25 Tips to Save on Groceries

25 Tips to Save on Groceries

Do you want to find out more tips to help you save money when you go to the supermarket? Here are 25 as simple as they are effective!

1. Budget
Making a monthly budget and trying not to deviate from it is the first way to avoid spending too much. Do you have trouble respecting it? To motivate yourself, put aside the money you would have spent on unnecessary purchases. The amount raised at the end of the year can be invested in a trip or in a project that is dear to you.

2. Buy in Bulk
When shopping for ground meat, chicken drumsticks or pork chops, for example, get family size packages. In general, these cost less. Always check the price per kilogram to make sure you are getting a good deal. Don't you need that much? Pack the excess and freeze it for later use!

3. Opt for the
President's Choice, No Name, Compliments, Selection house brands … at regular prices, private label products are generally more affordable than those of the big brands. According to Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, they are 20 to 30% cheaper. On the quality side, it is often difficult to tell the difference, especially when it comes to basic products such as sugar, flour, salt, oil or spices! So why pay more for the same product?

4. Cooking
Making your own chicken broth, tomato sauce (or bolognese) and pâtés (meat, chicken, salmon) is a good way to save money. To avoid it being a chore, we put a few Sundays “meals with friends” on our calendar. Thus, we can cook large quantities that we share at the end of the day. The art of combining business with pleasure!

5. Don't go to the supermarket on an empty stomach
Nothing worse than going to the supermarket when you are hungry! At these times, we tend to overfill our basket and buy foods that are not always very good for your health. If you go shopping a bit before mealtime, consider eating a snack!

6. Growing our herbs
Dill for the fish, basil for the pasta, cilantro and mint for the spring rolls… Fresh herbs can add to the price of our grocery bill in amazing ways, especially during the winter. ! To save, grow them! Take advantage of the beautiful season to grow them outdoors and bring them indoors around mid-August.

7. Stick to our list
Write down all the meals you want to put on the menu during the week and make a list of ingredients to buy in order to prepare them. Once at the supermarket, just rely on this list. By avoiding buying superfluous products or unnecessary food, it will prevent you from wasting money ... and maybe even putting on a few pounds!

8. Buy in bulk
By opting for bulk products, you won't be paying for packaging. Think about it! Flour, sugar, nuts, peanuts… several products are sold in this way. Some grocery stores even make it their specialty! To avoid having a mess of bags in your pantry, get pretty containers from a “dollar store”.

9. Make your menu based on discounts
Consult the flyers of grocery stores near you and plan your meals for the week based on discounts. For example, if chicken thighs are on sale, put them on the menu! You can even buy more for freezing. However, since the discounts return cyclically every three or four weeks, there is no need to stock up on them too much.

10. Couponing Couponing
consists of using a discount coupon to buy a product already on sale in order to obtain it at a very reduced price… or even for free. Although it is not as profitable to do couponing in Quebec as in the United States, it can still save us a lot of money after a year! How to get these coupons? On the Web (websaver.ca, quebeccoupon.com, gocoupons.ca), in newspapers, in stores or by mail. The Quebec couponing community onmagasine.ca can also help you get more for your money! Go take a look!

11. Say no to processed products
Ready-to-eat meals, marinated meats, precooked and seasoned rice ... in addition to unnecessarily increasing our grocery bill, these products are often less healthy and less tasty than the small dishes that we concoct ourselves from ingredients that we have selected. Also note that ready-to-eat meals are taxable: one more reason to avoid them!

12. Buy according to the season
Choose seasonal fruits and vegetables as much as possible. Favor berries (strawberries, raspberries, blueberries and blackberries) in summer, apples in fall and citrus in winter. Do the same with vegetables, favoring those that grow in abundance in Quebec during the summer. It is also a good way to encourage the local economy!

13. Avoid Individually
Wrapped Say no to individually wrapped juices and yogurts. Instead, prefer large containers that offer you more at a lower price. For lunches, get reusable plastic bottles and containers. A solution that is both economical and ecological!

14. Look everywhere
The most expensive products are often placed on the shelf at eye level. Outsmart this marketing technique by looking a little higher and a little lower. You could find great deals there!

15. Be vigilant
Beware, because some products are showcased on shelves as if they are on sale when they are not. In addition, just because it is written “special” in red does not mean that it is necessarily a godsend! Always look at the price per unit (or per 100ml or 100g increments): this will let you know which product is the most advantageous to buy.

16. Buy as much as you need
Are canned tomatoes on sale at three for $ 5? Note that unless otherwise indicated, you will benefit from the discount even if you buy only one (in this case, the unit price of a box would be $ 1.66). For products that have a long shelf life, it may be beneficial to buy three if the promotion is worth it. However, for perishable foods, you just buy the amount you need. Thus, we avoid paying unnecessarily for food that we risk wasting.

17. Grocery shopping without the kids
"Mum, I want this, daddy, I want that!" Children create a multitude of needs when they are in the supermarket and sometimes they know how to be so insistent that it is difficult to say no to them. For this reason, it is more economical to shop without them. If that is not possible, let them know that you will not buy anything that is not on your list… and be consistent!

18. Stock up on vegetables at the end of summer
We take advantage of harvest time to visit the fruit and vegetable markets and to stock up! Peppers, beans, tomatoes, leeks… so many vegetables that you can buy in large quantities for freezing or canning. It is also an opportunity to get apples that can be transformed into compote, jelly or pie. Much less expensive than buying these products at the supermarket… and how much tastier!

19. Cut and grate yourself
Cheese and carrots cost much more when sold grated. The same goes for mushrooms and other vegetables that are offered sliced ​​or ready to eat. When we think of the savings we can make, preparing our food is not that tedious! Psst! When there is a considerable special on brick cheese (cheddar, mozzarella, gouda), take the opportunity to stock up! Grated and packaged in an airtight container, cheese will keep in the freezer for up to six months.

20. Playing butchers
Rather than buying your chicken cutlets, cubes or strips, slice it yourself! Since the price per kilo is higher when the meat is sold cut, it will save you a lot in the end. Do the same with beef, pork and lamb, and take advantage of discounts to stock up!

21. Eat less meat
Animal protein is much more expensive than vegetable protein, which is found in legumes and tofu, for example. By replacing a few meals of meat and fish with protein-rich vegetarian meals, you save money by enjoying an equally complete diet.

22. Shun bottled water
Is your tap water of good quality and tastes good? No need to spend on bottled water! To keep it fresh at all times, fill a pitcher and keep it in the fridge. Do you doubt its quality? Get a water filter and a gourd. With just one filter, you will get the equivalent of 300 500ml bottles of purified water. Greatly beneficial for the health of our wallet… and that of our planet!

23. Avoid waste
We try to get fruits at different stages of maturity. If a few have withered away before they can be eaten fresh, they are given a second life by using them to make muffins, compote or fruit salad. As for wilted vegetables, they can be used in a soup or in a stir-fry. Every time you throw away a food, imagine that it is your money that you put in the trash.

24. Having a loyalty card
Some loyalty programs allow you to accumulate points that give entitlement to discounts or free items . It can also be interesting to be part of a co-op, since a percentage of the annual profits is redistributed to the members in the form of dividends. Think about it!

25. Becoming a member of a “club”
type store This type of store can allow us to save a lot of money… on the condition of respecting our shopping list! Once there, it's so easy to be drawn to items that we don't really need. This is the trap to be wary of!

17 Tips to Help You Save Money Fast

17 Tips to Help You Save Money Fast

These 17 tips for saving money fast could just help you reach your savings goals in record time.

While it might seem odd to save money during a pandemic, having a goal set during a time of uncertainty can be a source of stability - to an extent. It can also allow you to project yourself into a brighter future, which should improve your overall well-being! So if you are wondering how to save money fast, check out these 17 tips to increase your savings fast.

How to save money fast
Before you can start saving money each month, you need to have a clear overview of your cash flow. This means that you need to factor in all of your incoming and outgoing money flows, including your possible debt repayments, your monthly bills, and how much you save each month. Let's break this process down into several steps.

1. Learn to manage your budget and understand your finances

The most important thing in saving money fast is learning to manage your budget. If you control your budget, you control your finances. Becoming financially independent is critical if you want to achieve your short and long term savings goals. Here's how to create a budget so you can start saving quickly:

- Track your finances over a 30 day period. This includes all of your income and expenses.

- Compare your monthly income to your expenses to estimate how much you are currently saving, or how much you are overspending each month.

- Classify your expenses into fixed and variable costs. Your fixed costs include expenses that are usually difficult to adjust, such as rent or utilities. Your variable costs include expenses such as shopping, entertainment, and memberships.

- Identify all the variable costs you can save on in order to increase the amount to be saved each month.

- Evaluate your progress regularly and make adjustments if necessary. If you're feeling a little overwhelmed, there are plenty of business apps available to help you keep tabs on your budget.

2. Pay off your debts (if you have any)

Before you start saving, you'll need to pay off your debts. Because interest accumulates over time, the longer you wait to pay off a debt, the more it will grow. Pay off your debts as a priority before focusing on your other savings goals.

To do this, consider adopting the 50/30/20 rule . Created by US Senator Elizabeth Warren while she was a Harvard bankruptcy specialist, the 50/30/20 rule is a simple way to manage your budget and therefore pay off debt. It works as follows:

- Use 50% of your income for your needs i.e. fixed costs such as rent and utilities.

- Use 30% of your income for your cravings, that is, variable costs such as dining out and subscriptions.

- Use 20% of your income for your savings. If you earn € 2,500 per month after tax, that means you can set aside € 500. In just one year, you will have paid off € 6,000 in debt.

3. Open a dedicated savings account

In order to save money quickly, you will need to separate the money you use for your daily needs from the money you intend to save. For this, it is necessary to open a dedicated savings account. Thus, you minimize the risk of digging into your savings funds to cover your daily expenses. This will encourage you to follow your daily budget while keeping your savings safe.

4. Program your savings

If you have a fixed monthly income, remember to schedule your savings each month: you can schedule an automatic permanent transfer from your current account to your savings account each month. Thus, you reduce the risk of using these funds to cover your daily expenses.

5. Schedule the payment of your invoices

Note that you can also schedule the payment of your bills. Businesses often charge late fees if you don't pay them on time, so paying your bills before the deadline will help you avoid any extra charges.

6. Set the spending limit for your card

Want a great way to save money fast? Set a spending limit on your credit or debit cards. This will keep you from overspending and encourage you to evaluate your daily purchases in advance. Many banks offer this service. At N26 for example, you can set daily spending limits and choose whether or not to authorize ATM withdrawals in seconds from your N26 app.

7. Use the envelope management system

Another possibility to help you save money fast is to use Dave Ramsey's Envelope Management System. This system involves withdrawing your monthly cash income from the bank (yes, in full) at the start of each month and dividing it into different envelopes based on your management goals.

This will provide you with envelopes for your fixed costs (eg, rent, utilities) and for your variable costs (eg, clothing purchases, dining out, groceries). By paying everything in cash, it is practically impossible to break your budget! But we grant you, it is probably not the most practical in 2021!

8. Save on your rent

Saving on rent is one of the fastest ways to save a certain amount of money each month. If you live alone, one of the easiest ways to do this is to share a flat with you. This will immediately cut your rent in half, and if you choose to live with two roommates, you'll pay about a third of your current rent.

So if you are currently paying € 1,300 per month for a three-room apartment and find a roommate, you will save € 650 per month.

If you already live in a shared flat, you can move into a smaller room. The rents are generally calculated according to the room which is to be rented. So you can make big savings every month. In addition, it would encourage you to resell some of your furniture, and allow you to earn some money.

Of course, the ways to reduce your rent depend on the configuration of your home, your needs and where you live ...

9. Reduce your costs

Another tip for saving money fast is to reduce your expenses. Your electricity and gas bills represent the bulk of your fixed costs. If you can manage to reduce them, you will end up with a certain amount more each month. Here's how to do it:

- Change your energy supplier. By making sure you've purchased the best deal on the market, you can save several hundred dollars each month.

- Replace your light bulbs with LEDs. Not only do they consume 75% to 85% less energy than traditional light bulbs, but their lifespan is 15 to 25 times longer.

- Invest in a smart thermostat. This will allow you to adjust your central heating intelligently and potentially save you some money.

- Plug all air leaks. Air leaks around your windows and doors can increase electricity bills because your radiators will have to run longer to heat the room. Instead, plug those leaks with compressible thermal sealing strips to keep the air warm.

- If you own your home, consider doing energy renovations. There are many public aids to make your home a well insulated cocoon that will reduce your carbon footprint.

10. Carry out an additional professional activity

If you want to dramatically increase your monthly savings, you can try finding some extra activity. It could be working a few evenings in a bar or restaurant after your job, finding a few freelance contracts, becoming a virtual assistant, or maybe babysitting.

If you can afford it, it can be very motivating to transfer all of the income generated from these additional activities directly into your savings account. But it is important to be vigilant to the risk of burnout.

11. Cancel your unused subscriptions

Subscriptions are incredibly lucrative for many businesses because once customers sign up for their service, they're less likely to cancel their subscription, even if they rarely use it.

This is largely due to the sunk cost bias. If applied to a subscription, the sunk cost bias means that it is difficult to cancel a subscription that is rarely used because you have already invested a huge amount of money. Thus, canceling the subscription would be accepting that the money spent so far has been wasted. Postponing the termination of the subscription maintains the illusion that this subscription can still be used. In general, very few of us fully use our subscriptions. That's why it's more beneficial to cancel unused subscriptions now than to keep them in the event that you use them later.

How to save quickly for a car?

There are several options available to you if you want to quickly save money for a car. It should be a little easier to save for a car, as you usually don't need to save as much as you do for the down payment for a new home. However, it will still be necessary to be tactful in managing your money if you want to get behind the wheel of your car quickly. Besides, even if it means changing your car, why not opt for an electric vehicle? Many conversion bonuses have been put in place to lower the bill and guarantee a greener future.

12. Make small daily repairs yourself

Trying to fix what you've broken yourself is a great way to save real money - we're talking about small repairs, of course. Thanks to YouTube and the Internet in general, it is easy to find online how to repair many everyday items. From leaky bathroom pipes, to changing the belt on your washing machine, to fixing the zipper on your jeans, it is always better to fix these things yourself rather than paying someone. 'one to take care of them, or replace them completely.

13. Think before you buy

Giving in to temptation is the biggest problem when trying to save money fast. Before you make a big expense, whether it's a compulsive purchase or not, give yourself at least three to four days to think about it. This will prevent the impulsive part of your brain, looking for a dose of serotonin after a purchase, to gain the upper hand.

If you really want to test yourself, try not to make a big expense until after 30 days of thinking. It's a sure-fire way to keep your impulse buying under control and give yourself plenty of time to make sure there isn't a better deal.

14. Buy a car at the end of the financial quarter

If you want to get a good deal on a car, the best time to buy is usually at the end of March, June, September, and December. Why ? Because most dealers have specific sales targets to meet in order to claim their financial bonus. While these sales targets are set on a weekly and monthly basis, the big bonuses are given out quarterly. This means that you are likely to get a better deal on a car at the end of each financial quarter because the car dealership will be keen to meet their quarterly sales target.

15. Reduce your shopping expenses

If you manage to cut back on your spending on groceries each week, you'll be amazed at how much you can save in just a few months. One of the best ways to do this is to plan all of your meals in advance. This means you can accurately calculate how much you're going to spend before you shop and reduce your chances of going over budget.

Another tip would be to consider not consuming meat once a week. Because meat is generally more expensive than vegetables and vegetable products, it can pay off to go without one day a week. These little weekly savings will add up over time.

On top of that, be sure to look at the products sold at the bottom of the shelves. Supermarkets often put their more expensive products at eye level, to encourage you to spend more, and the cheapest products closer to the ground, making them harder to spot.

16. Set one free day per month

To get used to saving money, decide on one day per month that you spend absolutely nothing except fixed costs. You can prepare all your meals from the ingredients you have at home, choose to socialize at the park or at home, and spend a relaxing evening reading or watching TV. Once you get used to it, you can do this two days a month, and maybe even one day a week to really increase your monthly savings amount.

17. Sell your unused items

If you want to quickly start saving money for your vacation, it's worth making a list of all your unused items and selling them on an online shopping site like Le Bon Coin, for example. This not only helps to declutter your home, but also saves you small amounts of money that you can save for your next vacation. Conversely, you can also start buying second-hand items more frequently, in order to save a lot of money and avoid over-consuming.

17 Easy Budget Tips to Save Money

17 Easy Budget Tips to Save Money

Are you often short on cash and do you not know how you can save more money? Then read the 17 easy budget tips below and make sure you don't have to worry about saving even more money.

1. Get a bottle of cleaning vinegar at home. Vinegar is good against limescale, foul odors and it also seems to help against athlete's foot.

2. Swap one or more scents with your friends. If you've been using one scent for some time, you'll want to use another scent. By exchanging a scent, you don't have to spend money on expensive scents and you smell nice and different. Nice swap deal, right?

3. Get your fruits and vegetables on the market. Market prices are significantly lower than supermarket prices.

4. Compare items you want to buy online. If you have seen an (expensive) product in the store, first look on the internet to see if you can buy it cheaper.

5. Set savings goals. In this way you provide some extra reserves and you can spend this money on unforeseen expenses or a nice holiday of course. Earlier we wrote how to set savings goals.

6. Cancel newspaper and magazine subscriptions. It is much cheaper (and even free) to check the news online.

7. Make sure you know what your fixed costs are. This way you have a good and clear overview of your finances. Via my free fixed costs Excel file you will find out in one go what your fixed costs are, all in a handy overview.

8. Take a snack with you when you go into the city , so that you can not be tempted by all kinds of tasty snacks.

9. Have a fleece blanket or blanket in the house. Take this in the evening when it gets a bit cooler and leave the heating off as long as possible.

10. Pick up mainly the house brands in a supermarket, both at the AH and at other supermarkets there are plenty of cheaper and tasty products to be found than those expensive A-brands.

11. Know your income and expenses. Enter your fixed expenses and income in our free Excel sheet and see how much money you can save or lack.

12. Do your shopping less often during the week and limit getting your groceries to 1 or 2 times a week. This ensures that you have fewer snacks and other tasty snacks at home. Another good budget tip: make a weekly menu to save a lot of money on groceries.

13. Buy your winter clothes a little later in the year. The later you buy your winter clothes, the greater the chance that that nice coat is on sale. This also applies to buying your summer clothes, the closer to summer you buy your summer clothes the cheaper it gets. Clothing is also cheaper to get by looking at discount codes.

14. Halve the meat and double the vegetables with the meal.

15. Drive 80 kilometers in fifth gear. By driving less fast on the highway, you save about 10 to 15% in fuel costs if you drive according to the new way of driving.

16. Do you still buy expensive detergent bottles? Then easily make your own detergent yourself and save many tens of euros per person per year.

17. Use a shower coach. This ensures that you, your partner and your children are not in the shower for too long. Earlier we wrote an article about how to make your children shower shorter.

15 Things You Should Never Buy at Gas Stations

15 Things You Should Never Buy at Gas Stations

Many of us spend thousands of dollars every year at gas stations… and not just on gas! Get better value for your money the next time you stop to refuel by avoiding buying these items.


While you're lining up to pay, a magazine's headlines and cover page grab your attention… Don't give in to buying this copy of the latest gossip magazine. Gas stations and grocery stores place these kinds of items (magazines, treats and gadgets) in strategic places near the cash register, to grab your attention. And when it does, they cash in on your impulse buys.

Sandwiches and wraps

A 2016 survey by HuffPost reveals these findings from a food safety inspector: Many gas stations were not storing food properly. Normally, perishable products like sandwiches and wraps should be kept at a temperature of 4 ° C or less. Beyond this temperature, they become places conducive to the proliferation of bacteria and viruses that can make you sick. So, before you indulge in this turkey wrap, make sure the refrigerator thermometer isn't reading over 4 ° C. HuffPost also recommends choosing products near the cooling element and avoiding foods at the top of the stack.

Soft drinks

Each year, the 7-Eleven convenience store in the United States sells 45 million gallons of fountain soft drinks. According to this chain, that's enough liquid to fill 68 Olympic swimming pools. However, it's best to think twice before filling your glass: Due to the moisture that builds up inside the machine, soft drink dispensers are an ideal environment for mold growth. Ban Coke and 7-up , and opt for water in your bottle instead. When you think about the costs of these drinks and their negative health effects, your wallet and waistline will thank you!

Hot dogs

If the sodium and fat content of hot dogs doesn't stop you, think about how they were stored. Hot foods should be stored at 135-140 ° F to prevent bacteria growth. The storage of hot food at gas stations is rarely within standards - always according to HuffPost. We suggest that you avoid hot dogs at the bottom of the heating rack, especially if they have a "glassy" appearance. There is a good chance that these sausages have been stagnant on their shelf, at low temperature, for too long.

Bag of chips

A small (28g) packet of Lay's Potato Chips contains 146 calories, which at first seems harmless… until you find out that more than half of those calories are from fat. And that's without counting its sodium content. Additionally, you should always check the product's expiration date before purchasing it - especially at a gas station. The HuffPost investigation found that expired food was one of the most common food safety violations at gas stations.


From key chains to decorative napkins: anything with the name of a city or province is not worth the money you spend to buy it. Not only will you pay a premium price for a cheap item, but souvenirs bought at gas stations are designed to entice you to spend more while you stop. Take photos of your trip, they will be much better memories (and much more economical!).

Coffee drink

Stay away from mokas and slats as well. Between the milk, syrup, and all the other added ingredients, the calories in this drink can add up quickly. An average mocha with 2% fat milk and chocolate sauce, for example, could have up to 660 calories and 8g of fat. Worse, swallowing a Starbucks Vanilla Bottled Frappuccino is like eating 32 Nilla Cookies.

Energy drinks

Sometimes when you need a little “boost” on the road, a large energy drink might seem like a good choice. The contents of this kind of drink can give you a boost, but research shows that it can also lead to heart problems, anxiety and insomnia. With about 62 grams of added sugar per 16-ounce packet (that's the equivalent of six Krispy Kreme donuts!), You'll be consuming far more than your recommended daily intake of sugar.


Beware: Cream-filled cupcakes can contain around 35g of sugar and 16g of fat - and almost 50% of the recommended daily intake of saturated fat. On the other hand, chocolate chip cream pies can contain 33 g of sugar.

If you're in the mood for something sweet, opt for trail mix or dried fruit instead.

Beer and wine

Unless your favorite beer is on special at the gas station, you'll find the same brands in the grocery store, for much less. For wine, avoid these kinds of places at all costs: it's not a question of price, but a question of taste!


It's no secret that nachos are NOT a healthy option. But it turns out that they can also be fatal. In 2017, one person died and several others were hospitalized after eating contaminated nacho sauce at a gas station in California.While these kinds of cases are rare, gas stations try to do multiple things at once, which can cause them to slow down food security, HuffPost says. The safest choice is to snack on a granola bar or some nuts until you can stop by a restaurant for a balanced meal.


The Slushs and "Slurpees" may have been the highlight of your childhood road trips, but know they can have a huge impact on your waistline. A 44-ounce Dr. Pepper Slurpee contains approximately 825 calories, most of which come from sugar. And as with soft drink dispensers, Slurpee machines harbor mold and pathogenic bacteria. Forget the nostalgia and go for healthier alternatives.


Like many things at a gas station, donuts are far from low in calories. In fact, you would need to ride a bike for over 30 minutes to burn a pack of four mini donuts. Say no to glazed donuts too. Even if they are delivered fresh to the gas station every morning, they will likely be stale after just a few hours. Instead, opt for a banana or an apple to satisfy your sugar craving.

Breakfast sandwich

Although breakfast is an important meal - one that should never be skipped - it should not be swallowed up. An English muffin with sausage at your local gas station is about 500 calories and 1030 mg of sodium.

Beef sticks

Make a “protein” stop on the road? Avoid prepackaged beef sticks. A single stick can contain over 550 mg of sodium - almost a quarter of what you should eat in a single day. In addition, this type of product contains a lot of preservatives.

see also finance and business knowledge

8 Tips to Save Energy in the Summer

8 Tips to Save Energy in the Summer

When we think of saving energy, we mainly think of winter. But you can also save energy in the summer. These summer tips will help you with that.

Keep the house cool

It is best to keep the sun out of your home as much as possible. It may seem uninviting, but by leaving the sun protection (shades or curtains) down during the day, your house will heat up much less. Close your windows and doors during the day and only open them when it is cooler outside than inside.

Use nature or a fan, but no air conditioning

It is often cooler in the evening, at night and early in the morning, so feel free to open a number of windows or doors against each other.

Do you still need extra cooling at home? Then opt for a fan instead of air conditioning. The use of an air conditioner is considerably more expensive than a fan and that easily saves a few tens per year.

Dry your laundry outside

You may use a clothes dryer in the winter. But in the summer you can also use the natural drying sources: the wind and the sun. A rotary dryer in the garden or a clothes rack on the balcony is a free clothes dryer.

Spray the garden with rainwater

Every year we water our garden with hundreds of liters of drinking water. Of course, your garden needs water in the summer. How do you prevent a dried out garden, but do you water as budget-friendly as possible? Use a rain barrel to collect rainwater!

A rain barrel can save hundreds of liters of water every year. In the Netherlands, 1 out of 6 garden owners already collects garden water from the rain barrel (source: Milieu Centraal ). Is there a swimming pool in the garden for your (grand)children? Then you can also reuse that water to water the lawn.

Get rid of the (possible) extra fridge

Some families have an old refrigerator in the shed for ice cream, beer or frozen products. However, that second refrigerator is often an old creature and consumes a lot of energy unnecessarily. On average, a second refrigerator consumes tens of euros of electricity per year, but if the refrigerator is older and less efficient, that amount quickly increases.

Use solar garden lighting

Cozy in the garden in the evening, but not sitting in the dark? Use solar powered garden lighting. The lamps can soak up the sun all day, so you can sit in a lit garden in the evening. This also saves you having to extend power cables to the garden.

Turn your heating off or on summer mode

With the thermostat set to summer mode, you prevent the heating from starting at times when it is slightly cooler in the house, for example if you open the windows and doors in the morning or in the evening. A shame if the thermostat sees that as a signal to start heating – especially in the summer!

Turn off devices

Devices that are continuously on give off heat in the house. For example, think of laptops, lamps and (game) computers. Cooking also makes the house warmer, so opt for a fresh salad instead of a hot meal in hot weather.

8 Easy Ways to Save Money

8 Easy Ways to Save Money

Sometimes the hardest thing about saving money is getting started. This guide to saving money can help you step-by-step to develop a simple and realistic strategy so that you can save for all of your short-term and long-term savings goals.

Record your expenses

The first step in starting to save money is determining how much you spend. Keep track of all your expenses; That means every cup of coffee, household item, and cash tip. nce you have the information, organize the numbers by categories, such as gasoline, grocery shopping, and mortgage, and get the total for each. Use your bank and credit card statements to make sure everything is correct and that you didn't forget anything.

Tip: Get a free spending monitor to help you get started. Choosing a digital program or app can help automate part of this task. Bank of America customers can use the Spending and Budgeting tool, which automatically categorizes their transactions to make budgeting easier, on the mobile app or online.

Budget for savings

Once you have an idea of how much you spend in a month, you can start to organize the expenses you recorded and establish a budget that you can live with . Your budget should give you an idea of how your expenses compare to your income so that you can plan for your expenses and limit overspending. Be sure to take into account expenses that occur regularly, but not every month, such as car maintenance.

Tip: Include a savings category, and try to save 10 to 15 percent of your income.

Find ways to cut your expenses

If your expenses are so high that you can't save as you'd like, it may be time to cut back. Identify nonessential categories that you can spend less on, like entertainment and eating out. Find ways to save on your monthly fixed expenses like television and cell phone expenses, too.

Here are some ideas to cut down on everyday expenses:

Use resources such as community event listings to find free or low-cost events to reduce entertainment expenses.
Cancel unused subscriptions and memberships, especially ones that renew automatically.
Aim to eat out only once a month and go to places that are in the category of "cheap meals".
Give yourself some "time to reflect" - When you're tempted to make a nonessential purchase, wait a few days. Will you be glad you didn't, or be ready to save up to do it.

Set savings goals

One of the best ways to save money is to set a goal. Start by thinking about what you might want to save for, maybe you're getting married, planning a vacation, or saving for retirement. Then decide how much money you will need and how long it can take to save it.

Here are some examples of short-term and long-term goals:
Short term (1 to 3 years)
- Emergency fund (3-9 months to pay for daily living expenses, just in case)
- Holidays
- Down payment for a car

Long term (4+ years)
- Down payment to buy a home or remodeling project
- Your children's education
- Retirement

If you are saving for retirement or your children's education, consider putting that money in an investment account, such as an Individual Retirement Account (IRA) or a 529 plan. Although investments come with risks and can lose money, too They present the opportunity to grow when the market grows, and could be convenient if you plan for an event well in advance. See step no. 6 for details.

Tip: Set a small, achievable, short-term goal for something fun, and big enough that you won't have the cash to pay for, like a new smartphone or holiday gifts. Reaching smaller goals, and enjoying the nice reward you've saved for, can give you a psychological boost that makes the rewarding feeling of saving more immediate and strengthens the habit.

Decide what your priorities are

After your expenses and income, your goals are likely to have the biggest impact on how you distribute your savings. Make sure you have long-term goals in mind; It is important that planning for retirement does not take a back seat after short-term needs.

Tip: Learn how to prioritize your savings goals so you have a clear idea of where to start saving. For example, if you know that you will need to replace your car in the near future, this would be a goal that you can start saving for now.

Choose the right tools
If you're saving for short-term goals, consider using these FDIC-insured deposit accounts:

- Savings account
- Certificate of Deposit (CD) , which freezes your money for a fixed period of time at a rate that is generally higher than savings accounts.

For long-term goals consider:

FDIC-insured Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs), which are tax-efficient savings accounts
Securities, such as stocks or mutual funds. These investment products are available through investment accounts with a broker dealer. Remember that securities are not FDIC insured, are not deposits or other obligations of a bank, and are not guaranteed by a bank. They are subject to investment risks, including the possible loss of your capital.
Tip: You don't have to choose just one account. Take a careful look at all of your options and consider things like minimum balances, fees, and interest rates, so you can choose the products that will best help you save for your goals.

Make automatic savings

Almost all banks offer automated transfers between your checking and savings accounts. You can choose when, how much and where to transfer money, and even split your direct deposit so that a portion of each paycheck goes directly to your savings account.

Tip: Splitting your direct deposit and setting up automated transfers are easy ways to save money, since you don't have to think about it and generally reduce the temptation to spend the money instead of saving it. With Mobile Banking and Online Banking, Bank of America customers can easily establish automatic transfers between accounts.

Watch your savings grow

Review your budget and see your progress each month. Not only will this help you stick to your personal savings plan, it will also help you quickly identify and correct any problems. Knowing how to save money can even motivate you to find more ways to save and reach your goals faster.

How to Save on Shopping: Tips to Avoid Unnecessary Expenses

How to Save on Shopping: Tips to Avoid Unnecessary Expenses

How can a fixed shopping budget save you money every year?

Knowing how to save on your groceries can earn you hundreds of dollars each year, which can help you reach your savings goals. Want to learn how to do your grocery shopping on a budget? Here are our 12 simple tips to save on your groceries.

Do your shopping according to your budget
Shopping on a budget is a good place to start saving money. According to the UK's National Statistics Office, an average person spends € 123 per month on groceries, or around € 31 per week, not including dining out. For each additional member of your household, these numbers double.

This means that a couple spends around € 247 (almost € 123 multiplied by two) per month on groceries, a three-person household spends almost € 370, and a four-person household spends around € 494 per month, just for the races!

How to shop on a budget
Based on the figures above, if you spent around € 20 instead of € 30 per week on your groceries, you would save € 40 per month. These figures could reach more than 450 € per year! This is an important part of your annual budget goals which could include paying off a loan, saving for a project, or going towards an emergency fund.

However, before establishing your monthly budget for groceries, it would be a good idea to budget for all of your finances in order to better control your financial health. To do this, here are our tips:

Track your monthly spending so you know where your money is going each month.

Separate your variable costs from your fixed costs (that is, non-adjustable expenses, like rent, are fixed while adjustable expenses, like groceries, are variable).

Calculate how much you want to save on your variable costs each month.

Set your budget in place and measure your progress to see how well you are sticking to it, then make adjustments as needed.

Make a shopping list according to your budget
Here are our tips to help you make your shopping list within the budget you have set to save on these costs each month.

1. Cook simple dishes

When it comes to shopping on a budget, simplicity is key. Choosing to make a complex recipe can easily eat up an entire week's budget, simply because of the number of ingredients. If you want to save money on groceries, choose simple, tasty recipes you love that only require five ingredients or less.

Better yet, when choosing the meals you want to prepare for the week ahead, go for recipes with the same ingredients. This will save you money in the long run, as buying in bulk is usually cheaper, as long as you use all the food you buy!

2. Plan your weekly meals

If you really want to shop on a budget, planning your meals in advance is essential. Before you go shopping, make sure you know exactly what you are going to eat this week, in order to calculate your estimated costs.

This cuts down on the chances of going over budget and encourages you to get creative with weekly meals!

3. Give up meat one day a week

It's no secret that meat is one of the most expensive food products, especially if it's organic. Limiting your weekly meat consumption is therefore an excellent solution.

Not only will this save you money and cook vegetarian more often, you might even get a taste and start eating less meat.

4. Healthy and affordable groceries for vegetarians or vegans

Keeping the tips above in mind, here is an example of healthy and affordable groceries for a vegetarian or vegan with a maximum spend of € 22 per week:

Rice € 1.50

Fresh fruits and vegetables € 7

2 vegan spreads at € 2.50

Oats € 1

4 boxes of legumes (chickpeas, black beans) € 3.50

Bread € 2

Smoked tofu € 2.50

Oat milk € 2

It might not seem like much, and yet with € 7 you can buy different vegetables which, paired with rice or legumes, can be the centerpiece of your evening meal for six days of the week. For the 7th day, tofu could be the main ingredient.

Oats and almond milk could form the basis of a hearty breakfast, and you could make sandwiches with bread, plant-based spreads, and the leftover vegetables for lunch.

Here are our tips for saving money while shopping.

Our advice to save on your shopping
Once you know how much you want to save on your groceries each month, there are a few tips and tricks you should put into practice while you shop.

5. Calculate your races

To have a clear overview of your expenses while shopping, calculate the amount of everything in your basket. You can do this using your phone's calculator or rounding off all prices to whole numbers, which will make mental math easier. This prevents you from accidentally overspending.

6. Pay for your groceries in cash

A good tip for saving on races is to use Dave Ramsey's envelope system . This budget method requires you to take cash out of your monthly income and divide it into separate envelopes based on your budget goals.

For this, you need to have envelopes for your fixed costs and for your variable costs such as recreation, shopping for clothes, dining out and shopping. By paying for your groceries in cash, it is virtually impossible to overspend!

7. Look at the bottom shelves

Supermarkets put their most expensive products at eye level to push you to exceed your shopping budget. However, if you look at the same types of food that are sold a shelf or two lower, you will notice that the prices tend to go down, with the cheaper products being closer to the ground.

8. Take a small basket

Another method that supermarkets use to keep you from saving on your groceries is to provide you with oversized shopping carts and baskets. This makes you feel like you have few products in your shopping cart, just because they don't fill the tote.

The best way to get around this problem is to choose the smallest shopping bag for your groceries, which is often a basket. Otherwise, if you only buy a few small items, forget the basket and carry them in your hand.

9. Compare prices per kilo

Another great tip for shopping on a budget is to compare product prices per kilogram, not the listed retail prices. In general, in addition to the retail price, you can find the price of the product per 100 g. You should take this figure into account when comparing other similar products.

For example, if you want to buy Parmesan but there are two different types of cheese at € 4 and € 6, you might think that the most economical choice would be to go for the € 4 pack. However, if you look at the price per kilo, you realize that the € 6 Parmesan costs € 1 for 100g, and the € 4 pack costs € 2 for 100g.

In other words, although it costs € 2 more, the € 6 parmesan packet is 50% cheaper than the € 4 pack and gives you 200g more for just € 2 more. This is a smarter decision from an economic standpoint because it will allow you to eat longer for less money.

10. Compare prices

It's no secret that supermarkets and independent grocery stores price their products differently. Often the price of the same product varies greatly from store to store. To achieve your monthly shopping budget goals, you should therefore do a little field survey.

For this you should go from store to store and notice the difference in price of the food items you buy most often. You will soon get into the habit of going to different stores depending on the type of food you need to buy. However, these prices may vary depending on the season and promotions in each store.

11. Don't shop when you're hungry

We've all been there: we walk the aisles of the supermarket with growling stomachs, and driven by hunger, we fill our baskets with unnecessary items. Shopping on an empty stomach leads to spending more, thus exceeding the shopping budget.

The solution ? Eat before you go shopping! It sounds simple, but it can make a huge difference. Even if you eat something as small as a banana or a granola bar before shopping, it could save you from spending an extra $ 15 on food.

12. Track your expenses

Just like with your general budget, it's essential to track your food expenses after you're done shopping. You can do this by entering the numbers in an Excel spreadsheet, a manual budget manager app, or you can use a budget manager app that is fully integrated with your bank account that calculates your food expenses.

Practical Advice on How to Save and Save Money Every Day

Practical Advice on How to Save and Save Money Every Day

Undoubtedly, everyone at least once caught himself thinking about how to save money in everyday life. It is your daily habits that significantly affect spending and savings, so if you reconsider them, you can find a solution that is useful for your wallet. To simplify your first steps a little, Aizdevums.lv would like to share practical tips to help you save money.

How to save money on household expenses

Regular payments and accounting of expenses to save money How to save money on groceries, clothes and everyday goods? Do it yourself - from interior to personal care - and save!

Have you ever thought about what to save money for? For savings to be more successful, you need a goal. Set a goal for yourself to save up for: for example, for old age, tuition fees, unexpected expenses, or large purchases.

How to save money on household expenses

Saving electricity

Everyone knows about the ability to save energy without having to leave lights or electrical appliances on. However, electricity consumption can be affected by many other little things that we may not pay attention to in our daily life. For example, it is recommended to use LED bulbs for lighting, because they consume less electricity compared to other bulbs. It is necessary to see if the required temperature is set in the refrigerator. If it is too low, the refrigerator will use more electricity. In addition, it is recommended to regularly take care of electrical appliances: for example, make sure to regularly clean the container or bag of the vacuum cleaner and change / wash the filter.

Saving water

In everyday life, you can think about water consumption: do you spend too much of it, for example, when washing dishes. If you regularly grow mountains of dishes, we advise you to purchase a dishwasher, but it is not recommended to run it half empty due to unnecessary energy consumption.

Heating savings

The most effective way to save on heating costs is to purchase and install a thermostat in your house or apartment that allows you to regulate the temperature. Each degree can save up to 6%. But it must be borne in mind that you can save with a thermostat only if your apartment has a separate meter or even autonomous heating, or if you live in a house that is heated centrally by a heating boiler.

Regularity of payments and accounting of expenses to save money

Planning payments
Payment scheduling allows you to make your required payments on time, which is important when monthly bills for services and loans come in. By making both payments on time, you will avoid paying interest or liquidated damages. If you do forget to pay your bills on a regular basis, consider turning on automatic bill payment or setting yourself a reminder on your phone or computer.

Accounting for monthly expenses
Accounting and assessment of monthly expenses allows you to understand how much money remains for other spending or savings after making mandatory payments (payment of bills, loan payments). Plus, you'll see where and how much money is wasted and find solutions to save!

How can you save money on groceries, clothing, and everyday items

Most of us devote a significant portion of our monthly budget to grocery shopping, so it's important to consider how to save money when shopping for groceries. Go to the store only full, because a hungry person will definitely buy more than required. It is recommended that you create a shopping list in advance, which will not only help you stay on track, but also save time.

It is becoming more and more popular to buy food on the Internet, for which the above recommendations are also relevant.

Clothes and footwear
The biggest expense is usually when buying seasonal clothing and footwear (such as winter jackets and boots). In this case, we advise you to look at your clothes in the current season and determine what can be worn next season and what needs to be replaced. By the end of the season, a sale of seasonal clothing and footwear begins in stores, during which you can find what you need and save a lot. We also advise you to familiarize yourself with the offer on the Internet and in outlet stores!

Household appliances and electrical appliances

Household appliances and electrical appliances save money in the long run by choosing a more expensive but also better quality product. More expensive equipment lasts longer! In addition, expensive household appliances are often more energy efficient.

Internet, television and other services

Review the range of offers from time to time to see if there are better offers from ISPs and TVs that can help you save money. Consider offers with the opportunity to try the service for free for 30 days.

Do it yourself - from interior to personal care - and save!
It's no secret that sometimes to live beautifully means to live expensive, but not everything should be given up. Find cheaper but equally effective alternatives. If there is not enough money for major repairs, and the current look of the home is tired, it can be quickly refreshed with expressive interior details that are easy to make yourself. For example, repaint wooden photo frames with a bright color. Need advice on organizing storage? It is possible! Many diverse and interesting ideas that are easy to implement yourself can be found on the Internet - just write a query on Google or use special applications (for example, Pinterest). You can also save money on cosmetics by replacing them with alternatives. For example, you can use natural coconut oil instead of a cream or body oil, and apple cider vinegar diluted with water instead of a face toner.

Saving on Shopping 2021

Saving on Shopping 2021

Savings is the watchword nowadays: the economic crisis has forced many people to a more contained lifestyle in which there is no longer the economic availability and purchasing power of once upon a time. Saving has become a necessity, even for the most basic areas such as food shopping.

In this guide on how to save on shopping, I give you 20 tips and tricks that you can use right away to decrease your expenses, I list 10 apps to install on your mobile phone to find the most advantageous offers, I give you some tips on what to eat and where shopping based on the type of product.

20 tips and tricks
Buying food isn't exactly optional, but by following these tips you can save a lot of money:

1. Before going out, check what you have in the fridge and pantry

It often happens that you go to the supermarket and don't remember what you have at home: so you end up buying "duplicates".

2. Eat before you go out

Studies conducted in recent years have shown that, by going shopping for food on a full stomach, you are more aware of what you literally need. Going hungry, on the other hand, is more likely to grab anything.

3. Make a shopping list

It doesn't matter how good your memory is. The list gives you the certainty of not forgetting the things you need and will discourage you from buying the unnecessary things.

4. Don't take children with you

While sometimes you can't avoid shopping with children, it's best to try to shop when they're not around: they often ask you to buy things you don't need and it's not always easy to say no.

5. Look for discount coupons and coupons

When you buy something, they can sometimes leave you with shopping vouchers or coupons. There are also various websites that deal with their own, also in collaboration with the various brands, to distribute coupons and discount coupons.

Take some time, print all the coupons you need and present them at the cashier: don't feel guilty about the person who is in line behind you and you have a wedge of coupons on the cashier. It is really worth seeing the final bill decrease thanks to every single voucher used!

6. Get straight to the point

Supermarkets often have important things right at the end of the store. So, for example, if you buy a lot of fruit and vegetables, then first of all go to the fruit and vegetable department, without going through all the departments.

7. Buy individually or in packs

When you mostly buy fruit and vegetables, remember that buying them already clean and packaged could cost more. Other times, however, buying in packs could be cheaper, by virtue of specific offers.

8. Do not buy pre-washed and pre-cut vegetables and fruit

Remember: ready-made packages cost more because you pay for the convenience. Buy a classic lettuce and wash it in the tap - you won't notice the difference.

9. Don't be tempted by brands

It is not always said that a brand advertised on TV is the best. Take the trouble to read the label, ingredients and compare prices.

10. Look at the low shelves

It is a precise marketing choice. You must know that exhibiting your products in a supermarket can have a cost: the products of the companies that pay the most are placed in the middle of the shelf, so where it is easier to be seen.

Those who pay less are almost always at the bottom. And usually the prices are lower too. Do some exercise as you may often need to get down on your knees to find the last shelf offers!

11. Stock up

When there are major products on offer, take advantage of it. For example when your olive oil has 2X1, or the tomato sauce is 50%. If there are products you use a lot and are on offer, stock them up (at least for a month).

12. Consider dried pulses

If you are among those who buy canned or canned legumes, know that you would save much more by buying them dry. Maybe you think they are difficult to cook: it's not like that and then you can make a lot of them and freeze them. The flavor of self-made legumes will have no comparison to canned ones.

13. Stay away from prepared foods

Don't buy something that's pre-cooked. Check the ingredients and buy them individually. Something prepared by you will be much more genuine and cheaper.

14. Eat seasonal produce

Prefer seasonal fruit and vegetables. Strawberries in January cost a lot! On the other hand, when spring arrives, being very widespread, the price drops a lot. Do this for all fruit and vegetables. Over time you will learn which vegetables are for each season: you will realize it because in those periods the price drops. And not a little.

15. Buy spices and exotic foods only in specialized stores

If you go to the supermarket and buy spices or exotic foods, you will probably pay twice as much as in international markets or shops. They are now in most cities: search Google Maps for the international / Chinese / Indian / Thai store closest to you and go stock up!

16. Buy the seedlings and not the twigs

If you have even one balcony, buy the basil, mint, rosemary, etc. plant. If you buy the twigs every volt you are throwing away a lot of money without realizing it.

17. Grate your cheese

Pre-wrapped cheese costs more. Make an investment: buy a small grater.

18. Don't buy potatoes in bulk

A potato crate often turns out to be a bargain. Compare the prices per kilo with those of the bag.

19. Go shopping weekly

Don't go grocery shopping too often. Rather, try to do the "big shopping" only once a week or two and then buy only the highly perishable items daily, such as dairy products or bread.

20. Collect points

At the end of the shopping, ask the house if there is a collection of points and have the catalog delivered.

The 10 Rules and Tips to Save on Shopping

The 10 Rules and Tips to Save on Shopping

Saving is the desire of any person, even more so in this period when the general economic situation is not the most optimistic and many families are forced to use their heads and calculators to reach the end of the month with serenity. One of the crucial moments is certainly the moment when you have to go to the supermarket where it is easy to get carried away and be convinced by the numerous “irrefutable” commercial proposals. So let's see some important rules on how to shop while saving.

Establish a budget in advance

Knowing the maximum limit for your shopping will allow you to pay more attention to the prices and quantities of things you put in your cart. Everything that is not essential will magically be left on the shelves and it will be easier to make a choice of the most important products.

Prepare the amount in cash

Digital currencies have eliminated the perception of the physical value of money. Using credit or debit cards does not allow you to perceive in a clear and "physical" way how much you are actually spending on shopping. There and then you think you have been paying attention and have saved on your shopping, at the end of the month the account statement will arrive and there will be nasty surprises. Having in hand the nest egg to spend, without any alternative that allows us to go beyond, is another important limit that allows us to pay much more attention. Nobody likes to go to the cashier, have no more money to spend and then be forced to leave something there, right?

Going out fewer times to do the shopping

Another curious method on how to shop to save is to simply not shop. No, I'm not crazy. It sounds trivial, but reducing the number of times you go to a supermarket is an effective way to see your shopping costs drop. Fewer trips to the supermarket means fewer temptations and fewer opportunities to spend money on products that are not always as useful as you think.

Plan the menu to save on food shopping

Much of the money we spend on shopping goes away for food. However, there are numerous recipes to save on spending, trying to throw away the bare minimum and reusing as much as possible of each dish. We had shown you all the ways to recover leftover rice with tasty and cost-effective recipes. Furthermore, knowing already what you want to cook every day before going shopping allows us to outline everything that is useful and necessary, avoiding putting products in the cart for desire. All wisely divided between meat, fish, vegetables and everything you need, without anything escaping the control of the cost of shopping.

Track offers, flyers and coupons

The television has cleared the weather to save on spending with coupons but in our part it is not so easy and usual. Coupons are not as easily found as in America and they work completely differently in our country. However, in Italy paper marketing made up of flyers is still very strong and keeping up with them allows us to always be on the piece with the relative advantageous offers. What we need to do is be sure to receive flyers from all the closest supermarkets in order to choose in a targeted and scientific way where to go to retrieve every single item of our shopping list.

Buy seasonal products

It shouldn't come as a surprise but it's always good to reiterate the concept. Buying seasonal fruit and vegetables is healthier and, above all, costs much less. Download a table of everything that is in season and use it when you find yourself deciding on the menu and making the shopping list.

Pay attention to deadlines

Running out of your food shopping stash is enormous damage that you absolutely must avoid. Buy products making sure that they do not expire shortly thereafter and always try to order them in the cupboard by always putting in front of your eyes those that expire sooner. Throwing out expired products is a double damage (and expense) that we must absolutely avoid to avoid affecting the economy of our home.

Avoid shopping with hunger

Don't laugh, it has been proven that shopping with hunger is a considerable problem. Exposing yourself to so many temptations on an empty stomach increases the chances of you giving in to some unexpected purchase and, we repeat, every unexpected purchase weighs on the final receipt. So try to plan a snack before the scheduled exit for low cost shopping.

Use the various applications sites dedicated to saving on spending

The web is full of applications and tools to help you save money by shopping. Digital flyers, apps that report offers, price aggregators: there is really anything to get help from technology not to spend money. It is just a little bit of effort to understand which of these are real aids and which ones are just trying to direct us to certain products or services.

Learn to do things yourself

Everything that is homemade costs less so it is worthwhile to roll up your sleeves and try to do things at home. Think, for example, of pasta: a half kilo packet of trofie can cost you even 4 euros when you need 1 kg of flour, half a liter of water and an egg to make it in industrial quantities (and not everyone puts it). It's all about finding the will to do it. Plus it can be a nice way to spend time with your family and children.

And you? What techniques do you use to save on your food and non-food shopping?

100 consejos para ahorrar dinero todos los días

100 consejos para ahorrar dinero todos los días

Poder ahorrar dinero mes tras mes es un hábito que debes forjar si quieres tener unas finanzas exitosas. De hecho, ahorrar es el primer paso hacia la libertad financiera.

Hay muchas formas de empezar a ahorrar sin sacrificarse necesariamente. Se trata más de adaptarse a un consumismo más consciente, manteniendo claras nuestras prioridades financieras.

La forma en que gastamos es un reflejo de nuestros valores y de lo que consideramos importante en nuestras vidas. Si tiene claro que compra su dinero de verdad, hacer recortes para ahorrar no debería ser un problema. Reduzca lo que siente que no le hace feliz o que no le sirve de nada en la vida.

Hay muchas formas de comenzar a ahorrar dependiendo de la prioridad de su vida, por lo que he dividido estos consejos de ahorro en categorías para que le resulte más fácil decidir dónde desea comenzar a ahorrar.

Presupuesto para ahorrar:

1. Siempre tenga un presupuesto para cada mes. Un presupuesto es la forma de decirle a su dinero dónde debe ir antes de comenzar a gastarlo.
2. Deje que los ahorros sean lo primero que se debite de su salario. Automatice este pago cada mes con su cuenta de ahorros.
3. Establezca una meta clara a corto plazo. Vaya mes a mes. Aquí te muestro cómo establecer tu plan de ahorro.
4. Empiece por ahorrar una pequeña cantidad. Pueden costar $ 10 o $ 20. Lo importante es crear el hábito. Un buen sistema es el desafío de 52 semanas, en el que comienzas a ahorrar una pequeña cantidad de dinero y gradualmente aumentas la cantidad.
5. Cree un sistema de ahorro que funcione para usted. Tienes tu propia forma particular de hacer las cosas, diferente a las demás. Pruebe primero el método de ahorro que se adapte a su personalidad y vea si funciona en el transcurso de un mes.
6. No ahorre para ahorrar, ahorre porque planea hacer algo con su dinero. Cuando tengas tu plan, llámalo "ahorrar para ...": estudiar, viajar, pagar deudas, etc.
7. Tenga siempre una lista de compras con usted para evitar comprar lo que no necesita. A veces tu memoria te juega un mal pasado, así que siempre escribe lo que vas a comprar. Organice esa lista en orden de importancia, primero lo que más necesita y luego lo que puede esperar. Esto te permitirá ser más consciente de tus prioridades a la hora de gastar, posponer compras que no sean urgentes y distribuir tu dinero de forma más equitativa. Consejo importante: compre solo lo que está en su lista.
8. Pague en efectivo. Si tiene una tarjeta de crédito, no salga con ella. Las tarjetas en general crean la ilusión de no perder dinero. Cuando pagas en efectivo, realmente ves cómo el dinero se te sale de las manos, por lo que es más fácil controlar los gastos.
9. Limite la tentación de gastar fuera de su presupuesto con una mesada. Destina un porcentaje de tu salario para gastarlo en lo que te gusta, ya sea semanal o mensual, de esta forma disfrutas pero sin perjudicar tus finanzas.

Cree un desafío para gastar menos:

10. Crea un mes sin gastos, me refiero a un mes donde solo gastas lo necesario.
11. Si le resulta demasiado difícil, intente los fines de semana o semanas enteras sin costo alguno.
12. Elija un producto determinado que no va a comprar durante un tiempo determinado. Si eres una persona compulsiva a comprar algo, comienza este desafío. El dinero que gastó en él lo puede ahorrar.
13. Posponga sus compras. Si está realmente tentado a comprar algo, guárdelo para otro día o aplique la regla de las 48 horas. Descubrirás que pasado este tiempo te has olvidado o has perdido las ganas. Con esto aprendes a controlar tus emociones y no les permites que controlen tus decisiones. Es como cuando te peleas con tu pareja y para no ofenderla prefieres hablar cuando el ánimo se ha calmado.
14. Manténgase alejado de sus factores desencadenantes de gastos. Cancela tu suscripción desde todos los lugares o páginas web que te animen a comprar. Elimina tu nombre de usuario y contraseña y el historial de la página.
15. Reduzca su tiempo en las redes sociales, ya que le animan a copiar el estilo de vida y la ambición de otras personas más de lo que necesita. Si hicieras mi desafío durante un mes sin gastos, te darías cuenta de lo poco que necesitas para ser feliz.
16. Reduzca su plan de telefonía celular.

Hacer mas dinero:

17. Trate de ganar más dinero. La mejor manera de aumentar sus ahorros es generando más ingresos. Puedes empezar vendiendo artículos que no usas, trabajando horas extras, alquilando una habitación en tu casa o dando clases particulares. Hay muchas opciones, elige la que más te guste.
18. Deje de acumular artículos y venda lo que ya no usa. Tener más cosas no te hace más rico. Vende la ropa, los electrodomésticos y las pertenencias que no usas.
19. Negocie los precios de lo que compra. En nuestra cultura latina es un hábito normal. No se arrepienta y ofrezca un precio más bajo, cualquier descuento es un amor para su billetera.
20. Verifique sus cuentas bancarias y vea qué gastos adicionales está haciendo su banco. Si ve que su tipo de cuenta le cobra demasiado, averigüe cómo puede tener otro tipo de cuenta o cómo puede reducir estos cargos. Por ejemplo, al revisar lo que me cobraron en un año casi me desmayo. Cuando fui al banco, me ofrecieron un tipo de cuenta que no cobra por mantenimiento de tarjetas de débito sino por retiros en cajeros automáticos. Desde entonces, solo hago un retiro por mes y me han liberado de los costos de mantenimiento mensuales.
21. Alquile una habitación en su casa, el garaje o su coche.
22. Comparta su coche con otras personas y cobre la "tarifa".

Ahorre dinero en compras:

23. Evite las compras en temporada. Compre antes o después de fechas especiales para aprovechar los descuentos, las malas decisiones de última hora, las multitudes y el estrés general.
24. Si vas a comprar algo que necesitas, busca promociones o fechas de descuento. También puede utilizar cupones.
25. No compre cuando esté estresado, preocupado o molesto solo porque se siente mejor.
26. Siempre compare precios y no compre en el primer lugar que vea.
27. Compra en efectivo. No pague a plazos ni con tarjeta de crédito. Además, puedes recibir un descuento por pagar en efectivo.
28. Si prefiere pagar con su tarjeta de crédito los puntos o millas que acumule, realice compras en una única cuota para no perder dinero en intereses.
29. Compra en tiendas online. Algunos son más económicos. Le ahorran tiempo, estrés y la tentación de comprar lo que no necesita.

Ahorre dinero en comida:

30. Basado en su menú semanal, tenga una lista de compras. Nunca salgas sin tu lista: terminarás comprando lo que no necesitas y yendo al supermercado muchas veces.
31. No vayas al supermercado solo por un artículo o dos porque terminas comprando por impulso o por capricho lo que no necesitas.
32. Consuma alimentos más naturales y menos procesados.
33. Evite las comidas rápidas y coma constantemente en los restaurantes.
34. Haga un presupuesto de lo que come en casa y al aire libre.
35. Encuentra el supermercado más barato de tu zona. Personalmente, prefiero los mercados porque sus productos son más baratos (ya que hay menos intermediarios y los alquileres que pagan los locales son más bajos).
36. Consuma menos carne y más proteína vegetal. Las legumbres (frijoles, lentejas, garbanzos, guisantes, etc.) son una gran proteína si la combinas con un cereal (arroz, avena, quinua, etc.)
37. Congele inmediatamente las sobras para cualquier otro día (que no quiera cocinar).
38. Si tienes una familia numerosa, intenta comprar en grandes cantidades o donde venden al por mayor.
39. Si tiene que comer en el trabajo, prepare su comida ya sea para el almuerzo o los refrigerios.

Ahorre en pasatiempos:

40. Descargue libros gratuitos de Internet.
41. Visite la biblioteca más cercana y lea sus libros.
42. Ve al cine los días con descuento.
43. Si te gusta el licor, busca Happy Hour en tus bares favoritos.
44. Asista a eventos culturales gratuitos en su ciudad, como exposiciones de arte, conciertos o giras.
45. Realiza una caminata ecológica o en bicicleta por las áreas verdes de tu ciudad.
46. Desconecte la televisión por cable. Dirígete a Netflix (cero comerciales) o dedícate a leer más.
47. Convierta su afición en un negocio: venda sus artesanías; aconseja a otros sobre cómo vestirse bien; toca tu guitarra en bares locales, etc.
48. Salir de vacaciones o visitar sitios turísticos en temporada baja.
49. Organiza una comida compartida con tus amigos. Cada persona debe traer un plato para todos los invitados.

Ahorre en belleza:

50. Compre marcas genéricas. Algunos ofrecen los mismos beneficios que los costosos productos de maraca.
51. Utilice productos más naturales. La cocina es una gran fuente de productos de belleza ya que tu piel es una segunda boca.
52. Compre un frasco grande de aceite de coco virgen. Sirve como tratamiento capilar, crema para el cuerpo, manos y rostro, crema depiladora, desmaquillante, lubricante íntimo, crema para los brotes además de ser utilizado en la cocina.
53. Hacer un spa en casa con productos naturales.
54. Haz tu manicura y pedicura en casa.

Ahorre con la gente:

55. Manténgase alejado de personas que lo motiven a gastar solo para satisfacer el placer del momento. En su lugar, rodéese de personas que compartan sus intereses y que comprendan sus prioridades.
56. Discuta sus metas de ahorro con las personas más importantes y cercanas a usted.
57. Hable con su pareja e hijos sobre la importancia de ahorrar y establezca metas juntos.
58. Si tienes hijos y sales con ellos, explícales antes de salir de casa que no van de compras y cuál es el propósito de la salida. Cuando prepares a tu hijo para lo que se avecina, él tendrá más claro cómo debe comportarse (ya te lo dije, yo era maestra de primaria). Recuerda no ceder a su rabieta y hablar constantemente con él sobre la diferencia entre los lujos y las necesidades.
59. Pase más tiempo con sus hijos en lugar de comprar más juguetes o aparatos electrónicos para compensar su presencia.
60. Ten citas libres con tu pareja: una copa de vino mirando las estrellas, un paseo por la ciudad, una noche de masajes, etc.

Ahorre dinero Minimalismo:

61. Compre lo que necesite y realmente lo va a utilizar. Dale a lo que compras una vida útil en lugar de solo comprar.
62. Intercambia con tus conocidos o amigos objetos como libros, música, accesorios o ropa que no uses.
63. Compre productos de buena calidad que duren mucho tiempo.
64. Tener un armario combinable. Maneja ciertas prendas básicas. Esto le ahorrará tiempo y dinero al vestirse.
65. Tenga la menor cantidad posible de electrodomésticos y objetos en casa. Quédese con los que sean útiles para diversos fines.
66. Viva en un lugar más pequeño, especialmente si vive solo o con una pareja.
67. Mantenga su casa ordenada y libre de objetos innecesarios y no tendrá que pagarle a nadie para que la limpie.
68. Repare los objetos o la ropa que aún funcionan en lugar de apresurarse a comprar algo nuevo.
69. Piensa que lo que tienes no te define. Aspira a ser en lugar de tener.

Hábitos de ahorro de dinero:

70. Analiza lo que te hace feliz. Verás cómo se reducen tus gastos.
71. Viva sano y haga ejercicio con frecuencia. Le ahorra dinero en tratamientos médicos y enfoca su mente en lo positivo.
72. Sea muy claro que está en su lista de necesidades y deseos.
73. Escriba lo que desea hacer con su dinero y cómo desea aprovecharlo al máximo. Cuando tienes claro tu objetivo, ahorras en gastos inútiles que no están de acuerdo con tu proyecto de vida.
74. Apague la TV, esto reduce el tiempo de exposición a comerciales y todo tipo de disparadores de compras.
75. Reúnase en casa con amigos, en lugar de salir con frecuencia.
76. No te compares con los demás. El hecho de que alguien tenga más que tú no significa que sea más feliz o viva mejor. Siempre habrá alguien que tenga menos o más que tú.
77. Cada fin de semana, programe sus gastos para los próximos siete días.
78. Revise su presupuesto constantemente.
79. Verifique sus facturas de servicios públicos y bancarias en caso de errores o cargos excesivos por gastos que no haya relacionado.
80. Guarda las facturas a pagar en un lugar visible y ordenado para que no te olvides de pagarlas a tiempo.
81. Utilice una alcancía para ahorrar cambios o turnos. Se sorprenderá de cuánto puede ahorrar.
82. Antes de comprar pregúntate: ¿Lo necesito o lo quiero? ¿Tengo en casa algo similar que cumpla la misma función?
83. Piensa en positivo sobre el dinero, confía en que puedes ser parte de la abundancia que existe en el universo.
84. Cuando obtenga dinero extra, guárdelo en lugar de apresurarse a gastarlo.
85. Elimina tus malos hábitos como fumar, beber, comprar la lotería o cualquier adicción que tengas.

Aprenda a administrar su dinero:

86. Lea más sobre finanzas personales.
87. Escuche, lea y hable con personas que manejan bien su dinero.
88. Visita tu banco y pregunta por las diferentes cuentas de ahorro que tienen y cómo puedes ganar dinero con ellas.
89. Automatiza el pago de tus facturas y todo lo que puedas para que sean descontadas de tu cuenta bancaria.
90. Únase a grupos de Facebook cuyo tema se está guardando.

Ahorre dinero con el seguro:

91. Tener un buen seguro médico y de automóvil. Cuando llegue una emergencia, no tendrá que sacrificar sus ahorros ni endeudarse.

Ahorre dinero con deudas:
92. Procura refinanciar tus deudas y lograr un interés menor. También puede cobrar todas sus deudas bancarias en una para ahorrar dinero, reducir el tiempo y crear facilidades de pago.
93. Pague las pequeñas deudas rápidamente. Luego, el dinero que utilizó en ellos, úselo para pagar sus principales deudas.
94. O primero para su mayor deuda, ya que ahorra dinero en intereses.

Ahorre dinero con impuestos:

95. Pague sus impuestos a tiempo para evitar cobrar intereses. Cuando pagas antes de la fecha límite, puedes obtener un descuento.

Ahorre dinero con la tecnología:
96. Descargue el editor de documentos de Google Drive en lugar de pagar por Microsoft.
97. Compra dispositivos tecnológicos de acuerdo a tus necesidades, no mega máquinas que solo usas para navegar por internet.

Ahorre dinero con el hogar:

98. No tenga 20 artículos de tocador en casa. Toma uno multiusos, basta con vinagre o lejía
99. No es necesario el suavizante de telas. Elige mejor tu jabón de lavar, es suficiente.
100. Mantenga sus electrodomésticos adecuadamente.

100 conseils pour économiser de l'argent chaque jour

100 conseils pour économiser de l'argent chaque jour

Être capable d'économiser de l'argent mois après mois est une habitude que vous devez prendre si vous voulez avoir des finances réussies. En fait, l'épargne est la première étape vers la liberté financière.

Il existe de nombreuses façons de commencer à épargner sans nécessairement se sacrifier. Il s'agit davantage de s'adapter à un consumérisme plus conscient, de garder nos priorités financières claires.

La façon dont nous dépensons est le reflet de nos valeurs et de ce que nous considérons important dans nos vies. Si vous êtes clair que vous achetez votre argent pour de vrai, faire des coupes pour économiser ne devrait pas être un problème. Réduisez ce que vous ressentez ne vous rend pas heureux ou n'est d'aucune utilité dans votre vie.

Il existe de nombreuses façons de commencer à épargner en fonction de votre priorité dans la vie, c'est pourquoi j'ai divisé ces conseils d'épargne en catégories pour vous permettre de décider plus facilement où vous voulez commencer à épargner.

Budget à économiser :

1. Ayez toujours un budget pour chaque mois. Un budget est le moyen de dire à votre argent où il doit aller avant de commencer à le dépenser.
2. Laissez l'épargne être la première chose qui est débitée de votre salaire. Automatisez ce paiement chaque mois avec votre compte épargne.
3. Fixez-vous un objectif clair et à court terme. Allez mois après mois. Je vous montre ici comment établir votre plan d'épargne.
4. Commencez par économiser une petite somme. Ils peuvent coûter 10 $ ou 20 $. L'important est de créer l'habitude. Un bon système est le défi de 52 semaines, où vous commencez à économiser une petite somme d'argent et augmentez progressivement le montant.
5. Créez un système d'épargne qui fonctionne pour vous. Vous avez votre propre façon de faire les choses, différente des autres. Essayez d'abord la méthode d'épargne qui convient à votre personnalité et voyez si cela fonctionne au cours d'un mois.
6. N'économisez pas pour épargner, épargnez parce que vous prévoyez faire quelque chose avec votre argent. Lorsque vous avez votre plan, appelez-le « économiser pour... » : étudier, voyager, payer des dettes, etc.
7. Ayez toujours une liste de courses avec vous pour éviter d'acheter ce dont vous n'avez pas besoin. Parfois, votre mémoire vous joue un mauvais passé, alors écrivez toujours ce que vous allez acheter. Organisez cette liste par ordre d'importance, d'abord ce dont vous avez le plus besoin, puis ce à quoi vous pouvez vous attendre. Cela vous permettra d'être plus conscient de vos priorités en matière de dépenses, de reporter les achats qui ne sont pas urgents et de répartir votre argent de manière plus équitable. Conseil important : n'achetez que ce qui est sur votre liste.
8. Payez en espèces . Si vous avez une carte de crédit, ne sortez pas avec. Les cartes en général créent l'illusion de ne pas perdre d'argent. Lorsque vous payez en espèces, vous voyez vraiment comment l'argent sort de vos mains, il est donc plus facile de contrôler les dépenses.
9. Limitez la tentation de dépenser hors de votre budget avec une allocation. Allouez un pourcentage de votre salaire à dépenser sur ce que vous aimez, hebdomadaire ou mensuel, de cette façon vous profitez mais sans nuire à vos finances.

Créez un défi pour dépenser moins :

10. Créez un mois sans dépenses, je veux dire un mois où vous ne dépensez que ce qui est nécessaire.
11. Si vous trouvez cela trop difficile, essayez des week-ends ou des semaines entières sans frais.
12. Choisissez un certain produit que vous n'allez pas acheter pendant un certain temps. Si vous êtes une personne compulsive pour acheter quelque chose, lancez ce défi. L'argent que vous y avez dépensé, vous pouvez l'économiser.
13. Reportez vos achats. Si vous êtes vraiment tenté d'acheter quelque chose, gardez-le pour un autre jour ou appliquez la règle des 48 heures. Vous découvrirez qu'après ce temps vous avez oublié ou vous avez perdu le désir. Avec cela, vous apprenez à contrôler vos émotions et ne leur permettez pas de contrôler vos décisions. C'est comme lorsque vous vous disputez avec votre partenaire et pour ne pas l'offenser, vous préférez parler lorsque l'ambiance s'est calmée.
14. Éloignez-vous de vos déclencheurs de dépenses. Annulez votre abonnement à partir de tous les lieux ou pages Web qui vous encouragent à acheter. Supprimez votre nom d'utilisateur et votre mot de passe ainsi que l'historique de la page.
15. Réduisez votre temps sur les réseaux sociaux car ils vous encouragent à copier le style de vie et l'ambition des autres plus que nécessaire. Si vous releviez mon défi pendant un mois sans frais, vous réaliseriez à quel point vous avez besoin de peu pour être heureux.
16. Réduisez votre forfait mobile.

Gagner plus d'argent:

17. Essayez de gagner plus d'argent. La meilleure façon de faire fructifier votre épargne est de générer plus de revenus. Vous pouvez commencer par vendre des objets que vous n'utilisez pas, faire des heures supplémentaires, louer une chambre dans votre maison ou donner des cours particuliers. Il existe de nombreuses options, choisissez celle que vous aimez le plus.
18. Arrêtez d'accumuler des objets et vendez ce que vous n'utilisez plus. Avoir plus de choses ne vous rend pas plus riche. Vendez les vêtements, les appareils et les effets personnels que vous n'utilisez pas.
19. Négociez les prix de ce que vous achetez. Dans notre culture latino, c'est une habitude normale. Ne vous sentez pas désolé et offrez un prix inférieur, toute remise est un amour pour votre portefeuille.
20. Vérifiez vos comptes bancaires et voyez quelles dépenses supplémentaires votre banque fait. Si vous constatez que votre type de compte vous coûte trop cher, découvrez comment vous pouvez avoir un autre type de compte ou comment réduire ces frais. Par exemple, lors de l'examen de ce qu'ils m'ont facturé en un an, je me suis presque évanoui. Lorsque je suis allé à la banque, ils m'ont proposé un type de compte qui ne facture pas la maintenance de la carte de débit mais les retraits aux guichets automatiques. Depuis, je ne fais qu'un seul prélèvement par mois et je suis libéré des frais d'entretien mensuels.
21. Louez une chambre dans votre maison, le garage ou votre voiture.
22. Partagez votre voiture avec d'autres personnes et facturez le "tarif".

Économisez de l'argent sur les achats :

23. Évitez de magasiner en saison. Achetez avant ou après des dates spéciales pour profiter des remises, des mauvaises décisions de dernière minute, de la foule et du stress général.
24. Si vous allez acheter quelque chose dont vous avez besoin, recherchez les promotions ou les dates de remise. Vous pouvez également utiliser des coupons.
25. N'achetez pas lorsque vous êtes stressé, inquiet ou contrarié simplement parce que vous vous sentez mieux.
26. Comparez toujours les prix et n'achetez pas au premier endroit que vous voyez.
27. Achat au comptant. Ne payez pas en plusieurs fois ou par carte de crédit. De plus, vous pouvez bénéficier d'une réduction si vous payez en espèces.
28. Si vous préférez payer avec votre carte de crédit les points ou miles que vous accumulez, effectuez vos achats en une seule fois afin de ne pas perdre d'argent en intérêts.
29. Achetez dans les magasins en ligne. Certains sont moins chers. Ils vous font gagner du temps, du stress, et vous permettent d'être tentés d'acheter ce dont vous n'avez pas besoin.

Économisez de l'argent sur la nourriture :

30. En fonction de votre menu hebdomadaire, ayez une liste de courses. Ne sortez jamais sans votre liste : vous finirez par acheter ce dont vous n'avez pas besoin et aller plusieurs fois au supermarché.
31. N'allez pas au supermarché pour juste un article ou deux parce que vous finissez par acheter sur un coup de tête ou sur un coup de tête ce dont vous n'avez pas besoin.
32. Mangez des aliments plus naturels et moins transformés.
33. Évitez les fast-foods et mangez constamment au restaurant.
34. Prévoyez ce que vous mangez à la maison et à l'extérieur.
35. Trouvez le supermarché le moins cher de votre région. Personnellement, je préfère les places de marché car leurs produits sont moins chers (car il y a moins d'intermédiaires et les loyers payés par les locaux y sont moins élevés).
36. Mangez moins de viande et plus de protéines végétales. Les légumineuses (haricots, lentilles, pois chiches, pois, etc.) sont une excellente protéine si vous les combinez avec une céréale (riz, flocons d'avoine, quinoa, etc.)
37. Congelez immédiatement vos restes pour n'importe quel autre jour (que vous ne voulez pas cuisiner).
38. Si vous avez une famille nombreuse, essayez d'acheter en grande quantité ou là où ils vendent en gros.
39. Si vous devez manger au travail, emballez votre nourriture pour le déjeuner ou les collations.

Économisez sur les loisirs :

40. Téléchargez des livres gratuits sur Internet.
41. Visitez la bibliothèque la plus proche et lisez leurs livres.
42. Allez au cinéma les jours de réduction.
43. Si vous aimez l'alcool, cherchez l'Happy Hour dans vos bars préférés.
44. Assistez à des événements culturels gratuits dans votre ville tels que des expositions d'art, des concerts ou des visites.
45. Faites une promenade écologique ou à vélo dans les espaces verts de votre ville.
46. Laissez tomber la télévision par câble. Rendez-vous sur Netflix (zéro publicité) ou consacrez-vous à la lecture.
47. Transformez votre passe-temps en entreprise : vendez votre artisanat ; conseille les autres sur la façon de bien s'habiller; jouer de la guitare dans les bars locaux, etc.
48. Partir en vacances ou visiter des sites touristiques en basse saison.
49. Organisez un repas-partage avec vos amis. Chaque personne doit apporter une assiette pour tous les convives.

Économisez sur la beauté :

50. Achetez des marques génériques. Certains offrent les mêmes avantages que les produits maracas coûteux.
51. Utilisez des produits plus naturels. La cuisine est une grande source de produits de beauté puisque votre peau est une seconde bouche.
52. Achetez un grand pot d'huile de noix de coco vierge. Il sert de traitement capillaire, de crème pour le corps, les mains et le visage, de crème épilatrice, de démaquillant, de lubrifiant intime, de crème pour les éruptions cutanées ainsi qu'en cuisine.
53. Faites un spa à la maison avec des produits naturels.
54. Faites votre manucure et pédicure à la maison.

Économisez avec des personnes :

55. Éloignez-vous des personnes qui vous motivent à dépenser juste pour satisfaire le plaisir du moment. Au lieu de cela, entourez-vous de personnes qui partagent vos intérêts et qui comprennent vos priorités.
56. Discutez de vos objectifs d'épargne avec les personnes les plus importantes et les plus proches de vous.
57. Parlez à votre partenaire et à vos enfants de l'importance d'épargner et fixez-vous des objectifs ensemble.
58. Si vous avez des enfants et que vous sortez avec eux, expliquez-leur avant de quitter la maison qu'ils ne vont pas faire les courses et quel est le but de la sortie. Lorsque vous préparerez votre fils à ce qui s'en vient, il saura plus clairement comment il doit se comporter (je vous l'ai dit, j'étais institutrice). N'oubliez pas de ne pas céder à sa crise de colère et de lui parler constamment de la différence entre le luxe et les nécessités.
59. Passez plus de temps avec vos enfants au lieu d'acheter plus de jouets ou d'appareils électroniques pour compenser votre présence.
60. Avoir des rendez-vous libres avec votre partenaire : un verre de vin en regardant les étoiles, une promenade dans la ville, une nuit de massages, etc.

Économisez de l'argent Minimalisme :

61. Achetez ce dont vous avez besoin et vous allez vraiment l'utiliser. Donnez à ce que vous achetez une durée de vie au lieu de simplement acheter.
62. Échangez des objets tels que des livres, de la musique, des accessoires ou des vêtements que vous n'utilisez pas avec vos connaissances ou amis.
63. Achetez des produits de bonne qualité qui durent longtemps.
64. Avoir un placard combinable . Manipulez certains vêtements de base. Cela vous fera gagner du temps et de l'argent lorsque vous vous habillerez.
65. Ayez le moins d'appareils et d'objets possibles à la maison. Tenez-vous en à ceux qui sont utiles à diverses fins.
66. Vivez dans un endroit plus petit, surtout si vous vivez seul ou avec un partenaire.
67. Gardez votre maison bien rangée et exempte d'objets inutiles et vous n'aurez pas besoin de payer quelqu'un d'autre pour la nettoyer.
68. Réparez les objets ou les vêtements qui fonctionnent encore au lieu de vous précipiter pour acheter quelque chose de nouveau.
69. Pensez que ce que vous avez ne vous définit pas. Il aspire à être au lieu d'avoir.

Économisez de l'argent

70. Analysez ce qui vous rend heureux. Vous verrez comment vos dépenses sont réduites.
71. Vivez en bonne santé et faites de l'exercice fréquemment. Cela vous fait économiser de l'argent sur les traitements médicaux et concentre votre esprit sur le positif.
72. Soyez très clair sur le fait que cela figure sur votre liste de besoins et de désirs.
73. Écrivez ce que vous voulez faire avec votre argent et comment vous voulez en tirer le meilleur parti. Lorsque votre objectif est clair, vous économisez sur des dépenses inutiles et non conformes à votre projet de vie.
74. Éteignez le téléviseur, cela réduit le temps d'exposition aux publicités et à toutes sortes de déclencheurs d'achat.
75. Réunissez-vous à la maison avec des amis, au lieu de sortir fréquemment.
76. Ne vous comparez pas aux autres. Ce n'est pas parce que quelqu'un a plus que vous qu'il est plus heureux ou qu'il vit mieux. Il y aura toujours quelqu'un qui aura moins ou plus que vous.
77. Chaque week-end, planifiez vos dépenses pour les sept prochains jours.
78. Vérifiez votre budget en permanence.
79. Vérifiez vos factures de services publics et bancaires en cas d'erreurs ou de frais excessifs pour des dépenses que vous n'avez pas liées.
80. Conservez les factures à payer dans un endroit visible et ordonné afin de ne pas oublier de les payer à temps.
81. Utilisez une tirelire pour enregistrer la monnaie ou les virages. Vous serez surpris de voir combien vous pouvez économiser.
82. Avant d'acheter, demandez-vous : en ai-je besoin ou en ai-je envie ? Ai-je quelque chose de similaire à la maison qui remplit la même fonction ?
83. Pensez positivement à l'argent, ayez confiance que vous pouvez faire partie de l'abondance qui existe dans l'univers.
84. Lorsque vous obtenez de l'argent supplémentaire, économisez-le au lieu de vous précipiter pour le dépenser.
85. Coupez vos mauvaises habitudes comme fumer, boire, acheter à la loterie ou toute dépendance que vous avez.

En savoir plus sur la gestion de votre argent :

86. En savoir plus sur les finances personnelles.
87. Écoutez, lisez et parlez à des personnes qui savent bien gérer leur argent.
88. Visitez votre banque et renseignez-vous sur les différents comptes d'épargne qu'ils ont et comment vous pouvez gagner de l'argent avec eux.
89. Automatisez le paiement de vos factures et ce que vous pouvez d'autre pour qu'elles soient déduites de votre compte bancaire.
90. Rejoignez des groupes Facebook dont le thème est en train d'enregistrer.

Économisez de l'argent avec l'assurance :

91. Avoir une bonne santé et une assurance automobile. En cas d'urgence, vous n'aurez pas à sacrifier vos économies ou à vous endetter.

Économisez de l'argent avec les dettes :

92. Cherchez à refinancer vos dettes et obtenez un taux d'intérêt inférieur. Vous pouvez également regrouper toutes vos dettes bancaires en une seule pour économiser de l'argent, gagner du temps et créer des facilités de paiement.
93. Rembourser rapidement les petites dettes. Ensuite, l'argent que vous y avez utilisé, utilisez-le pour payer vos dettes importantes.
94. Ou pour votre plus grosse dette d'abord puisque vous économisez de l'argent sur les intérêts.

Économisez de l'argent avec les taxes :

95. Payez vos impôts à temps pour éviter de facturer des intérêts. Lorsque vous payez avant la date limite, vous pouvez bénéficier d'une réduction.

Économisez de l'argent avec la technologie :

96. Téléchargez l'éditeur de documents à partir de Google Drive au lieu de payer pour Microsoft.
97. Achetez des appareils technologiques en fonction de vos besoins, pas des méga-machines que vous utilisez uniquement pour surfer sur Internet.

Économisez de l'argent avec la maison :

98. Ne pas avoir 20 articles de toilette à la maison. Avoir un multi-usage, du vinaigre ou de l'eau de Javel suffisent
99. L'assouplissant n'est pas nécessaire. Choisissez mieux votre lessive, c'est suffisant.
100. Entretenez correctement vos appareils.