美国:Jen Psaki 离开白宫前往媒体巨头

美国:Jen Psaki 离开白宫前往媒体巨头

Jen Psaki 准备改变方向并利用她在政治传播方面的职业生涯。

尽管乔·拜登(Joe Biden)的总统职位甚至不在其中,但珍·普萨基(Jen Psaki)正准备从白宫收集它。

美国主要新闻网络周五报道称,白宫女发言人正在与 MSNBC 平台进行谈判,预计她将在该平台进行一系列广播。

来自麦西尼亚的希腊血统的 Psaki 女士在政治传播方面有着非常严肃的职业生涯,担任巴拉克奥巴马总统领导下的白宫通讯主任和约翰克里的发言人,后者担任国务卿。

有关该主题的专家表示,Jen Psaki 可能会在下个月转移到 MSNBC,而白宫在一份声明中不想深入探讨此事的实质,并表示“它继续本着信念和奉献精神开展工作,履行职责”。


乌克兰军队接管城市 - 普京和埃尔多安之间的新对话

乌克兰军队接管城市 - 普京和埃尔多安之间的新对话



“3 月 31 日将写入我们城市的历史......作为它从俄罗斯(军队)解放的日子,”市长阿纳托利·费多鲁克在一段似乎是在布特萨市政厅外拍摄的视频中说道。


根据土耳其总统府的一份声明,雷杰普·塔伊普·埃尔多安( Recep Tayyip Erdogan )在今天与俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔·普京( Vladimir Putin )的电话交谈中呼吁俄罗斯和乌克兰按照常识行事并保持对话。





乌克兰副参谋长基里尔季莫申科对电报说:“交换发生后,包括 15 名妇女在内的 86 名乌克兰士兵已经在一个安全的地方。”

25 Tips to Save on Groceries

25 Tips to Save on Groceries

Do you want to find out more tips to help you save money when you go to the supermarket? Here are 25 as simple as they are effective!

1. Budget
Making a monthly budget and trying not to deviate from it is the first way to avoid spending too much. Do you have trouble respecting it? To motivate yourself, put aside the money you would have spent on unnecessary purchases. The amount raised at the end of the year can be invested in a trip or in a project that is dear to you.

2. Buy in Bulk
When shopping for ground meat, chicken drumsticks or pork chops, for example, get family size packages. In general, these cost less. Always check the price per kilogram to make sure you are getting a good deal. Don't you need that much? Pack the excess and freeze it for later use!

3. Opt for the
President's Choice, No Name, Compliments, Selection house brands … at regular prices, private label products are generally more affordable than those of the big brands. According to Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, they are 20 to 30% cheaper. On the quality side, it is often difficult to tell the difference, especially when it comes to basic products such as sugar, flour, salt, oil or spices! So why pay more for the same product?

4. Cooking
Making your own chicken broth, tomato sauce (or bolognese) and pâtés (meat, chicken, salmon) is a good way to save money. To avoid it being a chore, we put a few Sundays “meals with friends” on our calendar. Thus, we can cook large quantities that we share at the end of the day. The art of combining business with pleasure!

5. Don't go to the supermarket on an empty stomach
Nothing worse than going to the supermarket when you are hungry! At these times, we tend to overfill our basket and buy foods that are not always very good for your health. If you go shopping a bit before mealtime, consider eating a snack!

6. Growing our herbs
Dill for the fish, basil for the pasta, cilantro and mint for the spring rolls… Fresh herbs can add to the price of our grocery bill in amazing ways, especially during the winter. ! To save, grow them! Take advantage of the beautiful season to grow them outdoors and bring them indoors around mid-August.

7. Stick to our list
Write down all the meals you want to put on the menu during the week and make a list of ingredients to buy in order to prepare them. Once at the supermarket, just rely on this list. By avoiding buying superfluous products or unnecessary food, it will prevent you from wasting money ... and maybe even putting on a few pounds!

8. Buy in bulk
By opting for bulk products, you won't be paying for packaging. Think about it! Flour, sugar, nuts, peanuts… several products are sold in this way. Some grocery stores even make it their specialty! To avoid having a mess of bags in your pantry, get pretty containers from a “dollar store”.

9. Make your menu based on discounts
Consult the flyers of grocery stores near you and plan your meals for the week based on discounts. For example, if chicken thighs are on sale, put them on the menu! You can even buy more for freezing. However, since the discounts return cyclically every three or four weeks, there is no need to stock up on them too much.

10. Couponing Couponing
consists of using a discount coupon to buy a product already on sale in order to obtain it at a very reduced price… or even for free. Although it is not as profitable to do couponing in Quebec as in the United States, it can still save us a lot of money after a year! How to get these coupons? On the Web (websaver.ca, quebeccoupon.com, gocoupons.ca), in newspapers, in stores or by mail. The Quebec couponing community onmagasine.ca can also help you get more for your money! Go take a look!

11. Say no to processed products
Ready-to-eat meals, marinated meats, precooked and seasoned rice ... in addition to unnecessarily increasing our grocery bill, these products are often less healthy and less tasty than the small dishes that we concoct ourselves from ingredients that we have selected. Also note that ready-to-eat meals are taxable: one more reason to avoid them!

12. Buy according to the season
Choose seasonal fruits and vegetables as much as possible. Favor berries (strawberries, raspberries, blueberries and blackberries) in summer, apples in fall and citrus in winter. Do the same with vegetables, favoring those that grow in abundance in Quebec during the summer. It is also a good way to encourage the local economy!

13. Avoid Individually
Wrapped Say no to individually wrapped juices and yogurts. Instead, prefer large containers that offer you more at a lower price. For lunches, get reusable plastic bottles and containers. A solution that is both economical and ecological!

14. Look everywhere
The most expensive products are often placed on the shelf at eye level. Outsmart this marketing technique by looking a little higher and a little lower. You could find great deals there!

15. Be vigilant
Beware, because some products are showcased on shelves as if they are on sale when they are not. In addition, just because it is written “special” in red does not mean that it is necessarily a godsend! Always look at the price per unit (or per 100ml or 100g increments): this will let you know which product is the most advantageous to buy.

16. Buy as much as you need
Are canned tomatoes on sale at three for $ 5? Note that unless otherwise indicated, you will benefit from the discount even if you buy only one (in this case, the unit price of a box would be $ 1.66). For products that have a long shelf life, it may be beneficial to buy three if the promotion is worth it. However, for perishable foods, you just buy the amount you need. Thus, we avoid paying unnecessarily for food that we risk wasting.

17. Grocery shopping without the kids
"Mum, I want this, daddy, I want that!" Children create a multitude of needs when they are in the supermarket and sometimes they know how to be so insistent that it is difficult to say no to them. For this reason, it is more economical to shop without them. If that is not possible, let them know that you will not buy anything that is not on your list… and be consistent!

18. Stock up on vegetables at the end of summer
We take advantage of harvest time to visit the fruit and vegetable markets and to stock up! Peppers, beans, tomatoes, leeks… so many vegetables that you can buy in large quantities for freezing or canning. It is also an opportunity to get apples that can be transformed into compote, jelly or pie. Much less expensive than buying these products at the supermarket… and how much tastier!

19. Cut and grate yourself
Cheese and carrots cost much more when sold grated. The same goes for mushrooms and other vegetables that are offered sliced ​​or ready to eat. When we think of the savings we can make, preparing our food is not that tedious! Psst! When there is a considerable special on brick cheese (cheddar, mozzarella, gouda), take the opportunity to stock up! Grated and packaged in an airtight container, cheese will keep in the freezer for up to six months.

20. Playing butchers
Rather than buying your chicken cutlets, cubes or strips, slice it yourself! Since the price per kilo is higher when the meat is sold cut, it will save you a lot in the end. Do the same with beef, pork and lamb, and take advantage of discounts to stock up!

21. Eat less meat
Animal protein is much more expensive than vegetable protein, which is found in legumes and tofu, for example. By replacing a few meals of meat and fish with protein-rich vegetarian meals, you save money by enjoying an equally complete diet.

22. Shun bottled water
Is your tap water of good quality and tastes good? No need to spend on bottled water! To keep it fresh at all times, fill a pitcher and keep it in the fridge. Do you doubt its quality? Get a water filter and a gourd. With just one filter, you will get the equivalent of 300 500ml bottles of purified water. Greatly beneficial for the health of our wallet… and that of our planet!

23. Avoid waste
We try to get fruits at different stages of maturity. If a few have withered away before they can be eaten fresh, they are given a second life by using them to make muffins, compote or fruit salad. As for wilted vegetables, they can be used in a soup or in a stir-fry. Every time you throw away a food, imagine that it is your money that you put in the trash.

24. Having a loyalty card
Some loyalty programs allow you to accumulate points that give entitlement to discounts or free items . It can also be interesting to be part of a co-op, since a percentage of the annual profits is redistributed to the members in the form of dividends. Think about it!

25. Becoming a member of a “club”
type store This type of store can allow us to save a lot of money… on the condition of respecting our shopping list! Once there, it's so easy to be drawn to items that we don't really need. This is the trap to be wary of!

17 Tips to Help You Save Money Fast

17 Tips to Help You Save Money Fast

These 17 tips for saving money fast could just help you reach your savings goals in record time.

While it might seem odd to save money during a pandemic, having a goal set during a time of uncertainty can be a source of stability - to an extent. It can also allow you to project yourself into a brighter future, which should improve your overall well-being! So if you are wondering how to save money fast, check out these 17 tips to increase your savings fast.

How to save money fast
Before you can start saving money each month, you need to have a clear overview of your cash flow. This means that you need to factor in all of your incoming and outgoing money flows, including your possible debt repayments, your monthly bills, and how much you save each month. Let's break this process down into several steps.

1. Learn to manage your budget and understand your finances

The most important thing in saving money fast is learning to manage your budget. If you control your budget, you control your finances. Becoming financially independent is critical if you want to achieve your short and long term savings goals. Here's how to create a budget so you can start saving quickly:

- Track your finances over a 30 day period. This includes all of your income and expenses.

- Compare your monthly income to your expenses to estimate how much you are currently saving, or how much you are overspending each month.

- Classify your expenses into fixed and variable costs. Your fixed costs include expenses that are usually difficult to adjust, such as rent or utilities. Your variable costs include expenses such as shopping, entertainment, and memberships.

- Identify all the variable costs you can save on in order to increase the amount to be saved each month.

- Evaluate your progress regularly and make adjustments if necessary. If you're feeling a little overwhelmed, there are plenty of business apps available to help you keep tabs on your budget.

2. Pay off your debts (if you have any)

Before you start saving, you'll need to pay off your debts. Because interest accumulates over time, the longer you wait to pay off a debt, the more it will grow. Pay off your debts as a priority before focusing on your other savings goals.

To do this, consider adopting the 50/30/20 rule . Created by US Senator Elizabeth Warren while she was a Harvard bankruptcy specialist, the 50/30/20 rule is a simple way to manage your budget and therefore pay off debt. It works as follows:

- Use 50% of your income for your needs i.e. fixed costs such as rent and utilities.

- Use 30% of your income for your cravings, that is, variable costs such as dining out and subscriptions.

- Use 20% of your income for your savings. If you earn € 2,500 per month after tax, that means you can set aside € 500. In just one year, you will have paid off € 6,000 in debt.

3. Open a dedicated savings account

In order to save money quickly, you will need to separate the money you use for your daily needs from the money you intend to save. For this, it is necessary to open a dedicated savings account. Thus, you minimize the risk of digging into your savings funds to cover your daily expenses. This will encourage you to follow your daily budget while keeping your savings safe.

4. Program your savings

If you have a fixed monthly income, remember to schedule your savings each month: you can schedule an automatic permanent transfer from your current account to your savings account each month. Thus, you reduce the risk of using these funds to cover your daily expenses.

5. Schedule the payment of your invoices

Note that you can also schedule the payment of your bills. Businesses often charge late fees if you don't pay them on time, so paying your bills before the deadline will help you avoid any extra charges.

6. Set the spending limit for your card

Want a great way to save money fast? Set a spending limit on your credit or debit cards. This will keep you from overspending and encourage you to evaluate your daily purchases in advance. Many banks offer this service. At N26 for example, you can set daily spending limits and choose whether or not to authorize ATM withdrawals in seconds from your N26 app.

7. Use the envelope management system

Another possibility to help you save money fast is to use Dave Ramsey's Envelope Management System. This system involves withdrawing your monthly cash income from the bank (yes, in full) at the start of each month and dividing it into different envelopes based on your management goals.

This will provide you with envelopes for your fixed costs (eg, rent, utilities) and for your variable costs (eg, clothing purchases, dining out, groceries). By paying everything in cash, it is practically impossible to break your budget! But we grant you, it is probably not the most practical in 2021!

8. Save on your rent

Saving on rent is one of the fastest ways to save a certain amount of money each month. If you live alone, one of the easiest ways to do this is to share a flat with you. This will immediately cut your rent in half, and if you choose to live with two roommates, you'll pay about a third of your current rent.

So if you are currently paying € 1,300 per month for a three-room apartment and find a roommate, you will save € 650 per month.

If you already live in a shared flat, you can move into a smaller room. The rents are generally calculated according to the room which is to be rented. So you can make big savings every month. In addition, it would encourage you to resell some of your furniture, and allow you to earn some money.

Of course, the ways to reduce your rent depend on the configuration of your home, your needs and where you live ...

9. Reduce your costs

Another tip for saving money fast is to reduce your expenses. Your electricity and gas bills represent the bulk of your fixed costs. If you can manage to reduce them, you will end up with a certain amount more each month. Here's how to do it:

- Change your energy supplier. By making sure you've purchased the best deal on the market, you can save several hundred dollars each month.

- Replace your light bulbs with LEDs. Not only do they consume 75% to 85% less energy than traditional light bulbs, but their lifespan is 15 to 25 times longer.

- Invest in a smart thermostat. This will allow you to adjust your central heating intelligently and potentially save you some money.

- Plug all air leaks. Air leaks around your windows and doors can increase electricity bills because your radiators will have to run longer to heat the room. Instead, plug those leaks with compressible thermal sealing strips to keep the air warm.

- If you own your home, consider doing energy renovations. There are many public aids to make your home a well insulated cocoon that will reduce your carbon footprint.

10. Carry out an additional professional activity

If you want to dramatically increase your monthly savings, you can try finding some extra activity. It could be working a few evenings in a bar or restaurant after your job, finding a few freelance contracts, becoming a virtual assistant, or maybe babysitting.

If you can afford it, it can be very motivating to transfer all of the income generated from these additional activities directly into your savings account. But it is important to be vigilant to the risk of burnout.

11. Cancel your unused subscriptions

Subscriptions are incredibly lucrative for many businesses because once customers sign up for their service, they're less likely to cancel their subscription, even if they rarely use it.

This is largely due to the sunk cost bias. If applied to a subscription, the sunk cost bias means that it is difficult to cancel a subscription that is rarely used because you have already invested a huge amount of money. Thus, canceling the subscription would be accepting that the money spent so far has been wasted. Postponing the termination of the subscription maintains the illusion that this subscription can still be used. In general, very few of us fully use our subscriptions. That's why it's more beneficial to cancel unused subscriptions now than to keep them in the event that you use them later.

How to save quickly for a car?

There are several options available to you if you want to quickly save money for a car. It should be a little easier to save for a car, as you usually don't need to save as much as you do for the down payment for a new home. However, it will still be necessary to be tactful in managing your money if you want to get behind the wheel of your car quickly. Besides, even if it means changing your car, why not opt for an electric vehicle? Many conversion bonuses have been put in place to lower the bill and guarantee a greener future.

12. Make small daily repairs yourself

Trying to fix what you've broken yourself is a great way to save real money - we're talking about small repairs, of course. Thanks to YouTube and the Internet in general, it is easy to find online how to repair many everyday items. From leaky bathroom pipes, to changing the belt on your washing machine, to fixing the zipper on your jeans, it is always better to fix these things yourself rather than paying someone. 'one to take care of them, or replace them completely.

13. Think before you buy

Giving in to temptation is the biggest problem when trying to save money fast. Before you make a big expense, whether it's a compulsive purchase or not, give yourself at least three to four days to think about it. This will prevent the impulsive part of your brain, looking for a dose of serotonin after a purchase, to gain the upper hand.

If you really want to test yourself, try not to make a big expense until after 30 days of thinking. It's a sure-fire way to keep your impulse buying under control and give yourself plenty of time to make sure there isn't a better deal.

14. Buy a car at the end of the financial quarter

If you want to get a good deal on a car, the best time to buy is usually at the end of March, June, September, and December. Why ? Because most dealers have specific sales targets to meet in order to claim their financial bonus. While these sales targets are set on a weekly and monthly basis, the big bonuses are given out quarterly. This means that you are likely to get a better deal on a car at the end of each financial quarter because the car dealership will be keen to meet their quarterly sales target.

15. Reduce your shopping expenses

If you manage to cut back on your spending on groceries each week, you'll be amazed at how much you can save in just a few months. One of the best ways to do this is to plan all of your meals in advance. This means you can accurately calculate how much you're going to spend before you shop and reduce your chances of going over budget.

Another tip would be to consider not consuming meat once a week. Because meat is generally more expensive than vegetables and vegetable products, it can pay off to go without one day a week. These little weekly savings will add up over time.

On top of that, be sure to look at the products sold at the bottom of the shelves. Supermarkets often put their more expensive products at eye level, to encourage you to spend more, and the cheapest products closer to the ground, making them harder to spot.

16. Set one free day per month

To get used to saving money, decide on one day per month that you spend absolutely nothing except fixed costs. You can prepare all your meals from the ingredients you have at home, choose to socialize at the park or at home, and spend a relaxing evening reading or watching TV. Once you get used to it, you can do this two days a month, and maybe even one day a week to really increase your monthly savings amount.

17. Sell your unused items

If you want to quickly start saving money for your vacation, it's worth making a list of all your unused items and selling them on an online shopping site like Le Bon Coin, for example. This not only helps to declutter your home, but also saves you small amounts of money that you can save for your next vacation. Conversely, you can also start buying second-hand items more frequently, in order to save a lot of money and avoid over-consuming.

17 Easy Budget Tips to Save Money

17 Easy Budget Tips to Save Money

Are you often short on cash and do you not know how you can save more money? Then read the 17 easy budget tips below and make sure you don't have to worry about saving even more money.

1. Get a bottle of cleaning vinegar at home. Vinegar is good against limescale, foul odors and it also seems to help against athlete's foot.

2. Swap one or more scents with your friends. If you've been using one scent for some time, you'll want to use another scent. By exchanging a scent, you don't have to spend money on expensive scents and you smell nice and different. Nice swap deal, right?

3. Get your fruits and vegetables on the market. Market prices are significantly lower than supermarket prices.

4. Compare items you want to buy online. If you have seen an (expensive) product in the store, first look on the internet to see if you can buy it cheaper.

5. Set savings goals. In this way you provide some extra reserves and you can spend this money on unforeseen expenses or a nice holiday of course. Earlier we wrote how to set savings goals.

6. Cancel newspaper and magazine subscriptions. It is much cheaper (and even free) to check the news online.

7. Make sure you know what your fixed costs are. This way you have a good and clear overview of your finances. Via my free fixed costs Excel file you will find out in one go what your fixed costs are, all in a handy overview.

8. Take a snack with you when you go into the city , so that you can not be tempted by all kinds of tasty snacks.

9. Have a fleece blanket or blanket in the house. Take this in the evening when it gets a bit cooler and leave the heating off as long as possible.

10. Pick up mainly the house brands in a supermarket, both at the AH and at other supermarkets there are plenty of cheaper and tasty products to be found than those expensive A-brands.

11. Know your income and expenses. Enter your fixed expenses and income in our free Excel sheet and see how much money you can save or lack.

12. Do your shopping less often during the week and limit getting your groceries to 1 or 2 times a week. This ensures that you have fewer snacks and other tasty snacks at home. Another good budget tip: make a weekly menu to save a lot of money on groceries.

13. Buy your winter clothes a little later in the year. The later you buy your winter clothes, the greater the chance that that nice coat is on sale. This also applies to buying your summer clothes, the closer to summer you buy your summer clothes the cheaper it gets. Clothing is also cheaper to get by looking at discount codes.

14. Halve the meat and double the vegetables with the meal.

15. Drive 80 kilometers in fifth gear. By driving less fast on the highway, you save about 10 to 15% in fuel costs if you drive according to the new way of driving.

16. Do you still buy expensive detergent bottles? Then easily make your own detergent yourself and save many tens of euros per person per year.

17. Use a shower coach. This ensures that you, your partner and your children are not in the shower for too long. Earlier we wrote an article about how to make your children shower shorter.