Top 200 [Mythical Creatures] and Monsters from Around the World Part 3

Top 200 Mythical Creatures and Monsters from Around the World Part 3

150 - Mapinguari

Mapinguari Mythical Creatures and Monsters from Around the World

In Brazilian folklore, the Mapinguari, also called the juma, is a monstrous entity said to live in the Amazon rainforest. According to the Brazilian stories, was once an Amazonian shaman who discovered the key to immortality thousands of years ago. He angered the gods and was severely punished as to his discovery, which forced him to be transformed into a wandering, hairy beast for the rest of his life.

149 - Longma

Longma Mythical Creatures and Monsters from Around the World

The Longma is a fabled winged horse with dragon scales in Chinese mythology. The Longma is an omen of good luck: seeing one is a sign that a great and wise ruler will soon sit upon the throne. Is said that the creature has the ability to walk on water without sinking or getting wet.

148 - Domovoi

Domovoi Mythical Creatures and Monsters from Around the World

The Domovoi represents a kind of beneficial spirit of the house in Slavic Mythology. It protects the family, and even helps with household chores, usually metamorphosing into the head of the family. If the environment upsets him, and something becomes wrong between the members of the family, or even if a family member harms the pet, it can become harmful and he will manifest like a poltergeist.

147 - Fomorians

Fomorians Mythical Creatures and Monsters from Around the World

The Fomorians are a supernatural race in Irish mythology. They are often portrayed as hostile and monstrous beings who come from under the sea or the earth. Later, they were portrayed as giants and sea raiders. They are enemies of Ireland's first settlers and opponents of the Tuatha Dé Danann, the other supernatural race in Irish mythology.

146 - Dwarves

Dwarves Mythical Creatures and Monsters from Around the World

A dwarf is a mythical creature, appearing most frequently in Norse mythology. Humanoid in form, but short and stocky, they are connected with the Earth and are often said to be miners, engineers, and craftsmen.

145 - Laestrygonians

Laestrygonians Mythical Creatures and Monsters from Around the World

In Greek mythology, the Laestrygonians were a tribe of man-eating giants. They were said to have sprung from Laestrygon, son of the sea god Poseidon.

144 - Sirin

Sirin Mythical Creatures and Monsters from Around the World

Sirin is a mythological creature of Russian legends, with the head and chest of a beautiful woman and the body of a bird (usually an owl). At first, Sirin was considered to be a creature dangerous to people, but since the 17th century, Sirin was depicted as a good mythological creature, as it was believed that it lived near paradise.

143 - Ahuizotl

Ahuizotl Mythical Creatures and Monsters from Around the World

The Ahuizotl is a legendary creature in Aztec mythology. The creature is most likely a water opossum, which possesses dexterous hands as well as a prehensile tail, waterproof marbled black and grey fur, and small pointed ears. It is said it lures people to their deaths.

142 - Cipactli

Cipactli Mythical Creatures and Monsters from Around the World

In Aztec mythology, Cipactli was a primeval sea monster, part crocodilian, part fish, and part toad or frog, with indefinite gender. Always hungry, every joint on its body was adorned with an extra mouth. The deity Tezcatlipoca sacrificed a foot when he used it as bait to draw the monster nearer. He and Quetzalcoatl created the Earth from its body.

141 - Winged Lion

Winged Lion Mythical Creatures and Monsters from Around the World

The Winged Lion is a mythological creature that resembles a lion with bird-like wings. It dates back to ancient times. It has origins in Heraldry, Christianity, Mesopotamian, and Greek mythologies.

140 - Argus Panoptes

Argus Panoptes Mythical Creatures and Monsters from Around the World

Argus Panoptes or Argos was a hundred-eyed giant in Greek mythology. "Panoptes" meant "the all-seeing one". He was a servant of Hera; one of the tasks that were given to him was to slay the fearsome monster Echidna, wife of Typhon, which he successfully completed.

139 - Namazu

Namazu Mythical Creatures and Monsters from Around the World

Namazu is the giant catfish of Japanese mythology held responsible for creating earthquakes. The creature was thought to live under the earth, and when it swam through the underwater seas and rivers there, it caused earthquakes.

138 - Makara

Makara Mythical Creatures and Monsters from Around the World

Makara is a legendary sea-creature in Hindu mythology. It appears as the vehicle of the river goddess Ganga, Narmada and of the sea god Varuna. Makara are considered guardians of gateways and thresholds, protecting throne rooms as well as entryways to temples.

137 - Huginn And Muninn

Huginn And Muninn Mythical Creatures and Monsters from Around the World

Huginn And Muninn are two crows that appear in Norse mythology that fly all over the world, Midgard, and bring information to the god Odin.

136 - Questing Beast

Huginn And Muninn Mythical Creatures and Monsters from Around the World

The Questing Beast, is a monster from Arthurian legend, the subject of quests by famous knights like King Pellinore, Sir Palamedes, and Sir Percival. The strange creature has the head and neck of a serpent, the body of a leopard, the haunches of a lion and the feet of a deer.

135 - Geryon

Geryon Mythical Creatures and Monsters from Around the World

In Greek mythology, Geryon was a fearsome giant, the grandson of Medusa and the nephew of Pegasus. He was often described as a monster with either three bodies and three heads, or three heads and one body, or three bodies and one head.

134 - Huldra

Huldra Mythical Creatures and Monsters from Around the World

A huldra is a seductive forest creature found in Scandinavian folklore. Her name derives from a root meaning "covered" or "secret". Though described as beautiful, the huldra is noted for having a distinctive inhuman feature - an animal's tail (usually a cow's or a fox's). and a back resembling a hollowed-out tree.

133 - Norns

Norns Mythical Creatures and Monsters from Around the World

The Norns are a group of supernatural beings from Germanic mythology. They were usually represented as three maidens who spun or wove the fate of men.

132 - Tarasque

Tarasque Mythical Creatures and Monsters from Around the World

The Tarasque is a fearsome legendary dragon-like mythological hybrid from Provence, in southern France. It was described as having a lion-like head, a body protected by turtle-like carapace, six feet with bear-like claws, and a scaly tail like a serpent's tail, and issued poison breath.

131 - Redcap

Redcap Mythical Creatures and Monsters from Around the World

The redcap is a malevolent, murderous little creature, found in Border folklore. He is said to inhabit ruined castles along the Anglo-Scottish border, especially those that were the scenes of tyranny or wicked deeds and is known for soaking his cap in the blood of his victims.

130 - Humbaba

Humbaba Mythical Creatures and Monsters from Around the World

In Ancient Mesopotamian religion, Humbaba was a monstrous giant of immemorial age raised by the god Utu. Humbaba was the guardian of the Cedar Forest, where the gods lived.

129 - Hecatoncheires

Hecatoncheires Mythical Creatures and Monsters from Around the World

In Greek mythology, the Hecatoncheires were three monstrous giants, of enormous size and strength, with fifty heads and one hundred arms. They are best known for the fact that they helped Zeus and the Olympians overthrow the Titans in the Titanomachy.

128 - Ratatoskr

Ratatoskr Mythical Creatures and Monsters from Around the World

In Norse mythology, Ratatoskr is a squirrel who runs up and down the world tree Yggdrasil to carry messages between the eagle perched atop Yggdrasil, and the serpent Níðhöggr, who dwells beneath one of the three roots of the tree.

127 - Strigoi

Strigoi Mythical Creatures and Monsters from Around the World

A strigoi is an evil spirit from Romanian Folklore. This spirit is known to rise from the grave after someone dies and has unfinished business on this earth. This spirit will haunt the family of the deceased and neighbours. The only way to kill it is to dig up the body and stake it through the heart.

126 - Ammit

Ammit Mythical Creatures and Monsters from Around the World

Ammit was a demoness in ancient Egyptian religion with the forequarters of a lion, the hindquarters of a hippopotamus, and the head of a crocodile. In the Hall of Two Truths, Anubis weighed the heart of a person against the feather of Ma'at, the goddess of truth, which was depicted as an ostrich feather. If the heart was judged to be not pure, Ammit would devour it, and the person undergoing judgement was not allowed to continue their voyage towards Osiris and immortality.

Top 200 [Mythical Creatures] and Monsters from Around the World Part 2

Top 200 [Mythical Creatures] and Monsters from Around the World Part 2

175 - Nidhoggr

Ratr then returns to the eagle with the news that Nidhoggr is biting the tree, in an attempt to harm him. The eagle begins to pluck branches from the tree and rain down on Nidhoggr.

In Norse mythology, Níðhöggr is a dragon who gnaws at a root of the world tree, Yggdrasil. It is known that the Níðhöggr punished those guilty of murder, rape, and oath-breaking, which Norse society considered among the worst possible.

174 - Fachan

One of the most feared creatures for all of the Irish and perhaps in the history of Celtic mythology is; Fachen, Fachan or Fachin, since this creature of Scottish origin has only half a body. He is also known as, Direach Ghlinn Eitidh or the Glen Etive Dwarf. There is no information on how this hideous creature came to be created, it is only said that apparently, Fachen did not have an anatomically shaped means of reproduction.

In Scottish folklore the Fachan is a monster or giant described by John Francis Campbell in Popular Tales of the West Highlands as having a single eye in the middle of its face, a single hand protruding from its chest instead of arms, and a single leg emerging from its central axis. It wields a spiked club, and uses it to chase away anything that comes near it. It hates all other life, and will destroy whole farms and orchards in a single day.

173 - Unhcegila

In Lakota mythology, Unhcegila is a serpentoid creature which was responsible for many unexplained disappearances and deaths.

In Lakota mythology, Unhcegila is a serpentoid creature which was responsible for many unexplained disappearances and deaths.

172 - Ekek

In Philippine mythology, Ekek are bird-like human creatures. They are winged-humans who search for victims at night. It is also known that Ekek looks most for sleeping pregnant women.

In Philippine mythology, Ekek are bird-like human creatures. They are winged-humans who search for victims at night. It is also known that Ekek looks most for sleeping pregnant women.

171 - Calygreyhound

The Calygreyhound is a mythical creature that appears in medieval heraldry. The de Vere family, who were the Earls of Oxford, used the Calygreyhound in their coat of arms in the 15th and 16th centuries.

170 - Simargl

Simargl is a deity or mythical creature in East Slavic mythology, depicted as a winged lion or dog. It is said that this creature will bring the end of times.

169 - Audumbla

In Norse mythology, Auðumbla is a primeval cow. It is said that the frost giant Ymir fed from her milk. This cow produced four rivers of milk from which the giant fed on.

168 - Myrmecoleon

The Myrmecoleon is a fantastical animal from classical times. The true origins of the Myrmecoleon are fairly obscure. This creature has the head of a lion and the body of an ant. They were always found dead. And that they had died because of their combined formic and leonine natures. It was assumed that the lion part required meat, while the ant part required grain, and thus conflicting body types caused them to starve to death.

167 - Indrik

In Russian folklore, the Indrik-Beast is a fabulous beast, the king of all animals, who lives on a mountain known as "The Holy Mountain" where no other foot may tread. When it stirs, the Earth trembles. The word "Indrik" is a distorted version of the Russian word "edinorog" which means Unicorn.

166 - Draugr

The name Draugr, comes from the original Old Norse plural (Germanic language spoken by the inhabitants of Scandinavia at the beginning of the Viking Age); draugar , also from the word draugen , which in Norwegian, Swedish and Danish, means the “draug”. However, in order to understand what this term was referring to, or rather who it was referring to, its original Old Norse translation is given; that is, a ghost.

The Draugr is an undead creature from Scandinavian saga literature and folktale. The Draugars live in their graves or royal palaces, often guarding treasure buried with them in their burial mound.

165 - Nunda

The Nunda, also known as "The Eater of People" is a creature found in the Swahili Tales. It is a giant feline that some people say that they really saw it, mostly at the beginning of the 19th century.

164 - Cynocephaly

The Cynocephaly is a creature with human body and a dog head. These creatures are found in Greek and Egyptian mythology and they are known to have the capability to metamorphose from a human to this creature, like werewolves do, just that they can talk.

163 - Abaia

According to Melanesian mythology the Abaia is a type of large eel which dwells at the bottom of freshwater lakes in the Fiji, Solomon and Vanuatu Islands. The Abaia is said to consider all creatures in the lake its children and protects them furiously against anyone who would harm or disturb them.

162 - Nguruvilu

The Nguruvilu originates from the ethnic religion of the Mapuche. It is a river-dwelling creature and looks much like a strange fox, with a long body, similar to a snake, and a long tail with fingernails that it uses like a claw; but it is a water-being. Nguruvilu live in and are the cause of dangerous whirlpools which kill people who try to cross rivers.

161 - Mares Of Diomedes

The Mares of Diomedes were four horses in Greek mythology that ate humans. They belonged to the giant Diomedes, king of Thrace.

160 - Ushi-Oni

The Ushi-Oni is a demon from the folklore of western Japan. They are most often shown with the bovine head and a spider torso. They generally appear on beaches and attack people who walk there.

159 - Lou Carcolh

Lou Carcolh, is a mythical beast from French folklore. It's described as a large, slimy, snail-like serpent with hairy tentacles and a large shell. Nobody dared to approach the creature, as unwary persons would be grabbed by its tentacles, dragged into its cave and devoured whole.

158 - Gamayun

The Gamayun is a fabulous creature, half-human, half-bird from Slavic Mythology. She lives only on an island near Eden and represents supreme wisdom, as she knows everything that happens in the world. In many cases, she can also make prophecies about the future. Being related to the siren, Gamayun also has the "bad habit" of seducing handsome young men, who are about to find their imminent end.

157 - Svadilfari

Svadilfari was a stallion owned by a giant from Norse Mythology. This stallion fathered the eight-legged horse Sleipnir with Loki, who shapeshifted at that moment into a mare.

156 - Yali

Yali is a mythical creature seen in many South Indian temples especially in Tamil architecture, often sculpted onto the pillars. It may be portrayed as part lion, part elephant and part horse, and in similar shapes. They are considered demonic forces always at play in this universe.

155 - Adlet

The Adlet are a race of creatures in the Inuit mythology of Greenland. It is depicted as a Half-Man - Half-Dog creature. They are known for the fact that they sneak out at nights and cut with their fags the ropes of the sledges.

154 - Serpopard

The Serpopard, Herald of Chaos: The Serpopard is an unusual example of a mythical creature for which no name has been adduced in historical records.

The Serpopard is a mythical animal known from ancient Egyptian and Mesopotamian art. The creature has the body of a leopard and the long neck and head of a serpent. It represents the chaos that reigned beyond Egypt's borders.

153 - Ophiotaurus

In Greek mythology, the Ophiotaurus was a creature that was part bull and part serpent. Its sole reference is found in Ovid's Fastiwhere the creature's insides were said to grant the power to defeat the gods to whoever burned them. The hybrid was slain by an ally of the Titans during the Titanomachy.

152 - Beast of Gevaudan

The Beast of Gévaudan is the historic name associated with a man-eating animal that terrorised the former province of Gévaudan in south-central France between 1764 and 1767. It was believed that this creature was a giant wolf and some gave this creature a mythical element, considering it a some kind of werewolf.

151 - Jotnar

Both rock giants and ice giants lived there, which together made up the jötnar . They were always threatening to attack the mortals of Midgard and the gods of Asgard.

In Norse mythology, the Jötnar are a race of beings that mainly live in Jötunheimr, one of the nine worlds connected by the ash tree Yggdrasil. They’re often in conflict with the Aesir, and are key players in Ragnarök, the end of the world.

Top 200 [Mythical Creatures] and Monsters from Around the World Part 1

Top 200 [Mythical Creatures] and Monsters from Around the World Part 1

[Mythical creatures] have a huge part in worldwide mythologies, but just some of them are known to the mainstream world. That's the most complete list of creatures and monsters.

200 - Water Leaper

Water Leaper Mythical Creatures and Monsters from Around the World

The Water Leaper, is an evil creature from Welsh folklore that lived in swamps and ponds. It is described as a giant frog with a bat's wings instead of forelegs, no hind legs, and a long, lizard-like tail with a stinger at the end. It jumps across the water using its wings, hence its name. It was blamed for problems ranging from snapping fishing lines to eating livestock or even fishermen.

199 - Samca

Samca Mythical Creatures and Monsters from Around the World

Samca is a character in Romanian legends, a very ugly and scary evil spirit: she most commonly takes the appearance of a naked woman, with dried out breasts that touch the ground, with small eyes that shine as brightly as the stars, with iron hands and long nails sharp as knitting needles. She appears to children under the age of four, who are so frightened that they become sick immediately.

198 - Monocerus

Monocerus Mythical Creatures and Monsters from Around the World

The Monoceros is a legendary animal from Greek Mythology with only one horn and is related to the unicorn. Was believed that the beast is invincible and that all its strength lied in its horn.

197 - Mboi Tui

Mboi Tui Mythical Creatures and Monsters from Around the World

Mbói Tui is one of the seven legendary monsters of Guaraní mythology. He has the form of an enormous serpent with a huge parrot head and a huge beak. He also has a red, forked tongue the colour of blood. He is considered the protector of aquatic animals and the wetlands.

196 - A-Senee-Ki-Wakw

A-Senee-Ki-Wakw Mythical Creatures and Monsters from Around the World

A Senee Ki Wakw is a race Of Stone Giants In Abenaki Mythology. The people of Gluskab destroyed them because they crushed other animals and injured the earth with their great size.

195 - Teju Jagua

Teju Jagua Mythical Creatures and Monsters from Around the World

Teju Jagua is one of the seven legendary monsters of Guaraní mythology. He looks like a huge lizard with seven dog-heads and eyes that shoot out fire. He is considered the lord of the caves and protector of fruits. He is also mentioned as a brilliant protector of buried treasure.

194 - Onocentaur

Onocentaur Mythical Creatures and Monsters from Around the World

The Onocentaur is similar to the centaur, but part human, part donkey. However, unlike a centaur, which is portrayed with four legs, the onocentaur is often portrayed with only two legs.

193 - Kee-Wakw

Kee-Wakw Mythical Creatures and Monsters from Around the World

A Kee-wakw was a giant, cannibalistic, half-animal half-human creature that inhabited the forests and woodlands of the area of present-day New England during ancient times.

192 - Fossegrimen

Fossegrimen Mythical Creatures and Monsters from Around the World

The Fossegrim is a water spirit or troll in Scandinavian folklore. He has been associated with a mill spirit and is related to the water spirit. It is associated with rivers and particularly with waterfalls.

191 - Fish-Man

Fish-Man Mythical Creatures and Monsters from Around the World

The Fish-man is an entity which belongs to the mythology of Cantabria, located in the north of Spain. The fish-man is an amphibian human-looking being, who looked a lot like a metamorphosis of a real human being who was lost at sea.

190 - Căpcăun

Căpcăun Mythical Creatures and Monsters from Around the World

A Căpcăun is a creature in Romanian folklore, depicted as an ogre who kidnaps children or young ladies (mostly princesses). It is usually killed by the lover or the family of the kidnapped.

189 - Bannik

Bannik Mythical Creatures and Monsters from Around the World

The Bannik is a bathhouse spirit in Slavic mythology. Slavic bathhouses resemble saunas, with an inner steaming room and an outer changing room. A place where women gave birth and practiced divinations. If disturbed by an intruder while washing, the Bannik might pour boiling water over him, or even strangle him.

188 - Psoglav

Psoglav Mythical Creatures and Monsters from Around the World, Psoglav (“doghead”) is a demonic creature from Slavic lore that is described as looking like a man with horse legs.

Psoglav is a demonic mythical creature in Balkan mythology; belief about it existed in parts of Bosnia and Montenegro. Psoglav was described as having a human body with horse legs, and a dog's head with iron teeth and a single eye on the forehead. They were known to eat people, or even digging out corpses from graves to eat them.

187 - Hadhayosh

Hadhayosh Mythical Creatures and Monsters from Around the World

The Hadhayosh is a land creature from ancient Persian mythology. In the 14th century, it was said to have raided Iran, giving itself a name as a fearsome beast.

186 - Aspidochelone

Aspidochelone Mythical Creatures and Monsters from Around the World

The Aspidochelone is a fabled sea creature, variously described as a large whale or vast sea turtle, and a giant sea monster with huge spines on the ridge of its back. The people thought that the creature represents Satan, who deceives those whom he seeks to devour.

185 - Asakku

Asakku Mythical Creatures and Monsters from Around the World, In Babylonian mythology asakku are demonic spirits and monsters. They attack their prey, humans, causing migraines so severe that they can kill. Their name translates to mean “land” or “mountain.”

The Asakku were one type of Mesopotamian evil spirits and monsters. These demons attacked and killed human beings, especially those who had fevers.

184 - Antero Vipunen

Antero Vipunen Mythical Creatures and Monsters from Around the World

Antero Vipunen is a giant who appears in Finnish mythology and Kalevala folk poetry. He is buried underground and possesses very valuable spells and knowledge.

183 - Zmei

Zmei Mythical Creatures and Monsters from Around the World

Zmei is a kind of multi-headed dragon from Slavic mythology. It is said that the dragon burned whole cities with flames, frightened all the inhabitants, and made them pay tribute to him. Sometimes people were enslaved.

182 - Vodyanoy

Vodyanoy Mythical Creatures and Monsters from Around the World

The Vodyanoy is a kind of Slavic mermaid, only she does not live in the sea and is not a beautiful woman. He is a masculine spirit, similar to an old man, with a fish body and an ugly frog face. If Vodyanoy gets upset he destroys the dams or the water mills.

181 - Erchitu

Erchitu Mythical Creatures and Monsters from Around the World

The Erchitu is a legendary creature of Sardinian tradition. The creature is a combination of human and a white ox with two large horns. The creature stops in front of a house and bellows three times: his roar is heard by all the inhabitants and according to tradition, the master of the house will die within the year.

180 - Indus Worm

Indus Worm Mythical Creatures and Monsters from Around the World

The Indus Worm in ancient Greek writings, was an enormous carnivorous worm with a large pair of teeth that lived in the Indus River. Some legends depicted him as being so big that attacked entire armies.

179 - Cacus

Cacus Mythical Creatures and Monsters from Around the World

In Roman mythology, Cacus was a fire-breathing giant and the son of Vulcan. He was killed by Hercules after terrorizing the Aventine Hill before the founding of Rome.

178 - Akurra

Akurra Mythical Creatures and Monsters from Around the World

In the mythology of the Aboriginal people of South Australia, Akurra is a great snake deity, sometimes associated with the Rainbow Serpent. The elders Aboriginal people describe it as a giant water snake with a beard mane, scales and sharp fangs. Akurra is associated with the power of the shaman, and nobody else may go near him with impunity.

177 - Scorpion Man

Scorpion Man Mythical Creatures and Monsters from Around the World

Scorpion men are featured in several Akkadian language myths, including the Babylonian version of the Epic of Gilgamesh. The Scorpion Men are described to have the head, torso, and arms of a man and the body of a scorpion. They stand guard outside the gates of the sun god Shamash at the mountains of Mashu. They also warn travellers of the danger that lies beyond their post.

176 - Oozlum Bird

Oozlum Bird Mythical Creatures and Monsters from Around the World

The Oozlum Bird is a legendary creature found in Australian and British folk tales and legends. Some versions have it that, when startled, the bird will take off and fly around in ever-decreasing circles until it manages to fly up its own backside, disappearing completely, which adds to its rarity.