of years ago.

Top 10 Scary Irish Urban Legends

We have a country that is very dear to heart - Ireland. Its history goes back thousands of years and contains many amazing stories - some of them are pretty scary though - they've survived since ancient times - does this mean theres some truth to them? And this is the Top 10 Scary Irish Urban Legends.

10. The Demon Bride of County Monaghan

This is a story of death. The Demon bride is said to have terrorised funeral goers for at least 200 years - her victims now lie in the churchyards where they fell. Across County Monaghan, people report the same thing - the demon bride watches funerals and waits as the deceased are laid to rest. As everyone leaves, the Demon Bride approaches a young man straggling behind. She transforms into a beautiful young woman and makes him promise to meet her a month from that day back at the graveyard. She seals the deal with a kiss and then vanishes. As he leaves the graveyard, his blood runs cold and a deep sense of despair washes over him. He realises he has sold his body and soul to the evil spirit and his life has been forfeited. Over the next month, he descends into madness before eventually dying. He is laid to rest in the same graveyard as before, exactly a month after he first met the demon bride - his promise fulfilled.

9. The Banshee

The Banshee is a female spirit that wails in the night as a sign that death is coming for a family member. Legend says the banshee has long, streaming hair, wears a grey cloak over a green dress and her eyes are red from constant weeping. According to the -Ancient Legends of Ireland- book, the Banshee -may be seen at night as a shrouded woman, crouched beneath the trees, lamenting with veiled face or flying past the moonlight, crying bitterly. And the cry of this spirit is mournful beyond all other sounds on earth, and betokens certain death to some member of the family whenever it is heard in the silence of the night.

8. The Dearg-Due

Many countries have a vampire legend, this is the Irish one. The name translates from Irish as -red blood sucker- . Originally the Dearg-Due was a normal girl who lives over two thousand years ago. She was said to be beautiful, with blood red lips and pale blond hair. Her true name has been lost in the sands of time, overshadowed by what she became. Men travelled from all over Ireland in the hopes of being with her. However, she fell in love with a local man who was very poor. He was perfect for her but without money, her Father would never let them marry. Instead, he married her off to an old, cruel man who abused her. He also liked to draw blood from her while she was locked in a tower cell.

One day, she gave up hope of her true love ever rescuing her and committed suicide by refusing to eat. Her dying breath was of vengeance against the living. Her undead corpse rose from the Earth on the night she was buried, thirsting for the blood that was taken from her. She was now the Dearg-Due, stealing blood from children, from the innocent and especially from young men. She would call to them in the night with a haunting siren song that lured them to their deaths. Some say she still wanders to the Irish countryside at night, calling out to her next victim …

7. The Changelings

These are mythical fairy creatures that take the place of a newborn human child that has been stolen by the fairies. The fairies will still the child to act as a servant. Families would try and see if their baby was a changeling through a number of different ways. One involved placing them over a fire. If the baby wass a changeling, it would leave by climbing up the chimney. The real child would then be returned. It was thought that the fairies prefered to steal baby boys. As a result, many Irish families would dress their baby boys in dresses as to confuse the fairies.

6. The Dullahan

The Dullahan is a headless rider of the night who carries his own head under one arm. His mouth is locked in a hideous grin that touches both sides of his head. His flesh is rotting and he uses the spine of a human for a whip. His job is as a foreteller of death. Where he stops riding, a person is due to die. He will call out the persons name at which point they drop to the floor dead. There is no way to stop the Dullahan - all locks and gates open when he approaches. They don't like being watched either and will throw blood over anyone who dares to do so - this is also taken as a mark that they are among the next to die.

5. The Fetch

The Fetch is a supernatural double of a living person. You could have your own Fetch. They are like a doppelganger but with more sinister undertones. Their sightings are regarded as an open of impending death. If a person sees this dark double of themselves, its said to mean they are going to die. Sometimes The Fetch may even have a clue as to how that person will die - perhaps a bullet wound in the head or a slash across the chest. Either way, its not something you want to come across. The Fetch is said to appear ghostly or shadowy and may vanish down alleys or halls if followed.

4. Puca

According to Irish folklore, these are strange little creatures obsessed with causing as much havoc as possible. They visit farms and seaside communities to tear down fences and disturb the animals. The creepy part is that the legend says the Puca sometimes stands outside the farmhouse and calls the people outside by their name. If anyone steps out, the Puca will carry them away forever. There are stories of them being blood thirsty and vampire like creatures as well as ones that describe them as man eating beings, hunting down, killing and eating their victims.

3. The Alp-Luachra

This creature is also known as the joint eater. Don't worry, it doesnt eat your joints - but this creature does something just as strange. Its said to be a newt like creature that preys on people who fall asleep near rivers or streams. It jumps down their throat and lives in their stomach so that it can eat the victims food. In the collection of folk tales called Beside the Fire, a farmer who was starving from an Alp-luachra found a way to get rid of the creature. He ate large amounts of salted meat until he could eat no more. Then he lay by a stream with his mouth open. The Alp-luachra were driven to thirst by all the salt and eventually, they all jumped out of the man and into the water.

2. The Black Cat of Killakee House

There is said to be a beast that wanders the forests of County Dublin around the old Killakee House. The animal has been sighted for centuries and people say its supernatural. For many people though, this was nothing more than  superstition. That was until 1968 when a young couple bought the Killakee house and started renovating it. The hired workers reported strange noises and events and a big black cat with demonic eyes that haunted them. It would appear and disappear in a moment. The owners didnt believe them until they saw it too - standing in the hallways, staring and snarling. The couple got a priest to perform and exorcism on the house which seemed to rid it of the beast for a while. Then a group of actors held a seance in the house which brought the black cat back with many swearing it still prowls there to this day.

1. The Sluagh

Some say these spectral creatures are demons but a closer term would be malicious spirits. The Slaugh are dead sinners who have been doomed to spend an eternity hunting for the souls of people who are dying. According to Irish Folklore, they come from the west, flying like a flock of birds, trying to enter a house where they sense someone is dying in order to steal their soul and rob them of a happy afterlife. It was said that many family would actually shut their west facing windows at all time to keep the Sluagh out of them homes. Some folklore experts have compared this to the Wild Hunt, a European folktale about ghostly hounds or spirits traveling around in packs foretelling of death and disaster.

Top 10 Scary Hospital Urban Legends

Hospitals can be a scary place to be at the best of times, but these horrifying stories make them like truly terrifying places best avoided. To make matters worse, some digging and some of these urban legends have turned out to be true.

10. In Germany
Legend has it that an abandoned hospital is over run by zombies. The Kinderkrankenhaus on the outskirts of Berlin is pretty terrifying a) because it is an abandoned Children’s hospital and B because it might be infested by brain sucking zombies. Frim the outside, the the building in the woods has been battered by the elements and ransacked by vandals. Who knows what is going on on the inside….Urban legend in the nearby town is that the old abandoned hospital is home to a number of zombies waiting to strike. Those who dare visit the location have taken some terrifying pictures if the interior and exterior. On the flip side, though, some of the graffiti is pretty cool. My question is, are they regular zombies, or child zombies?

9. Killed By Death
Killed by death is an urban legend that focuses on sick kids in a childrens hospital. Children are admitted to the hospital with severe flulike symptoms and see a creepy, nightmarish monster stalking the corridors at night. Those still ill with the flu are taken, one by one at night by the Kindestod, which means the Childs Death in German. The Kindestod sucks out the kids souls, leaving them to die prematurely, with doctors thinking it was their weak immune systems failing to fight off the flu. Only people with the flu can see the monster, leaving healthy people to think the kids are delirious when they complain of seeing the beast. It turns out that while this creepy child killing monster seems like the stuff of Urban legends, after some digging, I found it was an adapted creepypasta from a 1998 episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

8. Red Wrist Bands
The wristband story is a creepypasta about a doctor who sees dead people. Basically the story goes that a Doctor Ulman was working as a surgeon and unfortunately could not save the life of one of his patients. As a signifier that this patient was dead, Dr Ulman placed a Red wristband on the deceased. After cleaning up and taking a moment, Dr Ulman hopped in the hospital elevator to take a break in the cafeteria. As he was heading down, a woman in a hospital white gown hopped in after him. Ever the gent, Ulman asked which floor the woman was heading to. She said she was expected in the morgue. Baffled, Dr Ulman noticed another passenger try to jump in the elevator, but miss as the doors closed in his face. Ulman locked eyes with the man before the doors shut. He went white. The lady asked what was wrong. He said that he thought the man was a patient who had just died. The woman asked how he could be sure, and Dr Ulman said that he was wearing a red wristband. The woman smiled and held up her arm, and said…like this one? The elevator went down.

7. You should never go to a hospital at the beginning of a fiscal year because you’ll get hurt. Ooh, fiscal year….talk sexy to me. No, seriously though, this is actually an urban legend. People think that if they go to a hospital, particularly a training hospital, they are likely to suffer an injury at the hands of doctors because the new fiscal year marks a new intake of junior doctors who are inexperienced. While there is some slight evidence to back this up, health care providers insist this is an urban legend.

6. Babies Switched
At Birth We have all heard the urban legend of two babies born in the same hospital getting switched at birth, right? They are then brought up by the wrong families and on their 18th birthday they find out they were actually switched? It’s a classic, there was even a TV series about it on ABC. Well, this actually does happen! How scary would it be to realise you were actually from a whole other family entirely and you could have had a very different life? This happened to Doris Gruenwald, born in 1990. 27 years later, following a routine blood test, she found out that she had been given to the wrong family. Speaking to local news outlets, she said: My whole body started shaking... It was like the ground under my feet disappeared. The woman from Australia took University Hospital Graz to court, and the medical facility was ordered to pay 90 thousand euros in damages. This is a crazy story….

5. Toxic Blood Infects Hospital
On a cold February evening in 1994, a 31 year old women, Gloria Ramirez, visited a hospital in Riverside California. The woman was ill and had been previously diagnosed with cervical cancer. The woman had some unusual symptoms…her heart was beating rapidly, he blood pressure plummeting and she was taking slow shallow breaths. She was injected with valium and other drugs to sedate her. When she was stripped of her clothes, they noticed her body was covered in an oily sheen and there was a garlicy odor coming from her mouth. When her blood was taken, they noticed it smelled very strongly of ammonia. The medics who had taken her blood became queasy, then fainted.

One stopped breathing for several minutes and another shook uncontrollably, losing the feeling in their limbs. It seems that Ramirez was releasing a toxicity. 23 of the 37 emergency room staff members on shift that day experienced symptoms, 5 were hospitalized and one spent two weeks in intensive care for apnea. Ramirez died that evening and there was no official explanation from Livermore investigators for the bouts of illness on the ward. Weirdly enough,this Urban Legend seems to actually be true – there are news articles and studies about the incident. Well, this urban legend turned out to be true.

4. Dr Death
Dr Death is the legend of a seemingly lovely family doctor who would charm the elderly within his care. Secretly though, he was convincing the vulnerable OAPs to write him into their Wills, then slowly killing them off with lethal drug combinations. When they died, he recorded their deaths as old age and would pocket their money. Sounds like a murderous creepypasta, but it is true. In the late 90s in South Manchester , UK, Linda Reynolds of Donneybrook Surgery expressed concerns about the high mortality rate of Dr Harold Shipman’s patients.

Police were alerted, but unable to initially gather enough evidence. 6 months after the initial claims, Police found sufficient evidence that Dr Shipman was spiking his elderly patients with Diamorphine and forging their wills. In total, Harold Shipman is thought to have killed over 215 patients between 1975 and 1998. The majority of his victims were woman, although he did kill some men. The majority of the victims were over the age of 75. The youngest was in their 40s.

3. The Legend of the Kingseat Psychiatric Hospital
You could not pay me to go here….you literally could not. This is an old, abandoned mental asylum in New Zealand of all places. Staff were nasty to patients, with many abuse claims and even murder claims coming from relatives of those admitted to the facility. Interestingly, despite many patients dying in their stay at Kingseat, it is said by locals that more staff members and nurses died than any of them.

There are suggestions that something in the place led people to suicide. Now the building is abandoned, which makes it even creepier. I have no idea why you would ever visit, but if you did, you can still see the scratch marks on the wall where patients tried to claw their way out of their rooms. That is not all you might find, either. It seems that the building has been at the centre of paranormal investigations for years, with local legend saying the building is haunted by as many as 100 ghosts, most famously the ghost of a grey looking nurse. Get me awaaaay from there.

2. The Russian Sleep Experiment
The Russian Sleep Experiment was a hospital experiment that was said to have taken place in Soviet Russia on political prisoners during world war 2. Russian doctors were reportedly fascinated by the reason why people sleep and the use of sleep deprivation as torture. Prisoners were told they would be freed if they took place in a 30 day experiment. Allegedly, a special gas was used by medics to keep patients awake. For five days, patients were seemingly okayish, but after the five day mark, they became increasingly paranoid and erratic.

After 9 days they started screaming until they tore their vocal chords. Then patients began smearing their faeces over the room they were in. After 14 days, the captives became very quiet and claimed they no longer wanted to be free. In this time, one of the test subjects had passed away. When the gas was turned off that was keeping them from sleeping, the remaining patients screamed that they wanted the gas back on. They had torn muscle and skin from their bodies, with some organs even being removed and thrown on the floor.

Eventually the patients could no longer be described as human or even human looking. When asked what they were, one of the subjects smiled and said We are you. We are the madness that lurks within you all, begging to be free at every moment in your deepest animal mind. We are what you hide from in your beds every night. We are what you sedate into silence and paralysis when you go to the nocturnal haven where we cannot tread.". Rhiiiiiight. This is probably just an urban legend, but honestly who knows when it comes to war crimes committed by Soviet Russia. Finally at number one, a disgusting and scary urban legend that turns out is the truth.

1. Chinese Hospitals Sell Dead Babies to Eat
The rumour was that a number of hospitals in China were selling aborted child foetuses as Chinese people believed that eating the will boost stamina and sexual health. This, unfortunately, is true. It was even reported that surgeons were eating the foetuses themselves. In 2011, South Korean Customs seized 17 thousand pills containing powdered baby flesh that had been smuggled in from China. There was a documentary made about the practice that aired in South Korea that showed doctors refrigerating dead babies. An undercover reporter learned that corrupt medics at hospitals are selling the dead babies on to paying customers who want to eat the babies for their health. One consumer said that he would cook the foetuses in a soup with ginger and orange peel.

#Urban Legend total 1

Top 10 Scary American Urban Legends

Weve done a few now and the response has been amazing - you guys seem to want to hear creepy Urban Legends from every single country around the world. If thats the case, let me know which country you want next but for now - were talking about a country you may have heard of - the United States of America. And this is the Top 10 Scary American Urban Legends.

10. The Grunch

This one comes from Louisiana. In the early days of New Orelans, there was a road called Grunch Road that went deep into the swampy woods before coming to a dead end - thats where the Grunch people lived - a strange hybrid of albinos and dwarfs - forced away from society and forced to live in their own community. As the years went by, people started to doubt the stories authenticity - but it sparked up again when people started disappearing down Grunch Road. Nearby farmers reported their animals missing or finding them dead and drained of their blood. Many locals now refused to head down Grunch road for fear of meeting the same fate.

9. Stull Cemetery

To those that know the stories, Stull Cemetery in Kansas is better known as the doorway to hell. Legend says that the devil himself chose the cemetery as his entrance from the underworld to our own. Its said that a tree once stood in the cemetery and an old tombstone inscribed with the word -Witch- … the tree was used to hang condemned witches who were put to death by the locals. The tombstone apparently marks the burial spot of Satans own child - a creature born deformed and covered in wolf hair. In modern times, the legend has continued with reports of the ground catching fire randomly. Pope John Paul the 2nd was said to divert his private plane around the cemetery because it was so tainted by evil. Whether or not you believe this all, theres plenty of videos on YouTube to checkout if youre interested.

8. Knock Knock Road

This is for all of you guys that get creeped out by Little Girl ghosts. The worst kind. Strasburg Road near Detroit has a disturbing tale of murder attached to it. Legend says a little girl was killed on the road in the 1940s. Ever since then, people have reported the same story. They stop at a traffic light and see, on the side of the road, a young girl standing - just standing and staring right at you. Whether they freeze or try to speak to her, she slowly walks forward to the car and stares at you with deep set, hollow eyes. She scans your face to try and find her killer and get her revenge, you better hope you don't look like them.

7. Char-Man

The story goes that in 1948, a wildfire swept across Ojaji California. The flames consumed a cabin where a man lived with his son. He was burned alive but his son survived - just barely though. When the authorities arrived, they found a shocking scene - the father had been flayed - his skin had been removed from his body and peeled off, his body hanging from a nearby tree. The police searched for the purportator - they heard a wheezing from a nearby bush and then suddenly, the son bolted out. The overpowering spell stunned the officers and in that moment, the boy ran into the trees and escaped into the hills. In the years since, many locals say they have seen the Char-Man in the woods, horribly disfigured by his burns and tormented by his past. Hes said to creep up on the tents of innocent campers, waiting for them to fall asleep.

6. Hells Gate Bridge

This one comes from Oxford Alabama. The story goes that in the 1950s, a young couple crashed their car off the side of the bridge and drowned. Now, some locals believe you cross the bridge at your own peril. One story is that if you drive your car out to the middle of the bridge and turn off all the lights, the couple will appear in your car, sitting behind you. When you turn around theyll be gone, leaving a wet seat behind. The other story is that if you drive over the bridge and look over your shoulder halfway through, the scenery behind you turns into a portal to hell - spouting fire and flames. Whether or not you believe this - its enough for some people to look for a different way to cross the river.

5. 100 Steps Cemetery

This is located in the town of Brazil in Indiana. Interesting name for a town - and the cemetery is even more interesting. Its been used for at least 150 years and in that time its gained quite a sinister reputation for a ghostly undertaker. The story goes that as you walk up the many steps to the top of the cemetery you must count each step. When you reach the top, you must turn towards the open field and the ghost of the cemeteries first undertaker will appear. Without saying anything, he will then reveal your own death to you in a vision. Straight away, you must proceed down the steps and count each one again. If the number is the different to the one counted on the way up - the vision was true. An added bous is that if anyone tries to cheat and climb up or down without using the steps, a ghostly hand will push them to the ground leaving a red imprint on their back for days as a mark of the devil. Definitely not a place to just got for a Sunday walk then.

4. The Goat Man of Pope Lick

This is an old Kentucky urban legend about a hideous being who roams the woods across the state. Those who have seen him describe the goat man as having dark fur, pale skin, goat legs and twisted horns. Some say he was an escaped circus freak, others say he was a farmer who tortured goats for Satan - Satan repaid him by turning him into a tortured goat himself. The Goat Man is said to hide under the rusty bridge that crosses Pope Lick Creek in Louisville. Legend says he lures people onto the train tracks and then takes pleasure in them being hit by oncoming trains. Please don't go looking for this one though guys, in 2016, a woman actually fell to her death from the bridge while looking for the Goat Man.

3. Slaughterhosue Canyon

With a name like that - you know its not gonna be a pretty story. During the 1800s Gold Rush, a family moved lived in the canyon in a wooden shack. Every day was the same, the husband would set off into the mountains to search for gold and food for his family. Then, one day he didnt come back - presumably injured or killed by animals, the mountain or other humans. His wife waited for her husband for weeks until they began to starve. Driven mad with the hunger and her childrens cries, she put on her wedding dress, picked up a knife and murdered her children, throwing them in the river and then weeping until starvation killed her too. Legend says that that if you visit the canyon today, you can still hear the Mothers painful cries.

2. The Blank Angel

This statue looks creepy as it is - an old, worn, corroded angel staring down over Oakland Cemetery in Iowa City. Her sinister appearance has helped spawn a number of different legends around her. One of them says that a pregnant woman should never walk under her lest they want to lose their unborn child. Another says that if you kiss or perhaps even touch the statue, youll be dead within 6 months. This is the kind of story that scares everyone off - whether or not you believe in curses - its just not worth even thinking about!

1. Cropsey

Many New Yorkers know the story of cropsey, the boogeyman of Staten Island. Legend says he was an escaped patient from a mental asylum who went on a murderous rampage. He had a hook for a hand which he would use to drag children back to the abandoned ruins of Seaview Hospital. Pretty creepy - but heres where it gets really scary. Many parents would tell this to their kids to scare them into being cautious about strangers even if they didnt really believe it. But then, in the 1970s, a real killer called Andre Rand really did start hunting children in a similar way. Was he using the Cropsey legend as cover? Either way, people take the legend a lot more seriously now. Wow America, you kinda creepy, you really are kinda creepy.

Top 10 Scary British Urban Legends

We're gonna be looking at some creepy tales again and this time its from my homeland of Britain. Its a place with a lot of history dating back thousands of years - so, it makes sense that there would be a lot of scary stories attached to certain places. Which one of these sends a shiver down your spine? Lets find out - This is the Top 10 Scary British Urban Legends.

10. Corpse Train

According to London folkshore, in the early 1900s, there was a train that ran under the city - and it was only for dead people. Back then, Londons hospitals and morgues were struggling to deal with the amount of people dying from poverty and disease. They decided to transport the bodies out of the city but knew they couldnt do it overground without disturbing a lot of people. So, they used an existing train line to load the bodies on to. The train ran on the other side of a wall from the normal service - where unsuspecting Londoners were getting on and off the trains, unaware of the nearby bodies.

9. The Suicide Pool

This one comes from Epping Forest near Essex. The story goes that years ago, a young couple in love were followed to a pond in the forest by the girls father. When the couple embraced, the father lept from the trees to confront the boy. The fight got out of hand and the father ended up killing the boy in a rage at the edge of the pool. The waters turned black, wildlife that was touching the water died. In the years that followed, bodies started to appear there. First it was an old woman, then a young one with her young child dead beside her. They say the pool drew them in to their death and that the pool is still out there in the forest somewhere, waiting for its next victim.

8. Annie

This one comes from Edinburgh, Scotland. In the Old Town lies a street known as Mary Kings Close. Its steeped in muths and legends of hauntings and murders. In 1990, a psychic called Aiko Gibo visited and felt a small hand touch hers. She said she then made contact with the spirit of a child called annie who had died in a plague hundreds of years ago and had lost her doll. The psychic then went to a nearby shop and brought back a barbie doll. Since then, visitors leave dolls for Annie and a mountain of them has built up in the dark.

7. The Faceless Woman

This one comes from the borough of Barkin in London. There you can find Becontree Station - home to the faceless woman. The most famous sighting of her happened in 1992. A station supervisor reported that one night, he heard the handle of his office door rattle outside on the platform stood a woman. She had blonde hair, wore a pale dress and stared into the distance. The supervisor approached her but as he reached out, she turned to him only to reveal she had no face - just darkness where there should be one. Local ghost hunters claim she is the ghost of a train crash that happened there in 1958 which killed 10 people.

6. The Beast

Englands Hackney Marshes is known for its sprawling woodland, and boggy reed marshes often covered in swirling fog - the perfect setting for this urban legend. The story goes that in 1980, two bear carcesses were found in the river there - they had been decapitated. People started speculating about who or what could cut a bears head clean off its shoulders. Then, a year later, 4 boys were taking a walk along the march one winter morning when they saw it through the trees. They described it as a giant, great, growling, hairy thing. As soon as it saw them, it reared up on it back legs and let out a deafening roar. The boys ran - but the story remains, always in the back of peoples minds as they trudge through the marsh.

5. The Crying Girl

On November 18th 1987, a match was dropped on an escalator at Londons King Cross station. A fire quickly spread into the ticket office which resulted in the deaths of 31 people. In the years since then, passengers have reported seeing a girl who died around the station. She has long brown hair, wears jeans a tshirt and is always crying. Some people have reported hearing her sobs while smelling smoke coming out from the escalators.

4. Sawney Bean

This is the gruesome tale of Alexander -Sawney- Bean … a man who was said to be the head of a Scottish clan of cannibals in medieval times. According to legend, the group was made up of his wife, their 14 children and 32 grandchildren. They lived in a cave by the water and would ambush people on the road at night. They would bring their bodies back to the cave to dismember and eat them. Any leftovers were picked in a jar for later. When King James VI of Scotland eventually heard of the murders, he led a manhunt to capture. The clan were then executed. Some say you can still find the cave along the Bennane Head area of Scotland.

3. Cane Hill

Some people say this is one of the most haunted places in England. It was a mental asylum for over 100 years from 1882 to 1991. It built up a reputation for abandoning some of its patients, hiding them away from the public eye and never truly helping them. Some people say the patients who died left their energy behind because of their tortured lives. The building was gutted by a mysterious fire in 2010. Urban explorers who visit it today often report seeing shadows flicker by the windows. Perhaps the scariest stories are of faces appearing by the burnt out windows.

2. The House of The Screaming Skull

This one comes from Bettiscombe Manor in Dorset, England. The legend goes that in the 1830, a man lived there called John Frederick Pinney. He had a slave he had brought back from the carribean island if Nevis. The man became ill and on his deathbed, he swore he would never rest unless his body was returned home to Nevis. Pinney refused to pay for that expense and when he died, he had the man buried in the local graveyard. After, ill fortune began to plague the village for months. Screams and cries were heard from the cemetery. At the manor house, windows rattled and doors slammed. The body was dug up and brought to the manor house where today, only the skull remains where its said to haunt the manor but the village remains safe.

1. The Hellhounds

Dartmoor is a vast, rocky, windy and mysterious part of England. Its popular among tourists but everyone who goes is aware of the legend of the hellhounds. Its said that a pack of these ghost dogs wanders the moors at night, preying on sheep but not afraid of humans. Theyve been described as cat like but with the frame of a bear - and fast. There have been pictures and film taken over the years that claim to show glimpses of the hellhounds. Many of the locals don't need that though - theyve had the stories handed down from generation to generation - some of say theyve seen the hounds with their own two eyes.

Top 10 Scary Chinese Urban Legends

This the Top 10 Scary Chinese Urban Legends - as you know, taking a look at different countries - what would you like to see next? Today, we look at China - a country steeped in thousands of years of history and stories some of them are very creepy indeed.

10. The Lotus Pond

This story goes that there once was a young couple who were in love. They planned to run away together and get married. They arranged to meet at midnight beside a lotus pond. The girl arrived and waited for him but he never came. As she headed home, she spotted her boyfriend with another girl - this devastated her and made her cry and cry. She went back to the lotus pond and threw herself in the water where she drowned. A while after, another couple agreed to meet at the lotus pond. This time the boy was there first - he waited for his girlfriend by the waters edge. Suddenly, he hard a womans voice behind him say -I asked you to meet me at midnight, didnt I?- … the boy answered -no- … all of a sudden, two pale hands burst out of the water and dragged him into the pond where he drowned. Ever since then, people have kept an eye out when they go to a Lotus Pond at midnight - if you hear a girl, don't answer her or even look at her, or you too may be dragged to a watery grave.

9. The Hello Kitty Murder

In May 1999, a 13 year old girl in Hong Kong told the police that a woman that her boyfriend helped murder was haunting her. She told the police the victim was a 23 year old woman who was being tortured endlessly while bound with electrical wire. The police followed some leads to a house where they found some shocking evidence - a large Hello Kitty Doll stuffed with a womans head. The victim was identified as 23 year old nightclub hostess Fan Man-yee who was abducted the year before for failing to repay a debt. When the story hit the press, it terrified Hong Kong residents who called it the Hello Kitty Murder. Months later, CCTV images began circulating from roads near the house showing a dark female figure lurking in the shadows. Some believe her restless spirit still haunts the area.

8. The Mog Wai

This one one roughly translates to English as -Monster- … the monsters mating season is said to be triggered by rain - one of them is known was the Yaoguai. They are demons that eat peoples souls to gain immortality. They are shapeshifters that are said to take on different forms to trick their victims. One story told of a man who brought a beautiful girl home. One night, he spied on her through the bedroom window. Instead of seeing the girl, he saw a demon painting features onto the skin of the girl - like someone would improve a dress.

7. Nu Gui

This one comes from Hong Kong where a Nu Gui is a ghost woman. The story goes that they are women who were wronged in life and linger on Earth to exact vengeance on her enemies. Usually they were the spirit of a women that was murdered or abused by their husbands. This has led many people in Hong Kong to believe that the ghost hates men specifically - they will kill men but only scare women.

6. The Jiangshi

Essentially, these are Vampires in some Chinese traditions. The closest translation for their name -hard- or -stiff- … this is because they are almost a cross between a vampire and a zombie. A person dies and just as rigor mortis sets in they wake up with stiff joints and begin wandering - looking for blood to suck to survive. A Jiangshi is said to be created when a person dies to things like suicide, magic or an improper burial.

5. The Shui Gui (Shoey Tzi)

This is otherwise known as the Souls of The Drowned. They are the vengful ghosts of people who have drowned. They always lurk in the same spot as where they died. They wait for an unsuspecting person to swim by or get too close - and they they pounce. They drag their victim down into the water to drown them. Then, that person becomes the new Vengeful Soul, creating a cycle that lasts forever.

4. The Death Worm

Rumored to exist in the Chinas Gobi Desert, the Mongolian Deathworm is well known to a lot of chinese people. Its said to be a hellish creature, red from top to tip, somewhere between 2 and 5ft long. Some say theyve seen them grow to twice as long. Locals fear the worm because it is said to be high toxic - they say it has the ability to spray its venom from a distance which is deadly enough to kill a horse.

3. The Suicide Mall

In the city of Guanzhour lies the Liwan Plaza shopping mall. Locals always said the chinese character for the mall looks a lot like the one for death. That seems morbidly appropriate in a way as its been the site of more than 12 suicides over the years - some witnesses swear that a supernatural force seemed to push the victims over the railings. The Malls curse was so begin many years ago when developers overlooked where they were building it - right on top of an ancient Chinese burial ground. They didnt notice until construction unearthed 8 empty coffins which locals blame for the strange noises and deaths that plgaued the area. Taoist priests were brought in and they identified the coffins as being part of a ritual to actually keep AWAY evil spirits - if they werent disturbed for a thousand years. That was the mistake then.

2. Da Ji

Da Ji was the life of King Zhou - the last ruler of the Shang Dysnasty. She was said to be an evil woman - her and her husband gained sexual gratification by seeing people being tortured - she even invented her own torture device - the paolao. It was a bronze cylinder which she would strap her victims in. The coils were then heated up - resulting in a painful death as the victims were slowly cooked alive.

1. The Last Bus

In 1995, a young man boarded the last bus to Fragrant Hills in Bejing. Shortly into the journey, two men tried to wave the bus down. The driver was reluctant but the conductor reminded him that this was the last bus of the night. The two men got on board and passengers were surprised to see they were wearing traditional Chinese robes - their faces white as snow and expressionless. Everyone eventually got off except for the 2 robed men, the young man and an old woman. She accused the young man of stealing her waller - the young man angrily defended himself - she insisted they get off there and go to a police station to resolve the matter. When they got off, she told him that she had made the argument up to get him off the bus with her because she had noticed the two robed men had no legs which meant they must have been ghosts.

Scary Jack the Ripper Urban Legends

For those of you who don’t know, Jack the Ripper was a serial killer who terrorized the Whitechapel district of London in 1888. He brutally murdered and mutilated at least five prostitutes and his identity was never discovered. He had a very particular way of murdering his victims and he was never caught. So of course, there are a lot of conspiracy theories surrounding Jack the ripper and his murderous rampage through London. So, here are the top 10 scary Jack The Ripper Urban Legends.

10. Mary Ann Nichols

She was one of the Whitechapel murder victims who was viciously murdered by the infamous Jack the Ripper. Her throat was slashed twice from left to right and her abdomen was mutilated with one deep jagged wound. She also had many incisions across her abdomen and a ton of other deep stab wounds. Since her brutal murder, it has been said that her spirit has been haunting the Whitechapel area and people have been hearing strange ghostly noises of Jack killing Mary Ann Nichols. People have also said that they can see her spirit glowing at the site of her murder and horses and dogs will refuse to go near that location.

9. Lewis Carroll was actually the murderer

This is the author of Alice’s adventures in Wonderland, which to me sounds like a very unlikely suspect. However, there are a bunch of urban legends that point to him. Apparently, people believe that he killed a bunch of women and left clues about the murders in his children’s stories. There are a bunch of ripperologists who have studied his writings and they were able to unscramble a bunch of passages from Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and from a bunch of his other works that make you wonder, did he kill all of these women?

8. The last four murders

Mary Jane Kelly was believed to be the final victim of Jack The Ripper but according to an urban legend, the first four murders were just an elaborate attempt to cover up the real reason why Mary Jane Kelly was murdered. It is believed that her husband was the infamous serial killer and his motive for killing his wife was because he was so angry that his wife turned to prostitution shortly after they got married. So he killed four other prostitutes to make it look like a pattern and then he killed his wife so that the police wouldn’t suspect him of committing the crime.

7. The murders were part of a black magic ritual

According to an urban legend, it is believed that Jack the ripper was apart of a cult who indulged in a very violent form of Satanic worship. Apparently, his true motive was to kill four prostitutes in order to become the cult leader. In this black magic ritual, certain organs had to be removed from the murdered prostitutes and they had to be killed at pre-arranged sites that resemble a satanic symbol. The organs that were commonly removed were the heart, kidneys, genitalia and the womb which of course, were also commonly removed during black magic rituals during this time period.

6. The American Jack the Ripper

There is a lot of speculation that Americans Urban Legends were also the victim of Jack the Ripper. So, three years before the first Jack the Ripper murder happened in England, a serial killer dubbed the servant girl annihilator brutally murdered 8 people in Austin, Texas. Similar to Jack the Ripper, the servant girl annihilator has never been identified and there are so many theories about his identity. All of the women were killed indoors while asleep in their beds and some of them were dragged outside and mutilated in the same way as jack the ripper victims. Because of all this evidence, there is an urban legend that suggests that Jack the ripper was actually the servant girl annihilator and he roamed the streets of Texas, brutally murdering eight people before heading off to England to do the same.

5. Elizabeth Stride

She is another victim of Jack the Ripper but she wasn’t as brutally murdered as the others. The only body mutilation that she had was a slashed throat, so it is believed that Jack the Ripper was most likely interrupted during his murder and he was unable to chop up her body like his other victims. The local urban legend surrounding her murder says that if you go to Dutfields Yard on Berner Street, you can supposedly hear ghostly and eerie screams of a woman struggling and crying for help.

4. Mitre Square

This cobblestoned area is the site where one of London’s most infamous crimes occurred. At the south-west corner of Mitre Square, the mutilated body of Catherine Eddowes was discovered at this location at 1:45am on September 30th, 1888. Catherine Eddowes was Jack the Rippers fourth victim. She was found lying on her back in a pool of blood with her clothes over her waist. Her throat was slashed, her intestines were taken out and placed over her right shoulder and she had a lot of other brutal cuts all over her body. Well the local legend states that on the anniversary of her death, people have reported seeing her ghost figure lying where her corpse was discovered.

3. The second victim

Annie Chapman was viciously murdered by Jack the Ripper on September 8, 1888. Her throat had been slashed, she was disembowelled with her intestines thrown out of her abdomen and part of her uterus was missing. So basically, she was chopped up and her body was severely sliced and hacked. Her disfigured body was found in the backyard of the Truman Brewery and when this brewery was still in business after her murder, it was reported that on the anniversary of her murder, you can see her ghost standing in the exact spot where she was viciously sliced up to death.

2. Mary Kelly

It is believed that she is the last and final victim of Jack the Ripper. She was about 25 years old at the time of her vicious murder. Her body was found lying naked on a bed in an apartment. Her whole abdomen and thighs were removed, her chest was cut off and her arms had several jagged wounds. Her face was hacked up so badly that you couldn’t even recognize her and her neck was cut so deep, that you could even see her bones. An urban legend states that after her murder, anyone who lives in that apartment will see a bloody handprint on the wall. Even if you attempt to clean it or paint over it, the bloody handprint will reappear shortly after. Some people even claim that they have seen her ghost wearing all black and she has been haunting the building on the very same night of her murder.

1. Westminster Bridge Jack the Ripper sighting

Legend has it that if you stand on the Westminster Bridge on December 31st and look east as midnight approaches, you might see the ghost of Jack the Ripper. And as Big Ben chimes in the new year, you will see a shadowy figure creeping down the wall and into the Thames river. This legend began to circulate because back in 1888 it is believed that Jack the Ripper killed himself by diving into the river at this very spot and now every year since, his spirit is forced to repeat this over and over again as a form of punishment.

Top 10 Scary Japanese Urban Legends
Starting off at number 10 we have Teke-Teke. This is the Urban Legend about a girl who fell under a train and was cut in half. She became a vengeful spirit that moves using her hands and elbows, dragging herself while making the sound -Tek-Tek- … if you hear that noise, youre supposed to run. Those who are caught by the Tek Tek will recieve a fate like her - shes said to slash her victims in half so that they look like her, and possibly become wandering vengeful spirits as she is.

At number 9 now we have the Slit Mouthed Woman. You may recognise this one from a number of Japanese movies and TV shows. The traditional name for this being is Kuchi-sake-onna and dates back over 300 years ago. She is a woman who was brutally mutilated by her husband after he found she was having an affair with another Samurai. This left her in death as a restless spirit. She is said to cover her mouth with a cloth mask, a fan or a scarf. If you approach her, shell ask you if you think shes pretty. If you answer yes, she will remove the mask and when the victim screams they will be slashed from ear to ear until they look like her. Even if you say no, shes said to follow you home and brutally murder you that night.

Next up at number 8 we have Daruma-san. This urban legend is more of an old game passed down through the years. You shower in a bath, turn off the lights and chant -Daruma-san fell down- while you wash your hair … its said that you will see a woman in your mind. She is Daruma-San. Shell be standing up in a bath. Youll see her slip and fall onto an old rusty tap. It goes straight through her eye and kills her. Then, you will feel her ghostly presence behind you. If you turn around - there she is. Black tangled hair, rotting clothes, one eye is bloodshot and the other is just a bloody, hollow eye socket. The game continues even further than that if you dare, but I think thats enough for you to understand this creepy urban legend.

At number 7 now we have the Girl From The Gap. This Japanese story comes from peoples natural fear of what lies lurking in the cracks of a home. Do you ever see something move past the hinge of a door? Is that someone looking out from inside your wardrobe? Have you ever pictured a hand reaching out from between your bed and the floor? Well it could be the girl from the gap - a spirit that lives both physically and metaphorically -between worlds-. Its said that if you ever see her, she will ask if you want to play hide and seek. At that point the game is on. When you her between a gap again, shell drag you to an other worldly hell.

At number 6 now we have The Red Room. This is a very modern Japanese urban legend about a pop up ad thats red with black test. In a childs voice, it simply repeats the phrase -Do you like?-. A boy who got the popup tried to close it but it kept reappearing. Then, it changed to -Do you like red?- … he keeps trying to close it but it grows large and changes again to say -Do you like the red room?- … then, the site changes. All red and black. It has a list of names on it - his friends is at the bottom. And hand reaches out towards the boys neck from a video. tHE Ending gets even more twisted but guess what, its based on a real website. Its still out there. If you can find it, youll know the gruesome legend of the red room and if the horrible ending comes true for you.

Moving on to number 5 we have The Human Pillars. This legend dates back to ancient times in Japan where its known as Hito-bashira. Back then, there was a belief that a human sacrifice sealed inside a structure would make a foundation more stable. This means that many old Japanese buildings are said to contain the spirits of the people who were sacrificed during their construction. One famous example is Matsue Castle where a woman was sealed inside the foundations during its construction. Now her spirit is said to haunt the castle and whenever a woman dances there, the castle shakes violently. Many building owners in Japan are open about their building being a Human Pillar.

Next up at number 4 we have The Snake Woman. This one comes from the old Japanese folklore pf Nure-onna which translates to wet woman. She is often described as having the head of a woman and the body of a snake - with long claws, snake eyes and jet black hair.  She carries with her a childlike bundle to lure in her victims. If a person tries to pick up the baby, they find its not a child at all. The bundle then becomes very heavy and stops the victim from fleeing. The snake woman then uses her long tongue to suck all of the blood from the victims body until they die.

At number 3 now we have Onibaba. She is a demon women that often appears in Japanese folk folklore. She will often appear as an old woman asking for help but if you get to close, she will slice you open with a knife and eat you. She is said to be the tormented spirit of a woman who accidently killed her pregnant daughter and unborn grandchild in an effort to find a cure for her friends child being sick. She was told to bring them the liver of an unborn child but when she finally killed her victims, she found they were her own family.

At number 2 now we have The Dream School. This one is extra creepy because apparently if you don't forget it within a week - it will happen to you. Lets see if this is true. One night, a boy had a dream about a school. The hallways looped forever, bringing him back to the start. Staircases led back to the first floor. As he got scared, he heard footsteps behind him. He ran until he found an emergency exit with a glass box and a key next to it. The glass had been smashed and there was a note saying it could be found in room 108. When he found that room, it was empty - no students - but there were backpacks hanging off every chair. There was a pounding on the door. He opened it, terrified, to find the hallways covered with dead children. Its said that he never woke up from his dream and if you don't forget the story in one week, youll meet the same fate. Don't worry though guys

And finally at number 1 we have Onryo. This is a traditional Japanese belief about a vengeful spirt that can and will physically hurt the living. Its a very scary concept if youre only familiar with the western idea of ghosts which don't really take solid forms and so cant hurt humans with physical contact. Thats not true for an Onryo. They are vengeful and full of hate, stopping at nothing to enact the suffering they received when they were alive. For any of you guys who have seen The Grudge, this spirit is the influence for that creepy girl in that movie.

Top 10 Scary Korean Urban Legends

10. Virginial Ghost

This is the term used to describe those Grudge type apparitions that youve probably seen in horror movies with the hair over their faces, usually dressed in white. One day, a man who lived on the top floor of an apartment building woke up to the sound of a knock at the door. He lived alone and rarely got visitors. He walked to the door and asked whos there. After a few seconds, a voice said -count to 100 and dont make a sound or youll die- … he opened the door - and there was nobody there. He was still scared though so he closed his eyes and started to count to 100 in his head. When he got to 49 - he opened his eyes out of curiosity and there she was, right infront of his face.

9. Plastic Surgery

Plastic Surgery is a big market in Korea and as such, horror stories have sprouted up around it. This story starts with a man sitting on an empty subway car when a tall, thin woman sits down in front of him. Her long, dark hair covers most of her face but he can see shes wearing a surgical mask. As the doors close, he catches her eye. He smiles. She asks him -Am I pretty?- ‘yes’ he replies … then she takes the mask off. Theres a huge wound from ear to ear, exposing her bleeding gums, teeth and muscles. -Am I pretty now?- she screams at him. She takes out a scalpel and moves towards him, the doors open and he runs for his life.

8. The Organ Thief

This is quite a modern South Korean urban legend coming from the city of Gwangju. Screenshots of a text conversation between 2 friends appeared on Facebook there and went viral. One of the friends was warning the other to not take taxis at night. They said that one of their friends got in a taxi while drunk. The taxi driver then put a needle in their neck. They lost consciousness and were defenceless. When they came round, they were bleeding from their stomach and lying in a field on the outskirts of the city. He was rushed to hospital where doctors found he was missing a kidney. The fear of these organ stealing taxi drivers became so much that officials said it was affecting the taxi business in the city.

7. Dalgyal Gwishin

This is whats known as a traditional type of Korean ghost, dating back in legend hundreds of years. Its notable because the ghost is said to appear with no facial features - no eyes, no nose or mouth - some of them even lack arms and legs. Theyre often referred to as perhaps the most terrifying spirits in Korean folklore as even just looking at one can cause instant death.

6. The Back

The story goes that a married couple with a young son were always fighting. After years of this, it got so bad that in a sheer rage the father murdered the mother. He covered up the crime and nobody else suspected a thing. The only strange thing was - the boy never seemed to complain about the absence of his Mother - so he asked him -Son, why arent you calling out for Mommy? Most little boys would want their mommy to be with them. Tell me whats bother young- … the little boy looked up and slowly replied -Im fine, I was just wondering why youre always carrying Mommy on your back- … this is one of many similar stories found across the land.

5. Sesame Seeds

This a strange Urban Legend that seems to scare people about coming into contact with sesame seeds. A girl had heard that taking a bath with sesame seeds in the water would be good for her. So thats what she did. She sat in the bath for hours and hours. After a while, the girls mother became concerned and went to check on her. When she opened the door, she found the girl was covered in the seeds which had sunk deep into her skin. The daughter was crying and trying to remove them with a toothpick … theres one for any of you guys who hate the thought of holes in your skin.

4. The Bathroom Girl

This one is like moaning myrtle from Harry Potter but about 100 times more creepy. There are stories that in some of the old Korean schools with their dimly lit bathrooms live the ghosts of girls who killed themselves. Its said that she now haunts the stall where the event took place. How do you know which stall it was? Well the toilets have been said to flush themselves, the door slams with nobody around and sometimes you can hear her cry or even catch a glimpse in the mirror. The most gruesome by far though is that sometimes, she is said to emerge from the stall and ask you if you will use red or blue toilet paper. If you choose red, the ghost will cut you open. If you choose blue, the ghost will suffocate you.

3. Ghost Money

In this urban legend, a member of the South Korean mint went away on a business trip. During the trip, his daughter was abducted, dismembered and murdered. After an investigation, nobody was tried for the crime. It was believed that this lack of justice would turn the girls ghost into an angry spirit. Because of this, the mint began to places images of her body parts and parts of name on South Korea currency in he hopes that this would appease her. The mint has denied all knowledge of this.

2. The Loan Shark

A loan shark is someone who lends people money, often illegally, at extremely high interest rates. Sometimes, if they don't get their money back, they take matters into their own hands. Theres an urban legend from a small village in South Korea. Farmers there had to make a mass crave to bury cattle who had died from disease. Not long after, they heard a human voice calling out from beneath the soil. By the time they had dug through the dirt - the person buried among the cattle had already died. An investigation found they owed a lot of money to a loan shark. This has apparently happened dozens of times across the country.

1. Oysters

This is a really weird urband legend coming from the South Korean coast. Apparently one day a guy was walking along the beach when he slipped and fell on a sharp rock that cut his knee open. He washed it quickly and put a bandage over it. When he got home, it started to itch but he didnt want to remove the bandage incase it made things worse. He took it off a few days later and to his horror, tiny oysters covered the wound. It turns out there had been Oyster eggs on the rock he had fallen on which had gotten into his wound. They were protected by the bandage and fed on his blood until they had rooted themselves in his leg.

Top 10 Scary Vietnamese Urban Legends
Starting off at number 10 we have Ghost Tape Number 10. During the Vietnam War, its claimed that the US came up with a creepy new tactic in their fight against the Vietcong. With the help of the South Vietnamese, the US army created scary messages that sounded like voices of the dead. Along with shrieks, screams, and moans, a dead Viet Cong soldier pleads with his comrades, saying things like -My friends, I have come back to let you know that I am dead … I am dead!- and -Don't end up like me. Go home friends, before its too late!- … American helicopters blasted the Ghost Tapes over the jungle to make it sound like the voices were coming from everywhere. This was intended to do more than just scare them - the US army was playing on the strongly held Vietnamese belief that the spirits of the dead are doomed to walk the earth in their own personal hell if their bodies are not found and properly buried. It was hoped that this fear could be instilled in the Viet Cong and convince them to give up the fight or meet the same fate as the ghostly voices.

Next up at number 9, we have The Pregnant Ghost. In December 2001, a house caught fire in Saigon which took the life of 7 family members. The fire started in the early morning and quickly engulfed the first floor which was also a showroom for the family's motorbike shop. People living nearby were woken up by the smell of burnt plastic tires. The family tried to escape but found the only way was through the balcony. One by one people jumped but then a pregnant woman stepped forward onto the balcony. She was the daughter of the owners. The upper floor wasn't that high so everybody urged her to just jump - but she was too scared. She stepped back from the balcony, towards flames, and was never seen again. By the time the fire was put out the next days, the pregnant woman could not be found. In the years since then, locals swear that on certain nights - you can see the ghost of the pregnant woman standing on the balcony. Even though she is already dead, they say you can see the fear in her eyes as she looks down at the ground, clutches her baby and steps back into the flames that went out years ago.

Moving on to number 8 we have Apartment 727. This building used to be a symbol of luxury in Saigon - the tallest millionaire residence. Its divided into 6 blocks with 530 rooms but despite the grand plans of the past, it now lies almost completely abandoned. The simple reason is - people believe its haunted. In the 1960s, this was where a lot of US officers lived. Now, locals claim they see military ghost parades and the shadow of a blonde American soldier holding hands with a Vietnamese girl. They believe this is down to the spirit of the 4 virgins in the building. The legend goes that during the construction of the hotel, everything was going smoothly until the last floor of the building where many deaths and accidents occurred. The owners stopped construction for 3 days to set up an altar. People say they were advised by a Chinese exorcist to bring in the bodies of 4 virgin women. They then buried the bodies in the 4 corners of the building in order to exorcise whatever demon or curse was stopping construction. It seemed to work and the building was completed - but locals say that this act is the reason the building is so haunted today - and no soul wants to live there anymore.

Moving on to number 7 we have the Batutut. Every country seems to have some sort of Bigfoot story - well this is Vietnam. This apelike creature is said to wander the forested hills of Vietnam. Many locals have reported seeing it for a number of years. It gained wider attention when US servicemen returned from the Vietnam War with the same stories of the creature. The first documented Batutut sighting was in 1947 by a Dr. John MacKinnon in the Vu Quang Nature Reserve. Dr. MacKinnon was searching the area for undiscovered wildlife and came across tracks which he identified as hominid - a human-like creature. He said it stood at around 6ft in height. The creature is said to have hair covering its entire body except for its hands, feet, and face. The hair color can vary from grey to brown to black. They've been observed walking on two legs and also both alone and in small social groups. Those who claim to be experts say they forage for fruit and leaves but also hunt small prey. However, there is no evidence beyond eyewitness accounts and so for now, the Batutut remains an intriguing legend.

Moving on to number 6 we have The Meat Eater. The story goes like this. In a small town in Vietnam, the houses were very packed together. This was many years ago when people didn't have a fridge to keep their meat fresh and so the only way was to put salt on the meat and store it in their backyard kitchen. They didn't have any special container and just left it on a shelf. One night, a housewife in a family store their meat on the shelf. The next morning, a piece of it was missing. Furious, she went round and asked the family where it was - nobody knew. That night, she put the meat on a different shelf to make sure no one would take it away. The next morning, she went to the backyard and again, she found the meat missing.

She complained to her husband and that night, the couple stayed up to try and catch the culprit. When night came, they sat by the window overlooking their backyard. Just after 1 Am, they saw the shadow of a woman jump over their fence. They realized it was the old woman from next door. When they went out to catch her - they were shocked to see she already had the meat in her hands and was biting into it raw with a crazed look in her eyes. She looked possessed and was tearing the meat apart with sharp teeth and fangs. After finishing up the meat, she lept back over the fence. The next day they confronted the old woman's family about what had happened, they refused to believe their grandmother could have done it. The next day, the couple had to leave town for some business - they left their 1-year-old baby at home with a babysitter. They returned at 1 AM just in time to hear a loud scream come from the babies room.

They rushed upstairs to find their worst fears had come true. They had left no meat in the backyard that night and so the possessed old woman had climbed into the room and was biting on the babies arm - her face pale and fangs dripping. They attacked her and she jumped out of the window. The whole village helped to hunt the old woman - they eventually found her on top of a house. They tried but failed to get her down and decided the only way was to burn the building down. The old now transformed into her demonic form. She laughed and laughed until the roof collapsed and she fell into the flames - letting out a blood curling evil scream and then - silence, only the crackling of wood. The next day, all they found in the ashes was a very small skull. The old woman's family had already disappeared - leaving the village with more questions than answers - and a terrifying story to pass down the generations.

Moving on to number 5 now we have Mirrors. It is a common belief in some parts of Vietnam that Mirrors have a supernatural quality to them which can be used as a help or a curse. Its believed that mirrors are a portal to the spirit world. This is used as a defense against evil spirits. It's not uncommon to see mirrors hung on peoples doors. The idea for this is that an evil spirit will approach the door and be scared away by the mirror, not wanting to slip through the portal as it passes through the door. However, mirrors aren't always tools for good. Some Vietnamese believe that if you stare into a mirror for too long, a reflection can take your place and you will be the one who ends up in the mirror. You won't realize it until you go to step away and blink out of existence, forced to wait in the mirror until the real you return. Youll be forced to copy their movements exactly - and nobody will be able to see you screaming out for help through your eyes.

Next up at number 4, we have Thuan Kieu Plaza. In the heart of Saigon's busy Chinatown district is a series of three towers - each one stands 33 floors tall. Buildings A and B are completely deserted while building C has just a few people living there. During its construction in the late 80s, some of the workers died due to poor safety standards. No compensation was offered to the family and so one of them put an ancient Chinese curse on the site called -Lo Ban- …. The accidents and problems only got worse - people blamed it on the curse. Then, the ghost stories came. One involved a taxi driver who got a call from one of the abandoned builds. He went anyway but when he arrived at the place, it was of course empty. He called the girl on the other end of the phone but all he could hear was heavy breathing and muffled screams. He drove away, terrified. When he asked locals about it - they said it was most likely the ghost of a girl who was murdered by her boyfriend on the site in 2005. There are many stories like this - only adding to how deserted and creepy this plaza really is.

Moving on to number 3 now we have the Lonely Ghosts. There is a belief among some people in Vietnam that if people die alone then they will stay near where they died as ghosts because nobody was there to guide their spirits to the afterlife. They could have died alone, maybe their family didn't even know of their death or a person may have died with no family at all. If someone had a violent death, as spirits they'll be mischievous - not always evil but often violent. September is the -Ghost month- of Vietnam and during that time you can see people burning paper money in rusty buckets in the hopes of appeasing the lonely ghost.

Next up at number 2, we have Tao Dan Park. This 10-hectare park in Saigon is beautiful by day, attracting many tourists who wander around its green gardens and shady tall trees. If you dig a bit deeper - you'll find that some consider this to be the most haunted park in all of Vietnam. The story goes that over 10 years ago, a man and his girlfriend were having a picnic in the park when they were brutally attacked. The man was killed but the woman managed to survive and escape. Officials say there is only one recorded case of a murder in the Park. It was of a young man called Tuan in 1989. He was trying to sell his motorbike and asked his friend Hung to help. Instead, Hung and another accomplice killed Tuan and took the bike for themselves. Locals say that whichever one is true - the cold-blooded murder that was committed has stained the park forever - and the spirits of the victims remain.

And finally, at number 1 we have The Singing Girl. For many years, there was only really one official place in Saigon to bury the dead - Binh Hung Hoa Cemetery. Because of this concentration of dead people - many believe its one of the most haunted places in Vietnam. Perhaps one of the most famous stories is that of the singing girl. There was once a 16-year-old girl who lived in the area. She was known for her love of Kai Lung (c?i l??ng) - a well-known singer in Vietnam. The girl fell for a singer from a local theater - however, her Father didn't approve of their love due to the singer's lowly background and forced him to enroll in the army in hopes of separating them. A few months passed by and the girl was heartbroken to learn that her lover had died in the war. She was furious at her father and so hurt by her lover's death that she took her own life by jumping into the pond in the cemetery. Her body wasn't found until 6 days later. Ever since that fateful day - on every night with a full moon - locals swear they see her standing on the edge of the water, mournfully singing her favorite singers songs.