Saving on Shopping 2021

Saving on Shopping 2021

Savings is the watchword nowadays: the economic crisis has forced many people to a more contained lifestyle in which there is no longer the economic availability and purchasing power of once upon a time. Saving has become a necessity, even for the most basic areas such as food shopping.

In this guide on how to save on shopping, I give you 20 tips and tricks that you can use right away to decrease your expenses, I list 10 apps to install on your mobile phone to find the most advantageous offers, I give you some tips on what to eat and where shopping based on the type of product.

20 tips and tricks
Buying food isn't exactly optional, but by following these tips you can save a lot of money:

1. Before going out, check what you have in the fridge and pantry

It often happens that you go to the supermarket and don't remember what you have at home: so you end up buying "duplicates".

2. Eat before you go out

Studies conducted in recent years have shown that, by going shopping for food on a full stomach, you are more aware of what you literally need. Going hungry, on the other hand, is more likely to grab anything.

3. Make a shopping list

It doesn't matter how good your memory is. The list gives you the certainty of not forgetting the things you need and will discourage you from buying the unnecessary things.

4. Don't take children with you

While sometimes you can't avoid shopping with children, it's best to try to shop when they're not around: they often ask you to buy things you don't need and it's not always easy to say no.

5. Look for discount coupons and coupons

When you buy something, they can sometimes leave you with shopping vouchers or coupons. There are also various websites that deal with their own, also in collaboration with the various brands, to distribute coupons and discount coupons.

Take some time, print all the coupons you need and present them at the cashier: don't feel guilty about the person who is in line behind you and you have a wedge of coupons on the cashier. It is really worth seeing the final bill decrease thanks to every single voucher used!

6. Get straight to the point

Supermarkets often have important things right at the end of the store. So, for example, if you buy a lot of fruit and vegetables, then first of all go to the fruit and vegetable department, without going through all the departments.

7. Buy individually or in packs

When you mostly buy fruit and vegetables, remember that buying them already clean and packaged could cost more. Other times, however, buying in packs could be cheaper, by virtue of specific offers.

8. Do not buy pre-washed and pre-cut vegetables and fruit

Remember: ready-made packages cost more because you pay for the convenience. Buy a classic lettuce and wash it in the tap - you won't notice the difference.

9. Don't be tempted by brands

It is not always said that a brand advertised on TV is the best. Take the trouble to read the label, ingredients and compare prices.

10. Look at the low shelves

It is a precise marketing choice. You must know that exhibiting your products in a supermarket can have a cost: the products of the companies that pay the most are placed in the middle of the shelf, so where it is easier to be seen.

Those who pay less are almost always at the bottom. And usually the prices are lower too. Do some exercise as you may often need to get down on your knees to find the last shelf offers!

11. Stock up

When there are major products on offer, take advantage of it. For example when your olive oil has 2X1, or the tomato sauce is 50%. If there are products you use a lot and are on offer, stock them up (at least for a month).

12. Consider dried pulses

If you are among those who buy canned or canned legumes, know that you would save much more by buying them dry. Maybe you think they are difficult to cook: it's not like that and then you can make a lot of them and freeze them. The flavor of self-made legumes will have no comparison to canned ones.

13. Stay away from prepared foods

Don't buy something that's pre-cooked. Check the ingredients and buy them individually. Something prepared by you will be much more genuine and cheaper.

14. Eat seasonal produce

Prefer seasonal fruit and vegetables. Strawberries in January cost a lot! On the other hand, when spring arrives, being very widespread, the price drops a lot. Do this for all fruit and vegetables. Over time you will learn which vegetables are for each season: you will realize it because in those periods the price drops. And not a little.

15. Buy spices and exotic foods only in specialized stores

If you go to the supermarket and buy spices or exotic foods, you will probably pay twice as much as in international markets or shops. They are now in most cities: search Google Maps for the international / Chinese / Indian / Thai store closest to you and go stock up!

16. Buy the seedlings and not the twigs

If you have even one balcony, buy the basil, mint, rosemary, etc. plant. If you buy the twigs every volt you are throwing away a lot of money without realizing it.

17. Grate your cheese

Pre-wrapped cheese costs more. Make an investment: buy a small grater.

18. Don't buy potatoes in bulk

A potato crate often turns out to be a bargain. Compare the prices per kilo with those of the bag.

19. Go shopping weekly

Don't go grocery shopping too often. Rather, try to do the "big shopping" only once a week or two and then buy only the highly perishable items daily, such as dairy products or bread.

20. Collect points

At the end of the shopping, ask the house if there is a collection of points and have the catalog delivered.