#Horror total 1

5 Creepiest Urban Legends
5. The Man Who Spoke With God
Picture this scene: The year is 1983. A group of religious scientists have come up with an interesting new theory that any human brain untroubled by stimuli would be able to sense the presence of God. Finding a willing volunteer, an old man with a terminal illness, they painstakingly seal off his nerve endings. Then they sit back and wait. What happened next is like H.P Lovecraft's worst nightmare. For a couple of days, the old man whispered about his deteriorating state of mind. On the fourth day, he claimed to hear distant voices. On the sixth, his dead wife began speaking to him.

Then things really went downhill. As the days passed, the voices of the dead began to grow louder, more hostile. They became angry, mocking, and started to tell the man things nobody should ever have to hear. According to the legend, the man began to scream and tear at his unseeing eyes, shrieking no heaven, no forgiveness, over and over and over. Finally he began to hysterically bite at his own flesh, saying he'd met God and he has abandoned us. Luckily, the tale is nothing more than a particularly spine-chilling example of an urban legend. But it's creepy enough to have utterly freaked some people out, and now seems to periodically resurface whenever the Internet is in need of some gut-wrenching terror.

4. Farmer John's Suicide
The story goes that the owner of a meat-packing plant woke up one day to find his kids missing. With the help of his brother, the two scoured the farm but could find no trace of the missing kids. After a few hours they called in the police, who made a horrifying discovery. The stuff coming out the meat grinder that day was human flesh, pulped and ground down to goo. Realizing this could only be his missing kids, the owner retreated to the plant's boiler room and quietly hanged himself.

Twenty years after the kids were murdered, workers at the plant stumbled across a terrifying scene. The brother of the former owner had been strung up in the boiler room, the words I did it carved across his chest. At the same time, visitors to the town cemetery reported that the soil above the owner's grave had been disturbed sometime in the night. Fast forward to the present, and it's said that you can see the ghosts of the two children falling into the grinder every October, while on Halloween the two hanged men make their way back to the boiler room.

3. The Staring Video
It's a video of a man looking into a camera without expression for roughly two minutes. It's been up on YouTube without comment and seen by hundreds of people. Known as the "Mereana Mordegard Glesgorv" video, the legend goes that it was pulled by YouTube in the early days after they realized its effects. According to the story, those who watched through to the end would see the expressionless man smile an evil smile.

After that they'd lose it. People were said to have clawed their own eyes out after seeing the whole video. Others were said to have taken knives and hacked their own arms up. Yet others were supposed to have killed themselves. It is said that nobody can get even 45 seconds in without screaming, and to go any further is to sacrifice the last shreds of your sanity. At least, that's the story. In reality, the video is of a guy called Bryan Cortez and you can see him today looking suitably non-demonic and friendly.

2. The Suicide Portrait
A few years back, an internet rumor surfaced about the suicide of a young Japanese girl. Shortly before killing herself, the teen had drawn a self-portrait, which she then posted online. Curious to see this slice of suicide memorabilia, a number of Korean forums picked up the image and began re-posting it. That's where things got weird. Users had a hard time looking away from this melancholy picture. Some began re-posting it time and time again, saying that its eyes were drawing them in.

Others noticed that if you stared at the picture for any length of time, it began to alter subtly, the faintest trace of a smile surfacing around the dead girl's mouth. Yet others reported feelings of intense sadness after seeing it. It is said that one or two even killed themselves. It is now thought that anyone who spends too long looking at the image runs the risk of falling into this same deadly obsession. At least it would be, if the original artist hadn't found out about this rumor and posted a fed-up message on his website, debunking the whole thing.

1. Mickey Mouse In Hell
The creepy "lost episod" is a whole sub genre of modern urban legend. But none has ever been quite so twisted as the legend that started them all: the story of the lost Mickey Mouse cartoon. According to the legend, this cartoon is nothing special. It features a black and white Mickey walking past a repeating background, white noise playing on the soundtrack. At two minutes in it cuts to black and that's it. Wait until the sixth minute, and the cartoon is meant to reappear. Only now the white noise has been replaced by the distant murmur of voices. The background Mickey was walking against has begun to distort in ways painful for the human eye to see, and Mickey himself is smirking unpleasantly.

From then on, the cartoon supposedly becomes a nightmare. A scream starts to rise up on the soundtrack as Mickey himself seems to decay, his eyeballs falling out and his grin getting ever wider. Impossible colors begin flickering across the screen, burning rubble rises in the background, and then it is said that nobody knows what happens next. The only Disney employee to ever watch to the end committed suicide shortly after. All he left was a note describing the final frame: a piece of Russian text that translates as "the sights of hell bring its viewers back in." And now, it is somewhere out there on the Internet, waiting for you to find it.

5 Most Evil People in History
5. Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini
Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini was and Iranian religious leader for a decade beginning in 1979. He had led the Iranian Revolution during which up to sixty thousand people were killed. The doctrine of the Shia Islamic Law was incredible strict, enforcing specific dress codes and eliminating equal rights. Brutal punishments were administered for breaking the rules. People were sent to prison and tortured just for listening to music. Anyone caught sharing a kiss in public was given one hundred lashes.

Those who chose not to believe in Allah were tortured and murdered by shooting, hanging, gassing, stabbing, stoning or burning. Anyone caught stealing would have a hand amputated, people were blinded and women's faces were slashed or damaged with acid. During the Iranian Massacres of 1988, everyone who was serving time in prison was killed. Over five months more than thirty thousand people lost their lives, including children who were hung from cranes. Khomeini kept fifty two American nationals hostage. Some were imprisoned for more than four hundred days, some spent six years in captivity. The hostages were blindfolded for their entire imprisonment.

Khomeini wasn't content with just ruling Iran, he had ambitions to conquer the Middle East. Saddam Hussein decided to attack first and between one and two million people were killed during the Iran Iraq war. Children were sent to fight by Khomeini. Saddam Hussein attempted peace talks but to no avail. The economy of Iran crashed and up to a million Iranian people died during this time. Khomeini's aggression towards the US is thought to have been the beginning of terrorist thinking, inspiring groups such as Al Qaeda. He is also thought to have inspired the Islamic Holy War during which over two million people died. In 1989 Khomeini lost his own fight, with cancer.

4. Delphine LaLaurie
When Delphine LaLaurie's New Orleans house caught fire in 1834, the emergency services who attended the scene made some very disturbing discoveries.Two people who were clearly being kept as slaves were found inside the house, chained up to the stove in the kitchen. Both were found to have had terrible injuries afflicted upon them during their life. But this was just the start. Upstairs in the attic more than twelve bodies were found, all of them chained to the floor or the walls.

They bore the disfigurement of serious abuse, having suffered a range of medical experiments conducted upon them by LaLaurie. She had trialled sex change surgery, had broken limbs and reset them in odd positions, performed amputations and taken flesh samples. Some of her victims had had their mouths sewn up, resulting in them dying of starvation. There were some victims who had had their hands attached to other parts of their bodies. LaLaurie never paid for her crimes as she escaped and went into hiding.

3. Beverly Allitt Nurse
Beverley Gail Allitt is said to be amongst the top ten most evil women of all time. Dubbed the Angel of Death, she killed four children and tried to kill another three. And that's not all, she also caused grievous bodily harm to another six. These terrible deeds were committed in 1991 whilst Allit was working in a children's hospital ward in Lincolnshire. It was found that two of the children had been given massive overdoses of insulin whilst another child was found to have a big air bubble inside their body. How the other children were killed and injured remains uncertain. Allitt was sentenced to life in prison, thirteen times over, when she was put on trial in 1993. The judge emphasised that Allitt posed a serious threat to society and would probably reamin in jail for the rest of her life.

2. Adolf Hitler
The German Fuhrer, Adolf Hitler, was the leader of Germany between 1933 and 1945. As a young man he had aspirations of becoming an artist but these were not realised when he failed to gain admittance to art school. He enlisted as a solider in the German army during the First World War. He was furious when Germany surrendered. After returning to Germany at the end of the war, Hitler began considering the role of the Jews in terms of the problems Germany was facing.

He blamed the Jews for everything and his bitterness developed into a belief that Jews were not human beings at all. He began to plan for the elimination of all of Europe's Jews. Part of this plan included the fulfilment of his ambition to control the entire world. Hitler believed that the power of persuasion could achieve anything and propaganda was a fundamental strategy in his plans. Hitler took to killing anyone who stood against him. He would experiment on hospital inpatients for new methods of killing people; one thing he trialled in this way was the use of carbon dioxide gas.

More than three hundred thousand people were killed due to Hitler's experiments. Hitler rounded up all of the Jews living in Germany and put them into concentration camps. Jews living in other countries were not safe from this threat and over ninety percent of Polish Jews died during this time. Those incarcerated in these prison camps were put to work. Some died from overwork whilst others were killed in the gas chambers. This wasn't the only way that Hitler killed the people in the camps. He also used a firing squad, death marches, the lethal injection, starvation, poisoning and medical experimentation.

Many people died from disease, starvation and exposure too. The Jewish people were forced to watch their friends and family die. The lives of millions of children were lost because of Hitler's breeding programme. Children were judged against the Nazi scale of perfection and those found to be lacking were executed. He wasn't loyal to friends and allies and would betray them without a second thought. Over eleven million people were killed as a direct result of Hitler's power.

This figure includes six million Jewish people, three million Polish people and another three million Russian people, seven hundred and fifty thousand Slavs, half a million gypsies, one hundred thousand people suffering from mental illness, another hundred thousand Freemasons, five thousand Jehovah's Witnesses and fifteen thousand homosexual people. In all, more than fifty million people died due to Hitler's actions. He died in 1945 when he commit suicide after taking cyanide poisoning then shooting himself.

1. Joseph Stalin
Joseph Stalin was the dictator at the helm of the Soviet Union for thirty-one years, between 1922 and 1953. Prior to his appointment to government, he had been an assassin, a bank robber and an agitator. It took him many years to progress to his place in power and he turned into a ruthless, aggressive, vengeful dictator who was ruled by his paranoia, bringing terror, violence and murder to his country. Those who crossed him were put to death so woe betide anyone who attempted to spy on him or anger him in any way. Anyone who voted against him suffered the same fate.

His ambition was to promote the Soviet Union to an industrial superpower but in working towards this goal many, many people were killed. Soviet citizens were forced into slave labour, many literally being worked to death. Enormous industrial schemes were established and became a source of perhaps millions of people's misery. Stalin's name appears on tens of thousands of death warrants. The only way to escape Stalin's brutality was to adhere to his word entirely. Anyone who spoke against him, who displayed independence or intelligence, was subjected to torture, imprisonment or murdered.

Family made no difference to Stalin and he was as likely to murder his supporters families as he was his enemies; in fact, he murdered the parents of a girl he had made a favourite of. She believed that he extended his love for her to her family, but she was wrong. He is even said to have had wives of his friends killed. Stalin's family didn't escape his ruthlessness either. He sent his daughter's boyfriend into exile and his wife commit suicide in order to escape his horrific treatment.

When his son was captured and put into a Nazi concentration camp, Stalin would not make a trade for his release; his son died in the camp. The means of murder were varied and brutal: it's said that Stalin even had people killed with ice picks. It wasn't only by brute force that people lost their lives. During Stalin's time in power, around ten million people starved to death. He is known to have said that an individual death can be regarded as a tragedy but in high numbers deaths are merely a statistic.

Stalin showed no respect for those who were fighting for his country during the Second World War, even having Soviet soldiers killed. Prisoners were released in order to join the army; when they returned from war, even if they were injured, they were thrown back in prison. He was just as brutal to people from other countries with hundreds of thousands of foreigners raped, tortured and murdered; one and a half million women from Germany were raped by Stalin's men. Stalin regularly used mustard gas explosives to kill large numbers of people. His aim was for his country to become as strong as America, with the ultimate goal being to take on the United States. He was responsible for the deaths of up to sixty million people. He lived until 1953 when he died after having a stroke.

5 Unsolved Mysteries With Strange Writteb Clues
5. John Hill
Ottumwa is a small city in southern Iowa and it is home to a disturbing unsolved mystery. Early on the morning of November of 22, 1976, two men walked into the Ottumwa Launderette and in a small room they found the dead body of the 51 year old owner of the launderette John Hill. He had been stabbed multiple times and shot. The police were called to the scene and they found a .25 caliber handgun on the floor near Hill's body.

Near the entrance of the launderette the police found five bullet holes. The police concluded that Hill died as a result of a robbery gone wrong. Hill fired his gun five times at the robber and missed with each shot. The robber attacked Hill stabbing and shooting him. The police said that it was a long drawn-out struggle. Then the killer did something really unusual.

Despite having multiple gunshots go off, which would have drawn a lot of attention, the killer took the time to write something in the victim's blood at the crime scene. It either said black or lack and then the second word was older. The police are unsure what the words refer to or their significance. There were two suspects in the case who are a couple, but neither were charged because they had strong alibis. Unfortunately the case has never been solved and Hill's family is still looking for answers as to who is responsible for his brutal and senseless murder.

4. Tracey Neilson
After a day of classes at Medical School on January 5, 1981, Jeff Neilson returned home to the apartment that he shared with his wife of five months, Tracy Nielsen, in Moore Oklahoma It was Tracey's birthday, she had turned 21. When Jeff got to the apartment he found the door unlocked. Inside the apartment, he found Tracy on the bed. She was lying face up. Her throat had been slit and she had been stabbed multiple times in the chest. During the police investigation they were quickly able to rule Jeff out as a suspect. What the police learned is that on the morning of her birthday, Tracy ran around and did some errands.

Then a neighbor saw Tracy finishing up her chores around the apartment at about noon. During the afternoon her friends and family have been calling to wish her a happy birthday but no one answered the phone. The medical examiner placed her time of death at some time around noon. She had not been sexually assaulted. There was no evidence of a break-in and there was no signs of a struggle inside the apartment. Robbery doesn't appear to be a motive because there was only one item missing from the apartment. It was a one inch by four inch keychain that Tracy used, which had her name on it.

The police think that the killer took it with him as a souvenir. The killer left several clues in the apartment, notably a single fingerprint but unfortunately no match to it has ever been found. The second clue is a cable ticket book from Southwestern Bell for cable repair, which may explain how the killer got into the apartment without breaking in or forcing his way in because Tracy may have let him in since he was a repairman.

The last ticket in the book lists Tracy's address as the service address Whoever filled out the ticket said that the work was completed and then they signed or initialed it at the bottom. The ticket said that the work was finished at 11:51 a.m. on the day of the murder. The police and the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation are hoping that someone will recognize the signature or the handwriting Since the murder the police have followed up on 1500 leads, but after 35 years they are no closer to figuring out who killed Tracy Nielsen on her 21st birthday.

3. Gary Grant Jr.
January 12 1984, was a Thursday, but 7-year-old Gary Grant Jr. of Atlantic City, New Jersey, had the day off of school because there was a teacher conference. Gary left his house at about 2:30 in the afternoon and he told his mother that he had an appointment. His mother never thought to ask what he meant by appointment. Gary was supposed to return home by four o'clock and when he didn't, his mother called the police His neighborhood was searched and two days after he went missing his body was found two blocks from his house in the vacant lot.

The 7-year-old had been bludgeoned to death with a metal pipe. The last person seen with gary was his 12-year old friend Carl Mason, whose nickname was "Boo." The police interviewed Carl, who has developmental disability and was smaller than Gary, without a guardian or a lawyer present and he confessed to the murder. He was arrested and sent to juvenile detention. Once he was incarcerated Carl said that he was innocent.

He was given two polygraph tests; one was inconclusive and the other showed that he was telling the truth about being innocent. The judge eventually threw out the confession and Carl was released. Not long afterwards, the investigation into Gary's murder frosted over. This was especially tough on Gary Grant Sr., who was a police officer with the Atlantic City Police Department.

On January 4, 1986, a message was found scrawled on the side of an Atlantic City police car. It read: "Gary Grant's dead. I am living. Another will die on January 12th if all goes right." January 12th was the second anniversary of Gary's murder. Luckily, January 12th, came and went and no one was murdered in Atlantic City on that day. A few weeks later, a second message was found. This time it was scratched onto a sidewalk. It said: "Gary Grant Jr. lives. I still killed him. Son of the pig officer. Payback is a M.F."

The last message led to speculation that grant may have been killed and his payback against his father because he arrested somebody. However, that theory has never been proven. In fact, to this day the police are uncertain if the killer actually wrote the messages or if they were just a horrible prank. The case has sat cold ever since. The new clue emerged in 2006. Gary Grant senior was converting some audio tapes to mp3 files when he came across one that was labeled phone calls.

On the audiotape, he heard the following call that was made to the 911 dispatch on March 8, 1986, weeks after the messages were found. This wasn't the only mysterious phone call on the audiotape A few weeks after the bizarre confession, the 911 dispatch received a second strange phone call regarding the murder of Gary Grant. The caller didn't identify themselves but they accused the man of killing Gary because his father was a cop. The man's name was never made public because he was never charged.

Gary Grant Sr. knows the man, but says that he never had a problem with him. We should also point out that the accused man was arrested in 2011 for sexual contact with a child under the age of five and child endangerment. He ended up pleading guilty to child endangerment in 2013. Again, it is unclear at the calls are genuine or just a disturbing prank. Tragically, despite his father conducting his own investigation the murder of Gary Grant Jr. remains unsolved.

2. The Freeway Phantom
The evening of April 25th, 1971, was a warm one in Prince George's County, Maryland, and it was just an ordinary Sunday for 13-year-old Carol Spinks and her family. Around dinnertime Carol's older sister asked her to walk to the 7-Eleven, which was about a half a mile away from the family's home to pick up some TV dinners, bread and soft drinks Carol made it to the store and purchased her items but then she disappeared on her way home. Her body was found six days later on a grassy embankment next to a highway.

A few months later on the morning of July 8, 16-year-old Darleina Johnson, who lived a few blocks away from Carol, left her home to go to her summer job at a local recreation center. Sadly, she never made it to work. Her body was found 11 days after she went missing. She had been dumped about 15 feet away from where Carroll's body was found. 19 days after Darlenia disappeared 10-year-old Brenda Crockett was sent to the store by her mother.

When she didn't return home her family searched the neighborhood for her. Three hours after Brenda left for the store, her, 7-year-old sister was at home and the phone rang. She answered it and it was Brenda. She was crying. She said that a white man picked her up and she was heading home in the cab. She also said that she thought she was in Virginia. she then hung up the phone quickly. Minutes later the phone rang again.

Brenda's mother's boyfriend answered it this time. Again it was Brenda calling. She repeated what she told her sister and then she added that she was alone in the house with a man. The boyfriend told Brenda to put the man on the phone to tell him where she was and he'd come get her. Brenda then asked, "Did my mother see me?" The boyfriend responded, "How could she see you when you're in Virginia? Tell the man to come to the phone."

The boyfriend then heard the sound of heavy footsteps and Brenda said "I'll see you..." And then the line went dead. Hours later Brenda's body was found along the highway in Prince George's County. Her body wasn't hidden like the first two victims. She had been raped and strangled to death. A scarf was tied around her neck. The police think that the killer made Brenda call her home to give them false information to throw investigators off his track.

On October 8, 12 year old Nenomoshia Yates went missing while walking home from the store in Prince George's County Her corpse was found dumped along the side of the road just hours after she went missing She had been raped and strangled Then around 10:25 on November 15, 18 year-old Brenda Woodward was seen getting off the bus to transfer to another one Her body was found near an access ramp early the next morning. She had been strangled and stabbed.

Her coat was then laid gently over her body in her coat pocket there was a note that said: A handwriting analysis was performed on the note and the handwriting expert said that the note was written by Brenda herself; meaning the Phantom dictated the note to her. At this point the FBI was called in and they got thousands of tips, but none of the tips led anywhere. Around the same time that the FBI got involved the killer took a hiatus. But then on September 5, 1972, he popped back up again On that day, witnesses saw 17-year-old Diane William heading home on the bus after visiting her boyfriend, but she never made it home she was found strangled to death off the side of the road hours after she was seen exiting the bus After the murder of Diane Williams the Freeway Phantom killings came to it end.

Over the course of two years he claimed at least six lives. All the girls were between the ages of 10 and 18 and all of them were african-american. The FBI continued to work on the case but then in 1974 they reassigned the agents that were working on the case because manpower was needed to investigate the Watergate scandal and the freeway phantom killings went cold. In the ensuing years cold-case investigators have continued to look into the string of murders.

One conclusion they drew, which is based on the areas where the girls were kidnapped and the locations where their bodies were dumped, that the Phantom's anchor spot is Congress Heights, which is a neighborhood in Washington DC, suggesting that he lived or worked in the area during the time of the murders. There have been several attempts to pull testable DNA from evidence left on the victims, but so far they have not been able to. They also found fibers from a green synthetic carpet on five of the six girls, however they have not been able to find the carpet that it belongs to.

Finally, something that may just be a total coincidence, but three of the six victims had the middle name Denise Over the years the police have had over 100 potential suspects. The strongest suspect is a man named Robert Askins. Before the freeway phantom murders he had been charged with murder three different times and he was convicted of one of them in 1938 proposing a prostitute with cyanide He was released 20 years later because of a legal technicality.

In 1977, Askins was arrested for raping a 24 year old woman in his house after the arrest the police searched his house. In his desk, they found his appellate court opinion and in one of the footnotes was the word "tantamount" However, there's no physical evidence tying Askins to the Freeway Phantom murders and he was never charged Askins ended up being found guilty of raping and kidnapping the 24 year old woman and he was sentenced to life in prison in the late 1970s He died in prison in 2010, at the age of 91, without ever confessing to the Freeway Phantom murders. The police are hoping that in the future some new technology will help them crack the case

1. Jeanne French, Elizabeth Short, Mimi Boomhower and Jean Spangler
February 10, 1947, was a Monday, and a construction worker on his way to work happened upon a woman's body in a field off of an isolated road in West Los Angeles. The body was identified as 45-year-old Jeanne French. When she was in her 30s, Jean was a pioneering female aviator, but in 1947, her glory days were long gone.

She was estranged from her fourth husband, Frank French who possibly suffered from PTSD, and was supposedly abusive. Jeanne herself was an alcoholic who liked to go out and party. On the night before her body was found, Jeanne was having dinner and drinks at a diner with two men During the meal she got up from the table and made a phone call. From the way she talked on the phone a waitress at the diner could tell that Jeanne was drunk on the phone Jeanne said, "don't bring a bottle the landlord doesn't allow it."

She then yelled over to the two men that she was dining with not to put any liquor in the car and not to take any liquor. About two hours later Jeanne was alone and she stopped in at a drive-in diner where she had coffee with the owner. She talked about her troubles and complained about her estranged husband Frank.

At 10:30, Jeanne was seen at a bar where she told the other patrons that she was going to commit her husband to the neuropsychiatric ward at the Veterans Hospital the following day Jeanne then made her way over to her estranged husband's rooming house. She asked him to come out with her and he turned her down. She hit him in the head with her purse and left. Next, Jeanne was seen at another drive-in diner with a man who had a dark complexion and was small to medium in size People remembered them because the man bragged about leaving a large tip.

After the diner, Jeanne and her friend were seen at a bar They were there from 1:30 until 2:00 when the bar closed as it closed. The bartender Jeanne arguing with her friend. When the bartender stepped out of the bar, he saw Jeanne and her friend get into an old beat-up sedan and they drove off into the night. Then, just hours later, James body was found in the field by the construction worker.

Jeanne had been viciously beaten and stomped. She had massive internal bleeding, her heart was punctured, her neck was broken. On her torso someone had written "F--- you B.D.and under it were the letters "T-E-X" The message was written in Jeanne's lipstick. The police and the media immediately knew what BD stood for. It stood for Black Dahlia.

Just four weeks before Jeanne French was beaten to death, 22-year-old Elizabeth Short's body was found in los angeles Short had been cut in half and her intestines had been removed. Her body was drained of blood, her skin was scrubbed, and her lips were slashed from ear to ear, making it look like she had a horrifying smile.

Like Jeanne French, Short had been dumped in the field. Supposedly Short also had something written on her body in lipstick. It was too small swear words. Eight days after Short's body was found, the story dropped from the front page and an editor at the Los Angeles Herald-Examiner got a call from someone claiming to be the Black Dahlia Avenger The caller told the editor that it seemed like they were running out of material on the Black Dahlia murder, so he would send them some of Short's personal belongings, like her birth certificate and her address book.

Sure enough, a package arrived at the newspaper two days later which containing several personal items that belong to Short. A note was also included with the belongings indicating that a letter would follow Four letters were sent in all. They were all signed off as the Black Dahlia Avenger, but the police are unsure at the letters were from the killer or from someone who knew Short well enough, or who had access to her apartment, like a landlord.

The police were hesitant to say that the killings of Short and Jeanne branch were connected The victims did share similar physical features, but the methods of the murders were very different from one another Newspapers, on the other hand, thought that one person was responsible for both murders. Instead of focusing on the serial killer theory when investigating Jean French's murder, the police immediately looked at the most likely culprit in any murder - the romantic partner of the victim.

After all, Frank did seem like a plausible suspect. The couple did have a volatile relationship and Frank did see her on a night that she died. Frank's swore that he had nothing to do with the murder and he took a lie detector test to prove it. He ultimately passed the polygraph test. The police interviewed Jeanne's son and he said that Frank had tolerated a lot from his mother and that she was more than capable of getting herself into trouble.

After that, Frank was dropped as a suspect. However, without Frank the police were out of suspects. Nothing happened with the case for two years. But then two years later, there was another odd case that happened in Los Angeles that may or may not be related to the murders of Jean French and Elizabeth Short.

On August 18, 1949, a friend talked to 48 year old Mimi Boomhower over the phone sometime between seven o'clock and eight o'clock p.m. The call was upbeat and the women talked about an upcoming social event. However that day was the sixth anniversary of Boomhower's husband's death. Later that night, the police were summoned to her upscale house. The front door was open her lights were on and her car was in her garage.

Inside the house there was a salad on the table that Boomhower didn't eat, there was fresh food in the kitchen, and a dress that had recently been worn was lying on the bed. The house showed no signs of a struggle and nothing was out of place. However, the 48 year old widow was nowhere to be found. The immediate conclusion was that Boomhower who was having financial problems committed suicide.

In fact, on the night that she disappeared she was supposed to meet an unidentified man at her house. She was hoping that the man would be interested in purchasing the house. Boomhower's friends and family said that she seemed happy with her life, and was looking forward to upcoming social events so they thought it was unlikely that she would have killed herself Five days after she went missing her purse was found in a telephone booth in a supermarket in Los Angeles.

Nothing appeared to be missing from her purse but written on its side big letters was: "Police Department found this on the beach on Thursday." Thursday was the night that Boomhower disappeared. The purse didn't show any traces of seawater or sands weeks. After Boomhauer disappeared from her house, another woman in Los Angeles disappeared.

26 year old Jean Spangler was an actress that had bit parts in movies and she had recently acquired a powerful agents. On October 7, 1949 she walked out of her front door to go to the farmers market and she never returned home. Two days later, her purse was found at the entrance to a nearby park. One strap had been ripped and inside the purse was a note that read: The police looked into her disappearance and discovered that Spangler was three months pregnant leading to speculation that Dr. Scott was an abortionist.

However, they were never able to find out the true identity of Dr. Scott. Rhe police were also unsure who Kirk was and then they received a rather unusual phone call from movie star Kirk Douglas. He was on vacation and called specifically to tell the police that he wasn't the Kirk in the letter. The police thought that this was suspicious because they never considered him to be the Kirk in the letter. Because of the bizarre call, the police considered Douglas a suspect, and then they discover that Spangler had recently acted in a movie that had yet to be a release, which starred Kirk Douglas, However, Kirk Douglas was eventually cleared in the disappearance.

The bodies of Mimi Boomhower and Jean Spangler have never been found. Newspapers at the time thought that the murders and the disappearances were all connected, but the LAPD weren't convinced. Unfortunately, the LAPD never brought anyone to justice for any of the crimes. However, there is at least one former LAPD homicide detective who thinks that the crimes are all connected, but he didn't join the force until decades after the murders and disappearances Steve Hodel, who is now retired from the LAPD, believes that his father who was an unusual and sadistic doctor named George Hill Hodel is responsible for the four crimes plus five other murders.

George Hodel was on the police's radar and he was a suspect in the Elizabeth Short murder because of an incident that happened in 1945. His secretary died of a drug overdose, but the police thought that Dr. Hodel had killed her to cover up some financial fraud. The police weren't able to prove anything conclusively and Dr. Hodel was never charged.

After his father died in 1999, he wrote several books on the Black Dahlia murder arguing that his father is the real killer. For his investigation, he had the handwriting on Boomhower's purse compared to his father's handwriting, and the examiner said that was highly probable that it was the same handwriting. The theory of George Hodel being the murder of Short and the other women is still controversial. It is even unclear if one person is responsible for all the murders and the disappearances. Unfortunately, there's a good chance that these cases may never be solved.

10 Creepy Urban Legends From Around the World
1. Meat Is Murder (Germany)
The legend goes that in post-war Berlin a woman who was walking through a crowd one day saw a blind man struggling. She offered to help him. He told her he was trying to deliver a letter - would she take it for him? It was on the way she was heading, so she said 'sure'. She set off with the letter, but remembered to check and see if the blind man was doing okay. She caught sight of him without his glasses and cane, hurrying down an alley. Feeling suspicious, she went to the police. When they went to the address on the letter she'd been given, they found bags of human flesh. The letter itself read: "This is today's serving". 1947 was known as the "Year of Hunger' in Germany, a country recently decimated by World War Two. People avoided starvation by eating what they could find: dogs, cats, rats, frogs, snails, as this rumor attests to, people.

2. The Well To Hell (Russia)
In 1984 a team of Russian scientists drilled deeper than ever before into the Earth's crust. It was on a remote peninsula in Northern Russia that hell was purportedly discovered, 12 kilometers below the surface. Supposeedly they through a point that reached 2000 degrees when the drill started sspinning strangely. They lowered their microphones in to take measurements and listened. It was then that they heard thousands of human voices, all screaming in agony. Were they souls trapped in hell? An explosion followed and a winged devil burst from the hole in the ground, killing 13 of the workers.
The story was reported around the world, but originated with a Christian group in Finland that heard of the experimental drilling. As might be expected, this is an exaggeration that has compounded over the years.

3. The Crying Boy (UK)
In 1985 The Sun newspaper in Britain printed a story title 'Blazing Curse of the Crying Boy'. The Crying Boy in question was a painting by Giovanni Bragolin that was found in perfect condtion after a house had been burned inside out. What's more, a firefighter at the scene said he knew of numerous other fires where the 'Crying Boy' painting had been. An investigation was carried out, but not before panicked members of the public began throwing their paintings onto bonfires. Over 50,000 versions of the cursed painting had been sold at this point. The investigators found that the paintings were varnished with flame retardant and so survived the fires. Although this didn't explain why no other varnished paintings were turning up.

4. The Lucifer Statue (Philippines)
Satan standing triumphant over Angel Michael makes for an odd sight in the Catholic Philippines. This is the grave of Don Simeon Bernardo, who ordered the statue be placed there on his death in 1934. Bernardo was tortured and, as a result, didn't have particularly rosy view of the world.

The evil on display shocked residents, but it's just a statue - or is it?

Locals say the statue was initially much smaller than it currently is and has been growing over the years. Others say that the demon files off at night so the wrought iron cage has been places around the statue to keep it from escaping. The surprising truth is that the statue has grown, but in a sort of self-fulfilling prophesy. Phone to vandalism due to its irreligious nature the damaged statue was replaced by a slightly larger version in the 1970s and protected from abuse by a large cage.

5. Kaala Bandar (India)
Fifteen years ago mass hysteria swept the city of Delhi in India. During a 5-day period, the terrifying Kala Bandar roamed the streets. It pounced on people in the middle of the night, gouging their arms and necks. Described as 4 feet tall, with the horrifying face of a chimp and bearing iron claws, it was given the nickname the 'Monkey-Man of Delhi'. One man even fell to his death when he thought he saw the Monkey-Man. Another eyewitness described the terrifying situation: "The creature had its hands on my tights when I woke up. When my mother picked up a broomstick, it jumped out of the balcony". No monkey, man or monkey-man was ever caught, but the legend of Kala Bandar lives on, frightening children.

6. Under The Bed (USA)
This is a classic from the USA, a teenage girl is home alone and starts to receive strange messages on to her phone. She keeps ignoring the messages and carries on watching TV, putting them out of her mind. When the messages become more threatening, she phone the police, who trace the messages and tell her that they are coming from within the house! Just a story, right? Well in 2014 one 16-year-old girl started receiving some pretty scary texts. But she thought it was all a joke. She went to bed and just before she fell asleep she received the text: "I'm in your house!" The man had broken in and was hiding underneath her bed. Thankfully though, the police caught him in time.

7. Sacamantecas (Spain)
In Spanish, Sacamantecas means 'fat extractor' and is a kind of disguised monster or drifter that steals the fat from children to feed on. The myth is thought to have begun with Spain's first recorded serial killer, Manuel Blanco Romasanta. In the late 19th Century, Romasanta was convicted of killing 13 people. He rendered their fat in order to make high quality soap, which he then sold - along with the victims'clothes. Romasanta was only one of several people caught for selling human fat in this era and so the myth of the Sacamantecas was born and used to frighten children into behaving.

8. The Black Volga (Poland)
The Black Volga was a classic Russian car and signified wealth and status in the Soviet States during the Cold War. If one was ever seen stalking the Warsaw cith streets, people would flee because it was said that the people inside kidnapped children. No one ever saw who was driving them. One story suggested that the Soviet leader Brezhnev was mortally ill and requested the blood of children to keep his hold on the empire. The Volgas, which were associated with Soviet officials, went out to abduct children and drain them of their young blood. Other versions of the story described the blood being sold to wealthy Arabs to cure leukemia or spoke of vicars, nuns, Satanists, and even the devil driving the car and making children disappear.

9. El Chupacabra (Puerto Rico)
The goat-sucking, spiny and reptile-like Chupacabra was first seen in 1995 in Puerto Rico. This modern legendary beast is thought to drain the blood, vampire-like, from the livestock of Central and South American farmers. The uproar around the first sighting, in which 150 animals were killed, led to a year of weekly chupacabra hunts around Puerto Rico. To unearth the origin of this monster, Benjamin Radford of the Skeptical Inquirer tracked down Madelyne Tolentino, the woman who first reported seeing the creature. He had a hunch: there was a sci-fi B-Movie called 'Species' that featured a creature in the final act that was remarkably similar to her description.nWhat's more, Species was set in Puerto Rico, it came out in the weeks before the first Chupacabra sighting, and Madelyne Tolentino had watched it.

10. Kuchisake Onna (Japan)
Japan never fails to disappoint with creepy myths and ghosts. Kuchisake-Onna is the malicious spirit of a woman who wears a surgical mask. She appears and asks you: "Am I Pretty?" If you say no. she kills you on the spot. If you say yes, she removes her surgical mask to reveal the her mouth has been slit at the corners like The Joker, and then asks:"How about now?" If you say no, she cuts you in half. But if you say yes, she slits your mouth to look like hers. This tale caused widespread panic the the late 1970s. Schools arranged for students to walk home in groups because of their fear of being attracked by the ghost. There is even a rumor that a coroner's report from 1979 showed a woman who'd been hit by a car - in pursuit of a child who had her cheeks slit.

Sources: The Guardian, Live Science, Time, Snopes, 'Folklore and Journalism' (Dr.David Clarke), ABS-CBN News, The Chester Chronicle

10 Deadliest Assassins of All Time
When you think of assassins, you probably think of agile, methodic, secretive characters that hide in the shadows, but as it turns out, some of the deadliest assassins of all time were not only not that secretive, but they had some of the craziest methods for carrying out their work that you will not believe. Here are the 10 deadliest assassins of all time.

10. Axe-Wielding Bear
17th century Swiss political leader Jorg Jenatsch's murder might be the most bearish assassination in history, pun intended. Jenatsch was a vicious Protestant leader with contempt for Spanish Catholics. He even pinned his political rival, Pompeius von Planta, to the floor and murdered him. Well flash forward 18 years to Carnival in the town of Chur. Jorg is drinking with his entourage, all in costume, so no one thinks twice about inviting a man in a bear costume, who's wielding an axe, to the revelry. Jorg tried to shake the bear's hand, but it was Rudolph von Planta, son of Pompeius in disguise, who shot his father's murderer in the stomach, and yet, Jenatsch still grabbed a giant candlestick and was able to fight back before eventually just dying. You know, I get it, the guy was in a bear costume, all snugly snugly, oh how cute, but the guy was holding an axe. Yep, nobody would have saw that coming, big sharp axe in your face.

9. Exotic Dancer Spy
World War I in Europe was an incredibly dangerous place to be, and in the rationale of the time, no place for a woman. But don't tell that to Margaretha MacLeod. This German intelligence officer is considered to be the greatest woman spy of the 20th century, but what's most interesting is that she went by the name Mata Hari, an exotic dancer who performed the dance of seven veils across Europe for English and French soldiers. MacLeod had a Dutch passport, so she could freely travel around wartime Europe, taking many high-ranking officers as lovers, many of whom she murdered before stealing military secrets. Hari ended up passing along her stolen intel to the Germans, that led to the deaths of almost 50,000 French soldiers. Even after she was caught as a spy and executed, she was a flirt, blowing a kiss at the firing squad before they shot her in 1917.

8. She-Tiger
Just like Hari, this person used her femininity and sexual prowess to fight for Basque independence from Spain in the 1980s. Known as La Tigresa, meaning The She-Tiger, she was a dedicated commando in the ETA, which stands for Basque Homeland in Liberty. She was responsible for 23 deaths. Specifically in 1986 at the age of just 20, La Tigresa set a car bomb in Madrid that killed 12 civil guards, another car bomb that killed five civilians, and seduced a police officer in order to gain access to police stations, before shooting him and another five police officers. In 2003, she was sentenced to 2,000 years in jail, but in 2011, apologized, and unbelievably was released early in June of 2017.

7. The Iceman
Richard Leonard Kuklinksi is considered America's most prolific contract killer, nicknamed The Iceman, because he froze his victims to hide the time of their death. He was only ever convicted for two murders, but claims to have killed up to 250 people over 30 years. That means one murder every six weeks. Kuklinski was the go-to killer for the Gambino mafia crime family, and unlike many other serial killers, he had no routine. Specifically, he would use guns, knives, bats, lumber, tire irons, ice picks, fire, cyanide, and even his bare fists, that he claimed he did for the exercise. Oh yes, getting a good one in today. The strangest thing is that when he wasn't murdering people for money, he was a family man living a quiet life in New Jersey. He was even an usher in his church, but his luck ran out in 1988 when he was sentenced to two life sentences, but freely spoke about his crimes up until his death in 2006.

6. The Superkiller
Agent 47 from the video game Hitman was actually inspired by Alexander Solonik, known as The Superkiller to the Russian criminal underworld. As a Soviet special forces member in East Berlin, he was tasked as an assassin of NATO diplomats. Believe it or not, what landed him in jail was not murders, but a rape conviction, and he ended up breaking out of the Siberian gulag and became a hit man for hire. He immediately started taking out high-ranking Russian mafia bosses, protected by armies of bodyguards, and he'd either do this as a sniper from great distances, or show up at nightclubs and kill his target and crew with dual pistols blaring. Police eventually caught up with him in 1995, but he ended up taking out five cops with a hidden machine gun before eventually returning to jail, escaping again, and created his own 50-strong assassin squad in Greece. Eventually he was found strangled in Athens in 1997. How appropriate, an assassin was assassinated, that's just irony.

5. Caesarea
In 1989, Palestinian political organization Hamas's chief weapons maker, Mahmoud al Habu, shot an Israeli soldier in cold blood. However, Israel had the last laugh in 2010, after Habu's body was discovered in the luxury Al Bustan Rotana in Dubai. His cause of death was a brain hemorrhage, which seemed improbable, so Dubai investigators looked into it. What they discovered was that 27 people from Massad's Caesarea unit flew in under different passports and left soon after. A German immigration attorney ended up discovering that multiple people in the Caesarea forged identities and documents to acquire German passports used to enter Dubai without notice. Seriously, these people must be really good at what they do, because I can't even bring a dang bottle of water through the airport, it's like I'm a criminal.

4. The Cartel Hit Man
Martin Corona's book Confessions of a Cartel Hit Man, released in July of 2017, details his violent life as an enforcer for the Arellano-Felix organization. It was this organization that inspired the movie Traffic, with their sadistic methods like Mexican stew, where they stuffed men into 55 gallon drums of hot lye. Corona was recruited to David Popeye Barin's death squad in 1993 after he saved Ramon Arellano's life fighting off 40 gunmen sent by the El Chapo Guzman, with a single AK-47. This guy's like an assassin Rambo. He tried to retaliate against El Chapo inside the Guadalajara Airport, but missed, but he still continued on to a long and lucrative murder for hire spree on both sides of the US-Mexico border. He would often wear disguises to trick his victims, like nerdy glasses, but in 2000, he turned on his bosses, working with the California Justice Department to dismantle the AFO.

3. The Camel
Jesus Ernesto Chavez Castillo's street gang, Barrio Azteca, were the Juarez drug cartel's go-to hit men until 2014. That was, until Castillo testified against his former boss, Arturo Gallegos Castrellon. Chavez confessed to 800 murders, but says that he lost count, and claims to have had a daily murder quota to instill fear in cops, politicians, and the people of Cuidad Juarez, the murder capital of the world. His confessions came after Mexican police allegedly tortured him with electric shocks to the testicles. But killing wasn't enough to please his boss, Castrellon, so he would often dismember and behead his victims, leaving their bodies in public places to make sure he made headlines. Unbelievably, since his imprisonment at the end of the drug cartel war, the Juarez murder rate dropped by two thirds.

2. The Political Assassin
Photographer Burhan Ozbilici's stark image of Mevlut Mert Altintas with a gun and his finger in the air while Russian ambassador to Turkey, Andrei Karlov lies dead beside him, was declared 2016's photo of the year. The Ankara Modern Arts Center was hosting an exhibition created by the Russian embassy on December 19th, 2016. Ambassador Karlov was a few minutes into his speech about improving strained Turkish-Russian relations when a man in a suit shot him nine times in the back, shouting "revenge for Syria and Aleppo." The gunman, who engaged in a 15-minute shootout with police before ultimately being killed, was Altintas. He was an off-duty member of the Ankara police riot squad and a member of the Syrian branch of Al-Qaeda. Man, even police are assassins, you can't trust anybody.

1. The Lady Killers
Kim Jong Nam was a playboy living in exile when he was suddenly poisoned in the Kuala Lumpur International Airport in Malaysia on Valentine's Day 2016. His assassins were Indonesians Siti Aisyah and Vietnamese Doan Thi Huong, who sprayed the poison in his face, claiming it was a prank. The reason that they were so unsuspecting was because Miss Huong was wearing really casual clothing, specifically a sweater that said "LOL" on it. Well, getting sprayed in the face with a V.X. nerve agent isn't exactly LOL. It's more like OMG.

10 Deadliest Female Serial Killers
From the femme fatale’s with countless victims to the bohemian body counts that rival any Ted Bundy, we count down the top 10 deadliest female serial killers.

10. Delphine LaLaurie

Perhaps the real inspiration for American Horror Story season three, Delphine LaLaurie inspired her slaves to commit suicide. The reason? They were trying to get away from her lucid torture schemes. LaLaurie would keep droves of slaves on the brink of death and starvation, seemingly for her own enjoyment. Sadly, LaLaurie was never arrested, and although rumors of her atrocities run rampant throughout New Orleans, she never suffered the same way she treated those around her.

9. Belle Sorensen Gunness

No, it’s probably not because gun is in her name, or the fact that her children look terrified in every family photo. In what can only be described as ‘gold digging pioneering’, Belle would murder family members for money. After murdering her husband and two of her very own children and cashing in on their life insurance, she moved to Indiana. There, she dropped a meat grinder on her next husband’s head—and then advertised in the paper that she was looking for yet another husband. In gold digging irony, suitors rushed to the ever increasingly wealthy Belle, who murdered them all. Eventually, her whole estate burned to the ground, killing her children and revealing dozens of corpses for police to find. The weird part was, her teeth were found in the ashes—but her body wasn’t.

8. Amy Archer’s Murder House

Amy Archer-Gilligan murdered the elderly for fun. It’s horrible to hear out loud, but listen to this: in the early 1900’s Archer’s Connecticut home for the Elderly and Infirm saw 60 deaths, not including the deaths of several husbands. Eventually, family and friends of the deceased elderly caught on that Archer was feeding poison to her patients and was sentenced to life in prison for second-degree murder. She died in 1962 in an insane asylum. Asylum sounds too nice for someone like that.

7. Lavinia Fisher

Notoriously famed as the first American serial killer, and perhaps the inspiration for American Horror Story season five, Lavinia Fisher and her husband ran a hotel that—can you guess?—made fun out of murdering guests. What started as murder and robbery turned into an all-out killing spree. It took local police years to nail Lavinia and her husband for their crimes, and the two were eventually sentenced to death in 1820.

6. Jane Toppan

The further we get down this list, the more we see several things. First, women seem to have bored of serial killing as time has gone on, and second, if a woman is a nurse or part of a medical environment, buyer beware! Jane Toppan was no exception. She is famous for casually experiment on her own patients for her own enjoyment. Now, take that sentence seriously, because this next statement might gross you out. She later told authorities that she felt sexual pleasure in watching her victims die. After killing close friends, her landlord, and her sister, time finally caught up with Toppan and she was sent to Taunton Insane Hospital, where she likely Taunted the world for being foolish enough to send her to a place that would give her another 30 years of life.

5. Bertha Gifford

The ‘Textbook’ Case - Falling in line with the majority of serial killers both male and female—Gifford fits the typical profile of, ‘Oh, she was nice and gentle’. Her murderous rampage is a complete surprise’. Gifford was a quiet and unassuming person who apparently was feeding arsenic to patients. No wonder American folklore is drenched in the blood of terrifying hospitals, insane asylums and medical wards. It seems like one in three had a vicious murderer traipsing around in it. Gifford’s body count made it to almost 20 before she was caught.

4. Dorothea Puente

And the modern era of female serial killers. If you’re in the shipping industry, it’s usually a bit taboo to open packages. Well, in 1985, a handyman failed to open a box given to him by Dorothea Puente to dump—and it was a good thing he didn’t open it, as it contained a decomposing human body. Luckily, fisherman found the body days later and reported it to police. After searches began to plague her premises, Puente suffered a devastating blow when police found seven dead bodies buried under her boarding house—where she had been doing most of her killing. She died in 2011.

3. Nannie Doss

Wait a minute. There’s a female serial killer with eleven bodies to her name and her first name is the word we use to describe a profession that takes care of children? Wow. Who okay’d that one? Nannie Doss married at sixteen, and then murdered two of that marriages four children. Unlike virtually every other husband on this list, that guy ran, but the Doss wasn’t done. Doss used this marriage to murder her grandchildren for insurance money. As if she were pissed about the first one getting away, husbands two, three, four, and five were all murdered. Husband five seemed to be the straw that broke the camel’s back, because the police finally nabbed her. Could you imagine husband number one—living his life in fear hearing about all these other guys dying. Who was husband five, by the way? What insane kind of deathwish did he have?

2. Dynamic Duo of Death

Gwendolyn Graham and Cathy Wood, two serial killers with 80’s skin-flick names, murdered elderly patients for sexual pleasure in the 1980’s. You can’t make that up if you want to. Others thought they were however, when Gwen and Cathy bragged about how awesome they were at killing and no one believed them. In 1989, after Cathy’s ex-husband demanded that the police follow up on them, Cathy threw Gwen under the bus and struck a plea deal, resulting in Gwen serving five life sentences while Cathy only got slapped with 20-40 years. The scariest part—she may be released some day.

1. Aileen Wuornos

Some People Just Want to Watch The World Burn. Aileen Wuornos lands at number one. Unlike most of the women on this list, she didn’t use poison. Unlike most of the women on this list, she wasn’t after money. No—Aileen Wuornos wore her heart on her sleeve and her trigger finger itched. What’s insane about Aileen is that her motive, although completely different thab most of the people on this list, is almost all the more insane. For all seven of her victims that she shot in cold blood, she claimed self-defense—because, as she put it—they were trying to rape her. Wuornos claimed self-defense in the face of rape for years—all while she openly plead guilty to the actual murders. With seven counts under her belt, she was sentenced to death in 2002 by lethal injection.

10 Horror Animals Movie
Number 10: The mosquitoes from "Mosquito"
Kicking off our list is a film that's so bad, it's good. This movie answers a timeless question: What happens when ordinary mosquitoes feed on alien carcasses? The answer involves a campy, good time filled with horrible dialogue, bad acting, terrible effects and buckets full of gore. If you thought you hated these pests before imagine meeting one this big, without a can of bug spray.

Number 9: The crocodile from "Lake Placid"
This film is a similarly funny, yet scary tale of animal cruelty on man. A 30 foot crocodile has begun snapping at victims in Maine. This water dwelling amphibian is a vicious killing machine that not only devours people but also loves munching on cows.

Number 8: The sheep from "Black Sheep"
In this off-beat horror, the dangers of genetic engineering are explored when experiments turn harmless sheep into bloodthirsty killers. As a result, these modified animals go on a rampage of a New Zealand farm, bringing new meaning to the term "Baaad".

Number 7: The snake from "Anaconda"
A National Geographic film crew is taken on a trip to hunt the world's largest giant anaconda in the Amazon rainforest. Unfortunately for them, this snake is so massive, it is capable of consuming a live person.

Number 6: The ants from "Them"
Now we're getting serious and delving into the real questions of radioactivity. Here, atomic testing in New Mexico causes regular sized ants to mutate into massive man-eating monsters that are hell-bent on devouring human civilization.

Number 5: The piranhas from "Piranha"
In this 70s horror flick, military scientists have genetically modified piranhas for use in the Vietnam war However, these man-eaters are accidentally released into the river and find their way to a day camp, where they begin to multiply and feed on the guests.

Number 4: The spiders from "Arachnophobia"
A Venezuelan spider stows away on a boat to America It mates with a local spider and their offspring eat their way through the inhabitants of a small town in California. This is easily the scariest flick to ever star 8-legged freaks with large fangs.

Number 3: The St Bernard from "Cujo"
In this Stephen King tale, a rabid bat bites a friendly St Bernard named Cujo. As a result, the dog becomes incredibly violent and goes on a killing spree through a small town in America.

Number 2: The birds from "The Birds"
Terror from the sky reigns in this iconic horror film by the master of suspense himself, Alfred Hitchcock. The anticipation of a feathery attack never lets up and is especially nerve-wracking when the winged killers decide to converge on a child's party.

Number 1: The shark from "Jaws"
Rounding out our top 10 list is the great white that made us afraid to go to the beach. The film combines an excellent score by John Williams with suspense and pools of blood. Jaws will grip you and never let go.

10 Most Bizarre Curses in the World
From a cursed painting, to a cursed movie character, we have 10 most bizarre curses in the world.

10. The Iceman
An ice man was discovered in the Alps in 1991 and it was estimated to be over 5,000 years old. But, after his discovery, seven of the people who found him died over the course of thirteen years and not by natural causes. For instance, one person died in a car accident, another was killed in an avalanche, another died from accidentally falling off a cliff and another from a blood disorder. The Iceman curse is currently one of the most famous curses of modern times.

9. The Crying Boy Painting
This painting of a young boy was set on the walls of multiple homes throughout Europe. But, many of the homes the painting was placed in became the victims of fires and explosions. Even though the homes would be burned down to the ground, The Crying Boy painting was always found to be completely intact in the aftermath. But, what's really bizarre about this "supposed curse" is the fact that the painter of the painting from Madrid said that he had made the painting of a wondering orphan whose parents have died in a house fire.

Even a priest had warned the painter that the each home the boy was led into was destroyed due to a fire at one time or another, the painter did not believe him and took the boy into his studio to paint him. But sure enough, his studio caught on fire as well,  and burned down. Causing the painter to banish the orphan from his presence.

8. Hope Diamond
This is one of the most famous diamonds in the entire world. But, there is a curse associated with it. The diamond was stolen from the head of of an idol in the 1600 and it is said that the priest of the temple of the idol was cursed in the stone. Sure enough, each and every owner of the diamond met a horrible demise including the Princess of France who was murdered by a mob in Paris. Even the jewelers who kept the diamond in their shop died mysterious deaths as well. The diamond is currently on display in the United States.

7. Koh-i-nor
The curse surrounding this diamond is very similar to the curse of the Hope Diamond. But what is unique about this diamond is that every female owner of it was brought great fortune and luck in their lives. But every male who has owned the diamond has been met with a terrible deaths. Diamonds are truly a girl's best friend. Number 6, the Superman curse. Most of the actors who have portrayed superman in either films or television shows have died of ways other than natural causes, ranging from suicide to complications from being paralyzed.

This curse began because the original comic book creators of Superman cursed their own superhero after they were denied the rights and money to the character. The Superman curse remains one of the most infamous curses of modern times. So, it's only a matter of time until we see what happens to the Superman actors from the more recent years.

5. The Bambino curse
The Bambino curse is one of the most famous sports curse in the world. The Boston Red Sox team had a string of bad luck after Babe Ruth was traded to the New York Yankees in the 1920s, but up until then, the Yankees were the ones with the bad luck. Following Ruth's trade, the Yankees won World Series after World Series while the Red Sox lost again and again. But, that changed in 2004 when the Red Sox finally won a World Series, during a total lunar eclipse. What was even more bizarre about this curse is that they won against the Yankees.

4. The 27 club
The 27 club refers to the rockers and musicians who all died at the age of 27 under controversial circumstances. Musicians included here are Jimi Hendrix, Kurt Cobain, Janis Joplin and Jim Morrison, all of who were very famous rock stars at their time. What is even more bizarre about this curse is that all of them became famous at the age of 25, and then died two years later.

3. 0888-888-888
There is really no cursed phone number in the world unless you are thinking about count spam or trash messages. But the notable exception here is the phone number 0888-888-888. This curses phone number has been the number of many people throughout the 2000's up until now. But every single person who had the number has died. Some owners died of cancer while others were shot to death or died in a gun shot accident. So, who knows what's going to happen to the current person who has this phone number.

2. Blarney Stone
The Blarney Stone in Ireland is notable throughout the world not because it is a curse, but on the contrary because it is a piece of good luck. Kissing the stone means that good luck will come to your life. But, it does not apply if any part of the stone is removed or stolen. In fact, if that becomes the case, bad luck with ensure. People who have stolen a small piece of the stone have reported suffering from depression and bad financial conditions among other things. So bad was the curse that multiple people who stole a piece of the stone sent it back to Ireland.

1. Tecumseh's curse
This curse was bestowed upon every american president in the White House. Elected every 20 years from William Henry Harrison up until John Fitzgerald Kennedy. The curse originated when William Henry Harrison, governor of Indiana Territory in 1811 broke a treaty with chief Tecumseh. This led to a war between the US and the Shawnee in which many of Tecumseh's men were killed and Harrison's reputation continued to grow. Finally, Tecumseh cursed Harrison to death when he was elected to the White House, in addition to every president elected after Harrison every 20 years.

Sure enough, every president elected each twenty years died while in office. Harrison in 1840, Lincoln in 1860, Garfield in 1880, McKinley in 1900, Harding in 1920, Roosevelt in 1940, and JFK in 1960. President Reagan who was elected in 1980 was the victim of an assassination attempt, but survived. Supposedly breaking the curse as George W Bush, who was elected in 2000 and survived as well.

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หากคุณคุ้นเคยกับมังงะ คุณจะรู้ว่าแทนที่จะแบ่งออกเป็นประเภทต่างๆ อย่างที่เรารู้จัก มังงะจะจัดหมวดหมู่ตามกลุ่มประชากรเป้าหมายเป็นหลัก เรามีโพสต์ที่เน้นการ์ตูนโชเน็น เซเน็น และโจเซอิ และในที่สุดเราก็มาที่นี่เพื่อพูดคุยเกี่ยวกับกลุ่มประชากรกลุ่มสุดท้ายที่เหลืออยู่ และนำเสนอมังงะโชโจที่ดีที่สุดบางส่วนที่อ่านได้

SH?JO MANGA คืออะไร?
ในภาษาญี่ปุ่น โชโจ หมายถึง "เด็กสาว" ดังนั้น กลุ่มประชากรหลักที่กำหนดเป้าหมายโดยโชโจ้มังงะคือวัยรุ่นและหญิงสาว แน่นอนว่าการแจกแจงข้อมูลประชากรเหล่านี้ไม่ได้มีความหมายมากนัก เนื่องจากผู้คนทุกวัยและทุกเพศอ่านข้ามหมวดหมู่อยู่ตลอดเวลา อย่างไรก็ตาม มันยังคงเป็นวิธีที่ง่ายในการระบุมังงะ เนื่องจากนิตยสารรายสัปดาห์และรายเดือนที่มีการจัดลำดับมังงะยังคงแบ่งออกเป็นหมวดหมู่เหล่านี้

ในช่วงต้น มังงะแนวโชโจเน้นเรื่องที่เรียบง่ายและเบาสมอง และมุ่งเป้าไปที่ผู้ชมที่เป็นเด็กสาววัยประถม นอกจากนี้ยังถูกครอบงำโดยมังงะผู้ชาย จนกระทั่งยุคทองของมังงะโชโจเกิดขึ้นในปี 1970 ในเวลานี้ ศิลปินหญิงรุ่นใหม่ได้ผงาดขึ้นโดยผสมผสานธีมที่ซับซ้อนมากขึ้นและสะท้อนทัศนคติจากขบวนการปลดปล่อยสตรี ศิลปินยุคนี้เป็นที่รู้จักในชื่อกลุ่มปี 24 เนื่องจากหลายคนเกิดในปีโชวะหรือประมาณปีโชวะที่ 24 กลุ่มนี้ได้ขยายมังงะแนวโชโจให้ครอบคลุมแง่มุมอื่นๆ จากประเภทย่อย เช่น การผจญภัย แฟนตาซี และอื่นๆ และนำมาซึ่งการเปลี่ยนแปลงไปยังกลุ่มผู้ชมวัยรุ่นและผู้ใหญ่ที่มีอายุมากกว่าเล็กน้อย โชโจยังมีความสุขเพิ่มขึ้นอย่างมากทั้งในด้านการค้าและความสำเร็จที่สำคัญด้วยการเปลี่ยนแปลงนี้ ซึ่งส่วนใหญ่ถูกไล่ออกจนถึงจุดนั้น

ทุกวันนี้ โชโจมังงะดูเหมือนจะมีภาพลักษณ์เกี่ยวกับเด็กสาววัยเรียน การ์ตูนความรักโรแมนติก และมีแนวโน้มมากกว่าทั้งสองอย่าง และในขณะที่มีการ์ตูนผู้หญิงโชโจจำนวนมากที่สะท้อนถึงเรื่องนี้ ก็ยังมีแนวย่อยที่หลากหลายและไม่ควรถูกพิจารณาเทียบเท่ากับแนวโรแมนติก หากมีใครต้องการนิยามโชโจโดยรวม ธีมที่พบบ่อยมากคือการสำรวจความสัมพันธ์ (ทุกประเภท) และอารมณ์ ฉันได้เลือกการ์ตูนโชโจที่ดีที่สุดบางส่วนที่มีให้สำหรับผู้อ่านภาษาอังกฤษในปัจจุบัน ซึ่งหวังว่าจะสะท้อนอย่างน้อยส่วนหนึ่งของเรื่องราวที่หลากหลายที่สามารถจัดอยู่ในหมวดหมู่นี้ได้

กุหลาบแวร์ซาย โดย ริโยโกะ อิเคดะ
ตีพิมพ์ครั้งแรกในปี 1972 The Rose of Versailles ปฏิวัติโชโจมังงะ โดยพิสูจน์ว่าหมวดหมู่นี้อาจประสบความสำเร็จในเชิงพาณิชย์ในหมู่นักอ่านในวงกว้าง ไม่ใช่แค่สำหรับตลาดเฉพาะกลุ่มเล็กๆ นักวาดการ์ตูนรักโรแมนติก Riyoko Ikeda ซึ่งเป็นสมาชิกของกลุ่ม Year 24 มีความประสงค์จะเขียนมังงะที่มีเนื้อหาเกี่ยวกับสังคมและการเมือง โดยแสดงให้เห็นว่า โชโจอาจซับซ้อนและซับซ้อนกว่าที่คิด ละครประวัติศาสตร์ที่เกิดขึ้นในช่วงการปฏิวัติฝรั่งเศส The Rose of Versailles มุ่งเน้นไปที่เรื่องราวของ Marie Antoinette และ Oscar Fran?ois de Jarjayes ผู้บัญชาการหญิงของ Royal Guard วิธีที่อิเคดะเล่นกับเรื่องเพศก็มีอิทธิพลอย่างมากต่อการเติบโตของการ์ตูนยูริ

เซเลอร์มูน โดย นาโอโกะ ทาเคอุจิ
แน่นอนว่าเราไม่สามารถพูดถึงมังงะโชโจได้หากไม่พูดถึงมังงะเรื่องเซเลอร์มูนที่เป็นสาวน้อยเวทมนตร์ ด้วยการผสมผสานแนวคิดในการแปลงร่างฮีโร่จากฮีโร่ไลฟ์แอ็กชันยอดนิยมจากการแสดงคาเมนไรเดอร์ที่มีธีมเป็นผู้หญิง เซเลอร์มูนได้เปลี่ยนประเภทสาวน้อยเวทมนตร์จากเรื่องราวตลกขบขันที่พลังของหญิงสาวสร้างปัญหา ไปสู่เรื่องราวที่เสริมพลังเกี่ยวกับทีมหญิงที่แข็งแกร่งและมีความสามารถ ที่ต่อสู้กับกองกำลังชั่วร้าย

ซากุระมือปราบไพ่ทาโรต์โดย CLAMP
อีกหนึ่งชื่อที่โด่งดังในมังงะแนวโชโจคือ Cardcaptor Sakura อีกหนึ่งซีรีส์ที่มีอิทธิพลอย่างมากในแนวสาวน้อยเวทมนตร์ โดยเฉพาะอย่างยิ่งการดึงดูดใจแบบไขว้ท่ามกลางกลุ่มประชากรที่หลากหลาย ตลอดจนความสวยงามและแนวคิดของโมเอะ ซีรีส์เรื่องนี้ติดตามซากุระ คิโนโมโตะ เด็กสาววัยประถมที่ค้นพบว่าตัวเองมีพลังวิเศษจากการปล่อยชุดการ์ดเวทมนตร์สู่โลกโดยไม่ได้ตั้งใจ ตอนนี้ภารกิจของเธอคือการดึงและปิดผนึกการ์ดเหล่านี้ด้วยการต่อสู้กับรูปแบบที่เป็นตัวเป็นตนของแต่ละการ์ด

FUSHIGI Y?GI โดย ยู วาตาเสะ
Fushigi Y?gi เป็นการ์ตูนอิเซไกเกี่ยวกับ Miaka และ Yui เด็กสาวมัธยมต้นสองคนที่ถูกพาไปยังอาณาจักรจีนโบราณหลังจากอ่านจากหนังสือลึกลับที่พวกเขาพบขณะเรียนที่ห้องสมุด มิอากะพบว่าเธอเป็นนักบวชหญิงในจักรวาลของหนังสือ และภารกิจของเธอคือกอบกู้อาณาจักรด้วยการค้นหาและรวบรวมนักรบสวรรค์ทั้งเจ็ดของเทพเจ้าซูซากุ

ตะกร้าผลไม้ โดย NATSUKI TAKAYA
เนื่องจากเหตุการณ์หลายอย่างหลังจากแม่ของเธอเสียชีวิตในอุบัติเหตุทางรถยนต์ โทรุ ฮอนดะพบว่าตัวเองอาศัยอยู่กับครอบครัวของยูกิ โซมะ เพื่อนร่วมชั้นของเธอ ในวันแรกของเธอที่นั่น T?ru ได้ค้นพบความลับของครอบครัว S?ma โดยบังเอิญ นั่นคือ ครอบครัวถูกสาป โดยสมาชิกแต่ละคนถูกครอบงำด้วยวิญญาณที่แตกต่างจากนักษัตรจีน หากอยู่ภายใต้ความเครียดหรือเงื่อนไขเฉพาะอื่น ๆ พวกเขาจะกลายร่างเป็นสัตว์ที่สอดคล้องกับวิญญาณนักษัตรของพวกเขา โทรุสาบานว่าจะเก็บความลับของครอบครัวไว้กับตัวเอง รวมทั้งพยายามช่วยพวกเขาทำลายคำสาป

เด็กชายเหนือดอกไม้ โดย YOKO KAMIO
สึคุชิ มากิโนะเป็นเด็กสาววัยรุ่นที่มีความมุ่งมั่นและแข็งแกร่งซึ่งได้เข้าเรียนในสถานศึกษาชั้นยอดสำหรับเด็กที่มาจากครอบครัวชนชั้นสูง ในฐานะหนึ่งในนักเรียนไม่กี่คนที่มาจากชนชั้นกลาง สึคุชิรู้สึกแปลกแยกและไม่ชอบโรงเรียน และตั้งใจแน่วแน่ว่าจะผ่านโรงเรียนมัธยมปลายไปโดยไม่มีใครสังเกตเห็น อย่างไรก็ตาม เธอดึงดูดความสนใจของ F4 ซึ่งเป็นกลุ่มชายสี่คนที่รวยที่สุดในโรงเรียน เมื่อต้องปกป้องเพื่อนของเธอจากการถูกพวกเขาทรมาน แม้ว่าเขาจะรังแกเธอในตอนแรก แต่สึคาสะ โดเมียวจิ ลีดเดอร์หัวร้อนของ F4 กลับพบว่าตัวเองถูกดึงดูดให้ซึคุชิ เพราะเธอเป็นคนเดียวที่เคยยืนหยัดต่อสู้กับเขา มังงะคลาสสิกเรื่องนี้เป็นปรากฏการณ์ระดับนานาชาติ และนำไปสู่การดัดแปลงมากมาย ไม่เพียงแต่ในญี่ปุ่นเท่านั้น แต่ยังรวมถึงประเทศอื่นๆ ในเอเชียอีกด้วย

เรื่องราวความรักของฉัน!! โดย KAZUNE KAWAHARA และ ARUKO
Takeo G?da เป็นคนใจดีที่ต้องการความรัก น่าเสียดายที่รูปร่างสูงตระหง่านและมีกล้ามเนื้อของเขาทำให้หลายคนเลิกสนใจ และสาวๆ ทุกคนก็ตกหลุมรัก Makoto Sunakawa เพื่อนซี้สุดหล่อและมีเสน่ห์ของเขาแทน วันหนึ่ง ทาเคโอะได้ช่วยเหลือริงโกะ ยามาโตะ เมื่อเธอถูกลวนลามบนรถไฟ ชีวิตรักของทาเคโอะจึงพลิกผัน!

LIBRARY WARS: ความรักและสงคราม โดย KIIRO YUMI
ในอีกเวอร์ชั่นหนึ่งของญี่ปุ่น รัฐบาลได้ผ่านกฎหมาย Media Betterment Act (MBA) ซึ่งอนุญาตให้มีการเซ็นเซอร์สื่อใด ๆ ที่อาจถือว่าเป็นอันตรายต่อสังคม คณะกรรมการ Media Betterment ถูกนำไปใช้เพื่อบังคับใช้ MBA และกำหนดเป้าหมายใครก็ตามที่พยายามใช้เสรีภาพในการแสดงออก ห้องสมุดกลายเป็นแนวหน้าในความขัดแย้งนี้ โดยมีกองกำลังป้องกันห้องสมุดกึ่งทหาร (LDF) คอยปกป้องพวกเขาภายใต้กฎหมายเสรีภาพในห้องสมุด Iku Kasahara เป็นสมาชิกใหม่ใน LDF หลังจากได้รับแรงบันดาลใจในวัยเด็กจากเจ้าหน้าที่ของ LDF ที่บันทึกหนังสือที่เธอต้องการซึ่งตกเป็นเป้าของการเซ็นเซอร์ มังงะเรื่องนี้ดัดแปลงมาจากไลท์โนเวลของ Hiro Arikawa

ความรักของฉันผสมขึ้น! โดย WATARU HINEKURE และ ARUKO
Sh?jo เป็นบ้านของมังงะ BL จำนวนมาก และในขณะที่มีบทสนทนามากมายเกี่ยวกับปัญหาเกี่ยวกับไดนามิกนี้ แต่ก็มีมังงะที่น่ารักอย่างแท้จริงจำนวนมากที่จะนำเสนอออกมา และ My Love Mix-Up! เป็นหนึ่งในนั้น! ในภาพยนตร์โรแมนติกแนวชีวิตอันแสนหวาน ติดตามอาโอกิและไอดะ เด็กชายวัยรุ่นสองคนที่ถูกดึงดูดเข้าหากันเนื่องจากความเข้าใจผิด ขณะที่พวกเขาค้นหาความรักครั้งแรก มิตรภาพ และโรงเรียนมัธยมปลาย

สั่งการด้วยเสียง! SEIYU ACADEMY โดย มากิ มานามิ
ความฝันของฮิเมะ คิโนะ คือการได้เป็นนักพากย์ชั้นนำในซีรีส์อนิเมะเรื่องโปรดของเธอ การยอมรับของเธอในแผนกการแสดงเสียงของโรงเรียนศิลปะอันทรงเกียรติเป็นขั้นตอนในทิศทางที่ถูกต้อง! ทั้งเพื่อนร่วมชั้นและครูของเธอประเมินฮิเมะซึ่งมีเสียงต่ำและหยาบกระด้างต่ำเกินไป แต่เธอก็พร้อมจะทำทุกวิถีทางเพื่อพิสูจน์ว่าพวกเขาคิดผิดและทำให้ความฝันของเธอเป็นจริง เรื่องน่ารู้: เพื่อความแม่นยำในการพรรณนาอุตสาหกรรมเซย์ยู มังงะเรื่องนี้ผลิตขึ้นด้วยความร่วมมือของหน่วยงานที่มีพรสวรรค์ในเซย์ยุและวิทยาลัยศิลปะที่มีแผนกพากย์เสียง

ในตัวอย่างที่สำคัญของการที่เส้นแบ่งระหว่างหมวดหมู่ประชากรมังงะไม่ชัดเจนจริงๆ นี่คือ Chihayafuru มังงะที่ตีพิมพ์ในนิตยสาร josei แต่ได้รับรางวัลโชโจ (ยักไหล่) เป็นการ์ตูนกีฬา แต่เกี่ยวกับกีฬาที่แปลกใหม่และคาดไม่ถึงสำหรับผู้ชมชาวตะวันตก Chihaya Ayase เริ่มสนใจการแข่งขันคารุตะ (เกมไพ่ญี่ปุ่น) หลังจากได้เป็นเพื่อนกับผู้เล่นคารุตะที่มีพรสวรรค์ และก่อตั้งชมรมคารุตะขึ้นที่โรงเรียนมัธยมของเธอ มังงะเรื่องนี้ติดตาม Chihaya และผองเพื่อนและเพื่อนร่วมทีมของเธอในขณะที่พวกเขามุ่งมั่นที่จะเป็นทีมคารุตะชั้นนำ

The Cain Saga เป็นเรื่องลึกลับแบบกอธิคที่เกิดขึ้นในลอนดอนยุควิกตอเรียน มังงะติดตามเอิร์ลหนุ่มชื่อ Cain Hargreaves ในขณะที่เขาไขคดีฆาตกรรมและพยายามโค่นล้ม Delilah องค์กรลับที่ทดลองนำคนตายกลับมา The Cain Saga เป็นชื่อรวมของห้าส่วนหรือซีรีส์ ซึ่งแต่ละส่วนออกเป็นเล่มแยกต่างหาก เช่นเดียวกับซีรีส์ภาคต่อ Godchild

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Top 10 Scary Urban Legends From 2020

Top 10 Scary Urban Legends From 2020
There are tons and I mean tons of urban legends out there however most of them are pretty old back in the day when people didn't have access to the Internet those legends were shared by word of mouth or by letters in the mail like can you imagine writing the weather like that like dear Janet I hope the kids are well I just received a letter from Bertha and you won't believe what she told me a hitchhiker is on the loose well times have definitely changed hey everyone what's up and welcome back to the most amazing top 10 I'm your host Lindsey Ivan and today I'm bringing you the top 10 scary urban legends from 2020 starting off this countdown we have the witching hour so legend is about the witching hour on that new but this particular one that I'm about to share with you is for those of you who don't know the witching hour is from 3 a.m. to 4 a.m. apparently during this time the realm between the spiritual world and our world becomes thin making it easier for ghosts and spirits and demons to cross over and I'm pretty sure you've seen people posting those 3 a.m. challenges where they wake up at 3 a.m. and then try to contact spirits but there's a new legend surrounding this legend goes that if you wake up at 3 a.m. it's because a spirit is present in your room and has woken you up it's been said if you're woken up that whatever you do do not stare into a dark mirror apparently if you do so then the spirit will possess you and then basically you'll trade spots so the spirit can control your body and your soul gets trapped into the spirit world so I guess I'm removing all the mirrors from my room now enter my spot you have the chain letters so chain letters are old news they've been terrorizing people for decades usually people receive an email or social media message or even a text message with one but now there's a new form of a chain letter that's been going around so since everyone has to stay at home children are now doing their schooling online well a chain mail is being circulated over a chat platform that is being used for their online school the chain mail talks about a 17 year old kid named Carmen Winstead it says that she died after a group of girl pushed her down a sewer hole trying to embarrass her she was found with her neck broken and her face torn off you then have to send this message to 15 people or else Carmen will get you the message goes on to say that a kid named David ignored the message and was found dead the next morning there was a message on his wall written in blood that said you will never have him back okay that's pretty creepy if you ask me our thoughts have the mirrors so a couple of years ago I heard this famous urban legend about mirrors basically it says have you never supposed to have two mirrors facing each other in a dark place apparently it creates like a portal for spirits to get into our world but now there's a new version of this legend apparently it not only spirits can get into our world but it said that you should never stand in the middle between these two facing mirrors apparently people have done this and have claimed that they felt like someone has grabbed them others claim that they were dragged back and slammed into the mirror causing it to shatter a service box we have the Grey Lady of Westwick barely in the township of Westwick in England there's a legend surrounding a grey lady and said that if you drive down the forest road after midnight then you may encounter her she's described as an old witch that can change her appearance if you see her in her witch form then she's described as an old lady with yellow rotting teeth and she wears all grey others claim that she's a vampire and not a witch one thing that's for sure is that she seeks vengeance on men that have wronged women so she can shape-shift into attractive women to try and learn men once you're trapped by her she will kill you and then feast on you maybe early example is number six we have the Xoom calls so with everyone staying at home what lay people are staying connected is by video calls typically people are using this website called zoom in fact they have had a huge influx of people using their services but now there's an american urban legend going around about cyber spies that are hacking into your zoom calls and stealing your information although zoom claims to be secure people still believe that these hackers are stealing your data and then selling it to other parties especially now since companies are doing all their meetings online they'd be releasing very valuable information other people claim but it's the government that's collecting the information as a result of this legend people have been warned that you should not talk about sensitive information over zooms instead just keep it strictly to friendly banter there now airs it in half way bark with the Union Cemetery Union cemetery is located in Easton Connecticut it's said to be one of the most haunted cemeteries in the United States apparently a ghost that they refer to as the white lady wants this cemetery in fact even ed and Lorraine Warren have said to have seen this ghost and even have a video footage of it I really want to see that anyways The Legend of the white lady is not a new one but apparently there have been recent sightings of a new ghost that lurks this Cemetery this one is of a mother that passed away shortly after delivering her baby legend goes that if you visit the cemetery at night you can see the shadow of the woman roaming around trying to find her baby moving on number four we have the Moorpark ravine here in Toronto there's a ravine known as Moorpark ravine now I've never been but apparently it's haunted so legend goes that it's haunted by a worker that was killed while doing maintenance of the trail after a bad lightning storm the ravine had a couple of fallen down trees blocking the trail as a result the man was moving the trees when another one unexpectedly fell and crushed him it has been said that a dust you can see the shadow of this man lurking behind the trees others have felt a cold hand touching their arm as they walked the trail some even say that they have heard his cries for help every thought we have the ghost of Lowe's yes Lowe's as in Lowe's the store that sells a bunch of home-improvement stuff apparently there's a ghost at one of the locations according to one of the overnight workers he has experienced a lot of paranormal activity at his location but she never disclosed so we never know which location is haunted be careful what a legend goes that late at night a spirit roams the store and causes havoc for the workers the ghosts tampers with the motion sensor lights sets off product alarms and it's even said to push and trip workers one murderer claims that aisle 13 is the aisle with the most paranormal activity others have claimed to have heard whispers seeing shadows and I felt like they were being watched I mean out of all the places why did they choose the hot lows like come on I picked Costco they got everything there there are sex pot you have the blue man legend goes that if you see this blue man do not stop do not talk to him or if you encounter him then you will be controlled by him and he will make you harm yourself and others story goes that one day a man was driving home when he saw this man standing at the side of the road it was quite tall and was dressed in all blue man slowed down to see if he was okay or if he needed a ride home when the blue man turned to face him he saw that he had pure black eyes and a creepy wide grin man then drove up so fast but when he got home he wasn't the same his eyes were now completely black just like the blue man's he ended up grabbing a hammer and hit his wife over the head multiple times then he ended up killing himself so if you see a man dressed in all blue lurking at the side of an old highway don't stop don't make eye contact just keep driving and thought we have the Haunted tinder profile from 2019 to earlier this year stories about a haunted tinder profile have creeped out many of the apps users legend goes that a ghost of a boy named Dylan haunts the app if you match with him the consequences can be deadly so according to legend Dylan was considered a social outcast one of the reasons being because he had a birthmark right below his left eye he didn't have many friends and was often picked on at school now Dylan was using tinder for quite some time trying to find a girl friends but people at his school found his profile and then he was tormented even more eventually it got so bad that he took his own life but now it's said that his tinder profile is still active he is said to match with the girls that look just like his bullies who matched with him is said that he will appear outside your window and haunt you until you to commit suicide of course this is just a legend but there are people out there that have downloaded tinder just to try and find his profile and see if the legend is indeed true and that's all for today's video let's move on to our comments shoutout portion I'll be shouting out more comments for my video top ten scary Mickey Mouse urban legends Dark Knight plummeted one time of orange slices on my pizza it tasted good only had that one time we want to eat it again orange slices oh man I don't know if I can I don't know about that one I don't know about that one not judging but really but hey maybe I mean I can't judge until I try it so maybe I'll I got time maybe I'll do that Lorne outcompeted Lindsay you look just like Shiva in the Final Fantasy 7 remake you're so pretty thank you I mean I'll take it she was cool Garrett's sake commented you know what maybe Mickey Mouse does all this because you just want some cheese you imagine like this whole time were like oh my gosh Mickey Mouse is evil he's possessed and meanwhile he's just like some cheese please I'll stop hurting people that just need to be fed maybe you know what can you salt it I think we just need to give him some cheese and that's all the comics I've shown up for today make sure it's going.

Top 10 Scary Zodiac Urban Legends You Should Fear

Top 10 Scary Zodiac Urban Legends You Should Fear
kicking off our list at number 10 dangerous scorpios yeah we'll start off with the zodiac sign i was nearly assigned to i was born a month early luckily so now i'm a libra but had i been born from october 23rd to november 22nd it would be scorpio season i would be a badass apparently i don't know scorpios are brave they're bashful souls they're known to rush into danger head-on like a scorpion with their ass horn thing behind them i don't like them they're ambitious they're fierce but they're also quite jealous who knew it was almost one of them i'm definitely one of them they have a venom inside them like their name suggests leonardo dicaprio he's a scorpio it's pretty nice but so is charles manson you know he's also a scorpio get what i'm saying the legend of the giant scorpion this goes back to ancient greek mythology when artemis was mad at orion she sent a giant scorpion to do her bidding and in turn the beast got a pass to the heavens nice you scorpios you're shady i'm watching you your venomous sting and going to heaven number nine leo leo the lion look at you roar okay we get it you're big and brave and bold and bashful i like the word bashful today i'm using that a lot but it's not your fault it's just the hands that you were dealt with right it's just life giving us some the zodiac myths surrounding this sign all began when hercules was a young chap remember hercules back when he was young good days hercules had to complete 12 tasks the first of which was defeating the nemean lion now after defeating the foul beast with just his bare his bare hands bare hercules hands his old hh the soul of said lion took its place among the stars now leo is one of the few animals of the zodiac signs beginning on july 24th stretching to august 23rd you leos are self-confident okay you don't need a hercules coming in and your day up you're the best at friendships you're a true companion but it's easy for somebody to take advantage of said kindness okay so watch your back watch those around you roar sometimes you know scare the screw the shady ones away you need to eat a hercules from time to time okay as history says leos are also known for getting revenge so yeah i'm watching you kyle number eight virgo the maiden of course i can't forget about you lovelies let's do it your season is arriving soon you're feeling it right it's in the air you're feeling the change in the air around you that back to school crisp morning error let the plotting begin let's do it beginning on august 24th and running until september 22nd the season of virgo is quite positive hey nice you're all creative this is the best time for you right you express yourself via music and dance you're kind of others you help others but those standards they can get a little high i'm not gonna lie they can get a little too ambitious you can be a bit judgy as well okay sometimes you can overthink emotions and or relationships and you're also masterminds which is a little terrifying we gotta keep an eye on you guys for sure this is a scary urban legend combo if things don't go their way they make things difficult and messy the constellation virgo has a dark backstory it stems from the destruction of pandora's box yeah remember when demons were released to punish humanity it's because of you get involved but not too involved let things happen don't open the box don't i almost tripped over the box don't open or trip over the box number seven cancer did somebody mention a giant crab that's pretty terrifying let's talk about that the constellation cancer was born from hera's hatred for hercules yeah you can't be slapping lions left right and center my friend and you can't get away with it as well stop it zeus is queen hera then sent a giant crab to kill hercules terrifying that ought to be quite the image looking back in your rear view seeing a giant crab behind you see ya hercules also defeated the crab because he's a unit okay nothing's stopping him he's literally hercules the crab pinched hercules toe and in turn he kicked it to the cosmos see you later pal gone but these stars this constellation is not bright on purpose see since the crab didn't accomplish its task it only gets about you know it only gets the 30 watt light bulbs up there in heaven gets the low dim stars that are kind of dying i don't know cancer is run from june 22 to july 22nd so it's getting kind of close get them while they're on your side right number six sagittarius the archer uh oh here we go heads up in greek mythology the archer of sagittarius their name was crotis there's a half goat and half man the sagittarius stands like donald trump he's just like kind of always always involved crotis was an extremely talented musician and huntsman who was attributed with inventing the bow and arrow okay nice the muses then asked zeus to place him in the stars where he can be seen showing off his you know it's cool that's the thing you guys are all show-offs right remember 2nd to december 21st the holiday season right no gotta look at me instead forget your holiday staff party my birthday's rolling around it's all a party for me nothing is more important than a sagittarius's desires okay we gotta remember that but they're soft at the heart even though they're all know what else they're soft in here okay number five capricorn aka the goat the g-o-a-t december 22nd to january 19th again show-offs right capricorns are represented by the sea goat but its dark side is represented by the leviathan great both i'd rather not be involved with if i'm being honest just like the sea itself capricorns can be extremely mysterious dark urban legend and dangerous yeah they can be dangerous there's always some kind of mystery going on with the capricorn and you truly never know what they're thinking capricorns can be very difficult to understand which can make people feel like they're hard to deal with but it's just you know they're complex creatures it's not us it's them hey it's not me it's actually you this time fun fact capricorns 2 can hold a grudge so if you're close to the capricorn this might be the year to really you know heal some things or watch your back and run away as far as possible because you never know okay you never know the capricorn i know a couple of these guys they're all right capricorns are chill i don't know why i'm roasting so hard number four taurus you mess with the bull you get the taurus hornesses a taurus is represented by the bull which is one of the most accurate zodiac pairings that there is but the dark side of your sign is represented by a fallen demon there's always drama with someone falling out of the skies or coming up from the hells just can we stay can we chill please things don't always go swimmingly for a tourist but they're strong and more often than not they end up making it to the other side of said difficult situations so keep it up tourists guys but this can make them tough souls right this is good this is all progress with all the trials and tribulations facing the past we might see a tourist closing themselves off more than ever before so if you're a tourist hit that thumbs up you know loosen up comment down below say hey i'm a tourist number three aquarius ganymede was the young beautiful prince of troy remember him oh so handsome anyone who looked at him any gender you're doomed pal you're sucked into that beauty january 20th to february 18th right the new year let's talk new love this is a fun one everybody else is getting attacked by cosmic crabs or sent on missions from half bull half man creatures over here everybody's trying to just not hook up with an aquarius that's their main goal is he looking at me oh he's so hot okay i have to go talk to him i'm sorry i'm sorry gandy mead was a swift addition to olympus as well as he charmed you know everybody and everything up there even zeus caught some feelings yeah zeus was like hang on zeus he disappointed hera a bit when he anointed ganymede as his lover and now his cupbearer yeah out of compassion ganymede begged zeus to then help him send rain to the thirsty people on earth and zeus out of love because he was so of course zeus agreed and ganymede was defined as aquarius aka god oh rain although an aquarius can have zero compassion sometimes they can ride solo at any point okay so don't ask for too much rain or else you'll run the well dry number two gemini gemini is represented by the twin but the dark side of their sign is the hydra or the basilisk yeah remember the basilisk from harry potter i think he has a stab in the mouth with a sword awesome you're one of those apparently a gemini gets a bad rep for being two-faced but i like to think of it more as multi-face you know like hey i can they're they're adaptable they're not shady they're not a basilisk they're an adaptalist geminis know their worth and their social butterflies who can adapt to the many situations they find themselves caught in right they're good on their feet but geminis can definitely be dangerous if you're not careful with the world opening back up gemini's might get a little too excited and get back out there we may see them making too many plans that they absolutely cannot keep up with is this me this sounds a lot like me yeah we should definitely start a podcast let's do it man next uh year maybe sure we can't keep up with plans i'm saying we this is definitely me and my soul it's also worth mentioning to try and be as clear as you can when you're speaking to a gemini because you might just see the other side right you might just get to them may 21st to june 20th go get em you immortal twins both of you and finally number one libra on my libra scales i'm weighing sins and forgiveness lil wayne 2011. great line the scales baby let's see what's going on here what's swaying over in this way i had to save the best for last you know being being a libra and all libras are represented by the scales and they're known as being one of the kindest signs of course but they absolutely have a dark side libras can be a bit harsh because they like things to be done well and they want their surroundings to be beautiful while they do it like this or this that's beautiful right this can however make them a tad selfish or you know a lot selfish yeah i'm talking about you pal it's me and the prompter i'm just a little pep talk here libras have a good tendency to look at the bigger picture and they strive to please and make others happy but this can often leave them forgetting about themselves right what about me damn it this year it might be easy for libras to get burnt out trying to please others it's also the only sign that's represented by an inanimate object so that's that's cool as well i'm like hey i'm an object that weighs things i'm not a fish or a crab or a lion just the scale theomist the god of justice holds a scale blindfolded in greek mythology yeah we don't look but we do judge here we go september 23rd to october 22nd number 10 aries okay since these are top tens i was forced to leave two zodiac signs out of part one so yeah of course i had to return with more because that's just unfair right so kicking off this list we have aries the big warrior main character energy coming in hot you aries you are fierce your innovators your competitors you like being the leader of the pack historically though ares have abused said leadership kim il-sung for example the communist leader of north korea back in 1948 he started the korean war and took out 90 of his generals that fought in that war paul pott as well the prime minister of cambodia from 1976 to 1979. he ordered a genocide against the entire country so while it's one thing to be ruthless during your conquests do you remember that historically aries they have no idea when it stops number nine pisces we'll head back to greek mythology to kick this one off for our pisces pisces is the fish when referred to in greek mythology you all are fishy apparently you like swimming upstream aphrodite and arrows were walking along the euphrates river when typhon appeared okay now at this point they were terrified the two of course they were both unable to run from him due to size and power so they called upon zeus instead and asked for help they asked zeus to help turn them into fish so that they could then escape into the river yeah that's why pisces are so good at improv you adapt to survive number eight aquarius aquarius yes oh you love swimming right aqua you must like the water aquarius is an air symbol yep pass it on to everybody you know let's fix that but you're used to it right as an aquarius you know how to keep calm and just carry on whatever aquarius is the water bearer they pour the blessings onto humanity right many myths surround the aquarius symbol like ganymede ducallion if you're an aquarius odds are you're a creative humanitarian people will be attracted to you you know people are looking at you they know what's up they know the goods when they see it but you do have to know when to push back a little bit you know don't let them take advantage of your hard work ethic again draw that line somewhere number seven sagittarius sagittarius son of the titan kronos one of the many centaurs in greek mythology now kiran sagittarius he was different than other centaurs yeah he was a different he was born half man and half horse whereas the other centaurs were born of the sun and rain clouds one day kiron was accidentally shot with a poisoned arrow by hercules even though he was a great physician kiron could not heal himself being immortal kiron could also not die but was pained by the poison arrow so we have a little situation here so in order to die kiron offered to replace prometheus who was punished by the gods for you know giving fire to man here you go bad decision so now you a sagittarius this is when you step up you put yourself on the line solving a greater problem while handling one of your own as kiran gave up his immortality to release prometheus from his chains zeus you know king of the gods saw this kindness of kiron and immortalized him in the stars number six capricorn let me guess you're in the middle of a commitment that you shouldn't have taken on nice you're an awesome keep it up capricorn nice i feel like a capricorn this week only you know apparently you're work focused and also a little boring yeah sorry i personally disagree but the internet seems to have you all figured out saturn is your planetary overseer right it's known for rewarding those who work in every aspect of their lives not just you know work work or relationships you gotta spread it all out be a hustler and you are a hustler but you're also the first to let loose and dance the night away okay you're literally the goat that's your symbol you're the goat you're born between december 22nd and january 19th aka the holiday season that's a hot time for a birthday everyone's focused on holidays everyone's focused on things besides you but in order to get attention you need to be loud and you have to be big right i get that when regarding to astrology capricorn is an earth sign and people born under said sign are responsible they're patient they're ambitious all that good stuff capricorn is also associated with the idea of permanence right as it's one of the constellations that remains in the sky all year long it's reliable for star gazers and you know you're liable for us keep it up hit that thumbs up your reliable soul you number five libras okay for a halfway point here let's balance it out my personal sign the libra let's talk mythology about us flip-floppers shall we yeah libras love bailing who knew libra is a masculine sign ruled by venus of course balanced by the opposite sign aries and also ruled by mars the combination of both masculine and feminine in the quality of science and its ruler allows for libras to have an androgynous field that's reflected in said mythology we're represented by a scale okay everyone else gets animals to get a lion or a fish we get a meat scale that's horrible this means we're balanced in a sense of feelings and ideas and also that we love guitar hero too that's on this one a lot really when the sun rose and libra at the autumn equinox the scales of balance belong to the sun god you two or shamash youtube ruled over justice and truth and was associated with law and order that's why when we see law courts or all that good stuff we always see the sun god blindfolded sort of judgment in one hand and scales of judgment in the other yeah we don't get a cool animal but we get a sword number four leos the lion leo the lion we have to mention you again of course the constellation leo was first noted by the greek astronomer polami this is in the second century along with you know the other ones as well greek astrologers played a huge role in what we now know today about the shape and size of the earth the moon and the positions of constellations and how they move all that good planetary confusing stuff this was the first ever cosmic prediction and these predictions are still going strong to this day i mean clearly run part two here so we all check our horoscopes every now and then that's obvious and for some these horoscopes mean a lot so let's go back in history the oldest example of a lion statue here goes back to 40 000 bce found in the holenstein steadall cave in germany this lion man was carved from mammoth ivory and was originally thought to be a goddess figurine but of course later on it was clear the 30 centimeter high statue was half man and half beast looking a little familiar right look a little leo like the lion man represents a shaman wearing the pelt of a lion in order to take on the animal's power perhaps as a part of a hunting ritual so yeah all you leos aren't afraid to get dirty number three scorpio october 23rd to november 21st you spooky asses greek mythology associates scorpio story of orion which was a giant and also an accomplished hunter of course and also most importantly he was the son of one poseidon you got some big shoes to fill my friend but no sweat you're a scorpio you can do anything one version of the myth has orion who held himself in high regard bragging about his hunting skills of course as one orion would so that's one way you scorpios like to get down and according to greek myths depending on which of the many you're reading artemis a hunter in your own right sent a scorpion to kill him so what goes around comes around don't get too cocky hit that thumbs up number two cancer june 21st to july 22nd the constellation of cancer in itself identifies with the second of the twelve labors assigned to the hero of greek mythology himself uh oh hercules yeah you big strong beautiful menu this task wasn't easy but you did it yeah congrats you sitting in your living room you did it you killed learning congratulations you actually defeated a water snake with nine heads yeah you hit that thumbs up you did it if you have cancer in your birth chart you're compassionate and caring you have a strong connection to your emotions and you may find yourself drawn to careers that involve helping others you're loyal and supportive and you place a high value on family and close relationships nice and you also love taking off heads of hydros and finally number one aries yeah i had to talk about you bad asses once again i left you out of part one because i knew you could handle it okay last we spoke about ares it was a dark light okay a lot of horrible leaders in history have burned the mark but there's good too out there okay aries are not afraid to step away from said limelight they have self-awareness even at times when you shouldn't necessarily speak up or it's you know ill-timing march 20th to april 21st if you're born around there sorry to tell you you're stubborn you're willful and you're impulsive but you're also pretty cool a common denominator here when searching up in aries throughout history is that you all get quite jealous hence why i put you first and last on this list yeah stay chilling aries relax starting yourself at number 10 are leos loki the best sign and yes i'm totally biased if you are a leo number one congratulations and number two that means you were born between july 23rd and august 23rd now let's get into me basically trash talking my own sign for a next few minutes now leos are ruled by fire we're literally represented by the lion i haven't even named a trait yet and those things are already dangerous we have high tempers which i can see i can totally see that although i haiki actually never fought with anyone just letting you know we are known to have huge egos and think highly of ourselves which i can totally attest to and i've seen it in literally every leo i've ever met this sign likes control they like to be at the center of attention and have hugely dominating personalities which makes them charming it makes other people want to listen to them which could be dangerous they're notoriously passionate and feisty but once they lose their temper that's it that could locally be a psychotic break if you're not careful if these signs are committing a crime it would be to become famous essentially and i was thinking about it and i actually agree like if i was going to commit a crime i'd at least want to be on the front page of newspapers for it like i don't want to just be put in jail and just kill for no reason you know what i mean i just need the credit i need the clout infamously dangerous leos include myself victims one myself the acid bath killer six to nine victims the cleveland strangler 11 victims rasputin mussolini and one half of the moose murderers myra hindley five victims oh coming in at number nine are scorpios born between october 24th and november 22nd so happy birthday in advance to all the scorpios watching right now now here's where i insult you again not my own opinions so scorpios are known to be jealous aggressive and sadistic which honestly seems like the perfect three ingredients needed for a very dangerous murderous stir fry we're creating right now they're actually considered the most sadistic signer of all of them and an evil scorpio won't even buy an eyelid when committing a murder that's just like a casual saturday night for them like no biggie they're cunning in a way that they might not always be committing the crime themselves but they'll always be the puppet master no doubt so manipulation is a skill they very much have under their belt as well they're unpredictable and extremely intense too so all in all i feel like this combo was made for danger infamously dangerous scorpios include charles manson the giggling granny 11 victims hell's bell 40 plus victims alton coleman eight victims and the sunday morning slasher 20 to 100 victims at number eight we have pisces and if you are a pisces that means you were born between february 19th and march 20th but what we need to know about this sign you know what they say beware of the fish that swims in two directions now is that euphemism for being two-faced we shall find out now this sign is extremely hot tempered and they do have this hidden dark side so that's where the two fish come in unlike the other signs on the list pisceans are more dangerous to themselves than they are to other people which i mean is great if you're other people but bad if you're a pisces it's hard to imagine the sign is dangerous since they are usually so loving and caring but they also have little to no self-control they're known for substance abuse crimes but if you don't keep their self-destructive nature in check it starts going outward and destroying other people aka murder we're talking murder people they can become insecure and unstable and that's what makes them a risky sign they have trust issues but let's face it don't we all and they can very easily become addicted to substances or people and being addicted to a person is the most dangerous thing of all in my opinion infamous pisceans include osama bin laden john wayne gacy the clown killer who had 34 victims the scorecard killer 20 to 70 victims the night stalker 14 victims the green river killer 50 to 90 victims the btk killer 10 victims the meanest man in america 10 victims and so on oh my god the list for pisces was so long i was surprised i was shook didn't know there were that many problematic ones out of you clearly they are i'm watching out for you now now at number six is virgo and if you are one that means you're born between august 24th and september 23rd so firstly again happy belated birthday and secondly you better not be on your criminal bullsh virgos are known to be perfectionist which is great when it comes to daily life until it consumes you but it's even better when you're a murderer they say the perfect crime doesn't exist but virgos would disagree these signs have a criminal streak in them but then again don't we all they're clean they're deliberate and neat with everything they do meaning every single thing they do has purpose and they will never leave a messy trail leading back to them they will sterilize the hell out of that crime scene so by the time they're done with it it's gonna be cleaner than it was first built i'm not saying something that is saying something and that is what makes them so dangerous they're sneaky but luckily for us murder isn't their go-to crime thank they prefer smaller crimes and would lean towards things like stealing and hacking so i mean they won't kill you but they could easily just hack into your bank account and empty it so i mean you tell me would you rather be dead or poor that's what i thought infamous virgos include ivan the terrible serial killer henry lee lucas 150 plus victims the dating game killer 10 to 130 victims the angel of death gerald stano 20 to 40 victims the boston strangler 13 victims and so on coming in at number five is cat record born between december 23rd and january 20th my family is filled with capricorns my sisters and my mom are all that and considering they're meant to be all around crooks that simply just isn't the vibe we're going for here now according to the fbi this sign is behind a lot of mass murders they're extremely dangerous because they are that jack of all trades sign they're gonna be the ones committing the petty small crimes like theft but they're also gonna be the signs committing sadistic ass murders there's really no in between they're probably gonna wake up and be like hmm how am i feeling today do i want to rob a bank or do i just want to run someone over don't know guess i'll just decide when i get in the car that's just their daily decision making i think but on the downside they're quite bad at covering their tracks meaning they're careless and get caught easily which is actually interesting to hear because i feel like my mum and sisters pay so much attention to detail i can't even so i can't even see them being careless so again like i said not every single thing will apply to you and that's fine infamously dangerous capricorns include serial killer william bonin victims 20 to 40 people the candyman 30 plus victims the alligator man two to 20 victims ian brady the moose murderer and the brooklyn strangler both with five victims each at number four is ares which means your birthday falls between march 21st and april 19th and yes my ex wasn't aries and he's in jail now so no i'm kidding but just fyi we're actually in really good terms i just like making x jokes i know i make a lot and you guys probably actually so salty i'm not either way from experience and reading a ton of zodiac sign magazines when i was younger the first thing i think of when i think about an aries is stubbornness this is one of the most stubborn and proud signs out there and they don't like being dominated or challenged from any angle and if you try to do either of those things they will go off they're also extremely hot-headed which yes i agree and once they lose their temper that is it all they see is red thankfully they calm down quite quickly so they may get crazy aggressive in that angry period but not enough to actually kill someone so thank god now aryans go for the illegal kind of dangerous like becoming hit men or assassins that sort of thing infamous aryans include hitler the racist killer not the same person by the way seven to 22 victims serial killer donald harvey 30 to 60 victims the happy face killer eight victims the casanova killer 18 to 40 victims herbert mullen 13 victims the serpent and believe me this list is a lot more expensive than i wanted it to be because i feel like i have a thing for aryans i always just seem to find myself like attracted to them and that's just problematic isn't it very problematic indeed we'll sort this out in therapy filling our number three slot is sagittarius i'm born between november 23rd and december 22nd sagittarians can be absolutely ruthless when you meet a bad one they are the worst of the worst they're volatile unforgiving and just all around harsh now they aren't the go-to serial killer zodiac by any means and that's good and they won't actually kill unless they absolutely need to this sign is actually known to be a great thief and generally quite crafty there's a long-ass list of criminals that escape from prison and a majority of them are sagittarius so i mean you gotta give credit where it's due like that's a big feat now according to the fbi statistics they're the craziest of all signs which i don't even get they're the craziest why are they not at number one why are they at number three they're great at the triple whammy of what it takes to be a mass crime committer manipulation control and leading famous urban legend dangerous sagittarians include resident serial killer ted bundy who escaped from jail twice pablo fricken escobar joseph stalin the torso killer six plus victims the stocking strangler seven victims and serial killer edmund kemper ten victims do you guys have an impressive list i have to say now at number two is taurus the stubborn bull falls between april 20th and may 20th and i was actually very surprised to see this at number two i know a lot of taureans my friend leanne who did my birth chat as a tourist and she's quite chill as you know as a kid she used to beat us up so forgot about that natural at all either way taurians may not be the serial killers on the list but they are the ones that love money luxury and power that mixed with them being extremely temperamental possessive and stubborn becomes an explosive mixture this love and greed can force torns onto dangerous paths to get what they want which makes them a risky sign they're natural born leaders bordering on the line of dictatorship so i mean take from that what you will infamous dangerous taureans include saddam hussein the lonely hearts killer who had 17 victims amy archer gilligan 50 victims h.h holmes aka the torture doctor killer nine to 200 victims the gorilla killer 22 plus victims and bonus one was actually born on the cusp so depending on what time he was actually born he could very well be a tourist and honestly i wasn't that convinced about taureans being dangerous but seeing the people on this list i'm like damn you're problematic and finally at number one is cancer which is june 21st to july 22nd and believe me i looked at countless websites and fbi statistics that named cancer as the most dangerous zodiac sign that wasn't even me reaching according to fbi statistics cancerians are the most dangerous simply because they have a lack of control over themselves and are known for mental instability they're actually arrested the most out of any of the signs and that instability usually makes them repeat offenders they exhibit a lot of manipulative and passive aggressive behavior which i mean makes it hard to understand them and figure them out and what their next move would be but i feel like everyone is passive aggressive to a degree not just cancerians but they're known for committing crimes of passion and for leaving distinguishable marks on their victims as bodies now a bit of tea now i have only ever had beef with cancers but i also have a lot of friends that have cancer so it's just like a love-hate relationship like what do we do do i love you do i hate you i don't really know.