Top 10 Secrets To Immortality Found In History

Top 10 Secrets To Immortality Found In History

to live forever sounds like a dream but  alas life is fragile and time is  fleeting this hasn't stopped people from  searching though the search for  immortality has been well documented  throughout our history as anyone with  that power would seemingly have it all  right from the evidence in greek and  roman mythology to the stories of  ancient and medieval alchemists to a  recent discovery that just may hold the  secrets to everlasting life on today's  top 10 list we are going to be talking  about the top 10 secrets to immortality  found in history starting off this list  in our number 10 spot we have the  mushroom of immortality as early as  475 bce there are written records that  reference the mushroom of immortality  which was the key ingredient in the  elixir of life the lingzi which is  translated to mean supernatural mushroom  is the oldest known mushroom to be used  medically which is super cool according  to the book of han people who were  masters of esoterica alchemists and  magicians known as the fang shi knew the  secret locations on mount penglai where  these immortality mushrooms grew but no  one else did this resulted in several  qin and han emperors who sent large  expeditions to search for the mushrooms  of immortality but to no avail while  these mushrooms are still used in  traditional chinese medicine today it  doesn't seem as though anyone has been  able to actually achieve immortality  from them but maybe we just don't have  the correct recipe anymore in our number  nine spot today we have amrita there is  a collection of vedic hymns called the  rig veda and according to these hindu  hymns amrita which is sometimes called  soma is a drink that can give someone  immortality rigveda 8 48 3 says we have  drunk soma and become immortal we have  attained the light the gods discovered  now what may fomen's malice do harm to  us what o immortal mortal man's  deception while amrita and its  consumption by humans has been well  documented throughout history the  knowledge of where to get it has been  lost it is believed to have been some  sort of plant or fungus and the  instructions for the preparation of it  involved things like pounding parts of  the plant into a paste or to release its  juices it would then sometimes be  filtered through wool and then mixed  with cow's milk before being consumed  amrita was often said to have been found  in mountainous regions but despite there  being such detailed accounts of its use  the true identity of it has been lost  and now sometimes ritual prayers will  include an apology to the gods for the  lack of amrita in our number eight spot  today we have ambrosia this is sometimes  known as the nectar of the gods and is  often referred to in ancient greek  mythology it is unclear if ambrosia and  nectar were originally separately  distinguished but as of now it is  commonly accepted that nectar is usually  the drink form with ambrosia being the  food form but regardless this is the  food and drink of the gods apparently  nectar can be translated to death  overcoming and that makes a lot of sense  in mythology this drink is usually said  to have brought longevity or immortality  to whoever consumed it it was brought to  the gods in olympus by doves and it was  served by either [ __ ] or ganymede at the  heavenly feast the consumption of  ambrosia was usually reserved for divine  beings and can be seen in stories like  when heracles is given ambrosia by  athena upon his transition into  immortality in our number seven spot  today we have the epic of gilgamesh the  first known instance of the search for  immortality is found in the epic of  gilgamesh in it gilgamesh fears the  fragility of life after the death of his  companion enkidu because of this he  seeks out you now pushed him this guy is  a similar figure to noah in mesopotamian  mythology who was a servant of the great  alchemist of the reign who ended up  later becoming immortal so gilgamesh is  searching this guy out to seek the  answers to immortality and when he finds  him he tells him to abandon his search  for immortality but he also gives him a  trial to defy sleep if he truly wishes  to be immortal spoiler alert gilgamesh  fails the trial after this the guy tells  him about a plant that can make him  young again this plant is located at the  bottom of the sea and gilgamesh does end  up obtaining it but it is soon stolen by  a serpent i guess using this story as  reference it would appear as though  there's some sort of trial that can  grant immortality but when all else  fails there might just be some sort of  plant at the bottom of the sea that will  do the trick just gotta watch out for  those sneaky snakes in our number six  spot today we have metal metals are  pretty strong usually and some seem to  be even indestructible so it would  totally make sense that there was once a  train of thought where if a human  consumed these metals they too would  take on the properties of being strong  and indestructible right flawed logic  aside this really once used to be the  way of thinking mercury was a metal that  was astounding to alchemists a metal  that is in liquid at room temperature  while that might have been super cool at  the time the poisonings that were about  to happen in the name of immortality  certainly were not the roman god mercury  is the equivalent to the greek god or  maze and the egyptian deity thoth all of  these figures are said to have consumed  liquid gold or white drops in order to  achieve immortality and it's these  stories that caused ancient and medieval  alchemists to believe that if they could  either find a way to suspend gold in  liquid form or mix gold and mercury  together then they would have found the  recipe to immortality in our number five  spot today we have nicholas flamel if  you're a harry potter fan you've  definitely heard this name before but  did you know that the character is  actually based off of a real person  nicholas flamel lived from 1330 to 1418  and he was a successful french  bookseller what's curious however is  that about 200 years after his death  there began to be texts that surfaced  that were attributed to him according to  these texts nicholas had learned the  secrets of alchemy from jewish  alchemists while traveling in spain and  it is said that during this time he  acquired the original copy of the book  of abram melon the mage it was then  claimed that nicholas was the one who  held the elixir of life as well as the  secrets of transmutation and it was also  claimed that he was probably still alive  somewhere in our number four spot today  we have the philosopher's stone while  we're on the topic we might as well talk  about another story from history that  relates to the infamous stone there is a  legend that suggests that the stone is  located in a creek in philadelphia in  the 17th century a group called the  society of women in the wilderness  settled in the woods outside of the  germantown section of philadelphia this  group was led by an occultist named  johannes kelpius and he believed that  the world was going to end in 1694. the  group spent most of their time in caves  in peaceful meditation just living their  best lives and you might be sitting  there wondering why i'm talking about  this rumor has it that johannes actually  had the philosopher's stone as he was  its guardian and he kept it hidden  inside of his meditation DEADLY UFO ATTACKS cave it is said  that before he passed away he explained  the secrets of the stone and instructed  the women of the group to toss the stone  into the nearby creek after he passed to  which they obliged today this meditation  cave is still accessible and it is now  marked as a historic site in our number  three spot today we have the moon rabbit  the moon rabbit comes from chinese  folklore and is usually depicted while  holding a mortar and pestle to mix up  the elixir of immortality in the lore  the moon rabbit is the companion of a  goddess who lives on the moon in some  stories she is a mortal human and in  others she is an outcast deity who  consumed too much of the elixir of  immortality and floated up to the moon  there are some stories however that  claim that she consumed too much of the  elixir on purpose to float up to the  moon to get away from her husband either  way it's clear she had too much but  floating up to the moon sounds like kind  of a fun time in our number two spot  today we have the fountain of youth the  fountain of youth has been written about  for thousands of years it is said to be  a spring that allegedly restores the  youth of anyone who is lucky enough to  bathe in or drink the waters there are  so many stories of the mythical fountain  of youth it has led many explorers and  adventurers to set out in search of it  this legend really gained a lot of  notoriety in the 16th century when it  became associated with the spanish  explorer juan ponce de leon who was the  first governor of puerto rico it is said  that while he was searching for the  fountain of youth he actually found  florida in 1513 which i gotta admit  probably isn't the same at all legend  goes that at the time he was in florida KOREAN URBAN LEGENDS the indigenous people told him that he  could find the fountain of youth in  bimini in our number one spot today we  have the benjamin button jellyfish well  it seemed fitting to end off today's  list with one that's a little bit more  recent and this discovery may be the  real actual key to immortality this  jellyfish was first discovered in 1883  but its superpower wasn't actually  realized until the 1990s what makes this  jelly so special is that it has the  ability to transform its adult self back  into a baby and it can't only do this  just once it can do it over and over  again to be totally honest a lot of  these jellies do die in the good old  fashion way but when in an emergency  situation such as starvation or physical  damage or something along those lines  instead of quickly meeting death these  jellies can transform all of their  existing cells into a younger state the  jellyfish will turn itself into a  blob-like state and then it will develop  into a polyp colony which is essentially  the first stage in the life of a  jellyfish researchers are of course  looking into how this is possible for  the jelly as well as trying to find out  how this could be used to help humans as  well maybe the key to immortality has  really just been swimming around in the  ocean this whole time alright guys that  has been our list for today thank you so  much for checking it out don't forget to  hit the thumbs up button if you enjoyed  the video today and don't forget to  subscribe i've been your host today  olivia kosilovsky and i'll see y'all  next time bye  [Music]  and that's it  all right  interesting ponytail okay by either [ __ ]  or  ganymede ganymede i think that's yeah  because of this he seeks out you nap  pushed him you nat pushed him  [Laughter]  these pronunciations are so funny  because of this he seeks out you nap you  now pushed him you now pushed him  oh god it was led by an occultist named  johann  johann johannes  sure  [Music]  [Music]  you


Top 10 Weirdest Things Found On Mount Everest

Top 10 Weirdest Things Found On Mount Everest

 if you have ever wanted to climb mount  everest then you'll need up to three  months in order to do so and it's not an  easy trek whatsoever and while climbing  you might come across a number of weird  things from mounds of human feces to the  abominable snowman let's talk about this  and more only in today's video top 10  weirdest things found on mount everest  starting off this countdown we have the  yeti or the abominable snowman he's got  many names anyways in 1951 mountaineer  eric shipton was hiking the mountain  when he came across a weird large  footprint in the snow he believes that  the footprint belongs to the yeti the  photo then blew up and newspapers around  the world were featuring this photo in  their papers  since then a number of people have  supposedly seen this creature while  they're climbing not only that people  have found thick tufts of hair which  they believe belong to the yeti the hair  was tested by a forensic analyst and  they concluded that the hair sample  doesn't belong to any animal or creature  that we know of so it may just be that  it belongs to the yeti himself in our  nine spot today we have the garbage and  if you're liking this video so far and  want to see more videos like it then  smash that like button because it really  helps us out so one big problem when it  comes to climbing mount BLOODY MARY URBAN LEGENDS everest is that  there's no garbage cans on the mountain  so either you're a good citizen and you  bring the garbage bag down with you or  you just let it pollute the mountain  sadly the amount of garbage left  polluting mount everest is insane in  fact 16 tons have been removed already  but there's still heaps and heaps left  on there this includes discarded tents  broken equipment cans wrappers empty  oxygen bottles eating utensils you name  it not only is it disgusting but also it  makes it dangerous for climbers who have  to purposely navigate around all this  trash in our eighth spot we have the  himalayan goril this is a pretty  interesting animal that can be found on  mount everest they are of course located  in the lower foresty regions of the  mountain not super high up but these  creatures are quite odd they look like a  fat gazelle mixed with like a ram or a  deer or all three i don't know they're  interesting creatures if you're ever in  the area look out for them they usually  hang around in groups of four to twelve  but you need a good eye because of their  coloration they are masters of  camouflage or should i say masters of  disguise like the movie it's so good go  check it out moving on to number seven  we have the himalayan tar this is  another really freaking strange animal  that can be found on mount everest this  buddy looks like a ram  mixed with a lion like look at its  luscious lions type name it's beautiful  but also really impressive like what  shampoo and conditioner do they use let  me know now fun fact these animals have  adapted to the environment so now their  hooves and doo claws help them climb the  mountains with ease  evolution is just weird man moving on at  number six we have a rainbow valley  despite its cheerful name this area on  mount everest is anything but sunshine  and rainbows basically it's an area on  mount everest that is brightly colored  with people's jackets and climbing  equipment  dead peoples some are still attached to  the deceased hikers and they will remain  there for the rest of eternity not only  are they frozen in place but it's also  just way too dangerous and difficult to  remove the bodies from the mountain so  they're just left there and it's  terrifying we are now at our fifth and  halfway mark with the ghosts it's said  that more than 300 people have lost  their lives on mount everest as a result  many people believe that their souls  still wander the mountain a number of  climbers have actually had some  paranormal experiences for starters  renhold miesner experienced italian  mountaineer who managed to climb mount  everest without bottled oxygen said he  experienced something spooky during a  climb in the 1980s he claims that he  felt the presence of a ghost  accompanying him up the mountain helping  him on his way you know like a guardian  angel  then in 2004 two other climbers  encountered spirits in the form of black  shadows they believe they are from  hikers that passed away on the mountain  and since they didn't get a proper  burial they just wander around aimlessly  coming in at number four we have green  boots now this one is really freaking  disturbing and dark  but green boots is the name given to a  body of an unidentified male climber  that was found on mount everest he was  given the name green boots for the  bright green climbing boots that he was  found wearing sadly to this day his body  was never properly identified however  it's thought to be the body of chiz wang  paulser an indian climber who died on  mount everest in 1996. he was seen  wearing similar green boots on that day  or it was his team member who was also  wearing green boots  but those are just guesses we don't know  for sure nowadays his body still remains  on mount everest and climbers use it as  a landmark to know where they are on the  mountain in our third spot we have the  ufos so apparently mount everest is a  magnet for ufo activity on a number of  occasions hikers have seen a weird disk  hovering in the sky by the mountain one  of the first sightings was in 1933 by  climber frank smith he was 28 000 feet  up everest when he saw two weird objects  floating in the sky he said one  resembled kite balloons in shape but had  some weird wings on it the other had  this thing jetting out of it that made  it more beak-shaped the two crafts  hovered there slowly and motionlessly he  also claims that when he saw this he  felt an unidentifiable force as if there  was a presence beside him like i said  he's not the only one who has witnessed  something eerie like this in 2018  someone captured another ufo hovering  around the mountains due to its height  above the mountains it can't be a  helicopter or drone because it's way  above the height that they're allowed to  fly to  maybe mount everest is where aliens are  hiding in our second spot we have the  death zone this is a terrifying part of  mount everest that lies at an altitude  of over 8 000 meters i'm sure you guys  can all guess why it's called the death  MYSTERIOUS PHOTOS zone well that's because a majority of  deaths that occur on the mountain happen  there it's because at this level the  amount of oxygen in the air is very thin  it's also spot with extreme weather  conditions often the thin air makes  hikers delirious and is the cause for a  number of deaths it's believed to this  day that there are around 150 bodies in  the death zone and in our number one  spot today we have the poop  so euro climbing everest when all of a  sudden bam it hits ya damn i really need  to go potty well it's not like there's a  gas station nearby that you can just  well it's not like there's a gas station  nearby that you can just pull into to do  your business so you have to just squat  down behind a tree or something and  relieve yourself that way well the  thousands of people that have climbed  everest have all gone through this  apparently there is more than 26 000  pounds of human poo left on the mountain  each season yeah each season that's not  even in total  it's gotten so bad that the poo is  actually piling up and is starting to  pollute the water sources there plus the  feces don't decompose up there because  of the higher altitudes and freezing  cold temperatures so it kind of just  sits there so now climbers are required  to carry their poop off the mountains  with them alright guys that's all for  today's video let me know in the  comments below which one of these things  you found the weirdest and now speaking  of comments let's move on to our common  shout out portion i'll be shouting out  comments from the video top 10 weirdest  things found in alaska part two jackie  with arizona and shkilik riding  adventures commented i kinda would like  to go to alaska but not all alone love  the new hair looks awesome you rock it  thank you also i want to go to alaska so  like i said let's just have a little  field trip okay  let's go funded by not me  durham games commented hey lindsay nice  hair suits you thanks never had a shout  out before please can i have one here is  your shout out durham games just because  you asked nicely and also because you  complimented my hair thank you boba  simple commented i just found out that a  lot of sea monsters are just male whales  waving their uh  ding dong waiting to mate  dude is nessie even a loch ness monster  or she just someone's  i don't even want to go there this just  ruined everything for me i'm like oh  yeah sea monster so scary now it's just  like someone's pee pee great all right  guys that's all the comments i'm showing  out for today's video make sure to  comment something down below for a  chance to be featured in my next comment  shout out and as always don't forget to  give this video a big thumbs up and  subscribe to most amazing top 10 for  more amazing videos i've been your host  lindsay 

Top 10 Terrifying Signals Heard By Submarines

Top 10 Terrifying Signals Heard By Submarines

 ocean mysteries don't just pertain to  the creatures that live in it sometimes  researchers or divers will hear  something coming from the depths of the  ocean that is both terrifying and  seemingly mysterious from some of the  classics like the bloop and julia to the  sounds of underwater volcanoes and  earthquakes all the way to some super  strange sounds coming from actual marine  creatures what is up top 10 fam welcome  back i am your host today olivia  kozolovsky and today we are diving in as  we cover the top 10 terrifying signals  heard by submarines starting off this  list in our number 10 spot we have this  haunting call whales truly are some of  the coolest animals on earth and  humpback whales are no exception the  males of the species are known for their  songs which last from 10 to 20 minutes  and are actually pretty complex they  will repeat these songs for hours at a  time and it honestly isn't exactly known  why they sing these songs at all all the  males in the group will produce the same  song and it will change seasonally the  females are also able to produce noise  but for some reason it is only the males  who seem to INDIAN URBAN LEGENDS produce these long songs it  is unclear how the whales even produce  these sounds however because they don't  actually have vocal cords this is all  super cool and interesting but the whole  reason you're here is for the sound so  let's take a listen to a more haunting  track released by the humpback whale  [Applause]  okay so please tell me i'm not alone in  thinking that that was the most  beautifully haunting sound i've ever  heard come from the sea but also imagine  being alone in the ocean not knowing  what that was and then hearing it  probably pretty terrifying right at  least we're all safe here in youtube  land in our number nine spot today we  have this marine chorus okay so out of  context if i played you this sound what  would you think it is  definitely not something underwater  right well as it turns out this sound  was indeed captured under the water and  these are the sounds of fish calls while  i always expected the chorus of marine  animals to sound a little more similar  to the stylings of sebastian the crab  apparently that isn't even close okay  i'm not gonna lie i didn't even know  that most fish had calls but it turns  out that our human ears just can't  perceive all of the hoots moans barks  and chirps that take place in the vast  seas this recording actually helped  scientists realize that there are fish  who sing together in a chorus every day  at dusk and dawn there have now been  around 800 species of fish that have  been identified and confirmed to make  some form of noise and apparently some  fish even engage in shouting matches in  noisier parts of the ocean which is kind  of hilarious to imagine i guess on the  list of creepy noises this one is less  creepy and more just informative in our  number 8 spot today we have the whistle  this is a sound that was first recorded  in 1997 by the noaa and was the source  of many mysteries for years while people  speculated about what may have caused  the sound while it still isn't exactly  clear it is now believed that the sound  may have come from an underwater volcano  eruption if you didn't know underwater  or submarine volcanoes are located in  all oceans on our earth and they're  extremely interesting there are certain  kinds of marine animals that only exist  near these extreme environments many  submarine volcanoes are located near the  areas of tectonic plate formations which  are also known as mid-ocean ridges  there's a youtube user called some  canadian and they left a comment on a  video of this whistle sound that pretty  much sums it up exactly BLOODY MARY URBAN LEGENDS first we'll  listen to the sound played at 10 times  the original speed  the comment read quote it could be the  sound of something moving through  tunnels one volcanic eruptions and gases  two something big and hungry you choose  i think they might really be on to  something there in our number seven spot  today we have blue why are all the  weirdest ocean sounds first recorded in  1997. bloop is another one that came  from that year and it was a loud and  unusual sound that was placed as  occurring several times off the southern  coast of south america and it was so  loud that it could be heard over 5 000  kilometers away at first researchers  were confused because while the sound  was actually similar to known sounds of  living creatures it was just way too  loud that not even the blue whale the  largest living creature could have  produced it so what is it then well as  it turns out it is in fact not the  kraken and instead it is actually  consistent with ice quakes that are  generated by large icebergs as they  crack and fracture it seems like this  sound going with that explanation  doesn't really make sense but hey i'm no  scientist but here's the sound for you  to judge for yourself  in our number six spot today we have the  western pacific biotwang in 2014  researchers and scientists heard weird  sounds coming from the mariana trench  which for the record seems like the  worst place for there to be strange  noises coming from for years experts  couldn't pin down this sound and it was  dubbed the western pacific biotwang and  while there is now a theory that was  proposed by researchers from oregon  state university they have also said  that they might be entirely wrong first  for reference here's a little clip of  the sound i'm talking about  okay so if you're like me my mind  immediately went to something alien  related or some sort of creature that  perhaps we haven't yet discovered i mean  this is the mariana trench we're talking  about the theory put forward by the  oregon state researchers was that  perhaps this may be a new type of baleen  whale call okay that's probably the best  of all of the options but i really don't  like when someone tells me the answer to  a scientific mystery only to TOP SCIENCE FACTS tell me  that that might not actually be the  answer at all while the low part of the  sound would make sense to attribute to  the baleen whale it's the end  high-pitched twangy part that would be  incredibly unique the wide range of  frequencies in the sound are what  continues to baffle those who are trying  to find the source of this mysterious  sound in our number five spot today we  have julia julia is a sound that was  recorded in 1999 by the u.s national  oceanic and atmospheric administration  or noaa which i've already talked about  today it sounds like it could be  straight out of a horror movie so  considering it was a sound that came  from our ocean and at first no one could  tell where it had come from it really  was quite frightening the sound has now  likely been demystified as researchers  are pretty positive they know the origin  of it it is now believed that this sound  was caused by an iceberg running aground  off antarctica the sound however was  insanely loud it was so loud that it  could be heard over the entire  equatorial pacific ocean autonomous  hydrophone array researchers were later  able to narrow down what they believe  may have been the point where the sound  originated although they've never  actually been able to pinpoint it  exactly most of the time when people  hear the julia sound they hear it sped  up at 16 times the original speed but  today we are going to listen to a clip  of the sound at regular speed because i  think it is much more eerie this way  in our number four spot today we have  knock okay this is one that'll admit was  not captured by a submarine but it was  still underwater and it truly is  terrifying a few years ago a beluga  whale named knock who was unfortunately  in captivity was recorded as he swam  below the water beluga whales have been  called the canaries of the sea and for  good reason but knock really wanted to  up the ante and instead blessed us all  with this sound  [Music]  knock had this uncanny ability to mimic  the rhythm and tone of human voices and  it truly is kind of frightening it of  course is also a little sad as part of  this was probably because he spent most  of his life being forced to listen to  human speak because he was being held in  captivity before this recording of knock  the voices of belugas and their  sometimes human-like sounds have been  talked about but knock was the first  time it was recorded and honestly i kind  of wish it hadn't been in our number  three spot today we have the bioduck  since the 1960s this sound has  absolutely stumped researchers who heard  it this sound was basically what the  name attributed to it would suggest it  sounded like some sort of mechanical  duck  for decades researchers would hear this  sound and it would often be heard and  recorded again in the spring and winters  after all of these years though it seems  as though the answers to this mysterious  sound are finally coming to light in  2013 researchers attached sensors that  collect acoustic data to two whales one  of those tags recorded for 18 hours and  the other for eight and the whales they  were attached to were traveling with  other whales in groups of five to forty  and they were all eating basically the  entire time throughout this time with  the tags on the whales there were a  total of 32 calls heard and this data is  what led researchers to finally  understand where the bioduck sound was  coming from as it turns out this  mysterious sound was actually the call  of the mink whale researchers still  aren't exactly clear as to what the call  means to the whales but it was a  fantastic discovery that finally closed  an almost 50 year old scientific mystery  in our number two spot today we have up  sweet we all know how little we know  about the ocean and that also includes  what kind of creatures lie in it so  while this mysterious sound out of  context probably wouldn't be that freaky  when put into this situation it becomes  quite a bit more eerie this sound is  referred to as upsweep and it was caught  when the pacific marine environmental  laboratory started its sound  surveillance system in august of 1991.  the sound is apparently more seasonal  with its peaks in spring and fall but it  is unclear if the changing of seasons is  responsible for this sound or if it's  coming from something that lurks in the  ocean and remains undiscovered just for  reference here's a clip of that sound  played at 20 times the original speed  it is possible that this sound could be  coming from underwater volcanic activity  but it is also possible that it's not so  who really knows in our number one spot  today we have an earthquake okay so to  add another creepy mariana trench sound  to this list we have one that was taken  from the bottom of the challenger deep  in fact it was the first ever sound  recording to be taken from the bottom of  the challenger deep so it's a pretty  cool scientific advancement as well as a  terrifying sound despite the crushing  pressures and the fact that there's no  sunlight the challenger deep is actually  pretty noisy and that is because of the  fact that sound travels a really long  way underwater which ends up kind of  turning the challenger deep into a sort  of echo chamber of oceanic sounds so  while the recording was able to pick up  things like the sound of a boat almost  11 kilometers overhead and the sounds of  whale calls they were also able to pick  up the sound of a magnitude 5 earthquake  rumbling near guam on july 16 2015.  i'm not gonna lie while being one of the  scariest things i've ever heard this is  also one of the coolest things i've ever  heard in my life too science really is  just so cool sometimes alright guys that  has been our list for today thank you so  much for checking it out don't forget to  hit that thumbs up button if you enjoyed  the video today and as always subscribe  i've been your host today olivia  koslowski and i'll see y'all next time  bye  [Music]  you

Top 10 Underwater Sounds That Will Haunt You

Top 10 Underwater Sounds That Will Haunt You

The ocean is one big scary unexplored  place only 10 of the ocean has been  explored the rest remains an absolute  mystery  so we truly don't know what goes on down  there but over the years researchers  have managed to record a number of  terrifying sounds that will send shivers  down your spine from deep growls and  moans from a possible sea monster to the  sounds of someone screaming underwater  let's talk about this and more only in  today's video top 10 underwater sounds  that will haunt you starting off this  countdown we have the sea monster  [Music]  what you just heard is a noise no one  knows much about  seriously researchers don't know what  it's from  i don't know about you but it sounded  like a deep growl  for sure that is the sound from some  massive sea monster it literally sounds  like some evil creature cackling away or  something like that all i know is that i  don't like the sound of that and i never  want to encounter this creature now  because of the power and loudness of the  sound it can be SCARY GHOST SIGHTINGS assumed that whatever is  making that sound is quite massive  in our 9th spot today we have the lonely  whale  [Music]  this album was first recorded in 1989 by  an american military network listening  for nuclear submarines instead they  captured this audio it's of a blue whale  with a weird high voice with the main  notes at a frequency of 52 hertz a low  bass note to human ears to compare most  blue whales have a frequency between 10  to 40 hertz so this wheel has a very  unique voice but because of its voice it  can't communicate with the other blue  whales  hence why it's been given the name the  world's loneliest whale because it's  just swimming around trying to make  friends but he can't call to them  properly  like  that broke my heart like listen to this  audio again it literally sounds like  this whale is crying out for help  [Music]  coming in at number eight we have the  challenger deep moans and if you guys  are liking this video so far then make  sure you smash that like button because  it really helps us out so at the very  bottom of marianna's trench there is a  point called the challenger deep which  is the deepest point known on earth  since it is so deep it's been pretty  hard to explore so we really don't know  what's down there but in march of 2016 a  recording picked up some very creepy low  moans coming from down there basically  to even get this recording was a  struggle the microphone was encased in  titanium and was slowly lowered down so  it wouldn't be crushed by the pressure  it took them 23 days to get the  microphone to the deepest point down  there  then that's finally when they picked up  this  again the sound of a massive sea  creature that we haven't discovered yet  or at least that's what it sounds like  honestly in our seventh spot today we  have julia  [Laughter]  on march 1 1999 a weird sound was  recorded by the national oceanic and  atmosphere administration the sound  lasted for about 15 seconds and sounds  like someone whining or cooing  now i don't know why they named it julia  like when i first listened to the clip i  was trying to hear someone say like  julia but i'm stupid that's just the  name that they gave to the sound could  it be any more confusing anyways the  sound itself sounds like a sea monster  moaning  [Laughter]  people were taken aback by the sound  because of how loud it was  to this day researchers don't 100 know  for sure what made that noise but their  theory is that it was just an iceberg  running into the sea floor  not as spooky i know let's stick with  sea monster in our sixth spot today we  have the aquatic choirs this is  unfortunately the only sound that i  couldn't find an actual recording of but  scientists in australia have discovered  that many different fish sing together  at dawn and dusk much like how birds do  and then they wake you up in the morning  and you're really cranky anyways  researchers from curtin university in  perth started recording the sound that a  number of fish make most of the sounds  were from a single fish repeating the  same call over and over again but when  two or more fish of the same kind joined  in  the sounds would overlap and basically  would sound like someone was humming or  singing underwater in fact they  discovered that the black jewel fish  made a ba ba ba sound i think it's more  like a  there you go that's that's my impression  of the black jewel fish either way  hearing that underwater would trip  anyone out like imagine you're swimming  often you hear that you're like yo who's  there just a fish playing games but  still we are now at our fifth and  halfway mark with the train  this noise FORTNITE CREEPYPASTAS was given the name the train  because it literally sounds like a train  chugging by and blowing its whistle  underwater  the sound was recorded in 1997 by the  national oceanic and atmospheric  administration they believe that the  sound came from antarctica's ross sea  so they think it's from icebergs  dragging along the ocean floor  but it's still strange how it literally  sounds like a train whistling all aboard  the underwater express moving on at  number four we have the bloop  this sound is probably one of the most  famous ocean sounds ever recorded  in 1997 a large ultra low frequency  sound was detected in the south pacific  the sound only lasted for about a minute  but since then it was heard on a number  of different MEXICAN URBAN LEGENDS occasions that summer but  has not been heard again since  take a listen  this sound is very powerful and  extremely loud i mean the hydrophone  that picked up the sound was more than 3  219 kilometers away and it SCARIEST REAL HORROR managed to  pick that sound up that's crazy  researchers have said that if it did  come from a mammal it would be a mammal  larger than a blue whale so people are  thinking that it was a massive sea  monster releasing an air bubble or  something not only that but the area  where the sound originated from is close  to the place where h.p lovecraft said  his fictional character cthulhu lives so  like  what the hell is cthulhu real and he  made that sound or what  moving on at number three we have the  devil's cauldron the devil's cauldron is  a geothermal location in nevada there's  a lot of legends in the area saying that  this place is extremely haunted and  cursed well one man decided to see what  the heck was up with the devil's  cauldron and to do some investigating of  his own so he placed an iphone 11 in the  cauldron and recorded to see what it  would pick up  he managed to record what sounds like  screams coming from within  [Music]  surely he was not expecting to capture  that what makes this even scarier is how  berserk the phone went after capturing  these screams  as a result some people think that this  spot is the portal to the underworld or  something crazy like that moving on at  number two we have the up sweep this is  an unidentified sound that has been  detected by hydrophones since 1991  does that not sound like it's part of a  horror movie soundtrack like i instantly  got chills listening to that it for sure  is like a warning sound that something  bad is approaching what's even freakier  is that when it's sped up it literally  sounds like warning sirens  it's creepy and like a bunch of sounds  on this list we don't know what's  causing it  theory goes that it might have to do  with undersea volcanic activity but  scientists don't know for sure yet and  in their number one spot today we have  the strange humming  dude this next audio recording literally  gave me the heebie-jeebies so you know  when harry potter in the goblet of fire  how he goes underwater to save his  friends and you hear those creepy little  mermaid creature things humming dude  that's exactly what this sounds like  take a listen  [Music]  [Music]  that's for sure the sound of a mermaid  humming for sure  to this day researchers don't know what  caused the sound because it's a mermaid  but they do think it's coming from some  sort of organism they just don't know  which one to this day no known marine  creature has been matched with that  noise meaning it's probably from a  creature we haven't discovered yet  mermaids just saying all right guys  that's all for today's video let me know  in the comments below which one of these  sounds creeped you out the most and now  let's move on to our comment shoutout  portion i'll be shouting out comments  from the video top 10 signs of alien  life underwater we're sticking with the  whole underwater theme i didn't even  plan that  cafe david commented not gonna lie i  really enjoy MOST CURSED OBJECTS watching peach but i love  this creepy scary stuff even more for  those of you that don't know what this  person is talking about i have my very  own channel called peach and you should  go check it out  please do smash that like button go  subscribe it would make my day please do  we're almost at 50k so get us to 50k kip  henry commented i like how she did her  makeup thank you i did it uh very early  in the morning when i was half asleep  so this is the go-to look every single  day it's never gonna change sorry about  that  weapon c commented lindsay looks like an  olympic athlete  i mean  thank you  appreciate it i think it was because i  had my hair in a braid and i looked like  a volleyball player or something like  that anyways all right guys that's all  the comments i'm shouting out for  today's video make sure to comment  something down below for a chance to be  featured in my next comment shout out  and as always don't forget to give this  video a big thumbs up and subscribe to  most amazing top 10 for more amazing  videos i've been your host lindsay ivan.

Top 10 Weirdest Things Found Inside Ancient Temples

Top 10 Weirdest Things Found Inside Ancient Temples

Temples are supposed to be sacred holy  places but it doesn't mean that they  always are on today's list we'll be  looking at some weird spooky and  downright uncomfortable things found  inside ancient temples from human teeth  to mermaid bones let's talk about this  and more only in today's video the top  10 weirdest things found inside ancient  temples hey everyone what's up and  welcome back to the most amazing top 10.  i'm your host lindsay ivan and i'm  olivia kozalovsky and uh when you smash  that like button and obviously subscribe  to our channel and now let's get on with  the video  starting off in our number 10 spot we  have liquid mercury this discovery came  not necessarily from within a temple but  rather under it but i still think it  counts because they really are all  connected in 2003 after 1 800 years a  researcher named sergio gomez unsealed  and began excavating a tunnel which laid  beneath a mexican pyramid in 2014 the  team searching this tunnel announced  that they had found three chambers at  the end of the 300-foot tunnel which  lays 60 feet below the pyramid of the  feathered serpent which is the temple i  previously mentioned so this under  temple tunnel is already cool enough but  what makes this discovery even more  fascinating is how they also found large  quantities of liquid mercury in one of  the chambers at the end of this tunnel  this first meant that the team of  researchers needed to wear some extra  protective gear because mercury can be  poisonous but also this meant to them  that they may be very close to  discovering the very first royal tomb  ever located in teotehuaken after ANCIENT CREATURES decades of searching the mercury may  symbolize an underworld river or lake  not that different from the river styx i  honestly don't know what could be cooler  than a huge secret tunnel found under an  ancient temple that leads to a pool of  poisonous liquid metal in our ninth spot  we have the tigers the waffle long tabwa  temple in thailand is also called the  tiger temple why  well it's home to tigers in fact the  monks there actually lived with them and  visitors were allowed to feed them and  pet them but sadly in 2016 officials  were getting reports about tourists  being attacked by the tigers while being  there later it was found the tigers were  being drugged and that's why sometimes  they wouldn't attack but when they wore  off meow you know bad kitties later on a  raid found 137 tigers and 40 dead cubs  which is very sad and heartbreaking the  sanctuary was later forced to close and  the healthy tigers were relocated in our  number eight spot today we have too many  wooden coffins in egypt archaeologists  uncovered a funerary temple with some of  the oldest coffins ever found in zakara  this project led by egyptologist zahi  hawas found the funerary temple of queen  nirit who is the wife of king teti the  first pharaoh of the sixth dynasty of  egypt this mission ended up finding 52  burial shafts with more than 50 wooden  coffins found inside that date back to  around 3 000 years ago discoveries like  this are of course incredible but i'm  not gonna CREEPIEST URBAN LEGEND lie there's also something  extremely eerie about all of these  people who have been gone for thousands  of years now being dug up and moved TOP BONE CHILLING around along with the coffins there were  plenty of artifacts and small statues  found mostly relating to different  deities of the time the coffins  themselves also usually have  representations of the deities on them  as well as various excerpts from the  book of the dead so as to help the lost  souls pass through on their journey to  the other world in our seventh spot we  have the lost civilization this one guy  literally found an entire lost  civilization while excavating a temple  so in 2003 archaeologist sergio gomez  was working on the temple of the plumed  serpent he arrived to work one day to  find a massive sinkhole at the foot of  the pyramid the night before a heavy  rainstorm hit the area but after looking  in the hole he was like dude there's  something down there so he attached  himself to a rope and lowered himself  down into the hole and he was right BEAUTIFUL NATURAL PHENOMENA something was down there after further  investigation he found the lost  civilization of teotihuacan imagine that  it just makes me think what other lost  cities are there below us that we  haven't even found yet it's incredible  in our number six spot today we have  ancient gold while renovating a temple  in the southern indian state of tamil  nadu a group of villagers who had taken  the renovations upon themselves were  shocked to find a bunch of ancient gold  this gold was hidden under the stairs  that led to the temple's underground  sanctorium there were a bunch of  different gold items such as a gold  chain and they all weighed around an  estimated  565 grams the people who found this gold  thought that it was a promising sign and  they wanted to keep the gold in the  temple after the renovations were  completed india's treasure trove act  states that the finder of treasure must  report the value date time and location  to the district collector so that is of  course what these people had to do in  doing so authorities came to seize the  found gold to the dismay of those who  had found it unfortunately after  attempts to negotiate the gold did end  up being seized we're now at our fifth  and halfway mark with the curse turns  out that a number of temples are haunted  and cursed i could do a whole top 10  list on that topic alone if we haven't  already but today let's talk about one  of the most cursed temples in the world  that is the padma swani temple and we're  talking about walby that's located in  there this is a hindu temple located in  india it was built in the 16th century  and contains six vaults five of which  have already been opened and it  contained up to one trillion dollars  worth of treasures but no one wants to  open the last vault referred to as vault  b why well legend goes that it's cursed  locals tell of a story of a man that  tried to enter this vault but failed  after a cobra came out of nowhere and  killed him while another legend says  that the vault is connected to the  arabian sea if they open it it will  flood the entire state not only that but  a man named tp sindarijn an indian  lawyer made a petition to get vault be  open however in 2011 he unexpectedly and  mysteriously passed away people think  that he was the victim of the temple's  curse but what do you think in our  number four spot today we have human  teeth in 2014 some people were restoring  a wooden statue of jesus called the lord  of patience that was located in the  parish of san batalo quatlapan mexico  the statue depicted jesus as he was  awaiting crucifixion and it had been  located within the church for 300 years  during these restorations however it was  discovered that this statue more  particularly the mouth of this statue  contained real human teeth old statues  in this region of mexico are usually  found with things like rabbit teeth or  dog teeth and a statue of the devil and  sometimes with real human hair but  there's just something about the teeth  that really freak me out and also how  did no one else know for 300 years we  don't know exactly where the teeth came  from but it is likely that they were  taken from someone living or dead who  wanted to donate them for this exact  reason or maybe they were taken from  someone who didn't want to donate them  that is also unfortunately a possibility  coming in at number three we have the  played lord temple in 2019  archaeologists were exploring a temple  in mexico when they came across  something quite dark and strange the  temple was used by aztecs and they would  engage in sacrifices for the gods in  particular they would skin themselves so  when the archaeologists excavated the  temple they came across three statues  each with skin skulls and a torso  wearing someone else's skin  as well as they found garbage holes  where the victim's skin was discarded  after they were done with it there goes  my appetite in our number two spot today  we have a human skeleton inside a statue  have you ever heard of the practice of  self-mummification well it exists and it  is most often practiced by monks this is  what led to a real skeleton being found  inside of a buddha statue located in a  temple in the 1990s the process of  self-mummification isn't an easy task it  starts off at least three years before  death with the first step being to eat a  diet that consists only of nuts roots  berries and bark somewhere around a  thousand to three thousand days later  they will stop eating and only drink  water that has been mixed with salt and  basically just meditate until they have  passed they are buried while just on the  brink of death and then will have their  remains exhumed later in order to see if  the mummification process was a success  that is the process that the monk found  inside of the statue took after his  death his mummified remains were placed  inside of the temple for two more  centuries after his body began to  deteriorate some monks decided it might  be best to encase it in a statue and  thus this weird discovery in the 1990s  was born it's a little less weird when  we understand why this all took place  but definitely still weird nonetheless  and in our number one spot today we have  the mermaid bones yeah you heard me  correctly mermaid bones so located at  the ryuguji temple in japan on display  is what they claim to be six bones  belonging to a mermaid according to the  history of the bones the mermaid was  found on the shore of hakata bay in 1222  a shaman said that the creature was a  mermaid and it washing up on shore was a  sign of good luck eventually the bones  were given to the temple which changed  its name to ryugujo which means undersea  palace of the dragon god in fact if you  go there visitors can even bathe in the  water that the bones were once soaked in  this is said to keep them safe and  prevent them from getting sick kind of  interesting like i want to see these  mermaid bones for myself also do you  guys believe in mermaids let me know in  the comments below alright guys that's  all for today's video let us know in the  comments below which one of these  objects you found the creepiest honestly  which one did you buy the creepiest the  human teeth human teeth i was going to  say that one too i didn't like it it's  wrong it's just wrong  that being said if you guys liked the  video why don't you smash that like  button obviously subscribe to our  channel and comment down below because  it really helps us out and we appreciate  it we love you guys uh i've been your  host lindsay ivan i'm olivia koslowski  now see you when i see you bye  all right  uh teotihuacan  god damn it i tried so hard this one's  hard though t.o.t  what can't i'm gonna have to look it up  sorry one sec please hold  plea oh i have a missed call from who  somebody trying to tell me to hurry the  t  they're like hey please don't butcher  this  pronunciation  the what  temple in thailand is awesome all right  i can't take myself seriously  okay so  long time  [Music]  all right my whole entire life in the  parrot  why can't i say that  i want to say crucifix  yes exactly so located oh  ryuguji so located at the ryuguji temple  in japan on  is that our silent maybe  eventually the temple was eventually the  temple was given to the temple nice one  let's see.