Top 10 Cursed Objects That Are Pure Evil

Top 10 Cursed Objects That Are Pure Evil

 coming in at number 10 we have the die  Buck box a normal object turns  Supernatural turned cursed what a  journey the dieback box is said to be a  haunted wine cabinet filled with a  Restless Spirit interestingly the wine  cabinet had a Jewish prayer carved into  the back of it which is maybe What  attracted the ghoul the spirit in  question is allegedly a holocaust  Survivor haveka who escapes to Spain the  box was famously sold on eBay in 2003  and has spent the past 16 years bouncing  between owners who don't want it and I  can understand why it seems each owner  has fallen on a horrifying Misfortune  and suffered reoccurring nightmares one  owner suffered a stroke shortly after  receiving the box as a gift apparently  the box has now been hidden by Jewish  rabbis thank goodness the Box actually  has a connected film with it the  possession which came out in 2012. I  think it was based on the wine box  events coming at number nine we have the  occult Museum voodoo dolls voodles in  general are Supernatural items they're  little Effigies created in magical kind  of practices and for the person on the  receiving end they're bad juju pins are  placed in the door in order to harm the  subject which isn't great not great at  all so with that in mind a supernatural  object used to invoke a curse do you  want to see the voodoo dolls from the Ed  and Lorraine Warren Museum guys you  don't know how hard it is to say Ed and  Lorraine Warren in one go it's a tongue  twister Ed and Lorraine Warren by the  way voodoo dolls so there is actually a  noose on the neck of one of the Dolls  which kind of indicates that somebody  might have died the other one has its  eyes gouged out which isn't great either  visually scary but also actually scary  it seems that the doll collector came  across these doors and bought them home  only to find that her son's Health began  deteriorating it seems that some of the  witches voodoo doll magic had been  retained and it was picked up the boy as  a new vessel The Collector contacted the  warrants who remove the doll after which  the boy made a full recovery thank  goodness however it seems that the story  continues there was a visitor to the  museum and they broke the rules by  touching one of the dolls and later they  were involved in a horrifying accident  who's to blame here coming in at number  eight we have the bassano vars at first  the basano vars is a sight to behold  it's a beautifully carved silver vase  from the 15th century it's antique but  as it's on this list you may have  realized that actually it's a  supernatural antique with a curse The  Story Goes that the vars was made for an  Italian wedding as a gift to the bride  who is to be wed in a traditional  ceremony in Napoli on her wedding night  she was excited but unfortunately an  intruder broke in and stabbed her she  was found bleeding to death clutching  the bars the legend has it that she  promised to return and seek Vengeance on  the person who stopped her marrying her  love after her death the vars was passed  down through the family but anyone who  came in contact with it mysteriously  fell ill or they were met with serious  Misfortune following that of ours was  wrapped up and packed away but  unfortunately it was Unearthed again  hundreds of years later in the late 80s  when it also started making headlines  for continuing its Spate of deadly bad  luck newspaper reports indicate that the  vars was buried again in an undisclosed  location hoping that it would stay out  of the way with human contact forever  this time coming in at number seven we  have the evil eye ah the curse of the  evil eye although actually this is an  interesting twist at this point because  these objects MOST CURSED OBJECTS actually protect against  curses the evil eye is a curse cast by a  malevolent and malicious glare given to  a person when they aren't looking if an  evil eye is cast upon you you are  susceptible to injury or Misfortune it  could even mean that you're set upon by  animals to protect yourself from the  evil eye usually people carry a Talisman  with an eye on it which in themselves  look pretty terrifying but actually  they're there to stare down a curse the  evil eye has been incorporated into a  lot of protective objects most popularly  jewelry also there are a lot of evil eye  wall hangings and wind chimes I feel  like I'd quite like an evil eye bracelet  so it can stare down a few evil eyes  I've been looking my way recently like  reflected Curse coming in at number six  we have cursed tarot cards tarot cards  aren't used in divination for  forecasting rather than predicting  usually a person formulates a question  and seeks an answer from the cards a  deck of 78 individual cards with  different meanings the most famous cards  are death the Tower and the devil all  thought to be bad Omens but of course  that depends on your interpretation some  people are convinced that their tarot  decks can become cursed and that  everything that's forecast will actually  happen badly there is also a  Superstition that burning tarot cards  will bring a curse upon you it seems  that the only way to be rid of a cursed  deck of tarots is to drown them soak  them all face down in water honestly I'm  not so sure about that I think they work MOST BIZARRE CURSES  by energy so if you have bad energy  maybe you'll get bad cards coming in at  number five we have Maori masks Maori is  the name of the indigenous people of New  Zealand and Polynesia masks are made to  honor their ancestors and they're often  beautifully carved and slightly  intimidating to look at the masks are  thought to contain the souls of Warriors  who died in battle so pretty  Supernatural and ghostly if you ask me  while men are fine to be going around  touching a Maori mask females have a  much more uncertain time Legend has it  you should never seek out a Maori mask  if you're pregnant or menstruating  because you could invoke an ancient  curse in October 2010 a museum in New  Zealand made headlines when it told a  pregnant woman to stay away from the  sacred artifacts speaking of sacred at  number four we have Uluru is a rock  formation an object either way I'm  putting it on this list  Uluru or airs rock is both sacred and  cursed if the stories are to be believed  the large Sandstone monolith in the  Northern Territory of central Australia  is sacred to Aboriginal try times the  first people of the land they believe  that it is inhabited by The ancestral  spirits of the land the Rocks started  forming 550 million years ago and it's  believed that if a visitor takes a rock  from the spot they will suffer serious  Misfortune sometimes even grave  Misfortune there have been reports that  people were returning stones that  they've taken from airs Rock to try and  end their suffering shouldn't be taking  the rocks in the first place coming in  at number three we have the Terracotta  Army I kind of believe that the  Terracotta Army have an heir of the  supernatural about them they were after  all a work of funeral art that were  buried with the purpose of protecting an  emperor in the afterlife the thousands  of terracotta Figures were buried with  the first emperor of China in 210 BCE  but they were rediscovered by local  farmers thousands of years later in 1974  in Yang Villages rural land for them  though the discovery was actually a  curse the government didn't pay them  well for their findings and then they  took their land and their home terms of  them in order to build a tourist center  the government made a lot of money they  didn't one of the farmers who discovered  the soldiers actually killed himself and  the others were met with bad luck many  of whom have died penniless coming into  number two whatever you do do not touch  the demon book the book of soyga is an  early 16th century treaties on  demonology written in Latin there are  only two copies of the book in the world  known to us and one was possessed by the  Elizabethan scholar John D D spent his  life trying to interpret the text which  was filled with spells and rituals he  had a good understanding of what was  happening apart from the final 36 Pages  which he just couldn't decipher he and  his trusted friend Edward Kelly summoned  the spirit of oriel to tell them the  meaning of the last pages the legend  says the Oriole then possessed Kelly and  spoke through him he claimed that the  book came into existence when Adam  entered paradise and that it could only  be properly interpreted by the arch and  Angel Michael himself he also said that  whoever deciphers the meaning of the  last 36 pages will be destined to die  two and a half years later why two and a  half we don't know but I wouldn't want  to be reading that book finally climbing  into number one we have the deli purple  sapphire also known as The Gem of Sorrow  the Delhi purple sapphire was housed in  a sacred temple in India the Temple of  Indra in kanpur Indra by the way is the  Hindu god of war and thunderstorms amid  the british-led turmoil in India it  wasn't uncommon for soldiers to loot  sacred temples stealing their jewels and  smuggling them back to Britain this is  exactly what happened with the purple  sapphire in question Colonel W Ferris  took it back to England only to be met  with terrible terrible luck Financial  misfortunes befell him his family got  very sick things started to fall apart  he gave the stone away and the person  who received it committed the next owner  of the sapphire was Edward Herron Allen  who was also met with really bad luck he  bound the stone with silver and attached  two scarab beetles and it seemed like  the bad luck was contained however his  dreams were frequently haunted by Hindu  yogis until he gave the stone away the  stone then was returned to him so he  threw it in Regent's canal in London no  prizes for guessing that actually it  came back the story continues over  another hundred or so years more  recently it found its way to a museum  and one night the museum curator was  traveling with the stone only to be  injured by a terrible storm with his  wife  on this list in our number 10 spot we  have Anna Baker's wedding dress in 1836  a man named Elias Baker purchased a  mansion in Altoona Pennsylvania and  moved his small family in Elias's oldest  daughter was named Anna and when she  fell in love with a steel worker things  took a very dark turn Anna's father  didn't want her dating this man but she  kept doing it in secret The Story Goes  that Anna and the man planned a secret  wedding and they were going to elope  unfortunately Elias found out and  freaked out he apparently purchased the  steel mill that this man worked for and  then forced him to have to move to an  entirely different city so as to prevent  him from being able to continue seeing  Anna Anna of course was furious with her  father and I'm sure this was only made  worse by his decision to offer other men  to her to which she of course declined  because that's just weird Anna instead  locked herself in her room with her  wedding dress that she never got to wear  Anna unfortunately never married after  that and spent the rest of her life  being terribly upset about out the whole  incident after her death it is said that  her anger and despair ended up going  into the wedding dress members of the  baker family reported seeing the dress  in different places around the house  despite no one moving it themselves some  have even reported seeing Anna's Spirit  dressed in the Gown around the house as  well in our number nine spot today we  have the hands resist him the hands  resist him as a painting created by  artist Bill Stoneham and it is supposed  to represent the doorway that connects  our world with the world of the spirits  the doorway to the other side this is  extra suspicious considering owners of  the painting have claimed that they have  seen the characters in the painting move  or sometimes even disappear at night the  painting is said to depict bill as a  child looking quite sad with a doll with  creepy hollow eyes in the background you  can see mysterious hands reaching out  towards the boy the creepiness of the  painting is only elevated when we hear  the stories of the reported three people  who passed away after coming into  contact with the painting it ended up  kind of appearing for around 15 years  until it popped back up on eBay even  then the seller warned potential buyers  that the painting was haunted and  claimed that the boy in the painting  would come out of it and scare their  child the painting ended up being sold  for 1025 dollars to a buyer in Michigan  and at this point it's unclear if  they've had any troubles with the  rumored hauntings and curses in our  number 8 spot today we have the cursed phone number I didn't know a phone  number could be cursed but apparently  it's true and I know a phone number  technically isn't an object but I still  feel like this had to be included today  because it's just too crazy to not there  was a Bulgarian phone number that is  said to have been in use for 10 years  before it was closed the reason why it  ended up being closed and put out of use  is because it is rumored to have  belonged to three separate people who  all died of mysterious circumstances  after having been assigned to the phone  number apparently all of the deaths took  place shortly after the person had been  assigned to the number and they were all  seemingly a bit suspicious thus the  rumors of the cursed telephone number  began to spread after this the company  made the decision to suspend the phone  number and they didn't give out details  as to why I wonder if the two are  related in our number seven support  today we have the Belcourt Castle chairs  Belcourt Castle is located in Newport  Rhode Island and it is a former summer  Cottage construction on the cottage  started in 1891 with it being completed  in 1894 and inside there is a ballroom  the ballroom is important because it is  said that it holds a group of haunted  chairs people who have visited the  castle have reported a ton of strange  happenings regarding this specific set  of chairs the reports include things  like feeling chills racing up and down  their spines or feeling a strange  sensation in a shift of energy while  standing near the chairs and some people  have even explained how they have been  pushed out of the chairs by an invisible  force I feel like just hearing stories  might be enough to explain the energy  shift some people are feeling but  actually being pushed out of a chair by  some sort of invisible force would be  absolutely terrifying in our number six  spot today we have the anguished man  while it is unknown who or when it was  created this painting is said to carry  some kind of a curse it is rumored that  whoever created it mixed his blood with  the oil paint and when he finished  creating it he ended up taking his own  life when a woman who is referred to as  Mrs Robinson originally took possession  of the painting after it was given to  her by a family friend she immediately  knew that something was wrong with it  she ended up passing it along to her  grandson Sean Who currently still owns  the painting when Sean hung the painting  up they apparently started experiencing  paranormal events the Robinson family  has reported many different strange  events that have happened in relation to  the painting such as hearing screams and  groans coming from it as well as hearing  Doris creaking when no one is around  them and being awoken in the middle of  the night by blood curdling screams that  they can't find the source of Sean has  even uploaded videos to YouTube where he  shows these paranormal events and it has  been reported that the family now keeps  the painting hidden away in the basement  which is probably for the best in our  number five spot today we have the dark  mirror this mirror now resides within  the traveling Museum of the Paranormal  and occult and just that alone is enough  to know it deserves a spot on today's  list the museum received this mirror  from the owner who had purchased it from  a psychic fair It is believed that this  mirror was created sometime around the  1820s or 30s and it is actually quite  beautiful to look at despite the  Sinister things it seems to hold the  owner who gave it to the museum  explained that every time they peered  into the mirror they saw these extremely  upsetting things while looking into the  dark mirror's reflection the museum has  said that since they added the mirror to  their collection there have been guests  who have also reported the same kind of  things guests have claimed to see things  reflected back at them like sightings of  their own corpse in our number four spot  today we have old Nick old Nick is often  referred to as the Swansea devil and his  story dates back to the 1890s although  he now resides in the Swansea Museum so  back in the 1890s there was the  prestigious Saint Mary's church located  right in the center of town the church  decided to do some Renovations and they  put out some ads to hire someone when a  local Builder applied for the job and  was turned down he had a major  overreaction and decided he want to get  some kind of Revenge he went and bought  the row of cottages that lay next to the  church and then demolished them all in  their place he built large brick offices  and then commissioned the carving of old  Nick and placed him right on top of the  office building looking down at Saint  Mary's Church Legend goes that he even  placed the curse himself by saying quote  when your church is destroyed and burnt  to the ground my devil will remain  laughing end quote some years later  during World War II a German Blitz came  through the town and it left most of it  including Saint Mary's completely  destroyed and burnt to the ground but  the office building with old Nick was  undamaged and remained standing for a  while old Nick seemed to kind of  disappear but once he resurfaced the  there was a petition to put him back to  where he was before as well as a  subsequent counter petition to put him  far far away from the rebuilt Saint  Mary's Church as of now old Nick resides  behind glass in the Swansea Museum and  it is said that he is enclosed in glass  more for our protection rather than his  in our number three spot today we have  the cursed portrait Bernardo de Galvez  was born in Spain in 1746 and he went on  to become a military leader he became  well known for helping American colonies  during the war of independence before he  apparently passed away under mysterious  circumstances in 1786. there is a  portrait of Bernardo that resides in the  Galvez hotel in Galveston Texas which is  said to be one of the most haunted  hotels in the world and that makes sense  because this portrait is said to be one  of the cursed objects that gives the  hotel its spooky title the portrait is  located at the end of a hallway in the  hotel and guests have reported the eyes  following their every move people also  report a cold or uncomfortable feeling  when they get close to the painting and  this is said to be bernardo's Spirit  some people even swear they can feel him  following them around the hotel it is  also said that any picture you try to  take of the portrait will come out  blurry and distorted unless you ask  Bernardo for permission first in our  number two spot today we have the  Kohinoor Diamond this diamond has an  extremely controversial history and is  the source of a lot of debate but  regardless of the ongoing conversations  over who really owns it we are here to  talk about the curse that this stone is  set to hold this diamond dates back  thousands of years and its curse is said  to only affect men it is said that the  jewel can bring about great wealth but  it can also bring great Misfortune as  well to those who own it folklore states  that he who owns this diamond will own  the world but will also know all of its  misfortunes only God or women can wear  it with impunity throughout the history  of the diamond it was passed among many  people and rulers who all fought bloody  battles while in possession of it every  prince who had it is said to have  ultimately lost either their power or  their life while in possession of it as  well part of the controversy of the  diamond is how it ended up in the hands  of the British royal family during  colonization in the 1800s ever since  then it has only been worn by female  monarchs including Queen Victoria and  Queen Elizabeth in our number one spot  today we have James Dean's car okay this  one might seem like a bit of a wild card  but hear me out famous actor James Dean  passed away from a car accident on  September 30th 1955. at the time he was  driving his silver Porsche 550 spider  which he had just recently purchased  this was only the beginning of the car's  curse however as after James passing the  remnants of the totaled car were bought  by a man named George Barris he decided  to sell parts of the car to James fans  but when the car was being worked on and  taken apart it ended up falling on a  mechanic and it crushed him to death  these two incidents are more than enough  to now consider the car cursed but it  still continues on once the people who  had purchased some of the car parts  began receiving them more strange things  happened three of the people who  received Parts ended up in car accidents  all of which were sadly quite severe the  shell of the car was also stolen and to  this day it has never been recovered in  our number 10 spot today we have the  divk box the box which was originally  just a plain old wine box is said to  have been possessed by a dybic which in  Jewish mythology is a malicious demon  that takes over the bodies of living  people and uses them for evil the Box  began to gain attention in 2001 when it  was being auctioned off on eBay the  seller explained that he had bought it  at an estate sale of a woman who had  survived the Holocaust when he first  opened the box he found two 1920s  pennies a lock of blonde hair bound with  a cord a lock of black hair bound with a  cord a small statue engraved with the  Hebrew word Shalom a small golden wine  goblet one dried Rosebud and a single  candle holder with four octopus shaped  legs since he bought the box he reported  that strange things began happening such  as really horrific nightmares for him  and anyone who would stay date around or  touched the box and when he gave the box  to his mother as a birthday gift she  suffered a stroke the same day the Box  ended up in the hands of Zach Bagan who  was a Paranormal Investigator and it now  resides in his haunted Museum the box  also gained even more attention in 2018  when post Malone touched it and has  apparently been dealing with the  repercussions of that ever since in our  number nine spot today we have the  Iceman okay this one is not an object  because it is rather a mummy who was  once a real living person but I still  had to include him on this list today  because this story is wild The Mummy of  oatsi who is also referred to as the  Iceman was found in 1991 in the outsole  Alps in Italy It is believed that oatsi  lived around 3000 BCE and his body  became mummified and preserved because  of the glacier that surrounded him  post-mortem while this is an incredibly  interesting Discovery the finding of  oatsi may have come in a package with an  old curse just waiting to be released  here's the thing the people who helped  with the discovery of otsi are all dying  under mystery serious circumstances I  mean we're currently at person number  seven within one year so that's very  suspicious when molecular archaeologist  Tom Loy was writing a book about otsi he  passed away from a blood related  condition that he was diagnosed with  shortly after becoming involved with the  Iceman the German tourist helmet Simon  who discovered the mummy fell to his  death while hiking in the same spot he  saw otsi Dieter Warnick who was the head  of the Mountain Rescue Team that was  assigned to find the mummy died of a  heart attack at age 45 just an hour  after Simon's funeral to avoid this  becoming an hour-long list I'll stop  here but that is just half of those who  seemingly fell victim to the curse of  the Iceman I don't know maybe disturbing  a man who's been in the same spot for 53  centuries wasn't the best idea anyone  has ever had in our number eight spot  today we have the Hope Diamond this  gorgeous unusually large diamond is a  blue color and worth an insane 250  million dollars in the off chance you  have that kind of money laying around I  still wouldn't recommend purchasing it  because it is said to be cursed the  curse dates back to the 17th century and  it is said that whoever wears the  diamond will have great Misfortune and  misery Legend goes that the diamond was  stolen from the eye of a sculpted statue  of the Hindu goddess Sita and since then  it has been cursing whoever owns or  possesses the 115 carat diamond stories  of the horrible fates of those who have  since owned the diamond include people  taking their own lives people being  killed intentionally by others and some  accounts even claim that the owner was  quote Torn to Pieces which sounds like  one of the worst Fates out there there  have since been replicas made of the  stone and I think just to be as safe as  possible I'll probably stay away from  those just in case in our number seven  spot today we have Robert the doll  Annabelle gets a lot of attention for  being a haunted doll but Robert is just  as terrifying Robert the doll was a  childhood birthday gift from a  grandfather to his grandson who was also  named Robert but more often went by Gene  the story claims that while growing up  with Robert Jean would often be heard by  his parents in his bedrooms having  conversations with himself in two  entirely different voices his parents  would sometimes be woken up in the  middle of the night to the sound of Gene  screaming only to find him completely  frightened in bed with overturned  furniture around him Gene would then  blame Robert for all of the strange  happenings and at the time no one really  believed him Gene kept Robert into  adulthood and it became what people  would describe as an unhealthy  relationship apparently Gene took Robert  everywhere with him and spoke as if he  was a living entity rather than a doll  okay this story is already not great but  it gets worse Jean lived in a house as  an adult that was called the artist's  house Robert would be left in the  upstairs window where children in the  area reported seeing the doll disappear  and reappear and they all chose to just  stay clear of the house after Gene  passed away in 1974 a woman named Myrtle  purchased the house and apparently  Robert as well visitors of the house  could swear that they could hear  footsteps and giggling coming from the  attic where Robert was and some even  claimed to see the doll's expression  changed if someone spoke poorly of Gene  Myrtle reported Robert moving around the  house on his own and after 20 years she  decided she had had enough and donated  him to a museum Robert still lives in  the museum where he is safely locked up  but it is said that he still likes to  place a little curse on those who take  his photo without permission the walls  of the museum near Robert's Glass case  are riddled with notes from previous  visitors and naysayers who are begging  Robert for his forgiveness and asking  him to remove any curse he has placed on  them in our number six spot today we  have the Atlantis ring the Atlantis ring  was originally made of clay and it was  found in 1860 in the Valley of the Kings  in a tomb of an Egyptian high priest it  was then passed on to Howard Carter who  kept it until he passed away in 1939.  the ring was believed to be at least  five thousand years old and it had  geometric symbols carved into it that  were unlike anything known in Egypt  here's where the story gets a little  weird though Howard is one of the people  who discovered King Tut's tomb and he  would later tell people he was wearing a  Talisman when the tomb was was opened  also known as the Atlantis ring he  claimed that the ring gave him  protection and that just might be true  because he is the only member of the  team who didn't die a mysterious death  after the opening of the Tomb even those  who visited shortly after the opening of  the tomb were subject to this curse with  a total of 18 victims in the end Howard  said that the ring is what protected him  against whatever evil forces were at  play so I guess maybe the Atlantis ring  is more like an anti-cursed object I  don't know but what I do know is that it  is all quite curious there are now  replicas that are sold but I'm not sure  if any hold the power of the real deal  in our number 5 spot today we have  Thomas Busby's chair Thomas was a man  who lived in thirsk North Yorkshire and  wasn't known as a very nice man but he  really loved his chair I guess we all  gotta have something in 1702 he found  his father-in-law sitting in it and it  sparked an argument between the two the  father-in-law threatened to take his  daughter back which like should have  never been a threat considering she's a  own woman but I guess that's what went  on in 1702 anyway that's when Busby  kicked him out of the house after this  Busby ended up going over to the  father-in-law's house and actually  killed him with a hammer and then hid  his body in the woods of course the body  ended up being found and this led to  Busby getting convicted and sentenced to  death it is said that on his ride to the  execution he asked to stop by his  favorite Pub for a beer and this request  was fulfilled apparently as he finished  his drink he said May sudden death come  to anyone who dares sit in my chair I  really don't know what it is with this  guy in his chair but while it currently  resides in The Thirst Museum it has been  recorded that many terrible Fates have  been met by the people who have sat in  the chair in 1972 it was decided to hang  the chair from the ceiling so that no  one could ever sit in it again which is  probably for the best so now knowing  this story I want you to let me know in  the comments if you had the chance would  you sit in the chair I wouldn't  in our number four spot today we have  Annabelle the doll when I saw the 2014  Annabelle movie I had no idea it was  actually based on a real life doll but  since starting my job here at most  amazing top 10 I know all about the real  story this doll now resides inside of  the Warrens occult Museum where it  absolutely belongs but this story starts  off with a college student named Donna  who received the doll as a gift from her  mother who had purchased it from an  antique store Donna and her roommate  started to notice some pretty creepy  things happening and swore that the doll  was moving they said it would appear in  different places and positions  throughout their apartment before things  began to escalate Donna began to find  notes that said help in her apartment  and one night found the doll in a  different position and covered in some  sort of red substance the girls then  decided to contact a medium who  solidified all of their beliefs and told  them that the doll had been possessed by  the spirit of someone who was killed in  their apartment building for some reason  the girls didn't immediately get rid of  the doll and The Story Goes that their  friend Lou Who was at the girl's  apartment her heard strange noises one  night and went to investigate and he was  then attacked and killed by Annabelle  the girls finally contacted a priest who  told them that the doll was possessed by  a demon Straight From Hell and then put  them in contact with Ed and Lorraine  Warren they tried to do an exorcism on  the doll but it apparently failed and  now it is kept in a glass box in the  museum where it hopefully cannot and  will never do any more damage in our  number three spot today we have the  Uluru Rock the Uluru rock is a large  Sandstone formation that is located in  the southern part of the Northern  Territory in Australia it is sometimes  known as Ayers Rock but regardless of  what it is called this area is sacred  for the people indigenous to this place  this is part of the reason that those  who visit the rock are asked not to take  anything from the site despite this  people of course still choose to smuggle  pieces of the rock out of the area and  home with them well other than the Bad  Karma and just in general feeling like a  bad person for doing the one thing  you're asked not to do as it turns out  this rock may hold a more sinister or  secret those who have stolen rocks from  the Uluru have experienced things like  extremely bad luck severe illness and  even sometimes the death of those they  love the curse these rocks hold is  seemingly so bad that it is very common  for the company that runs the tours of  the formation to receive letters of  apology that contain the stolen rocks  apparently these letters come so often  at least one a day is expected maybe  this is a weird coincidence but it just  seems to be happening a little too often  for that to be the explanation in our  number two spot today we have the bizano  vase the bizano vase was cast from  Silver in the 15th century and was  apparently a wedding present for a bride  who lived in a small village in Napoli  on the wedding night however the bride  was found dying on the floor with her  hands wrapped around the vase with her  last breath she vowed to have her  revenge and at this point it became  unclear whether the vase was already  cursed or perhaps if this may be what  caused the curse in the first place as  time went on the vase was handed from  person to person within her family and  with each new owner came a mysterious  death because of this the family decided  to hide the vase away in some sort of  secret location and this worked for a  while until the vase was Unearthed once  more in 1988. the vase also contained a  piece of paper from the family that  warned beware this vase brings death  well of course whoever found the vase  did not listen and instead they sold it  once again the first buyer who is said  to have been a pharmacist owned the vase  for three months before passing away  under mysterious circumstances then  there was the 37 year old surgeon who  died after having the vase for two  months after this was the archaeologist  who only made it three months with this  vase in his possession and at this point  you get where this is going we don't  know exactly where the vase ended up but  I'm hoping it's somewhere deep  underground or maybe in space or maybe  in the Mariana Trench just anywhere far  away from all of us in our number one  spot today we have the goddess of death  this statue is sometimes also known as  the woman from Lem this artifact made  out of limestone was created aided  sometime around 3500 BC and it was found  in Cyprus in 1878. over the years it has  belonged to many different families who  have all been ruined and dismantled by  death after the first six years of  ownership all seven members of The First  Family died it then moved on to a second  owner and after four years death began  to come to him and his family there was  then a long period where it was  unclaimed but once the third family got  a hold of it several members of that  family began to die as well the third  family ended up turning it over to the  Royal Scottish Museum where it  thankfully still resides however the  museum curator who handled the item was  mysteriously killed a few days after it  is clear whatever curse this statue  holds it is strong and frightening  number 10 the Busby stoop chair yeah  we're kicking this haunted list off with  a chair it's pretty spooky let's do it  the Busby stoop chair comes from 1702 10  years after the Salem witch trial so  take this one with a grain of salt you  know what I mean people made odd choices  back then women were witches and chairs  were evil welcome to 1702 folks  Englishman Thomas Bubsy had some issues  with his father-in-law and he didn't  handle them too well so now he has to be  you know hanged for it yeah you can't  just kill people for no reason Thomas  what is this 1692 he was hanged near the  humble Inn ironic but a chair that was  nearby is now said to hold a spirit of  one Thomas Busby if you sit on this  chair you are set to die in a frightful  accident so the chair was declared  haunted but did anything actually happen  honestly yeah kind of locals say that  during World War II Airmen from a nearby  base came to the pub the Inn rather and  those who sat on it never returned in  the 70s more accidents were connected  but they still kept the chair around  until 1978. it stayed in the Inn for  that long until it was donated to The  Thirst Museum honestly it's not even a  rocking chair it looks like it should be  a rocking chair but it's not a rocking  chair that's the scariest part if you  ask me number nine the hands resist him  I listed off some dark paintings not too  long ago but somehow I forgot the hands  resisting him painter Bill Stoneham  created this work of art back in 1972.  it's most famously belonged to actor  John Marley from the Godfather he's the  guy who wakes up with the horse's head  in his bed in case you have seen that  movie so that actor got this painting at  one point but later it was found on eBay  with claims that it was cursed from an  anonymous previous seller and the  painting was found abandoned in an alley  behind a brewery so that sounds pretty  promising almost immediately the new  owner of the painting The Family their  daughter claimed to have seen people in  the painting move yeah on top of that  apparently the figures would leave the  painting and mess up the house I mean as  far as excuses go that's not bad for a  messy house oh I cleaned up earlier but  those damn paintings number eight curse  phone number the song  867-5309 has been stuck in my head for  about 18 years now that song is a banger  honestly great jingle too if a pizza  place had thought of that jingle at  first would have been game over if you  ask me a cursed phone number is there  such a thing apparently yes 359 888 and  then a bunch of eights afterwards I  don't want to say it out loud you know  so what's the deal here well anybody  who's had this phone number in the last  20 years or so has met their fate almost  immediately after CEO of a Bulgarian  phone company cancer at 48 that's how he  passed away two criminals later on both  a little more mysterious than cancer  they both passed away afterwards all  these deaths happened within four years  that's the cursed aspect of it all the  phone number was suspended so nobody's  able to use it now in case you're  thinking about it don't do it maybe it's  because of this curse or maybe it has  ties to Crime either way  867-5309 is still stuck in my head I'm  gonna go down with that song right as  soon as we're done here number seven the  basanovas this base  18th century it made for an excellent  wedding gift in Italy but the night  before the big day the bride sadly lost  her life with the vase still in her  hands the family kept it afterwards of  course but as the vase was passed down  the family line a pattern began to  unveil itself whomever held possession  of the pasano vase died shortly  afterwards now keep in mind this was the  15th century so the average lifespan  around then was like I don't know 30  years old but after that many deaths in  the family it was packed away for good  just to be safe or so they thought the  vase showed up again in 1988 alongside a  note the note was pretty to the point it  said Beware this base it brings death  whoever found it was probably like okay  they continued on with the vase and  later it was auctioned for over two  thousand dollars Sans note of course you  don't want to throw that in there the  pharmacist who won the auction you  guessed it passed away within months  number six Baker's wedding dress why is  it in so many horror movies that The  Ghost is always a lady in a white dress  why are there so many ghosts and  nightgowns what's going on why are you  also sleepy maybe they're taken out  before their wedding night over a Vaz or  maybe it's this one back in 1849 in the  small town town of Altoona Pennsylvania  Elias Baker and his wife Hedy lived in  the baker Mansion they had two sons and  one daughter named Anna and had fallen  in love with one of her father's  employees another steel worker but after  her father wouldn't allow the  relationship to take off classic and a  vowed to never marry anybody she locked  herself away in her room now when her  father passed away in 1848 she went to  go find her true love again but he had  since settled down with somebody else so  she spent the rest of her days behaving  erratically and her soul still haunts  that same wedding dress today the  wedding dress she never ended abusing  not just a dress the Mansion is haunted  as well guests would report furniture  moving around by itself honestly it's  not a bad haunting if you ask me moving  couches that would be a great help I  have a terrible back I would love that  number five the crying Boy painting just  the name alone okay I want nothing to do  with this one yeah we're back with  another haunted painting what is this  Hogwarts why are so many paintings  moving around at night this English  curse kicked off in the 50s now this is  a reproduction of Bruno amadio's the  crying Boy painting but this painting is  apparently responsible for lots of fires  in September 1985 a family's home burnt  down everything was gone but the  painting looked untouched British  tabloid the sun even published a story  on it which I'm sure helped the  situation it read blazing curse at the  crying boy picture now we laugh at  beliefs from the Middle Ages and all  that but we're not really much further  here are we people smoking in every  house in the 50s we're like yeah maybe  it was a painting it was probably that  number four the Hope Diamond coming from  the 1660s this curse began when a gem  dealer named Jean Baptiste tavarnier  bought this large Diamond when visiting  India he bought it apparently okay the  origins of the diamond were unknown but  it didn't matter this beauty was just  sitting there and he had to well later  on after tavarnier got the diamond rumor  spread throughout Europe and the United  States that Tavernier actually stole the  diamond from the statue of a Hindu  goddess the newspapers actually kicked  this one off by publishing the Hope  Diamond as an ancient curse the diamond  at one point ended up in the hands of  King Louis XVI and his wife Marie  Antoinette now if you don't know about  them in history they were they lost  their lives during the French Revolution  we'll say that the old Guillotine Dream  Team this Stone then went to Lord  France's Hope come 1839 and by that  point it was deemed cursed officially  this is when it got the name the Hope  Diamond right they ended up selling the  diamond shortly after being reduced to  Poverty then Evelyn Walsh McLean bought  the stone in 1912. shortly after her son  was killed in a car accident so just bad  news all around when the stone was  delivered to its final and current home  the Smithsonian back in 1958 the driver  delivering the package was later hit by  a truck he survived but shortly after  his house caught fire moral of the story  you don't need diamonds for more reasons  than one number three the anguished man  historical paintings are cool but this  is the first time I've read up on the  anguished man myself gotta admit it's  pretty unsettling wow it's considered  one of the most haunted objects in the  world and it looks like it too  definitely would I would guess I'd pick  it out of the crowd this oil painting  was created by an unknown artist but the  actual paint is mixed with their blood  so their legit DNA is in this painting  Blood Sweat and Tears literally not much  is known to the Artist as he passed away  shortly after but the current owner is  Sean Robinson from Cumbria England his  grandmother had given him the painting  there wasn't much known beforehand but  his grandmother warned him that it was  cursed hey here's some Werther's  Originals and a cursed painting classic  grandmas you know how they do Sean had  to leave it in his basement at first  because his wife wasn't a fan more than  fair but when the basement flooded which  is also mysterious and that sucks okay I  did then move it upstairs after that  point the couple heard crying screams  Whispering all throughout the house  things you don't want to hear alone in a  house with a haunted painting it got so  bad Robinson uploaded time-lapse footage  to YouTube in 2011 and it shows the door  closing by itself next to the painting  check it out also yeah keep this in the  basement for sure I agree with the  misses on this one number two broken  mirrors it doesn't matter who you are  you've heard of this one at some point  you break a mirror and what do you get  bad luck he had seven years of bad luck  has this happened to you if so what year  are you on are you close how close are  you to the seven year mark we got your  back you got this you're so close  ancient Romans kicked this one off  they'll believe that the human soul  would renew every seven years that's  where the whole seven year thing comes  into play it takes time to repair the  human soul apparently that combined with  the belief that Amira's reflection was a  way into the soil while now we have one  guy who feels really bad for breaking a  mirror essentially therefore a curse if  you break a mirror you're tearing the  soul from the body and abandoning it in  Kazakhstan if you break a mirror evil  spirits would haunt the person  responsible for the damage that's a  pretty scary deal you gotta keep those  hands grippy they say you can't look  into broken mirror pieces afterwards or  else that's bad luck in itself there's  too many mirrors now honestly cut to  today I'm sure ancient Romans had no  idea what 2022 would look like we have  phone cases with mirrors in them now  that's a lot of bad luck and Jean  Pockets my friends and coming in number  one curse of the billy goat can a team  be cursed is that such a thing here we  go I mean I live in Toronto home of the  Maple Leafs and we don't we don't see a  lot of winds on that side but the  Chicago Cubs curse well that was a huge  deal for a very long time the Chicago  Cubs curse comes from 1945 when a man  named Bill Sionis nicknamed billy goat  he was kicked out of a Chicago Cubs game  yeah he actually didn't even get into  game four to begin with was he too  intoxicated no did he bring a live go  with him to this game yes that was why  yeah Bill brought with him his pet goat  for good luck so after the staff said no  you can't enter the the 1945 World  Series with a live goat he then cursed  the club over and over on the way out  what a guy saying the Cubs ain't gonna  win no more over and over again and that  was the game that they dropped the ball  so something kind of happened the  Detroit Tigers won in the curse of the  billy goat kicked off and it got so out  of hand that come 1994. the Cubs had  lost 12 games in a row their worst home  start in history so Sam sayanus went to  Wrigley Field everybody was chanting to  let the goat in and then the Cubs won  5-2 I don't know humans in the 1700s  were like oh that woman's cursed she's a  witch for sure then humans stay or like  ah that Stadium's cursed for sure cursed  we haven't changed moral the story I  don't know starting off this list in our  number 10 spot we have the Belcourt  Castle chairs Belcourt Castle is located  in Newport Rhode Island and it is a  former summer Cottage construction on  the cottage started in 1891 with it  being completed in 1894 and inside there  is a ballroom this Ballroom is important  because it is said that it holds a group  of haunted chairs people who have  visited the castle have reported a ton  of strange happenings regarding this  specific set of chairs the report  includes things like feeling chills  racing up and down their spines or  feeling a strange sensation in a shift  of energy while standing near the chairs  and some people have even explained how  they have been pushed out of the chairs  by an invisible force I feel  hearing these stories might be enough to  explain the energy shift some people are  feeling but I actually being pushed out  of a chair by some sort of invisible  force would be absolutely terrifying and  simply unexplainable what's going on  there in our number nine spot today we  have the orphan story this is a book  that was originally written in the early  1600s but it didn't end up getting  published until 2018. the orphan story  is about a 14 year old Spanish boy who  heads to the Americas you know a classic  kind of coming-of-age feel-good story  right well not exactly and that is  exactly the reason it took so long for  this book to be published while the  curse in this book doesn't come from the  story itself there is something dark  lurking in those pages the book's  publisher Belinda Palacios who worked on  the book for two years explained that  throughout those years she was often  warned of the cursed book and how every  publisher who had tried to work on it  before ended up passing away in a  mysterious way before they could finish  the book when Belinda looked into this  it turned out to be true her research  showed that those who had tried to edit  the book before her either found  themselves in horrible accidents or with  strange illnesses luckily Belinda made  it through the process unscathed so  let's hope that maybe the curse has been  lifted either way it's probably one I'll  personally stay away from in our number  8 spot today we have the divot box this  box which was originally just a plain  old wine box is said to have been  possessed by a divok which in Jewish  mythology is a malicious demon that  takes over the bodies of living people  and uses them for evil the Box began to  gain attention in 2001 when it was being  auctioned off on eBay the seller  explained that he had bought it at an  estate sale of a woman who had survive  to the Holocaust when he first opened  the box he found two 1920s pennies a  lock of blonde hair bound with a cord a  lock of black or brown hair bound with a  cord a small statue engraved with the  Hebrew word Shalom a small golden wine  goblet one dried Rosebud and a single  candle holder with four octopus shaped  legs since he bought the box he reported  that strange things began happening such  as really horrific nightmares for him  and anyone who had stayed around or  touched the box and when he gave this  box to his mother as a birthday gift she  suffered a stroke the same day the Box  ended up in the hands of Zak Bagan who  is a Paranormal Investigator and it now  resides in his haunted Museum the box  also gained even more attention in 2018  when post Malone touched it and has  apparently been dealing with the  repercussions of that ever since in our  number seven spot today we have the  Iceman okay this one is not an object  because it is rather a mummy who was  once a real living person but I still  had to include him on this list because  this story is wild The Mummy of oatsi  who is referred to as the Iceman was  found in 1991 in the otso Alps in Italy  It is believed that oatsi lived around  3000 BC and his body became mummified  and preserved because of the glacier  that surrounded him post-mortem while  this is an incredibly interesting  Discovery the finding of oatsi may have  come in a package with an old curse just  waiting to be released here's the thing  the people who helped with the discovery  of otsi are all dying under very  mysterious circumstances I mean we are  currently at person number seven within  one year so that's very suspicious when  molecular archaeologist Tom Loy was  writing a book about oatsi he passed  away from a blood-related condition that  he was diagnosed with shortly after  becoming involved with the Iceman the  German tourist helmet sign men who  discovered the mummy fell to his death  while hiking in the same spot he saw  otsi Dieter warnek who was the head of  the Mountain Rescue Team that was  assigned to find the mummy died of a  heart attack at age 45 just an hour  after Simon's funeral to avoid this  becoming an hour-long list I'll stop  here but that is just half of those who  seemingly fell victim to the curse of  the Iceman I don't know maybe disturbing  a man who's been in the same spot for 53  centuries wasn't the best idea anyone's  ever had in our number 5 spot today we  have the ballista balls a Ballista was  used in the Roman military and it was  kind of similar to a crossbow but was  much larger and could shoot arrows or  stones in 1989 there was archaeologists  that were working by the Israeli Syrian  border when they found these large  Stones close to what seemed to be the  remains of a Ballista but around 1995  the stones ended up getting stolen but  it took a while for anyone to notice  fast forward to 2015 in the same stones  that were stolen ended up in the  courtyard of the museum in Israel with a  note left from the person who stole them  the note explained that ever since they  took them he had experienced terrible  luck and believed the stones were the  reason he had a very successful business  that suddenly began to fail after he  took the stones and later his family  abandoned him and he was forced to get  rid of almost all of his possessions to  settle all of his debts so as to not go  bankrupt he mentioned that he believed  the stones were cursed and that they  were the root of all of his problems  whether or not these stones are actually  cursed or this was just some pretty  heavy Karma I hope this guy's been able  to get his life back on track in our  number 4 spot today we have James Dean's  car okay this might seem like a bit of a  wild card but hear me out famous actor  James Dean passed away from a car  accident on September 30th 1955. he was  driving his silver Porsche 550 spider  which he had just purchased recently  this was only the beginning of the car's  curse however as after James passing the  remnants of the totaled car were bought  by a man named George Barris he decided  to sell the parts of the car to James  fans but when the car was being worked  on and taken apart and ended up falling  on the mechanic and crushed him to death  these two incidents are more than enough  to now consider this car cursed but it  still continues on once the people who  had purchased some of the car parts  began receiving them more strange things  happened three of the people who  received Parts ended up in car accidents  all of which were sadly quite severe the  shell of the car was also stolen and to  this day it has never been recovered in  at number two spot today we have old  Nick oldnick is often referred to as the  Swansea devil in history dates back to  the 1890s although he now resides in the  Swansea Museum so back in the 1890s  there was the prestigious Saint Mary's  church located right in the center of  town the church decided to do some  Renovations and they put out some ads to  hire someone when a local Builder  applied for the job and was turned down  he had a major overreaction and decided  he wanted to get some kind of Revenge he  went and bought the row of cottages that  lay next to the church and then  demolished them all in their place he  built large brick offices and then he  commissioned the carving of old Nick and  placed him right on top of the office  building looking down at St Mary's  Church Legend goes that he even placed  the curse himself by saying when your  church is destroyed and burnt to the  ground my devil will remain laughing  some years later during World War II a  German Blitz came through the town and  it left most of the Town including Saint  Mary's completely destroyed and burnt to  the ground but the office building with  old Nick was undamaged and remained  standing for a while old Nick seemed to  kind of disappear but once he resurfaced  there was a petition to put him back  where he was before as well as a  subsequent counter petition to put him  far far away from the rebuilt Saint  Mary's Church as of now old Nick resides  behind glass in the Swansea Museum and  it is said that he is enclosed in glass  more for our protection than his in our  number one spot today we have the  Blarney Stone own for hundreds of years  the Blarney Stone has resided within  Blarney Castle which is near Cork  Ireland this stone is a piece of  limestone and Legend says that those who  give the stone a smooch will then be  given the Gift of Gab this little smooch  can bestow the power of being able to  talk your way out of any situation which  would be incredibly useful but there are  always those who try to indulge in too  much of a good thing the issues start  when you attempt to take a piece of the  stone no matter how small away from its  home those who don't follow the rules  and take the stone end up being cursed  with bad luck every year the castle  receives Parcels from greedy tourists  who tried their luck at stealing  portions of the stone these Parcels are  returned with the intention of lifting  the curse of Misfortune it is said that  once the stone is returned the curse  will be lifted which is most definitely  good news I guess the moral of this  curse however is to not be greedy and  just follow the rules starting off this  list in our number 10 spot we have the  crying children paintings these  paintings were a series created by an  Italian painter who is known as Giovanni  but his real name was Bruno Amarillo  Bruno was born in Venice in 1911 and  fought in World War II which ended up  being the inspiration for a lot of his  paintings during his time in the war he  saw a lot of suffering children and this  is where he got the idea for the series  of crying children paintings after the  paintings were sold there began to be  reports of fires and all of the places  where the paintings were held while this  could have just been a strange  coincidence the weirdest part is that  the paintings always remained intact  while everything else around them was  burned this quickly became the most  talked about thing and was on the front  of every newspaper and the paintings  quickly gained the nickname Diablo it  caused these paintings to end up being  replicated and mass-produced but none of  the replicas hold quite the same power  as the originals in our number nine spot  today we have the Blarney Stone for  hundreds of years the Blarney Stone has  resided within Blarney Castle which is  near Cork Ireland this stone is a piece  of limestone and Legend says that those  who give the stone a smooch will then be  given the gift of the gab this little  smooch can bestow the power of being  able to talk your way out of any  situation which would be incredibly  useful but there are always those who  try to indulge in too much of a good  thing the issues start when you attempt  to take a piece of the stone no matter  how small away from its home those who  don't follow the rules and take the  stone end up being cursed with bad luck  every year the castle receives Parcels  from greedy tourists who tread their  luck at stealing portions of the stone  these Parcels are returned with the  intention of lifting the curse of  Misfortune it is said that once the  stone is returned the curse will be  lifted which is most definitely good  news I guess the moral of this curse  however is to not be greedient to just  follow the rules in our number eight  spot today we have the screaming skull  the screaming skull resides in the  Burton Agnes Hall in England and it is  thought to have belonged to Catherine  Ann Griffith they said that Catherine  was the youngest in the family and she  was the one who enjoyed wandering around  the property the most one day While She  Was Out strolling around she ended up  being surrounded by a group of robbers  who took all of her possessions and then  vicious harmed her and left her for dead  she was found and brought back to the  hall to be tended to but unfortunately a  few days later she succumbed to her  injuries before she died she was upset  about the thought of leaving her family  so she asked them to remove her head  after death and keep her skull so that  they would always have a piece of her  around the family agreed to her face but  after her passing they buried her body  head still intact because to be fair it  was an odd request after her burial the  family began experiencing some extremely  strange things around the house like  bumps and moans and horrible blood  curdling screams that they could not  find the source of this is when they  decided to follow through with the  request Catherine had left them and the  strange occurrences suddenly stopped  after this at one point a maid had found  the skull and in her surprise she threw  it out of a nearby open window and alas  the strange occurrences began again in  the end it was decided that the best  policy was to place the skull in a  secret spot within the walls of the  house probably behind some paneling in  the Great Hall so that its presence  could be be easily ignored and so that  Catherine's Spirit could reside in peace  in her beloved home I guess the lesson  of this one is to follow the wishes of  those who have passed because you never  know if their spirit is gonna stay  lingering around afterwards in our  number seven spot today we have the  haunted doll there's quite a few haunted  dolls kicking around out there  apparently but this one doesn't exactly  have a name the doll's owners say that  this doll is possessed and causes lots  of troubles at night the incredibly  creepy thing about this one is that it  is said that you don't need to do  anything in order for this doll to  decide it wants to haunt you you just  simply need to be around it and that is  more than enough for the torment to  start owners of the doll have reported  getting a bunch of strange scratches  which they believe are because of the  doll it isn't exactly clear where the  spirit or spirits that reside in this  doll have come from or what happened but  the doll was bought from its previous  owners by a woman named Deborah Davies  who is a psychic Deborah reported the  same scratches as the previous owners  but she also may have been able to  contact this beer residing in the doll  she claimed that the spirit was that of  a young girl who had her life taken from  her but she also reported that the nasty  evil energy within the doll is a male  and she believes that this energy is  that of the man who took the life of the  girl at the end of the day whatever is  haunting this doll is certainly a spirit  I would like to stay far far away from  in our number six spot today we have the  ballista balls a Ballista was used in  the Roman military and it was kind of  similar to a crossbow but much larger  and it could shoot arrows or stones in  1989 there were archaeologists that were  working by the Israeli Syrian border  when they found these large Stones close  to what seemed to be the remains of a  Ballista but around 1995 the stones  ended up getting stolen and it took a  while for anyone to notice fast forward  to 2015 and the same stones that were  stolen ended up in the courtyard of a  museum in Israel with a note left from  the person who stole them the note  explained that ever since they took them  he had experienced terrible luck and  believed the stones were reason he had a  very successful business that suddenly  began to fail after he took the stones  and later his family abandoned him and  he was forced to get rid of almost all  of his possessions to settle all of his  debts so as to not go bankrupt he  mentioned that he believed the stones  were cursed and that they were the root  of all of his problems whether or not  these stones are actually cursed or if  this was just some pretty heavy Karma I  hope this guy has been able to get his  life back on track in our number 5 spot  today we have the golden eagle this car  was a 1964 Dodge 330 limited edition and  it has been blamed for the death of  around 14 people which is 14 too many if  you ask me it was said that this car  started out as a police car originally  but then there were three officers  assigned to this car who all ended up  taking their lives and other people's  lives in horribly violent ways not in  the car but still super weird that this  all seemed to happen after they had been  using the car for work because of this  strange correlation it ended up being  sold off to another man throughout the  80s and 90s it was said that because of  the rumored cursed car it became a point  of interest for vandals people began  vandalizing the car only to meet their  own untimely Fates which were all met in  strange ways for example it was said  that one Vandal died from being struck  by lightning and another ended up being  decapitated by an 18-wheeler it is said  that the curse is so strong that one kid  decided to merely touch the car and it  sent him into madness as he went on to  commit atrocious crimes that I can't  even detail here on YouTube the card now  belongs to Wendy Allen who supposedly  collects and decorates haunted cars for  a living so it seems as though it's  finally found its home far far far away  from everyone else in our number four  spot today we have the Myrtles  Plantation mirror Myrtle's plantation is  located in Saint Francisville Louisiana  and it is said to be one of the most  haunted places in the entire world one  of the reasons for this spooky  reputation is because of a mirror that  resides inside it is said that this  mirror holds the spirit of Sarah  Woodruff and her two children Legend  goes that woman named Chloe was a slave  at the plantation who drew up a plan to  get revenge on the owners of the  plantation Sarah and her husband Chloe  baked a cake full of poison for them but  it ended up only being Sarah and two of  her children who consumed the poisonous  cake when they passed away it is said  that their Spirits went into the only  mirror that was uncovered at the time  thus the haunted mirror was born people  who have since visited the plantation  have claimed to see the family in the  reflection as well as the handprints of  small children on the glass despite  continuous polishing in our number three  spot today we have the Surrey ghost car  on December 11th of 2002 A call came  into the Surrey Police Department the  caller reported that they had just seen  a car lose control and run off the road  and then presumably crash it was of  course an emergency call but not  necessarily anything out of the ordinary  that was until authorities got to the  location and realized that they couldn't  find any kind of evidence of a crash  they kept searching and ended up finding  a maroon colored car that was nosed down  in a ditch nearby but this car was  covered in so much on undergrowth that  it must have been here for months this  meant that somehow this crash went  undetected for five months and worst of  all so did the body that lay nearby  using dental records they were able to  identify the body as a man who had been  wanted for robbery since July of that  year it is said that the sighting of the  car leaving the road was a ghostly  replay of the events that had taken  place five months prior what do you guys  think let me know Down Below in the  comments if you think the witness saw a  cursed reenactment of the fatal crash or  if you think something else is at play  here in our number two spot today we  have the destiny ring Rudolph Valentino  was an incredibly famous silent film  star before he passed away at the  incredibly young age of just 31 years  old and there are many out there who  believe his untimely death was caused by  the destiny ring this ring was one that  he picked up from a California Jeweler  before purchasing it there were warnings  of the stories which claimed this ring  was cursed but Rudolph decided to go  ahead with the purchase anyway it is  said that after this ring came into his  possession his luck began to turn term  the movies he starred in started to do  poorly some even flopping and his career  began to struggle from there he felt  incredibly ill and when he passed away  he was wearing this cursed ring from  there after his death his lover ended up  receiving the ring but once it was in  her possession she too felt extremely  ill and decided to give the ring away  all the owners after that were reported  to have died in strange ways or under  mysterious circumstances which has led  the ring to now being placed in a bank  vault all locked up so that it hopefully  can never cause harm to anyone ever  again in our number one spot today we  have Letta the doll why do all the  cursed dolls look like they would be  cursed you know what I mean like there's  no cursed doll out there that is  surprisingly cursed they all look creepy  to begin with anyway Letta is a doll  that is said to be around 200 years old  and extremely cursed this doll is called  Letta for short as its full name is  letting me out of here really clever the  doll was originally found underneath a  house which definitely feels like the  origins story of a haunted doll This  creepy Discovery came 47 years ago and  apparently let us still lives with the  man who found him the hauntings of Letta  include things like the doll walking  around on its own at night the owners  finding objects around the house that  have been moved into odd places some  people have seen let him move right in  front of their own eyes and the owner  also reports finding little doll-sized  scuff marks around the house as well it  is said that this doll once belonged to  a child who passed away while holding it  thus their Spirit became trapped inside  of the doll Apparently one day in an  interview about Letta as the interviewer  was asking questions about the little  boy the doll began to move in her lap  yeah no thank you let it has his own  Instagram and Facebook page in case you  want to hear more about all the  creepiness surrounding this cursed doll  kicking off this list in her number 10  spot we have the crying children  paintings these paintings were a series  created by an Italian painter who is  known as Giovanni braglan but his real  name was Bruno Amarillo Bruno was born  in Venice in 11 and fought in World War  II which ended up being the inspiration  for a lot of his paintings during his  time in the war he saw a lot of  suffering children and this is where he  got the idea for the series of the  crying children paintings after the  paintings were sold there began to be  reports of fires in all of the places  where the paintings were held while this  could have just been a strange  coincidence the weirdest part is that  the paintings always remained intact  while everything else around them was  burned this quickly became the most  talked about thing and was on the front  of every newspaper and the paintings  quickly gained to the nickname Diablo it  caused these paintings to end up being  replicated and mass-produced but none of  the replicas hold quite the same Powers  as The Originals moving on to number  nine we have the stoop chair that once  belonged to Thomas Busby Thomas was a  man who lived in thirsk North Yorkshire  and wasn't known as a very nice man but  he really loved his chair in 1702 he  found his father-in-law sitting in it  and it sparked in argument between the  two the father-in-law threatened to take  his daughter back and that's when Busby  kicked him out of the house after this  Busby ended up going over to the  father-in-law's house and actually kills  him with a hammer and then hid the body  in the woods of course the body ended up  being found and this led to Busby  getting convicted and sentenced to death  it is said that on his ride to his  execution he asked to stop by his  favorite Pub for a beer and this request  was fulfilled apparently as he finished  his drink he said May sudden death come  to anyone who dare sit in my chair I  really don't know what it is with this  guy in his chair but while it currently  resides in The Thirst Museum it has been  recorded that many terrible Fates have  been met by the people who have sat in  the chair in 1972 it was decided to hang  the chair from the ceiling so that no  one could sit in it again which is  probably for the best would you have sat  in the chair if you had the chance  moving on to number eight we have the  anguished man while it is unknown who  and when it was created this painting is  set to carry some kind of curse it is  rumored that whoever created it mixed  his blood in with the oil paint and when  it was finished being created he ended  up committing inside when a woman who is  referred to as Mrs Robinson originally  took possession of the painting after it  was given to her by a family friend she  immediately knew that something was  wrong with it she ended up passing it  along to her grandson Sean Who currently  still owns the painting The Robinson  family has reported many different  strange events that have happened in  relation to the painting such as hearing  screams and groans coming from it Sean  has even uploaded videos to YouTube  where he shows these paranormal events  I'm not sure why the family has decided  to keep the painting but I guess as long  as it's not hurting anyone it's okay  continuing on to number seven we have  the real life Annabelle doll when I saw  the 2014 Annabelle movie I had no idea  it was actually based on a real life  doll the doll now resides inside of  Warren's occult Museum where it  absolutely belongs there was a college  student named Donna who received the  doll as a gift from her mother who had  purchased it from an antique store Donna  and her roommate started to notice some  pretty creepy things happening and swore  that the doll was moving they said it  would appear in different places and  positions throughout their apartment  before things began to escalate Donna  began to find notes that said help in  her apartment and one night found the  doll in a different position and covered  in some sort of red substance the girls  then decided to contact a medium who  solidified all of their beliefs and told  them that the doll had been possessed by  the spirit of someone who was killed in  their apartment building for some reason  the girls didn't immediately get rid of  the doll and The Story Goes that their  friend Lou Who was at the girl's  apartment heard strange noises one night  and went to investigate and he was then  attacked and killed by Annabelle the  girls finally contacted a priest who  told them that the doll was possessed by  a demon Straight From Hell and then put  them in contact with Ed and Lorraine  Warren who are paranormal investigators  they tried to do an exorcism on the doll  but it apparently failed and now it is  kept in a glass box in the museum I  didn't know that a glass box is the  safest place for a paranormal item but  as long as it isn't hurting anyone  that's the important thing moving on to  number six we have the ballista balls a  Ballista was used in the Roman military  and it was kind of similar to a crossbow  but much larger and could shoot arrows  and stones in 1989 there were some  archaeologists that were working by the  Israeli Syrian border when they found  these large Stones close to what seemed  to be the remains of a Ballista but  around 1995 the stones ended up getting  stolen but it took a while for anyone to  notice fast forward to 2015 and the same  stones that were stolen ended up in the  courtyard of the museum in Israel with a  note left from the person who stole them  the note explained that ever since they  took them he had experienced terrible  luck and believed the stones were the  reason he had a very successful business  that suddenly began to fail after he  took the stones and later his family  abandoned him and he was forced to get  rid of almost all all of his possessions  to settle all of his debts so as to not  go bankrupt he mentioned that he  believed the stones were cursed and that  they were the root of all of his  problems whether or not these stones are  actually cursed or this was just some  pretty heavy Karma I hope this guy has  been able to get his life back on track  halfway down the list in our number five  spot we have the goddess of death statue  who is also known as the woman from the  Lem this artifact made out of limestone  was created sometime around 3500 BC and  was found in Cyprus in 1878. over the  years it has belonged to many different  families who all have been ruined and  dismantled by death after the first six  years of ownership all seven members of  The First Family died it then moved on  to a second owner and after four years  death began to come to him and his  family there was then a long period  where it was unclaimed but once the  third family got a hold of it several  members of that family began to die as  well the third family ended up turning  it over to the Royal Scottish Museum  where it's thankfully still resides  moving on to number four we have the  Hope Diamond the Hope Diamond was most  likely cut from a mine in India and  placed in a statue it is a huge 45  carats and has a beautiful rare blue  color it is one of the most famous  diamonds in the world partially for its  beauty but also because of all of the  mysterious happenings surrounding it one  day a thief stole the diamond and is  said to have died quite soon after from  then on anyone who owned or even touched  the diamond was said to have met an ill  fate whether it was side a massacre or a  pack of wild dogs the diamond seemed to  have placed a curse on any and everyone  who got near it in 1958 it was  fortunately donated to the Smithsonian  and has been safe there ever since I  wonder if it got moved from the museum  if the curse would continue moving on to  number three we have the dibbuk box the  box which was originally just a plain  old wine box is said to have been  possessed by a dibbuk which in Jewish  mythology is a malicious demon the Box  began to gain attention in 2001 when it  was being auctioned off on eBay the  seller explained that he had bought it  at an estate sale of a woman who had  survived the Holocaust when he first  opened the book he found two 1920s  pennies a lock of blonde hair bound with  a cord a lock of black or brown hair  bound with a cord a small statue  engraved with the Hebrew word Shalom a  small golden wine goblet one dried  Rosebud and a single candle holder with  four octopus shaped legs since he bought  the box he reported that strange things  began happening such as really horrific  nightmares for him and anyone who had  stayed around or touched the box and  when he gave the box to his mother as a  birthday gift she suffered a stroke the  same day the Box ended up in the hands  of Zach Bagan who is a Paranormal  Investigator and it now resides in his  haunted Museum the box also gained even  more attention in 2018 when post Malone  touched it and has apparently been  dealing with the repercussions of that  ever since coming on to number two we  have the dark mirror the dark mirror now  belongs to the traveling Muse Museum of  the occult who got it from The Mirror's  original owner the mirror is said to  show some pretty unsettling images when  you stare into it the original owner  said that they purchased it from a  psychic fair in the Columbus area and  were shocked with the Visions they saw  when looking into the glass visitors to  the traveling Museum have claimed to see  some pretty crazy things such as their  own corpse when they gaze into the  mirror it's pretty creepy stuff in our  number one spot today we have the cursed  portrait of Spanish military leader  Bernardo de Galvez Bernardo was born in  Spain in 1746 and died under strange  circumstances in 1786 and was famous for  helping American colonies in the war of  independence the painting is on display  at the Galvis hotel in Galveston Texas  which is said to be one of the most  haunted hotels in part because of this  portrait the portrait is at the end of a  hallway in the hotel and guests have  reported the eyes following their every  move people also report a cold or  uncomfortable feeling when they get  close to the painting and and this is  said to be bernardo's Spirit some people  even swear they can feel him following  them around the hotel it is also said  that any picture you try and take of the  portrait will come out blurry and  distorted unless you ask Bernardo for  permission  foreign  [Music]

Top 10 Evil Experiments That Took Place In Texas

Top 10 Evil Experiments That Took Place In Texas

 There is so much we have learned through  science and medical experiments that  have changed our world and a lot of the  time it's for the better but sometimes  well let's just say some experiments  should have been left to the imagination  welcome back to the most amazing  everybody today I've got a crazy list  for you so buckle up and let's dive into  the top 10 evil experiments that took  place in Texas starting us off at number  10 dog experiments a few years back  Peter released a scathing expose on the  Texas A M University's Laboratories what  was branded as a breeding program turns  out to have been closer to a cruel  experiment under the guise of science it  turns out that they had been actively  lying about their dog breeding program  and were actually using the dogs for  cruel and painful experiments dogs under  their care were deliberately bred to  develop a crippling form of canine  muscular dystrophy that prevented most  of the dogs from walking eating properly  or having any kind of quality of life  from there they would use the dogs in  experiments involving biopsies and these  devices that stretched their muscle  tissue causing them not only incredible  pain during the procedures But  ultimately forcing many of the dogs to  be euthanized due to the toll it put on  their bodies apparently the university  had been doing these kinds of  experiments for nearly 40 years before  Peta was able to put an end to it and  thankfully all of the dogs have now been  rescued and are being sent to new homes  next up at number nine hepatitis in the  1950s one institution ran a very very  dark experiment that I honestly can't  quite believe was able to happen even  that long ago the institution was for  disabled people specifically

 those  deemed to have mental illnesses or  mental disorders at that time and due to  the highly unsanitary conditions of this  institution many contracted hepatitis  you would think that this would maybe  make them go oh maybe we should tidy up  around here protect those that are under  our care but that was not really their  approach instead Dr Saul Krugman  proposed an experiment to try and  develop a vaccine now while I can  appreciate the thought that was behind  his proposition rather than testing on  the already contracted citizens they  actually began purposefully infecting  people with the disease to assist in the  experiment now don't get it twisted  there were many folks against this from  the start but ultimately parents of the  admitted people gave their permission to  infect them and use them in the study so  fourth they went it's kind of crazy to  believe that someone would actually go  along with that but apparently they  didn't seem to care too much about  infecting disabled people with a deadly  disease so there you have it coming in  at number eight project artichoke in the  1950s the CIA ran a series of Mind  Control projects called project  artichoke and their goal was simple but  definitely

 unethical the primary goal  was to see if a person could  involuntarily be made to attempt an act  of assassination so essentially they  were trying to see if they could mind  control someone into killing another  person at first they went about trying  to gain mind control by studying the  test subjects via hypnosis and total  isolation as a means to break down the  subjects but soon they realized  something was missing in came forceding  addictions along with a slew of other  drugs followed by forced withdrawal they  would also use chemicals to incite  Amnesia on the human subjects and those  that got out were left incredibly foggy  and traumatized with little to no  recollection of what they had been  through the study was shut down by the  1960s likely due to the fact that they  were traumatizing and forcing Addiction  on unsuspecting innocent civilians but  it did open the door for more research  around the possibility of mind control  so you never know maybe someday it might  just be possible next up at number seven  the two-headed dog in 1959 Vladimir had  a truly evil Vision his experiments were  among some of the first organ and tissue  transplant research which ultimately  some have argued is obviously very  valuable information but his methods  were certainly unethical and definitely  controversial he started out  transplanting organs by sewing them onto  the outside of animals but ultimately  gained his notoriety for creating a  two-headed dog to make his Frankenstein  dog he removed the head and front legs  of a small dog from the rest of its body  and then transplanted it onto a larger  host dog the dogs actually lived for  four days after the experiment declaring  it seemingly

 successful and they were  able to see and look around during that  time so all in all while it did help  chart the course of modern transplants  it was certainly viewed as a very  controversial study next up at number  six the Milgram experiment named after  the psychologist Stanley Milgram who  spearheaded the experiment this study  began in the summer of 1961 and it  looked at testing the limits of  obedience many academics at the time  wanted to take a look into what was at  the core of an authoritative personality  and how someone could be swayed to  commit something that ultimately they  didn't want to do simply because they  believed they had to a newspaper  advertisement was sent out but the  details were not provided until test  subjects arrived once the study began  the two groups were separated one group  was assigned to be an actor and the  other group was tasked with shocking the  person in the room after they answered a  question wrong what group two didn't  know was that group one was not actually  being shocked just acting as if they  were and as it turns out an incredibly  High proportion of the subjects  continued to shock the group despite  thinking they were hurting them simply  because they felt they had no other  choice and later another scientist  thought the experiment needed to be  amped up as he hypotheized people could  have felt the victim was faking it the  new study included real life dogs as the  subjects being shocked and test subjects  apparently openly wept while still  following orders to shock the dogs  apparently proving that many humans will  follow orders to a fault creepy urban legend

 coming in at  number five radiation after World War II  there were many questions surrounding  radioactive materials and the effects  these could have on humans moving  forward well apparently they decided the  best people to test out this incredibly  harmful and dangerous study on would of  course be pregnant women medical  researchers fed radioactive Edibles in  the form of energy drinks to  829 pregnant women and not only didn't  they tell them what they were giving  them but they straight up lied and said  that it would actually improve the  health of their babies many of the women  in the study became incredibly ill would  get covered in rashes and bruises and  some ultimately ended up developing  cancer but worst of all is that many of  the fetuses were in fact born with  leukemia or other forms of cancer and  the mothers didn't even know that they  had been involved in an experiment in  the first place that was until it was  much too late coming in at number four  the syphilis study back in 1932 the  United States Public Health Service  began to dive into the natural  progression of syphilis if left  untreated and listen like I understand  that these kinds of experiments provide  us with knowledge of how to help protect  people in the future but what I'm saying  is that there are better ways to go  about it in this study 600 poor and  illiterate men of which only 399  previously had syphilis were hired and  none of them were told about what the  experiment was going to be for or that  they had a life-threatening disease in  the first place the 600 men were instead  told that they were actually receiving  free health care meals and burial  insurance in exchange for their  participation what's even more sick is  that even though penicillin was proven  to be an effect of cure in 1947 this  study continued all the way until 1972.  essentially needlessly infecting  hundreds of people and watching them die  of a disease that already had a cure I  mean it's just insane that this went on  for so long and it's definitely

 one of  the most evil experiments to have seen  the light of day coming in at number  three Eugenics prior to World War II  there was actually many places around  the United States that were bro Eugenics  of course this all changed after the  infamous evil experiments performed in  the war but rewind to 1907 and it was  actually widely accepted Across the  Nation firstly sterilization was enacted  as a hypothesis to help reduce crime  rates and stop mental disabilities and  then not long after they began to bring  race in as a factor in the hopes to  improve genetic stock through the  sterilization of unpreferred races  because it is women who give birth they  were often the victims of these  experiments as eugenicists believed it  was the best way to protect and regulate  birth rates and weed out who they didn't  want to be able to reproduce although it  was first overturned in 1921 by 1927 the  Supreme Court actually ruled in favor of  forced sterilization believing it would  create a better Society for us all to  live in I mean it's truly horrid that  this was not only legal but encouraged  by so many coming in at number two a  cure for Insanity 1907 seems to have  been a busy year for evil scientists but  rather than Eugenics this doctor  believed he could actually cure Insanity  Dr Henry cotton was convinced that  internal organs upon developing a Hooked Urban Legend infection were the root cause of mental  disorders so cotton got involved with  the Asylum and got to researching on  what he refers to as patience but really  were victims of his cruel experiments he  believed that by removing the infected  organ he could not only cure his  patients of their disorders but then  step body that organ for further  research and that's all well and fine if  you're dealing with maybe a root canal  but when it comes to vital organs it's  not the same story dubbed surgical  bacteriology the procedures were often  done without the patient's consent and  he would remove teeth tonsils and even  colons and other organs of the leg to  further prove his point he even removed  his own teeth along with his wife and  sons too which I mean if he was trying  to prove a point does that mean he  thought he was insane because why else  would he remove his teeth but in the end  49 of his patients died which he chalked  up to end stage psychosis Texas Urban Legend

 and to this  day the project is viewed as incredibly  cruel last up in our number one spot the  aversion project led by Dr Aubry Levin  this program identified homosexual  soldiers from the Army and subjected  them to horrific medical tortures as a  means to try and change their sexual  orientation now at the time it was  believed that being gay was a a disease  that could be and should be cured and so  the experiment to convert soldiers began  the experiment lasted between 1971 to  1989 and the soldiers were submitted to  extensive electric shock treatment while  being forced to view explicit images of  the same sex trying to cause their brain  to make negative associations with  homosexuality when the subjects didn't  change or at least didn't admit to  changing their sexual orientation they  would force the victims into sex  changing operations making them  effectively straight women in their eyes  reportedly 900 gay men between 16 to 24  were surgically changed into women  against their will and once the  experiment was shut down Levin fled to  Canada and denied ever being a part of  the cruel and evil experiment well there  you have it guys thanks so much for  watching I'm Kennedy and I'll see you  next time  [Music]  thank you

Top 10 Scary Rooms You Were Never Meant To Find

Top 10 Scary Rooms You Were Never Meant To Find

 moving on to number nine now we have  Joshua's room a pair of house hunters in  America were seriously disturbed by what  they found in the basement of one house  they were looking at they were strange  Lookout holes in the stairs coming from  the basement below and they went down to  the basement they found graffiti written  for what seemed to be a little boy  called Joshua the walls were covered  with messages like Josh stop reading  this and go to bed mom another read  Josh's rules one no watching Isaiah  through the hole and two no writing or  drawing on the walls another simply said  don't climb into my room Isaiah but for  me the most creepy one was stop watching  me who were Joshua and Isaiah why were  they living in the basement and who was  watching them people still discussed  this story even today at number eight  now we have the gargoyle in 2014  imgurusa hickensource

 shared their  discovery of a secret room in their  house they said they were walking around  their house one day when they noticed a  window for a room they didn't even know  existed it looked like a seller inside  there was a workbench fastened to the  wall then he found a wall panel cut  which he peeled back to reveal a door  behind the workbench through that door  laid a creepy looking room filled with  junk there were newspapers from the  1970s old playing cards a strange  looking machine and perhaps creepiest of  all an old gargoyle surrounded by Broken  bits of wood gargoyles are pretty creepy  even on a good day extra creepy when you  find them in a secret room under your  house no thanks at number seven now we  have the squatter this one comes from  injury user two bite brownie who shared  pictures of a creepy Discovery in his  house he said he and his younger brother  were playing around

 one day when one of  them fell into a bookcase it moved  revealing a hidden room behind it they  found a black staircase that spiraled  downwards by this point they were  already very freaked out about halfway  down they found a crawl space and to  their absolute horror it looked like  someone had been living there there was  a makeshift bed covered in their own  Halloween candy they realized that  whoever was living there must have  crawled into their bedroom when they  weren't there to steal candy from them  before retreating back to their hiding  spot behind the bookshelf I think at  that point I'd either be running out of  the front door or just jumping straight  out the window moving on to number six  now we have black mold Jason and Kerry  Brown were a couple from South Carolina  who were renovating their new home in  2005. they began to remove some  bookcases in one of the bedrooms

 when  they discovered a hidden passageway that  led to a hidden room nervously they  walked down the dark Corridor and there  in the very small room at the end they  found a mysterious note from the  previous owner it read you found it  hello if you're reading this then you  found the secret room I own this house  for a short while and it was discovered  to have a serious mold problem one that  actually made my children very sick to  the point we had to move out Kerry Ann  Johnson were naturally very shocked by  this they eventually made contact with  the previous owner who went into more  detail about that situation after some  tests on the house they found it was  true the house had levels of black

 mold  four to five times higher than the  outside potentially dangerous for young  children it seems that the house broker  may have hid this information when  selling them the house perhaps they  should be thankful to the stranger and  their slightly creepy note moving on to  number five now we have bad stomach in  2013 some Norwegian students said their  landlord told them there was a secret  room somewhere in their house but not  where it was that's creepy enough but  they actually found it and they took  these pictures one of them said it took  them a long time to discover it and said  that it was actually found by accident  when one of them was in the attic and  just kind of stretched out suddenly

 the  wall behind them moved behind it they  found a tiny area filled with items from  World War II there was a mysterious sign  that read if you have a bad stomach you  do not have access it was also an alarm  made of a single light bulb an old map  of Europe and perhaps the most creepy  object of all a single white doll shoe  it was all quite a mystery until they  were visited by some local historians  who sought the Post online it turns out  the room was used to secretly make news  papers during the occupation in World  War II although they tried that he's  never actually found that room all they  needed to do was just stretch and push  the wall simple next number four now we  have the crawl space

 this one is a very  small room very small indeed only enough  room to crawl in it was discovered in  2014 by Reddit user Lumberjack he posted  a picture to Reddit and what he  discovered so far in it the crawl space  contained a strange looking locked door  now through that door there was a room  where the walls floor and ceiling were  totally covered in soundproofing boards  and a plastic tarp there are also four  power outlets and a small area that look  like a raised single bed the creepiest  part was yet to come though he found a  briefcase inside that was an old jewelry  box envelopes with currency from all  over the world and four one ounce silver  ingots there was also a save containing  some old tapes he couldn't play them  though and so decided to hand everything  over to the police at that point they  refused to reveal the results of their  investigation sparking Fierce debate  about what this creepy room was all  about my guess is spies it's got to be  spies what do you guys think at number  three now we have the stranger this is  another squatter story in 2013 Brett  muglin and Mark Hartman moved into their  new off-campus house for their senior  year at Ohio State University after a  few days in their new home they work one  morning and found every door in their  house had been opened everything room  doors the dishwasher door the fridge  dryer washing machine oven and microwave  all of them had their doors open at  first they thought it was just a college  prank but one day they heard noises  coming from downstairs they grabbed a  baseball bat and a knife and went to  investigate when they reached a basement  they found a locked door no one had a  key to and there was sound coming from  inside a few days later one of their  friends who was visiting said that they  had met their new housemate

 Jeremy in  the basement Bretton Mark just froze and  said we don't have a housemate called  Jeremy at that point they called the  landlord and the police who went  straight to that mysterious door they  prized open the door to find a secret  room that a man had been living in the  whole time they were there there were  pictures of him with his friends and  family by the bed the bed itself was  unmade and there were books everywhere  the room even included a toilet and a  bathroom he had been using a secret side  door to sneak in and out of the house it  turns out the man's cousin had lived in  the house the year before and when they  all left he just set up in this secret  basement room I wonder how long he was  planning on staying for next up at  number two now we have the Last Supper  in hani's restaurant and bar there is a  secret room you can visit if you know  where to look you may not want to though  deep in this basement in Arizona you can  find these dolls on display at first it  looks like they've been randomly placed  but on closer inspection the dolls seem  to be set up to mimic the famous painting of The Last Supper I presume  the doll in the middle is meant to be  Jesus by the way it's a very creepy 

 sight to see even if you are expecting  it if you just stumbled across it while  you're looking for the bathroom well  it's probably a good job you're already  on the way to the toilet starting off at  number 10 now we have Lucifer Reddit  user ice all your face 1789 said that  when they went to high school it was a  building that was hundreds of years old  one day he and his friends noticed a  hatch that was about six feet off the  floor next to the toilet during a drama  lesson not long after they snuck out and  climbed through their hatch there was a  small Corridor beneath the actual  Corridor that they had to crawl through  to get there through the vents they  could see other classrooms with the  students learning inside they squeezed  through a gap in the wall and ended up  in a large room that was much colder  than where they come from they used  their phones for light but couldn't even  light up the other side of the room also  some things smell really really bad  that's when they saw the body of what  looked like a decomposed cat just some  fur and Bones by the wall even more  scary though was the weird Stone Arch  just above the cat that had writing on  it it said if you are found here the  school will expel you but Lucifer shall  do much worse there were a few scratches  on the wall next to the writing and also  some strange demonic symbols they  couldn't make cows they took some  pictures and made

 their escape they  vowed to never tell anyone else at the  school for fear of expulsion but also  for fear of the Devil Himself moving on  to number nine now we have the pyramid  room in 2016 scientists use Advanced  technique to scan the Great Pyramid of  Giza in Egypt despite it being four and  a half thousand years old and it being  studied by archeologists for over a  century they found a couple of hidden  rooms because of how old the pyramids  are the experts couldn't climb directly  into the chambers which were also very  small even today they still haven't been  able to get inside these rooms which are  believed to hold artifacts and furniture  for use in the afterlife by the pharaoh  who was buried there some people say  these rooms were kept hidden and  inaccessible for a reason and they're  opening them up will unleash a curse on  The Intruders as it did when Howard  Carter opened Tutankhamun's tomb in  1922. at number eight now we have the  Winchester Mystery House this is a huge  mansion built in San Jose California by  Sarah Winchester Widow of the Winchester  fortunes air it took 30 years to  complete from 1884 to 1922. the  Winchester family were the ones who made  the famous Winchester guns some people  say that Sarah was scared of being  haunted by all the people who had been  killed by the hands of a Winchester Gun  over the years and so she decorated the  mansion in strange ways to confuse the  ghosts by the time she died the house  had 160 rooms 10 000 Windows 2 000 doors  47 fireplaces and even a few spy holes  in 2016 years after she died everyone  was shocked to hear that a secret room  had been discovered Sarah had boarded it  up after an earthquake in 1906 and some  say it became associated with evil  spirits the room was filled with strange  Dusty objects including a pump organ a  Victorian couch sewing machines and  paintings staff said they already knew  about the room and it was actually a  shooting gallery that they had installed  some conspiracy theorists said this was  a lie though and that they were trying  to cover up the creepy discoveries in  this long forgotten room number five now  we have the Parisian apartment in 1940 a  woman called Mr Florian fled Paris as  the Nazis arrived during World War II  she packed only what she needed before  heading to the south of France she never  came back she lived out the rest of her  life there but strangely she continued  to pay rent on her apartment back in  Paris as he gathered dust for more than  seven decades when she died age 91 her  family found the apartment mentioned in  her finances they made the journey to  Paris and when they opened it they were  shocked it was frozen in time the whole  thing was filled with all of her  strained collections early Mickey Mouse  toys stuffed ostriches erotic paintings  one of which went on to sell for 2.1  million euros it appears that Miss 

 Florian did not want the apartment to be  discovered and hope the room will be  left Frozen in time and before now we  have the chapel in 2010 par and Diane  farla found a strange metal Grid in  their old Victorian home in England they  pulled it away to reveal a strange  seller which they never knew existed  after lighting up the darkness it  appeared the seller was actually a  chapel in the center of the room was a  wooden cross which appeared to have  fallen down and was now rotting away an  expert reviewed the room and said it was  probably used as a Catholic Hideaway  from religious persecution sometime  during the 1700s the family said that  after they discovered the basement they  went back upstairs to take some pictures  they took a picture of one family member  Karen who was pregnant when the pictures  came out there was something white on  the photo by her belly the family thinks  it's the orb of a ghost that had been  released when they opened up this hidden  Chapel next up number three now we have  computers this story comes from Reddit  user Jeffrey Goldberg he said that in  2006 he went to a school that was built  sometime in the 1800s he said it was a  big old building that stood four stories  high there were a lot of staircases  there and in one corner of the building  was a staircase that nobody had ever  used during his senior year Jeffrey and  his friend were wandering the hallways  when they decided to use this unused  staircase they noticed that its spiral  down below they followed it and went  along a hallway and then found a door  that was slightly cracked open they  stepped inside to find a large room  filled with cubicles and dozens of  employees on computers none of the  people on

 the computers were School  staff they were shocked and Confused  they quickly turned around and left they  tried to return a few times later but  the door was always locked to this day  they don't know what the room was for  and who those people were do you guys  have any theories next up number two now  we have the attic wall in October 2017 a  man from Florida uploaded a video of him  finding a hidden room behind an attic  wall in what he described as the  weirdest thing he'd ever seen he was  changing the air conditioning system  when he discovered this tiny room in the  Attic of the house it was covered in red  carpet and even had its own ventilation  system there were two license plates on  the wall along with a men's room sign  there were also a few empty pizza boxes  just to add to the mystery of it all it  got even weirder when he found a  makeshift toilet that the occupant would  use to pee the man said he had never  seen anything like it in his life many  people online began wondering who or  what would design such a comfortable  space equipped with its own toilet what  were they hiding from do they still live  there perhaps the discovery produced far  more questions than answers finally  number one now we have the painting  Reddit user Acer one so that he once met  a college girl at a defunct frat house  in Wisconsin they had lost their Charter  for some reason he was about to find out  why the pair fell for each other and he  moved into the place with her things  were fine at first but then one night  when they were drunk she took him up to  a room that was empty he hadn't seen it  before it had two bunk beds and above  one bed there was a secret hatch they  went through to an upstairs room where  most of the hazing rituals had taken  place then she told him the story she  said that one night in the dead of  winter a girl was sexually assaulted by  a group of Frat Boys there they left her  up there in the cold and she ended up  dying from hypothermia one of the boys  was supposedly so distraught that he  went up there the next day and painted  her picture on the wall and then he hung  himself while they were up there he said  he swore that the eyes on the picture of  the girl would follow him around the  room there were

 also reports of crying  coming from the attic on cold winter  nights he said he never went up there  again number 10 on her list let me give  you guys some background information on  this haunted house the riddle house is  located in Palm Beach county in Florida  the house used to be a funeral parlor so  I'm sure a lot of creepy things went  down side of this house but that's not  even the scary part one of the former  employees committed suicide by hanging  himself in the attic and according to  all of the reports any time a man steps  foot in the Attic his spirits will  attack them one man had an object thrown  at his head so now men are no longer  allowed to go inside of the attic I mean  I wouldn't want to step foot inside of  that attic anyway so you know what  whatever if that wasn't enough Legend  has it that the entire house is haunted  and if you go inside of it a spirit  might follow you home and haunt your  house as well I mean yeah no thanks I  don't want to be haunted I don't want my  house to be haunted I want to go to my  home and just be curse free and be  ghost-free as well the Queen Mary sails  onto our list at number nine the Queen  Mary has been voted one of the most  haunted places in America and this is by  Time Magazine and after doing my  research it's easy to see why there are  countless stories of many areas of the  ship that are haunted with ghosts  visitors claim that the engine room is  haunted by the ghost of a crew member  who was crushed to death by a watertight  door the swimming pool is also highly  talked about area as well people say  that they can see spirits at the bottom  of the pool and they are just waiting to  pull someone under the water and drown  them to death if that wasn't enough you  can go on a paranormal tours of the ship  but be warned there is a curse it is  said that each year during one of these  tours at least one guest will break a  bone while on board that number seven  this hotel was built in 1888 by the  Canadian Pacific Railway despite its  picturesque view this will tell hell is  plagued with angry spirit that will make  your night a living hell some of the 

 strange things that happened here was  when a family was brutally murdered in  room 873. a bride died while falling  down the hotel's marble staircase and a  retired Bellman apparently still haunts  this hotel even to this day but the fun  doesn't stop there the hotel is a room  that is known as the Phantom room there  was an error in the building plans which  resulted in this extra room being built  it doesn't have any windows and no one  knew that it existed except for the  builders but years later during a  renovation the room is discovered and it  was converted into a working room but  apparently the room is cursed it is full  of unusual sounds strange shadows and  you will feel extremely uneasy if you go  inside leap Castle brings us to number  six this is probably one of Ireland's  most haunted destinations due to its  dark history one of the most aggressive  murders that took place in the castle  occurred in 1532 in a room that is known  as the bloody Chapel a priest was  murdered in this room room in front of  his entire family the castle is now  rumored to be haunted by a ton of spirit  including a violent hunched Beast known  as Elemental if you find yourself inside  of this Castle you'll know that he is  near because you can you can smell  Rotting Flesh and sulfur and when the  castle was being renovated workers found  a dungeon that is only accessible  through the ceiling hatch I mean how  weird is that it is believed that the  prisoners were thrown inside forgotten  and left there to die dungeon also has a  bunch of human remains and was full of  spikes that were used to impale the  prisoners who were thrown there to their  death sounds like a great tourist  destination right yeah I don't think so  flight 191 takes us to number five we're  now talking about a cursed airplane  number if you ever find yourself booking  a trip pay close attention to your  flight number isn't flight 191 you might  want to consider changing your flight  and I'll tell you why this flight has a  higher than normal amount of crashes  there has been four commercial flights  with this flight number and they have  all crashed another flight had an  incident on board that caused the plane  into divert from the flight plan on an  American Airlines flight the plane  crashed shortly after taking off in  Chicago and it killed 273 people on  board a Delta Airlines flight crashed  while landing and it killed 137 people  and a calm Air flight crashed on takeoff  killing 49 people there are a bunch of  other airlines with flight numbers 191  that crashed but I think you get the  point the San Fernando Cathedral San  Antonio Texas jumps onto our list at  number four we have another cursed  Cathedral on this list this church was  built in 1868 and it is thought to be  the oldest church in Texas well  according to the local report this  church is plagued with angry spirits and  demonic forces people have seen hooded  ghosts in Monks clothing roaming the  Halls on a regular basis or they'll also  see a man dressed in black who stalks  you as you explore the church and yes  the church is still open for business so  if you're brave enough you can attend a  service that's if you dare I I don't  dare personally I'm not really that big  to angry Spirits following me around but  that might just be me number three we  have King Tut's tomb when this tomb is  discovered on November 26 1922 people  believe that the Pharaoh Unleashed a  powerful curse of death and destruction  upon those who entered his tomb I'd be  pretty pissed too if I was untouched for  3 000 years and then all of a sudden  there are a ton of people entering my  tomb with tools and some lights but  let's explore this curse even further  the man who paid for the excavation of  King Tut's tomb was the first one to be  hit with a curse while shaving he  accidentally tore open a mosquito bite  which caused him to die due to blood  poisoning the archaeologists who  discovered the tomb gave his friend a  paperweight as a gift the paperweight  was made out of a mummified hand and it  had some weird thing inscribed onto it  well after receiving this weird gift his  house burned down and when he tried to  rebuild it it was hit with a massive  flood a man who visited the tomb became  extremely ill and he never really  recovered he died of pneumonia a few  months later there are a bunch of other  unfortunate people who have mysteriously died after visiting this tomb so I know  one thing that is for certain you'll  never see me around this tomb I'll be  much more comfortable watching the  footage on YouTube or something like  that or maybe just Googling an image of  what the guy looks like moving up on  this list number two we have this  the rooms in the Cecil Hotel  here with us Hotel due to its dark  history it said that all 600 rooms of  the Cecil hotel are cursed due to the  murders maniacs and ghosts are roam  inside a bunch of serial killers used to  call this hotel their home maybe because  they all felt a strange Affinity to it  and over the years a lot of guests have  mysteriously died without any reasonable  explanations one of the most mysterious deaths was Alyssa Lam her body was found  two weeks after her death when people  were complaining about the water tasting  weird her body was decomposing in the  rooftop water tanks for weeks the  discovery of her body LED investigators  to watch the surveillance footage and  saw Alyssa go on to the elevator alone  then look outside the door several times  she left the elevator and it looks like  she was having a conversation with  someone who wasn't really there  [Music]  thank you  and that was the last time she was seen  alive and finally number one we have the  Warren occulta Museum if you know what's  good for you you'll never visit this  Museum although I'm I'm a little bit  curious but I would be pretty terrified  inside of it it is full of items that Ed  and Lorraine Warren have collected over  the years from their paranormal  investigations one of the most cursed  items that sits inside of these walls is  the Annabelle doll I mean everyone knows  by now she was responsible for at least  one death when a young man came into the  museum and challenged the doll to do its  worse and guess what it did another  cursed item at the museum is the shadow  doll this doll is said to be able to  visit you in your dreams and she has the  ability to stop your heart I mean yeah  no sex and you know what my curiosity is  over I no longer want to go visit this  Museum starting off this countdown we  have the comforters so when you stay at  a hotel you expect your room to be  nicely made up right clean sheets fresh  owls and blankets well that's not always  the case one of the dirtiest things in a  hotel room is the comforters they never  wash them that's right imagine how much  work that would be to wash thousands of  heavy comforters that take up so much  room in the washer so instead they just  don't wash them meanwhile they are being  used by hundreds of people and who knows  what they do on them seriously it's  disgusting also those little extra  blankets the hotel has yeah those are  never washed as well whatever you do  don't look at those under a black light  you'll be scarred Forever by the amounts  of fluids and stains on them I swear  you're better off bringing your own  bedding with you next time you go to a  hotel coming in at number nine we have  infestation there is a certain level of  pest that every hotel is allowed to have  which makes sense you can't let one ant  shut down an entire Hotel well sometimes  this can get out of control and that  doesn't mean the hotel is going to call  the health inspector to get everything  sorted out they're going to try and deal  with the problem in secret before anyone  discovers their dirty little secret and  that is what happened to redditor CSS  Wizardry he was staying in a hotel and  when he got to his room something was  very strange about the floor it seemed  like it was constantly moving like the  floor was alive now he had just come in  from a long plane ride and the extreme  heat so he assumed the reason that he  was seeing this was because he was a  little dehydrated he tried to relax and  drink some water and see if the strange  effect would go away but after some time  he looked back at the ground and low and  behold the ground was still dancing  around turns out there was bugs all over  the ground so many that it made it look  like the floor was alive in our eighth  spot we have the hotel glasses maybe you  arrive at your hotel after a long day of  traveling and all you want is a nice  cold glass of water but I must warn you  never use the bathroom glasses for a  drink why well first off undercover  cameras at hotel revealed that Maids  often don't wash them out with soap  before the next guest arrives if they  look clean then they are clean even if  they aren't not only that some hotels  clean the water glasses with furniture  polish to make them look extra clean and  shiny drinking furniture polish residue  can't be too good for your health so  you're either getting really dirty  unclean glasses or shiny toxic glasses  you pick coming in at number seven we  have pillowcases don't get changed  apparently this is a little trick of the  trade one-way hotels will cut down on  cost is by doing an eyeball over the  pillowcase and seeing if it's dirty if  it doesn't look physically dirty well  it's good for another round of guests so  the dude who is just sleeping on your  pillow with eczema on his face and acne  on his scalp well those hot wet juices  are now soaked into the pillowcase and  they're about to be soaked right into  your face yum apparently this is  something that hotels do because most  people don't use all the pillows and  this saves money and time the cleaners  have less work to do by replacing all  the pillowcases so they can get in and  out of rooms faster and they have less  laundry to do at the end of the day this  makes everything more productive at the  cost of your face skin on top of this  this really cuts down on the amount of  pillowcases they have to buy because I  don't know if you know this but nothing  does more wear and tear on your clothing  and bedding than the washing and drying  process so before you lay down in your  next hotel room check to see if there's  any leftover scabs on the pillowcases  make our way down the list number six we  have the dirty sheet I'm telling you I'm  never going to stay the night at a hotel  ever again I am so gross though and it  only gets worse so hotel workers have  been exposing some of their dirty little  secrets on an app called whisper this  app is meant for you to confess your  secrets anonymously and some of the  things the hotel workers revealed were  very disturbing so one person revealed  why you should always be polite to the  hotel staff because of their hotel when  people are rude or disrespectful to them  they change their sheets with dirty ones  from another person's room uh yikes so  when you're out thinking that the maids  are cleaning your room nope not at all  they're making sure you're getting a  good night's sleep on someone else's  dirty stained sweated on sheets coming  in at number five we have workers have  the safe code make sure you leave all of  your passports and everything worth  something to you in this safe no one  will be able to get it and you don't  need to worry about any of your stuff  getting stuck stolen well what if you  forgot the password you think that stuff  is just gone forever and the hotel will  have to buy a new safe no not at all  most Hotel safes have a master code that  anyone can put in at any time sometimes  it's something as simple as zero zero  zero pound now you hope that only the  higher level Hotel staff have access to  these things but the truth is that word  normally gets around and several of the The Green Man Urban Legend people who come into your room to clean  it or make sure that everything is  working properly have the password to  your safe so maybe hide your prize  possessions in a more clever place than  the most obvious place in the room in  our fourth spot we have bed bugs one  thing you should always and I mean  always do before unpacking is to check  the bed for bed bugs untuck the sheets  and inspect that mattress why well  hotels have had very bad bed bug  problems someone could easily bring  these bugs with them and during their  stay the bed bugs get settled into the  hotel bed then when you stay there they  will be biting your legs at night they  can even get into your bag and and come  home with you and infest your house and  it takes thousands of dollars to get rid  of a bed bug infestation so watch out  too many hotels have had a bed bug  problem some of them even ignore it to  save money coming in at number three we  have sometimes things get skipped not  everything in your hotel room is going  to be clean sometimes things are just  not going to see any sort of Sanitation  the biggest things are things that get  used all the time but you don't really  think about cleaning in your own home  things like remote controls light  switches and lamps now do those really  need to be cleaned well when thousands  of people have touched them before you  it would be nice if they saw a little  soap and water but sometimes big things  get skipped over this happened to  redditor professional intern this person  was staying in a hotel they laid down  their luggage and then they were ready  to step into the bathroom and have a  nice shower little did they know they  were in for a big surprise the whole  bathroom was covered in pews they said  there was so many pubes it seemed like  it was a practical joke you would expect  the bathroom to be clean when you come  to stay in a hotel room but I guess this  place had a different policy coming in  at number two we have the hidden cameras  no Hotel staff have not installed hidden  cameras in your room it's actually worse  than that creeps have been going around  installing undetectable cameras in hotel  rooms they then watch your every move or  they stream you online for others to  watch it's disgusting in 2019 there were  a bunch of news stories about Travelers  finding hidden cameras in their hotel  rooms typically these cameras are super  small like they can fit inside the cross  of a Phillips screw head that's how  small they are these cameras get placed  on smoke detectors alarm clocks and even  shampoo bottles in South Korea a crime  ring was busted after secretly filming  and live streaming over 1 600 Hotel  guests it's so creepy and a total  invasion of privacy and since the  cameras are so small they could be  anywhere in your hotel room and coming  into the number one spot we have  sleeping in a dead man's bed we when you  have thousands of people coming in and  out of your hotel every year some of  them are old some of them have health  problems and some of them are just  unlucky the thing is someone is going to  die maybe they will die in the tub maybe  they will die in that one chair that  every hotel room has maybe it will be in  the bed but the scary thing is once this  does happen the room will be closed down  for a short time literally a sanitation  crew will come in remove the body the  cops will come through and check to see  if it is a homicide and the cleaners  will come through and do a quick flip on  the room and then it's back on the  market baby so in less than 24 hours you  could have a room that someone just died  and flipped and ready for the next guest  so next time you stay in a hotel and ask  for an upgrade and they tell you oh a  room just opened up maybe you should ask  them why the room opened up starting off  this countdown we have these snakes  imagine laying in bed and all of a  sudden feeling something scaly  slithering up your leg again I wish I  was joking but finding a snake in hotels  or hotel rooms is actually quite common  in warm places especially Florida snakes  have been known to wander into Resorts  and then Slither into guests bags or  find their way upstairs nothing is worse  than going to unpack and finding a snake  in your bag actually I lied what's worse  is waking up to a snake in your bed  beside you that happened to one guest in  Florida the snake somehow got into her  room and then got into her bed while she  was asleep thankfully the snake wasn't  poisonous but still no one wants things  like that to happen to them coming in at  number nine we have the dirty movies  so at some hotels you have limited TV  channels but one thing that you will  always have is the adult movie section  now none of those are provided for free  so if you wish to watch an explicit  movie you'll have to pay for it and you  may think that it's just your dirty  little secret but no it's not the hotel  staff know who orders what and when so  they know exactly what you're doing  upstairs in your room awkward moving on  at number eight we have the crimes so if  you're staying at a hotel you might  think you're completely safe I mean  you're in a locked room the hotel is  monitored by security and they have a  bunch of cameras monitoring the hallways  but are you really safe well a study  revealed that robbery and assault are  pretty common crimes that take place in  hotels people that are traveling often  have a large sum of cash on them making  them easy target  in fact there have been a number of  cases of people wandering into hotels  and then breaking into hotel rooms and  robbing the place according to the  Seattle Times a statement released by  police officials States and I quote more  and more guests are being physically  threatened in or near their rooms or  Worse attacked  or killed that's super scary to think  about that's the last thing you want to  think about while being on your vacation  in our seventh spot we have the bargain  hunters when you go on vacation you want  the best deals possible you want to  spend the least amount of money but  still want an amazing experience as a  result you may use third-party websites  to get a hotel room at a discounted  price Hotel Trivago but maybe this isn't  the best idea you may save money on the  room but you'll pay later on in other  ways a number of hotels revealed that  those that book through third-party  sites may not get a five-star experience  since those guests are paying less they  are often given the crappiest rooms in  the hotel they may not get fresh towels  every day and Maids probably won't do a  deep clean of your room well they don't  anyway but still why well they are  making less money on those days so why  would they put the time of day into  those guests they are more committed to  pleasing the loyal customers in our  sixth spot we have the personal items  former Hotel staffs have warned guests  to never leave any of their personal  hygiene items out like beauty products  or their toothbrush they shared stories  of times where annoyed housekeepers  would use guests toothbrushes to clean  the toilets okay now I have trust issues  I swear I rather Camp outside than stay  in a hotel room now another employee  admitted on The Whisper app that they  frequently use guests stuff basically  this app is a way to confess your  secrets anonymously and the hotel  industry had a lot to say so she  admitted that she would test out guests  hair products or skin products so now  it's said to never leave any personal  items out on display it's safer to keep  them in your bag when you know  housekeeping is going to be in your room  we are now at our fifth and halfway I  Mark with the thieves maybe you're  saying at a really nice hotel with soft  comfy robes and plush towels and you  think to yourself huh they won't notice  if I take a couple of things chances are  they will notice some hotels have  started using radio frequency  identification technology to prevent  theft basically hotels have embedded  small chips into certain items to track  them these items are embedded into  towels robes and linen to prevent them  from being stolen and they are alerted  once the item leaves the property so  they will know if you're stealing from  them I mean putting trackers and towels  does seem extra but hotels lose  thousands of dollars every year just  from stolen items so think twice before  you NAB a couple of towels to take home  as a souvenir in our fourth spot we have  the mini bar one of the things that was  drilled into my head as a kid is to  never take anything from the hotel's  mini bar for starters they're so  expensive like who's trying to pay  twenty dollars for a mini bottle of Fiji  Water not me because of the high prices  some guests will try to be sneaky Hotel  staff have revealed that some guests  will take the drinks and then to avoid  paying for them we'll refill the bottles  with water or even urine yeah that  happens more often than you think the  hotel staff recommend that you check the  seals on all bottles in the mini fridge  so you don't get charged for another  guest's fun moving on at number three we  have the ice bucket since you're staying  in a room where thousands of others have  stayed before you you gotta be careful  who knows what those guests were doing  in the room before you got there Hotel  staff have found vomit urine and feces  in ice buckets and coffee makers before  I know it's disgusting so either avoid  those items comes completely or scrub  the crap out of them literally before  you decide to use them in our second  spot we have the room service room  service is super convenient maybe you  just had a long flight and are jet  lagged and you just want to stay in bed  all day with a click of a button you can  have meals delivered right to your door  but this secret reveals the reason why  you shouldn't order room service so  again this secret was exposed on the app  whisper one hotel worker admitted that  at her work none of the workers ever buy  lunch instead whenever someone orders  food to their room they all just  carefully pick the meal before sending  it up yeah so whenever you get a fresh  meal it may just be that multiple people  have been digging their fingers into it  before you another worker in a different  Hotel revealed that if a guest isn't the  nicest to them then they will spit or  tamper with their food before sending it  up messing around with another's man  food is no joking matter not cool guys  not cool and in our number one spot we  have the hotel room corpse so around  1991 there was a famous urban legend  about a couple vacationing in Las Vegas  who found a dead body under their hotel  bed Well turns out that this has  happened to multiple people across the  world all of these individuals started  to notice a weird odor emerging from  under their bed when they inspected they  found a dead body in 1999 a couple was  vacationing in Atlantic City when they  discovered they were sleeping on a  mattress that contained a body in 2010 a  couple in Memphis found the body of a  missing person Sunny Millbrook under  their bed they also found fabric  softener sheets shoved in the ceiling  tiles to try and hide the smell gross I  mean it's already weird sleeping on a  mattress that thousands of others have  slept on but sleeping over a dead body  that's disgusting maybe you should  always inspect your hotel rooms before  you decide to spend the night there  starting off this list in our number 10  spot we have this apartment attic this  Tick Tock tells an incredibly  interesting but horrifying story The  Tick tocker Sasha Jones had a series of  videos blow up as she told a story about  her childhood home that she lived in  with her family for 10 years while  living in this home she explained that  she had frequent bouts of sleep  paralysis and night terrors as well as  sleepwalking any fans of all things  creepy know that this probably isn't a  good sign Sasha explains that at one  point she went on a week-long trip to LA  but when she returned home her mom sat  her down to tell her that they were  suddenly going to be moving out in two  weeks as it turns out Sasha's mom  revealed to her that while she was away  on her trip the family had found an  attic that was hidden away in the closet  that had not been disclosed in the lease  basically the attic was only accessible  by one little square and it was super  heavy apparently when Sasha's mom sent  her brother up there to check it out he  saw a bed a dresser some sheets and a  pair of shoes and while everything was  covered in dust there was a set of  footprints to her room and then back to  the bed I think it absolutely makes  sense why they ended up moving out as  quickly as possible Sasha also explained  that once they moved Apartments her  night terrors sleepwalking and sleep  paralysis all stopped which cannot be a  coincidence in our number nine spot  today we have this hidden basement this  Tick Tock comes from the user  unfortunate existence about something  she uncovered in a home she had  purchased the year prior she was pulling  back her carpeting when she revealed a  hidden trap door in the floor upon  opening it she came to realize that she  had an entire basement that she knew  nothing about previously apparently  aside from finding the fuse box which  she had previously been unable to locate  the basement findings also included a  rocking chair and an old pickle jar I  think it's safe to say that they are  much braver than I am because there is  no no way I could have investigated a  secret hidden basement on my own in our  number 8 spot today we have this secret  passageway The Tick tocker Freddie  Goodall really delivered with his secret  room Trend in his 500 year old home in  his video he showed the world a secret  passageway he found hidden behind a  bookshelf in his home the secret  passageway ended up leading to a room  full of old torn up books apparently  this large home has a history of once  being a boarding school so it is  believed that these remnants might have  something to do with that Freddy made a  few more videos of this secret space as  well as more hidden gems found in his  home such as some wine storage and  tunnels that led to what was once the  servant's quarters it is extremely  interesting to see these little hidden  Parts but there's also something  extremely Eerie about it if you lived in  this home and found all of these secrets  I want to know what you would do with  them let me know Down Below in the  comments in our number seven spot today  we have this New York City Apartment  this Tick Tock is kind of the one that  really started the secret hidden room  trend on the app last year Samantha  heart cell was feeling frustrated in her  New York City apartment because she was  continuously feeling a freezing cold  giraffe so she decided to investigate  the source of it it was coming from her  bathroom and after doing some searching  she realized that it was coming from  behind her bathroom mirror and that this  mirror was a little too easy to move  when she took the mirror off of the wall  she revealed an entire other room and of  course like anyone became worried that  someone may be living in that room but  still bravely decided to investigate  after climbing through this hole in the  wall she revealed an entire unoccupied  apartment on the other side it is  unclear exactly what this situation is  with this apartment but she most  definitely called her landlord  immediately after in our number six spot  today we have this hidden safe this one  is a little different on today's list  because rather than a mysterious finding  this Hidden Gem was intentionally placed  by this tick-tocker Chris bonamo too I  talked where they showed a genius secret  hiding place where they store their  valuables this Secret Safe is hidden in  the bathroom room behind a piece of  molding after this they placed a towel  rack on top so that the rack can act as  a sort of handle to reveal this  well-placed secret while this is  extremely cool and honestly a seemingly  good idea my only concern is that now  this secret is all over Tech talk where  anyone can find it so maybe on second  thought I'll just have to think up my  own genius hiding spot for all of my  most valuables in our number 5 spot  today we have this hidden Time Capsule  cam me and her husband were doing some  Renovations on their home when they  stumbled upon their secret hidden room  that they were blissfully unaware of  prior to this the room was filled with  old pictures and one of the most Eerie  among them was a photo of a child  sitting in a Go-Kart with a seemingly  headless man standing beside him cam has  said that she really hopes the photo was  just some sort of an exposure problem  because it really is extremely creepy to  see aside from the photo the couple also  found a Christmas gift from a past owner  that was addressed to the occupant some  postcards in a 1960s letter addressed to  the writer's mom about a family dispute  the whole thing is not only interesting  because it really is like a time capsule  but it also makes you wonder what led to  this room being closed off and hidden  for all of those years especially with  all of that stuff inside in our number  four spot today we have this hidden  attic tick tocker [ __ ] hankshaw and her  partner purchased a home together during  the pandemic but because of everything  that was going on they weren't ever  actually able to see the house in person  and instead base their decision entirely  off of seeing photos of it on the  internet the couple first became  suspicious about a possible secret room  because they saw some windows on the  outside of their home but realized that  they had no access to them from the  inside in the second video in this  little Tick Tock series they walked into  what seemed like a storage space or  wardrobe upstairs and revealed that they  had found a small square panel that was  screwed into the wall once they took the  panel off they found the secret room  they had been looking for the secret  room was finished with insulation and  flooring and the wall they went through  was new which led to the couple  wondering why this attic space have been  blocked off like that while it does seem  a little Eerie it would be awesome to  purchase a home that had more space than  you ever even knew in our number three  spot today we have this hidden bathroom  Mia bug bought her very first home and  immediately took to getting the  renovations done prior to her moving in  the seller of the home explained that  they have sealed off an area because  there was a leaking drain pan the seller  said it was a small fix and not very  costly but they just didn't have the  time or energy to do it so they sealed  it instead Mia had no problem with this  and bought the house but when she went  to take down the sealed wall she  realized that this story was not  entirely true instead they found a fully  tiled bathroom hidden away behind this  wall the reviews to this discovery were  mixed with some people pointing out that  it's a strange situation and adds a  creepy element that the previous owners  lied about it while others explained  that they would be ecstatic to find  their home actually had another bathroom  that they were unaware about at the end  of the day it's probably just better to  stay on the positive side and not think  about all the things that might have led  to this being hidden away in our number  two spot today we have this storage  cupboard basement a tick tocker named  Abby uploaded a tick tock that featured  the caption I can't believe what we  found in our storage cupboard well this  storage cupboard revealed a hidden  secret passageway to a basement that  they had no idea existed they explained  that they decided to investigate because  the storage area is where they put their  vacuum cleaner and they always felt like  it sounded Hollow beneath it when they  went down there there was clearly  evidence someone had once been down  there with things all over the floor  with some creepy scratched out pop art  posters on the wall some commenters had  theories that the secret basement may  have actually been a World War II bunker  while other commenters swear that the  opening of the basement must have  released some Spirits into our world the  whole basement is very creepy looking  and is quite literally falling apart but  it could have some potential if they  renovated it in our number one spot  today we have this creepy Airbnb this  tick tocker was staying at an Airbnb  when he began to get some Eerie feelings  it started when he first met the owners  of the Airbnb and realized that they  were surprised that he was a male and  not a female and a female knows what a  huge red flag that would be he goes on  to explain that he could hear some  strange noises coming from the vent in  the middle of the night and also had a  feeling that he was being watched  instead of doing nothing he decided to  investigate he approached the vent and  ended up finding a whole entire room  behind it he explains that he didn't  actually catch anyone spying on him or  catch anyone actually in the room but  like anyone the whole thing absolutely  freaked him out and was more than enough  to keep him on edge I'm truthfully just  hoping that he didn't stay at the Airbnb  for any longer and also reported it  thank you